Ceylon Legislative Enactments 1980
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1Revised Edition of the Legislative Enactments Act (Chapter 1)
2Registration of Electors (Chapter 2)
3Assignment of Ministers’ Functions (Chapter 3)
6Administrative Districts (Chapter 6)
7Maritime Zones (Chapter 7)
8Commisions of Inquiry (Chapter 8)
9Special Presidential Commissions of Inquiry (Chapter 9)
10United Nations (Chapter 10)
11National Youth Services (Chapter 11)
12Interpretation (Chapter 12)
13Short Titles (Numeration) (Chapter 13)
14Statutory Reprints (Chapter 14)
15Government Gazzette (Publication) (Chapter 15)
16Law Commission (Chapter 16)
18Primary Courts’ Procedure (Chapter 18)
19Courts Records (Inspection by Minister of Justice) (Chapter 19)
20Destruction of Valueless Documents (Chapter 20)
21Evidence (Chapter 21)
22Proof of Public Documents (Chapter 22)
23Oaths and Affirmations (Chapter 23)
24Affidavits (Chapter 24)
25Penal Code (Chapter 25)
27Offences Commited Under the Influence of Liquor (Chapter 27)
28Corporal Punishment (Chapter 28)
29Prevention of Crimes (Chapter 29)
31Chidren and Young Persons (Chapter 31)
32Children and Young Persons (Harmful Publications) (Chapter 32)
33Prevention of Social Disabilities (Chapter 33)
34Probation of Offenders (Chapter 34)
35Youthful Offenders (Training Schools) (Chapter 35)
36Bribary (Chapter 36)
38Offensive Weapons (Chapter 38)
39Informers Rewards (Chapter 39)
40Intermeddlers with Suitors (Chapter 40)
41Profane Publications (Chapter 41)
43Brothels (Chapter 43)
44Vagrants (Chapter 44)
45Houses of Detention (Chapter 45)
46Protection of Produce (Chapter 46)
47Hotel Keepers (Chapter 47)
48Old metal (Chapter 48)
49Uniforms (Chapter 49)
50Official Secrets (Chapter 50)
51Public Security (Chapter 51)
52Essential Public Services (Chapter 52)
53Lighting Control (Chapter 53)
54Naval and Victualling Stores (Chapter 54)
55Betting on Horse-Racing (Chapter 55)
56Publications on Horse-Racing (Chapter 56)
57Lotteries (Chapter 57)
58Prize Competitions (Chapter 58)
59Gaming (Chapter 59)
61Dangerous Animals (Chapter 61)
62Labour Inspections (Maintenance of Secrecy) (Chapter 62)
63Declartion of Assets and Liabilities (Chapter 63)
64Excise (Chapter 64)
66Prisons (Chapter 66)
67Prisoners’ Welfare Fund (Chapter 67)
68Married Women’s Property (Chapter 68)
69Matrimonial Rights and Inheritance (Chapter 69)
70Matrimonial Rights and Inheritance (Jaffna) (Chapter 70)
71Kandyan Law (Chapter 71)
72Muslim Interstate Succession (Chapter 72)
73The “Tesawalamai” (Chapter 73)
74Thesawalamai Pre-emption (Chapter 74)
75Wills (Chapter 75)
76Adoption of Children (Chapter 76)
77Legitimacy (Chapter 77)
78Sex Disqualification Removal (Chapter 78)
79Age of Majority (Chapter 79)
80Abolition of Fideicommissa (Chapter 80)
81Prescription (Chapter 81)
84Prevention of Frauds (Chapter 84)
85Execution of Deeds (Chapter 85)
86Hotel Keepers Liability (Chapter 86)
87Lost Property (Chapter 87)
88Riot Damages (Chapter 88)
90Money Lending (Chapter 90)
92Bills of Exchange (Chapter 92)
93Sale of Goods (Chapter 93)
95Trust Receipts (Chapter 95)
96Trusts (Chapter 96)
98Mortgage (Chapter 98)
99Pawn Brokers (Chapter 99)
100Maintenance (Chapter 100)
101British Maintenance Orders (Chapter 101)
102State Debtors (Chapter 102)
103Insolvants (Chapter 103)
104Arbitration (Chapter 104)
105Civil Procedure Code (Chapter 105)
106Public Servants (Liabilities) (Chapter 106)
107Contributory Negligence and Joint Wrongdoers (Chapter 107)
108State (Liabilities in Delict) (Chapter 108)
109Council of Legal Education (Chapter 109)
110Notaries (Chapter 110)
111Institute of Corporation of Lawyers (Chapter 111)
112Legal Aid (Chapter 112)
113Medical Practitioners, Pharmecists, Midwives and Nurses (Chapter 113)
114Ceylon College of Physicians (Chapter 114)
115College of General Practitioners (Chapter 115)
116Ayurveda (Chapter 116)
117Homoepathy (Chapter 117)
118Veterinary Surgeons and Practitioners (Chapter 118)
119Institute of Chartered Accountants (Chapter 119)
120Institute of Personnel Management (Chapter 120)
121Institute of Engineers (Chapter 121)
122Institute of Chemistry (Chapter 122)
123Surveyors (Chapter 123)
124Institute of Surveying and Mapping Act (Chapter 124)
125Auctioneers and Brokers (Chapter 125)
126Licensing of Produce Brokers (Chapter 126)
127Institute of Valuers (Chapter 127)
128Institute of Architects (Chapter 128)
129Births and Death (Chapter 129)
130Registration of Deaths (Emergency) (Chapter 130)
131Marriages (Chapter 131)
132Marriage and Devorce (Kandyan) (Chapter 132)
133Kandyan Succession (Chapter 133)
134Marriage and Divorce (Muslim) (Chapter 134)
136Sannases and Old Deeds (Chapter 136)
137Registration of Old Deeds and Instruments (Chapter 137)
138Land Registers (Reconstructed Folios) (Chapter 138)
139Validation of Registrars’ Proceedings (Chapter 139)
140Powers of Attorney (Chapter 140)
141Societies (Chapter 141)
147Employment of Females in Mines (Chapter 147)
148Employment of Private Sector Trainees (Chapter 148)
149National Apprenticeship (Chapter 149)
150Foreign Employment Agency (Chapter 150)
151Fee-Charging Employment Agencies (Chapter 151)
154Termination of Employment of Workmen (Chapter 154)
155Employees’ Holidays (Chapter 155)
156Privilege Leave (Private Sector) (Chapter 156)
158Workmen’s Compensation (Chapter 158)
159Indian Immigrant Labour (Chapter 159)
160Estate Labour (Indian) (Chapter 160)
161Estate Quarters (Chapter 161)
162Payment of Gratuities etc., To Indian Repatriates (Chapter 162)
163Tindus (Chapter 163)
164Minimum Wages (Chapter 164)
166Interim Devaluation Allowance of Employees (Chapter 166)
167Special Allowances of Workers (Chapter 167)
168Supplementary Allowance of Workers (Chapter 168)
169Budgetary Relief Allowance of Workers (No.1) (Chapter 169)
170Budgetary Relief Allowance of Workers (No.2) (Chapter 170)
171Service Contracts (Chapter 171)
172Chauffeurs (Chapter 172)
173Domestic Servants (Chapter 173)
174Trade Unions (Chapter 174)
175Trade Union Representatives (Entry into Requirements) (Chapter 175)
177Companies (Special Provisions) (Chapter 177)
178Companies (Donations) (Chapter 178)
179Partnership (Chapter 179)
180Business Names (Chapter 180)
181Government-Sponsored Corporations (Chapter 181)
182Public Corporations (Financial Control) (Chapter 182)
184Business Undretakings (Acquisition) (Chapter 184)
185National Institute of Business Management (Chapter 185)
187Telegram Copyright (Chapter 187)
188Weights and Measures (Chapter 188)
189National Matric Conversion (Chapter 189)
190Cheetus (Chapter 190)
191Manufacture of Matches (Regulation) (Chapter 191)
192Silkworm Seed (Chapter 192)
193Silk and Allied Products Development (Chapter 193)
196Sri Lanka Fruit Board (Chapter 196)
197Agricultural Products (Regulation) (Chapter 197)
198Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marketing) (Chapter 198)
199Agricultural Produce Agents (Registration) (Chapter 199)
200Requisitioning of Motor Vehicles and Agricultural Equipment (Chapter 200)
201Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing (Chapter 201)
202Paddy Marketing Board (Chapter 202)
203Agricultural Products (Guaranteed Prices and Control of Hulling and Milling) (Chapter 203)
204Paddy Producers’ Savings (Chapter 204)
205Industrial Products (Chapter 205)
207Industrial Development (Chapter 207)
208State Industrial Corporations (Chapter 208)
210Chamber of Commerce (Chapter 210)
211Ceylon National Chamber of Industries (Chapter 211)
212Sri Lanka Inventors Incentives (Chapter 212)
213Rice Reserves (Chapter 213)
214Food Control (Chapter 214)
215Food Control (Possesion) (Chapter 215)
216Control of Prices (Chapter 216)
217National Prices Commission (Chapter 217)
219Consumer Protection (Chapter 219)
220Ceylon Petrolium Corporation (Chapter 220)
221Petroleum Products (Regulation and Control of Supplies) (Chapter 221)
222Fuel Conservation-Five Day Week (Chapter 222)
223Atomic Energy Authority (Chapter 223)
224Ceylon Tourist Board (Chapter 224)
228Sri Lanka Export Development (Chapter 228)
229Airports Authority (Chapter 229)
231Rome Convention (Chapter 231)
233Merchant Shipping (Chapter 233)
234Ceylon Shipping Corporation (Chapter 234)
235Customs Ordinance (Chapter 235)
235Masters Attendant (Chapter 235)
236Boatmen (Chapter 236)
237Pilots (Chapter 237)
239Central Freight Bureau (Chapter 239)
240Fisheries (Chapter 240)
242Chank Fisheries (Chapter 242)
243Pearl Fisheries (Chapter 243)
244Whaling (Chapter 244)
245Immigrants and Emigrants (Chapter 245)
246Temporary Residence Tax (Chapter 246)
247Passport (Regulation) and Exit Permit (Chapter 247)
248Citizenship (Chapter 248)
252Tea Small Holdings Development (Chapter 252)
260Coconut Development (Chapter 260)
261Agrarian Services (Chapter 261)
262Department of Agriculture (Chapter 262)
264Sri Lanka State Plantations Corporation (Chapter 264)
268State Agricultural Corporation (Chapter 268)
269Regulated Equipment for Agricultural Projects (Chapter 269)
270Agricultural Corps (Chapter 270)
271Agricultural Insurance (Chapter 271)
272Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka (Chapter 272)
273Freedom from Hunger Campaign (Chapter 273)
274Food Production (Estate) (Chapter 274)
275Botanic Gardens (Chapter 275)
276Plant Protection (Chapter 276)
277Water Hyacinth (Chapter 277)
278Flood Protection (Chapter 278)
280Water Resources Board (Chapter 280)
281Fertilizers (Chapter 281)
282Control of Pesticides (Chapter 282)
284Felling of Trees (Control) (Chapter 284)
287Land Grants (Special Provisions) (Chapter 287)
288State Lands Encroachments (Chapter 288)
290Lands Resumption (Chapter 290)
291State Landmarks (Chapter 291)
292Definition of Boundaries (Chapter 292)
293Land Surveys (Chapter 293)
294State Land (Claims) (Chapter 294)
296Temple Lands (Compensation) (Chapter 296)
297Land Reform (Chapter 297)
298Requisitioning of Land (Chapter 298)
299Land Settlement (Chapter 299)
301Nindagama Lands (Chapter 301)
302Bank of Ceylon (Chapter 302)
307Opening of Accounts in Bank (Chapter 307)
308National Development Bank of Sri Lanka (Chapter 308)
309Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka (Chapter 309)
311Loan Board (Chapter 311)
312Local Loans (Chapter 312)
314Asian Development Bank Agreement (Ratification) (Chapter 314)
315National Planning Council (Chapter 315)
316National Lotteries Board (Chapter 316)
317Contingencies Fund (Chapter 317)
318Financial Reserves (Chapter 318)
319Local Treasury Bills (Chapter 319)
321Inscribed Rupee Stock (Chapter 321)
323Monetary Law (Chapter 323)
324Auditor-General’s Fees (Chapter 324)
325Exchange Control (Chapter 325)
326International Development Association Agreement (Chapter 326)
327Bretton Woods Agreement (Chapter 327)
328International Finance Corporation Agreement (Chapter 328)
329Control of Finance Companies (Chapter 329)
330Insurance Corporation (Chapter 330)
331Insurance (Special Provisions) (Chapter 331)
332Control of Insurance (Chapter 332)
333Sri Lanka Export Credit Insurance Corporation (Chapter 333)
334President’s Fund (Chapter 334)
335Special Fund (Voluntary Contributions For Charitable Purposes) (Chapter 335)
338Housing (Special Provision) (Chapter 338)
339Ceiling on Housing Property (Chapter 339)
342Radioactive Minerals (Chapter 342)
343Salt (Chapter 343)
345Embarkation Tax (Chapter 345)
347Imports and Exports Control (Chapter 347)
350Estate Duty (Chapter 350)
351Sales Tax (Chapter 351)
353Land Betterment Charges (Chapter 353)
355Tobacco Tax (Chapter 355)
356Compulsory Food Production (Tax Relief) (Chapter 356)
357Housing Developers (Special Provisions) (Chapter 357)
359Special Stamps (Chapter 359)
360Revenue Protection (Chapter 360)
361Revenue Collection (Chapter 361)
362Pilgrimages (Chapter 362)
363Public Performances (Chapter 363)
364Holidays (Chapter 364)
365Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation (Chapter 365)
366National Film Corporation of Sri Lanka (Chapter 366)
367Tower Hall Theatre Foundation (Chapter 367)
368Poor Law (Chapter 368)
369Orphanages (Chapter 369)
370Voluntary Social Services Organizations (Registration and Supervision) (Chapter 370)
372Statistics (Chapter 372)
378Sri Lanka Press Council (Chapter 378)
379Official Publications (Chapter 379)
381Education (Chapter 381)
382Public Examinations (Chapter 382)
383Universities (Chapter 383)
385Pirivena Education (Chapter 385)
386Buddha Sravaka Dharmapithaya (Chapter 386)
387Ceylon National Library Services Board (Chapter 387)
388Central Cultural Fund (Chapter 388)
390National Science Council (Chapter 390)
391National Museums (Chapter 391)
392Sports (Chapter 392)
394Antiquities (Chapter 394)
395Treasure Trove (Chapter 395)
397Mahanuwara Esala Perahera Trust (Chapter 397)
398All Ceyon Budhhist Congress (Chapter 398)
399Colombo Young Men’s Buddhist Association (Chapter 399)
400Nugegoda Young Men’s Buddhist Association (Chapter 400)
401Galle Young Men’s Buddhist Association (Chapter 401)
402Uva Young Men’s Buddhist Association (Chapter 402)
403Kuliyapitiya Young Men’s Buddhist Association (Chapter 403)
404Kelani Young Men’s Buddhist Association (Chapter 404)
405Mahanuwara Young Men’s Buddhist Association (Chapter 405)
406Piliyandala Young Men’s Buddhist Association (Chapter 406)
407Embilipitiya Young Men’s Buddhist Association (Chapter 407)
408Young Men’s Buddhist Association, Dehiwala- Mt.Lavinia (Chapter 408)
409Young Men’s Buddhist Association, Mahiyangana (Chapter 409)
410Young Men’s Buddhist Association, Wadduwa (Chapter 410)
411Young Men’s Buddhist Association, Matara (Chapter 411)
412Young Men’s Buddhist Association, Maggona (Chapter 412)
413Anuradhapura Buddhist Association (Chapter 413)
414Chilaw Buddhist Association (Chapter 414)
415Panandura Public and local Government Service Buddhist Association (Chapter 415)
416Sri Punniyawardhana Samithiya of Matale (Chapter 416)
417Senkadagala Eksath Bauddha Mandalaya (Chapter 417)
418Siri Anuradhapura Bastian Pilgrims Rest (Chapter 418)
419Ratnapura Sri Sumana Bauddha Sangamaya (Chapter 419)
420Buddhist Publication Society (Chapter 420)
421All Ceylon Buddhist Students’ Federation (Chapter 421)
422Sambuddha Jayanthi Chaitya Trust (Chapter 422)
423Deegahavapi Prathisanskarana Sabhawa (Chapter 423)
424Vidyaniketa Sanrakshaka Sabha (Chapter 424)
425Dharmachakra Vidyapitha Sabha (Chapter 425)
426Kadawalagedara Purana Siddhasthana Wardhana Society (Chapter 426)
427Dharmavijaya Foundation (Chapter 427)
428Church of Ceylon (Chapter 428)
429Church of England (Chapter 429)
430Episcopal Churches (Chapter 430)
431Non-Episcopalian Churches (Chapter 431)
432Dutch Reformed Church (Chapter 432)
433Kandy Church (Chapter 433)
434Presbyterian Church (Kandy) (Chapter 434)
435St. Andrew’s Church (Chapter 435)
436Salvation Army (Chapter 436)
437Fellowship of Free Churches (Chapter 437)
438Methodist Trust Association (Chapter 438)
439American Mission (Chapter 439)
440Ceylon Pentecostal Mission (Chapter 440)
441Roman Catholic Archbishop (Chapter 441)
442Provincial of the Oblates in Ceylon (Chapter 442)
443Ceylon Baptist Council (Chapter 443)
444Colombo Gospel Tabernacle (Chapter 444)
445Assemblies of God of Ceylon (Chapter 445)
446Colombo Young Men’s Christian Association (Chapter 446)
447Colombo Young Women’s Christian Association (Chapter 447)
448Kandy Young Women’s Christian Association (Chapter 448)
449National Council of the Young Men’s Christian Association (Chapter 449)
450Colombo Bible College (Chapter 450)
451Back to the Bible Broadcast (Chapter 451)
452Dev Suwa Sevawa (Chapter 452)
453Ceylonese Evangelistic Association (Chapter 453)
454Ceylon Bible Society (Chapter 454)
455Hindu Board of Education (Chapter 455)
456Ramakrishna Mission (Chapter 456)
457Saiva Paripalana Sabhai (Chapter 457)
458Badulla Saiva Paripalana Sangam (Chapter 458)
461All-Ceylon Young Men’s Muslim Association (Chapter 461)
462Young Men’s Muslim Association, Maligawatta (Chapter 462)
463Baadhi Beeya Association (Chapter 463)
464Ceylon Baithul Mal Fund (Chapter 464)
465Galle Muslim Cultural Association (Chapter 465)
466Rifai Thareeq Association (Chapter 466)
467Muslim Library (Chapter 467)
468Congress of Religions (Chapter 468)
469Arts Council of Ceylon (Chapter 469)
470National Arts Council, Mahanuwara (Chapter 470)
471Sri Lanka Sahitya Mandalya (Chapter 471)
472Institute of Sinhala Culture (Chapter 472)
473Post Office Security Fund (Chapter 473)
475Government Officers’ Benefit Association (Chapter 475)
476Railway Uniform Staff Benevolent Fund (Chapter 476)
477Railway Benefit Show (Chapter 477)
478Railway Guards and Locomotive Eniginemen’s Provident Association (Chapter 478)
479Railway Daily-Paid Workers Benevolent Association (Chapter 479)
480Post and Telegraph Benefit Association (Chapter 480)
481Police Saving Association (Chapter 481)
482Galle Municipal Saffs Benevolent Association (Chapter 482)
483Government Surveyors’ Association (Chapter 483)
484Planters’ Association (Chapter 484)
485Low-Country Products Association (Chapter 485)
486Estates Staffs’ Association (Chapter 486)
487Automobile Association of Ceylon (Chapter 487)
488Disabled Ceylon Men’s Fund (Chapter 488)
489St. Thomas College (Chapter 489)
490Ceylonese Brothers of St. Joseph (Chapter 490)
491Vidyalankara Sabha (Chapter 491)
492Mahamantinda Vidyarakshaka Sabha (Chapter 492)
493Northern Province Teachers’ Association Benevolent Fund (Chapter 493)
494Sri Lanka Library Association (Chapter 494)
495Serendib Sufi Study Circle (Chapter 495)
496Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (Chapter 496)
497Kandyan Scholarship Fund (Chapter 497)
498Ceylon Scout Council (Chapter 498)
499Girl Guides Association (Chapter 499)
500Ceylon Muslim Scholarship Fund (Chapter 500)
501Muslim Hospital Association (Chapter 501)
502Moors’ Islamic Cultural Home (Chapter 502)
503Sree Narayana Guru Society (Chapter 503)
504Sri Lanka Malay Association Rupee Fund (Chapter 504)
505Ceylon Moor Ladies’ Union (Chapter 505)
506Lanka Mahila Samiti (Chapter 506)
507Sinhala Welenda Mandalaya (Chapter 507)
508Lady Lochore Loan Fund (Chapter 508)
509Moratuwa Social Service Society (Chapter 509)
510Victoria Home for Incurables (Chapter 510)
511Ceylon National Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis (Chapter 511)
512Ceylon Association for the Mentally Retarded (Chapter 512)
513Leporosy Association of Sri Lanka (Chapter 513)
514Comrades of the Great War (Chapter 514)
515Sri Lanka Ex-Servicemen’s Institute (Chapter 515)
516Gramabhiwurdhi Sadhaka Society (Chapter 516)
517Lanka Jatika Sarvodaya Shramadana Sangamaya (Chapter 517)
518Hendala Susitha Wadana Samithiya (Chapter 518)
519Lions Clubs-Youth Education, Rehabilitation and Employment Trust (Chapter 519)
520Post Office (Chapter 520)
521Telecommunications (Chapter 521)
522Thoroughfares (Chapter 522)
523Estate Roads (Chapter 523)
524Estate Roads (Conversion) (Chapter 524)
525Tolls (Chapter 525)
529Motor Traffic (Special Provisions) (Chapter 529)
531Motor Cars (Tax on Transfers) (Chapter 531)
532Motor Car (Conventions) (Chapter 532)
533Requisitioning and Acquisition of Lorries (Chapter 533)
534Vehicles (Chapter 534)
535Boats (Chapter 535)
536Launches (Chapter 536)
538Ceylon Electricity Board (Chapter 538)
539Gas (Chapter 539)
540Gas Meters (Chapter 540)
541National Water Supply and Drainage Board (Chapter 541)
542Colombo Waterworks (Chapter 542)
543Baticaloa Waterworks (Chapter 543)
544Food (Chapter 544)
546Food Supplies (Chapter 546)
548Milk Board (Chapter 548)
550Health Services (Chapter 550)
551Nursing Homes (Regulation) (Chapter 551)
552Corneal Grafting (Chapter 552)
553Quarantine and Prevention of Diseases (Chapter 553)
554Central Environmental Authority (Chapter 554)
555Contagious Diseases (Chapter 555)
556Venereal Diseases (Chapter 556)
557Diseases Among Labourers (Chapter 557)
559Mental Diseases (Chapter 559)
560Lepers (Chapter 560)
561Vaccination (Chapter 561)
562Nuisances (Chapter 562)
563Cemeteries and Burial Grounds (Chapter 563)
564Wells and Pits (Chapter 564)
565Suburban Dairies and Launderies (Chapter 565)
566Municipal Dairies and Launderies (Chapter 566)
567Fauna and Flora Protection (Chapter 567)
568Dried Meat (Chapter 568)
569Wildlife Protection Society (Chapter 569)
570Animals (Chapter 570)
571Diseases of Animals (Chapter 571)
572Elephant Kraals (Chapter 572)
573Cruelty to Animals (Chapter 573)
574Registration of Dogs (Chapter 574)
575Rabies (Chapter 575)
576Municipal Council (Chapter 576)
578Town Councils (Chapter 578)
579Village Councils (Chapter 579)
580Minister of Local Government (Delegation of Powers) (Chapter 580)
581Transfer of Powers (Anuradhapura Preservation Board) (Chapter 581)
582Resumption of State Land (Anuradhapura Preservation Board) (Chapter 582)
583Local Authority Quarters (Recovery of Possession) (Chapter 583)
584Public Bodies (Prevention of Corruption) (Chapter 584)
585Defence Stations (Chapter 585)
586River Valleys Development Board (Chapter 586)
588Local Authorities (Standard By-Laws) (Chapter 588)
590Local Authorities (Imposition of Civic Disabilities) (No.1) (Chapter 590)
591Local Authorities (Imposition of Civic Disabilities) (No.2) (Chapter 591)
592Local Government Service (Chapter 592)
593Local Authorities (Special Provisions) (Chapter 593)
594Local Authorities (Pensioners’ Allowances) (Chapter 594)
595Local Government (Administrative Regions) (Chapter 595)
596Rating and Valuation (Chapter 596)
597Rent (Chapter 597)
598Protection of Tenants (Special Provisions) (Chapter 598)
601Local Authorities Housing (Chapter 601)
603Urban Development Projects (Special Provisions) (Chapter 603)
604Special Areas (Colombo) Development (Chapter 604)
609Licensing of Clubs (Chapter 609)
611Street Collections (Chapter 611)
612Public Officers’ (Security) (Chapter 612)
613Government Indemnity Bonds (Chapter 613)
614Temporary Levy on Salaries of Public Servants (Chapter 614)
615Compulsory Public Service (Chapter 615)
616Public and Judicial Officers (Retirement) (Chapter 616)
619Widows’ and Orphans’ Pension Scheme (Armed Forces) (Chapter 619)
620School Teachers Pension (Chapter 620)
621Public Service Provident Fund (Chapter 621)
624Employees’ Provident Fund (Special Provision) (Chapter 624)
625Army (Chapter 625)
626Navy (Chapter 626)
627Air Force (Chapter 627)
628Servicemen (Collection and Disposal of Specified Property) (Chapter 628)
629Visiting Forces (Chapter 629)
630Fermented Liquor on Board Ships of the Republic (Chapter 630)
631Firing Ranges and Military Training (Chapter 631)
633Explosives (Chapter 633)
634Petroleum (Chapter 634)
635Co-operative Employees Commission (Chapter 635)
636Sri Lanka Ex-Servicemens’ Association (Chapter 636)

Consolidated Statutes

Consolidated 2024

Consolidated 2006

1980 Revised Version

1956 Revised Version

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Lanka Law