A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- Abolition of Fideicommissa (Chapter 80)
- Administrative Districts (Chapter 6)
- Adoption of Children (Chapter 76)
- Affidavits (Chapter 24)
- Age of Majority (Chapter 79)
- Agrarian Services (Chapter 261)
- Agricultural Corps (Chapter 270)
- Agricultural Insurance (Chapter 271)
- Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marketing) (Chapter 198)
- Agricultural Produce Agents (Registration) (Chapter 199)
- Agricultural Products (Guaranteed Prices and Control of Hulling and Milling) (Chapter 203)
- Agricultural Products (Regulation) (Chapter 197)
- Air Force (Chapter 627)
- Airports Authority (Chapter 229)
- All Ceylon Buddhist Students’ Federation (Chapter 421)
- All Ceyon Budhhist Congress (Chapter 398)
- All-Ceylon Young Men’s Muslim Association (Chapter 461)
- American Mission (Chapter 439)
- Animals (Chapter 570)
- Antiquities (Chapter 394)
- Anuradhapura Buddhist Association (Chapter 413)
- Arbitration (Chapter 104)
- Army (Chapter 625)
- Arts Council of Ceylon (Chapter 469)
- Asian Development Bank Agreement (Ratification) (Chapter 314)
- Assemblies of God of Ceylon (Chapter 445)
- Assignment of Ministers’ Functions (Chapter 3)
- Atomic Energy Authority (Chapter 223)
- Auctioneers and Brokers (Chapter 125)
- Auditor-General’s Fees (Chapter 324)
- Automobile Association of Ceylon (Chapter 487)
- Ayurveda (Chapter 116)
- Baadhi Beeya Association (Chapter 463)
- Back to the Bible Broadcast (Chapter 451)
- Badulla Saiva Paripalana Sangam (Chapter 458)
- Bank of Ceylon (Chapter 302)
- Baticaloa Waterworks (Chapter 543)
- Betting on Horse-Racing (Chapter 55)
- Bills of Exchange (Chapter 92)
- Births and Death (Chapter 129)
- Boatmen (Chapter 236)
- Boats (Chapter 535)
- Botanic Gardens (Chapter 275)
- Bretton Woods Agreement (Chapter 327)
- Bribary (Chapter 36)
- British Maintenance Orders (Chapter 101)
- Brothels (Chapter 43)
- Buddha Sravaka Dharmapithaya (Chapter 386)
- Buddhist Publication Society (Chapter 420)
- Budgetary Relief Allowance of Workers (No.1) (Chapter 169)
- Budgetary Relief Allowance of Workers (No.2) (Chapter 170)
- Business Names (Chapter 180)
- Business Undretakings (Acquisition) (Chapter 184)
- Ceiling on Housing Property (Chapter 339)
- Cemeteries and Burial Grounds (Chapter 563)
- Central Cultural Fund (Chapter 388)
- Central Environmental Authority (Chapter 554)
- Central Freight Bureau (Chapter 239)
- Ceylon Association for the Mentally Retarded (Chapter 512)
- Ceylon Baithul Mal Fund (Chapter 464)
- Ceylon Baptist Council (Chapter 443)
- Ceylon Bible Society (Chapter 454)
- Ceylon College of Physicians (Chapter 114)
- Ceylon Electricity Board (Chapter 538)
- Ceylon Moor Ladies’ Union (Chapter 505)
- Ceylon Muslim Scholarship Fund (Chapter 500)
- Ceylon National Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis (Chapter 511)
- Ceylon National Chamber of Industries (Chapter 211)
- Ceylon National Library Services Board (Chapter 387)
- Ceylon Pentecostal Mission (Chapter 440)
- Ceylon Petrolium Corporation (Chapter 220)
- Ceylon Scout Council (Chapter 498)
- Ceylon Shipping Corporation (Chapter 234)
- Ceylon Tourist Board (Chapter 224)
- Ceylonese Brothers of St. Joseph (Chapter 490)
- Ceylonese Evangelistic Association (Chapter 453)
- Chamber of Commerce (Chapter 210)
- Chank Fisheries (Chapter 242)
- Chauffeurs (Chapter 172)
- Cheetus (Chapter 190)
- Chidren and Young Persons (Chapter 31)
- Chilaw Buddhist Association (Chapter 414)
- Children and Young Persons (Harmful Publications) (Chapter 32)
- Church of Ceylon (Chapter 428)
- Church of England (Chapter 429)
- Citizenship (Chapter 248)
- Civil Procedure Code (Chapter 105)
- Co-operative Employees Commission (Chapter 635)
- Coconut Development (Chapter 260)
- College of General Practitioners (Chapter 115)
- Colombo Bible College (Chapter 450)
- Colombo Gospel Tabernacle (Chapter 444)
- Colombo Waterworks (Chapter 542)
- Colombo Young Men’s Buddhist Association (Chapter 399)
- Colombo Young Women’s Christian Association (Chapter 447)
- Colombo Young Men’s Christian Association (Chapter 446)
- Commisions of Inquiry (Chapter 8)
- Companies (Donations) (Chapter 178)
- Companies (Special Provisions) (Chapter 177)
- Compulsory Food Production (Tax Relief) (Chapter 356)
- Compulsory Public Service (Chapter 615)
- Comrades of the Great War (Chapter 514)
- Congress of Religions (Chapter 468)
- Consumer Protection (Chapter 219)
- Contagious Diseases (Chapter 555)
- Contingencies Fund (Chapter 317)
- Contributory Negligence and Joint Wrongdoers (Chapter 107)
- Control of Finance Companies (Chapter 329)
- Control of Insurance (Chapter 332)
- Control of Pesticides (Chapter 282)
- Control of Prices (Chapter 216)
- Corneal Grafting (Chapter 552)
- Corporal Punishment (Chapter 28)
- Council of Legal Education (Chapter 109)
- Courts Records (Inspection by Minister of Justice) (Chapter 19)
- Cruelty to Animals (Chapter 573)
- Customs Ordinance (Chapter 235)
- Dangerous Animals (Chapter 61)
- Declartion of Assets and Liabilities (Chapter 63)
- Deegahavapi Prathisanskarana Sabhawa (Chapter 423)
- Defence Stations (Chapter 585)
- Definition of Boundaries (Chapter 292)
- Department of Agriculture (Chapter 262)
- Destruction of Valueless Documents (Chapter 20)
- Dev Suwa Sevawa (Chapter 452)
- Dharmachakra Vidyapitha Sabha (Chapter 425)
- Dharmavijaya Foundation (Chapter 427)
- Disabled Ceylon Men’s Fund (Chapter 488)
- Diseases Among Labourers (Chapter 557)
- Diseases of Animals (Chapter 571)
- Domestic Servants (Chapter 173)
- Dried Meat (Chapter 568)
- Dutch Reformed Church (Chapter 432)
- Education (Chapter 381)
- Elephant Kraals (Chapter 572)
- Embarkation Tax (Chapter 345)
- Embilipitiya Young Men’s Buddhist Association (Chapter 407)
- Employees’ Holidays (Chapter 155)
- Employees’ Provident Fund (Special Provision) (Chapter 624)
- Employment of Females in Mines (Chapter 147)
- Employment of Private Sector Trainees (Chapter 148)
- Episcopal Churches (Chapter 430)
- Essential Public Services (Chapter 52)
- Estate Duty (Chapter 350)
- Estate Labour (Indian) (Chapter 160)
- Estate Quarters (Chapter 161)
- Estate Roads (Chapter 523)
- Estate Roads (Conversion) (Chapter 524)
- Estates Staffs’ Association (Chapter 486)
- Evidence (Chapter 21)
- Exchange Control (Chapter 325)
- Excise (Chapter 64)
- Execution of Deeds (Chapter 85)
- Explosives (Chapter 633)
- Fauna and Flora Protection (Chapter 567)
- Fee-Charging Employment Agencies (Chapter 151)
- Felling of Trees (Control) (Chapter 284)
- Fellowship of Free Churches (Chapter 437)
- Fermented Liquor on Board Ships of the Republic (Chapter 630)
- Fertilizers (Chapter 281)
- Financial Reserves (Chapter 318)
- Firing Ranges and Military Training (Chapter 631)
- Fisheries (Chapter 240)
- Flood Protection (Chapter 278)
- Food (Chapter 544)
- Food Control (Chapter 214)
- Food Control (Possesion) (Chapter 215)
- Food Production (Estate) (Chapter 274)
- Food Supplies (Chapter 546)
- Foreign Employment Agency (Chapter 150)
- Freedom from Hunger Campaign (Chapter 273)
- Fuel Conservation-Five Day Week (Chapter 222)
- Galle Municipal Saffs Benevolent Association (Chapter 482)
- Galle Muslim Cultural Association (Chapter 465)
- Galle Young Men’s Buddhist Association (Chapter 401)
- Gaming (Chapter 59)
- Gas (Chapter 539)
- Gas Meters (Chapter 540)
- Girl Guides Association (Chapter 499)
- Government Gazzette (Publication) (Chapter 15)
- Government Indemnity Bonds (Chapter 613)
- Government Officers’ Benefit Association (Chapter 475)
- Government Surveyors’ Association (Chapter 483)
- Government-Sponsored Corporations (Chapter 181)
- Gramabhiwurdhi Sadhaka Society (Chapter 516)
- Health Services (Chapter 550)
- Hendala Susitha Wadana Samithiya (Chapter 518)
- Hindu Board of Education (Chapter 455)
- Holidays (Chapter 364)
- Homoepathy (Chapter 117)
- Hotel Keepers (Chapter 47)
- Hotel Keepers Liability (Chapter 86)
- Houses of Detention (Chapter 45)
- Housing (Special Provision) (Chapter 338)
- Housing Developers (Special Provisions) (Chapter 357)
- Immigrants and Emigrants (Chapter 245)
- Imports and Exports Control (Chapter 347)
- Indian Immigrant Labour (Chapter 159)
- Industrial Development (Chapter 207)
- Industrial Products (Chapter 205)
- Informers Rewards (Chapter 39)
- Inscribed Rupee Stock (Chapter 321)
- Insolvants (Chapter 103)
- Institute of Architects (Chapter 128)
- Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka (Chapter 309)
- Institute of Chartered Accountants (Chapter 119)
- Institute of Chemistry (Chapter 122)
- Institute of Corporation of Lawyers (Chapter 111)
- Institute of Engineers (Chapter 121)
- Institute of Personnel Management (Chapter 120)
- Institute of Sinhala Culture (Chapter 472)
- Institute of Surveying and Mapping Act (Chapter 124)
- Institute of Valuers (Chapter 127)
- Insurance (Special Provisions) (Chapter 331)
- Insurance Corporation (Chapter 330)
- Interim Devaluation Allowance of Employees (Chapter 166)
- Intermeddlers with Suitors (Chapter 40)
- International Development Association Agreement (Chapter 326)
- International Finance Corporation Agreement (Chapter 328)
- Interpretation (Chapter 12)
- Kadawalagedara Purana Siddhasthana Wardhana Society (Chapter 426)
- Kandy Church (Chapter 433)
- Kandy Young Women’s Christian Association (Chapter 448)
- Kandyan Law (Chapter 71)
- Kandyan Scholarship Fund (Chapter 497)
- Kandyan Succession (Chapter 133)
- Kelani Young Men’s Buddhist Association (Chapter 404)
- Kuliyapitiya Young Men’s Buddhist Association (Chapter 403)
- Labour Inspections (Maintenance of Secrecy) (Chapter 62)
- Lady Lochore Loan Fund (Chapter 508)
- Land Betterment Charges (Chapter 353)
- Land Grants (Special Provisions) (Chapter 287)
- Land Reform (Chapter 297)
- Land Registers (Reconstructed Folios) (Chapter 138)
- Land Settlement (Chapter 299)
- Land Surveys (Chapter 293)
- Lands Resumption (Chapter 290)
- Lanka Jatika Sarvodaya Shramadana Sangamaya (Chapter 517)
- Lanka Mahila Samiti (Chapter 506)
- Launches (Chapter 536)
- Law Commission (Chapter 16)
- Legal Aid (Chapter 112)
- Legitimacy (Chapter 77)
- Lepers (Chapter 560)
- Leporosy Association of Sri Lanka (Chapter 513)
- Licensing of Clubs (Chapter 609)
- Licensing of Produce Brokers (Chapter 126)
- Lighting Control (Chapter 53)
- Lions Clubs-Youth Education, Rehabilitation and Employment Trust (Chapter 519)
- Loan Board (Chapter 311)
- Local Authorities (Imposition of Civic Disabilities) (No.1) (Chapter 590)
- Local Authorities (Imposition of Civic Disabilities) (No.2) (Chapter 591)
- Local Authorities (Pensioners’ Allowances) (Chapter 594)
- Local Authorities (Special Provisions) (Chapter 593)
- Local Authorities (Standard By-Laws) (Chapter 588)
- Local Authorities Housing (Chapter 601)
- Local Authority Quarters (Recovery of Possession) (Chapter 583)
- Local Government (Administrative Regions) (Chapter 595)
- Local Government Service (Chapter 592)
- Local Loans (Chapter 312)
- Local Treasury Bills (Chapter 319)
- Lost Property (Chapter 87)
- Lotteries (Chapter 57)
- Low-Country Products Association (Chapter 485)
- Mahamantinda Vidyarakshaka Sabha (Chapter 492)
- Mahanuwara Esala Perahera Trust (Chapter 397)
- Mahanuwara Young Men’s Buddhist Association (Chapter 405)
- Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka (Chapter 272)
- Maintenance (Chapter 100)
- Manufacture of Matches (Regulation) (Chapter 191)
- Maritime Zones (Chapter 7)
- Marriage and Devorce (Kandyan) (Chapter 132)
- Marriage and Divorce (Muslim) (Chapter 134)
- Marriages (Chapter 131)
- Married Women’s Property (Chapter 68)
- Masters Attendant (Chapter 235)
- Matrimonial Rights and Inheritance (Chapter 69)
- Matrimonial Rights and Inheritance (Jaffna) (Chapter 70)
- Medical Practitioners, Pharmecists, Midwives and Nurses (Chapter 113)
- Mental Diseases (Chapter 559)
- Merchant Shipping (Chapter 233)
- Methodist Trust Association (Chapter 438)
- Milk Board (Chapter 548)
- Minimum Wages (Chapter 164)
- Minister of Local Government (Delegation of Powers) (Chapter 580)
- Monetary Law (Chapter 323)
- Money Lending (Chapter 90)
- Moors’ Islamic Cultural Home (Chapter 502)
- Moratuwa Social Service Society (Chapter 509)
- Mortgage (Chapter 98)
- Motor Car (Conventions) (Chapter 532)
- Motor Cars (Tax on Transfers) (Chapter 531)
- Motor Traffic (Special Provisions) (Chapter 529)
- Municipal Council (Chapter 576)
- Municipal Dairies and Launderies (Chapter 566)
- Muslim Hospital Association (Chapter 501)
- Muslim Interstate Succession (Chapter 72)
- Muslim Library (Chapter 467)
- National Apprenticeship (Chapter 149)
- National Arts Council, Mahanuwara (Chapter 470)
- National Council of the Young Men’s Christian Association (Chapter 449)
- National Development Bank of Sri Lanka (Chapter 308)
- National Film Corporation of Sri Lanka (Chapter 366)
- National Institute of Business Management (Chapter 185)
- National Lotteries Board (Chapter 316)
- National Matric Conversion (Chapter 189)
- National Museums (Chapter 391)
- National Planning Council (Chapter 315)
- National Prices Commission (Chapter 217)
- National Science Council (Chapter 390)
- National Water Supply and Drainage Board (Chapter 541)
- National Youth Services (Chapter 11)
- Naval and Victualling Stores (Chapter 54)
- Navy (Chapter 626)
- Nindagama Lands (Chapter 301)
- Non-Episcopalian Churches (Chapter 431)
- Northern Province Teachers’ Association Benevolent Fund (Chapter 493)
- Notaries (Chapter 110)
- Nugegoda Young Men’s Buddhist Association (Chapter 400)
- Nuisances (Chapter 562)
- Nursing Homes (Regulation) (Chapter 551)
- Oaths and Affirmations (Chapter 23)
- Offences Commited Under the Influence of Liquor (Chapter 27)
- Offensive Weapons (Chapter 38)
- Official Publications (Chapter 379)
- Official Secrets (Chapter 50)
- Old metal (Chapter 48)
- Opening of Accounts in Bank (Chapter 307)
- Orphanages (Chapter 369)
- Paddy Marketing Board (Chapter 202)
- Paddy Producers’ Savings (Chapter 204)
- Panandura Public and local Government Service Buddhist Association (Chapter 415)
- Partnership (Chapter 179)
- Passport (Regulation) and Exit Permit (Chapter 247)
- Pawn Brokers (Chapter 99)
- Payment of Gratuities etc., To Indian Repatriates (Chapter 162)
- Pearl Fisheries (Chapter 243)
- Penal Code (Chapter 25)
- Petroleum (Chapter 634)
- Petroleum Products (Regulation and Control of Supplies) (Chapter 221)
- Pilgrimages (Chapter 362)
- Piliyandala Young Men’s Buddhist Association (Chapter 406)
- Pilots (Chapter 237)
- Pirivena Education (Chapter 385)
- Plant Protection (Chapter 276)
- Planters’ Association (Chapter 484)
- Police Saving Association (Chapter 481)
- Poor Law (Chapter 368)
- Post and Telegraph Benefit Association (Chapter 480)
- Post Office (Chapter 520)
- Post Office Security Fund (Chapter 473)
- Powers of Attorney (Chapter 140)
- Presbyterian Church (Kandy) (Chapter 434)
- Prescription (Chapter 81)
- President’s Fund (Chapter 334)
- Prevention of Crimes (Chapter 29)
- Prevention of Frauds (Chapter 84)
- Prevention of Social Disabilities (Chapter 33)
- Primary Courts’ Procedure (Chapter 18)
- Prisoners’ Welfare Fund (Chapter 67)
- Prisons (Chapter 66)
- Privilege Leave (Private Sector) (Chapter 156)
- Prize Competitions (Chapter 58)
- Probation of Offenders (Chapter 34)
- Profane Publications (Chapter 41)
- Proof of Public Documents (Chapter 22)
- Protection of Produce (Chapter 46)
- Protection of Tenants (Special Provisions) (Chapter 598)
- Provincial of the Oblates in Ceylon (Chapter 442)
- Public and Judicial Officers (Retirement) (Chapter 616)
- Public Bodies (Prevention of Corruption) (Chapter 584)
- Public Corporations (Financial Control) (Chapter 182)
- Public Examinations (Chapter 382)
- Public Officers’ (Security) (Chapter 612)
- Public Performances (Chapter 363)
- Public Security (Chapter 51)
- Public Servants (Liabilities) (Chapter 106)
- Public Service Provident Fund (Chapter 621)
- Publications on Horse-Racing (Chapter 56)
- Quarantine and Prevention of Diseases (Chapter 553)
- Rabies (Chapter 575)
- Radioactive Minerals (Chapter 342)
- Railway Benefit Show (Chapter 477)
- Railway Daily-Paid Workers Benevolent Association (Chapter 479)
- Railway Guards and Locomotive Eniginemen’s Provident Association (Chapter 478)
- Railway Uniform Staff Benevolent Fund (Chapter 476)
- Ramakrishna Mission (Chapter 456)
- Rating and Valuation (Chapter 596)
- Ratnapura Sri Sumana Bauddha Sangamaya (Chapter 419)
- Registration of Deaths (Emergency) (Chapter 130)
- Registration of Dogs (Chapter 574)
- Registration of Electors (Chapter 2)
- Registration of Old Deeds and Instruments (Chapter 137)
- Regulated Equipment for Agricultural Projects (Chapter 269)
- Rent (Chapter 597)
- Requisitioning and Acquisition of Lorries (Chapter 533)
- Requisitioning of Land (Chapter 298)
- Requisitioning of Motor Vehicles and Agricultural Equipment (Chapter 200)
- Resumption of State Land (Anuradhapura Preservation Board) (Chapter 582)
- Revenue Collection (Chapter 361)
- Revenue Protection (Chapter 360)
- Rice Reserves (Chapter 213)
- Rifai Thareeq Association (Chapter 466)
- Riot Damages (Chapter 88)
- River Valleys Development Board (Chapter 586)
- Roman Catholic Archbishop (Chapter 441)
- Rome Convention (Chapter 231)
- Saiva Paripalana Sabhai (Chapter 457)
- Sale of Goods (Chapter 93)
- Sales Tax (Chapter 351)
- Salt (Chapter 343)
- Salvation Army (Chapter 436)
- Sambuddha Jayanthi Chaitya Trust (Chapter 422)
- Sannases and Old Deeds (Chapter 136)
- School Teachers Pension (Chapter 620)
- Senkadagala Eksath Bauddha Mandalaya (Chapter 417)
- Serendib Sufi Study Circle (Chapter 495)
- Service Contracts (Chapter 171)
- Servicemen (Collection and Disposal of Specified Property) (Chapter 628)
- Sex Disqualification Removal (Chapter 78)
- Short Titles (Numeration) (Chapter 13)
- Silk and Allied Products Development (Chapter 193)
- Silkworm Seed (Chapter 192)
- Sinhala Welenda Mandalaya (Chapter 507)
- Siri Anuradhapura Bastian Pilgrims Rest (Chapter 418)
- Societies (Chapter 141)
- Special Allowances of Workers (Chapter 167)
- Special Areas (Colombo) Development (Chapter 604)
- Special Fund (Voluntary Contributions For Charitable Purposes) (Chapter 335)
- Special Presidential Commissions of Inquiry (Chapter 9)
- Special Stamps (Chapter 359)
- Sports (Chapter 392)
- Sree Narayana Guru Society (Chapter 503)
- Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (Chapter 496)
- Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation (Chapter 365)
- Sri Lanka Ex-Servicemen’s Institute (Chapter 515)
- Sri Lanka Ex-Servicemens’ Association (Chapter 636)
- Sri Lanka Export Credit Insurance Corporation (Chapter 333)
- Sri Lanka Export Development (Chapter 228)
- Sri Lanka Fruit Board (Chapter 196)
- Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing (Chapter 201)
- Sri Lanka Inventors Incentives (Chapter 212)
- Sri Lanka Library Association (Chapter 494)
- Sri Lanka Malay Association Rupee Fund (Chapter 504)
- Sri Lanka Press Council (Chapter 378)
- Sri Lanka Sahitya Mandalya (Chapter 471)
- Sri Lanka State Plantations Corporation (Chapter 264)
- Sri Punniyawardhana Samithiya of Matale (Chapter 416)
- St. Andrew’s Church (Chapter 435)
- St. Thomas College (Chapter 489)
- State (Liabilities in Delict) (Chapter 108)
- State Agricultural Corporation (Chapter 268)
- State Debtors (Chapter 102)
- State Industrial Corporations (Chapter 208)
- State Land (Claims) (Chapter 294)
- State Landmarks (Chapter 291)
- State Lands Encroachments (Chapter 288)
- Statistics (Chapter 372)
- Statutory Reprints (Chapter 14)
- Street Collections (Chapter 611)
- Suburban Dairies and Launderies (Chapter 565)
- Supplementary Allowance of Workers (Chapter 168)
- Surveyors (Chapter 123)
- Tea Small Holdings Development (Chapter 252)
- Telecommunications (Chapter 521)
- Telegram Copyright (Chapter 187)
- Temple Lands (Compensation) (Chapter 296)
- Temporary Levy on Salaries of Public Servants (Chapter 614)
- Temporary Residence Tax (Chapter 246)
- Termination of Employment of Workmen (Chapter 154)
- The “Tesawalamai” (Chapter 73)
- Thesawalamai Pre-emption (Chapter 74)
- Thoroughfares (Chapter 522)
- Tindus (Chapter 163)
- Tobacco Tax (Chapter 355)
- Tolls (Chapter 525)
- Tower Hall Theatre Foundation (Chapter 367)
- Town Councils (Chapter 578)
- Trade Union Representatives (Entry into Requirements) (Chapter 175)
- Trade Unions (Chapter 174)
- Transfer of Powers (Anuradhapura Preservation Board) (Chapter 581)
- Treasure Trove (Chapter 395)
- Trust Receipts (Chapter 95)
- Trusts (Chapter 96)
- Uniforms (Chapter 49)
- United Nations (Chapter 10)
- Universities (Chapter 383)
- Urban Development Projects (Special Provisions) (Chapter 603)
- Uva Young Men’s Buddhist Association (Chapter 402)
- Vaccination (Chapter 561)
- Vagrants (Chapter 44)
- Validation of Registrars’ Proceedings (Chapter 139)
- Vehicles (Chapter 534)
- Venereal Diseases (Chapter 556)
- Veterinary Surgeons and Practitioners (Chapter 118)
- Victoria Home for Incurables (Chapter 510)
- Vidyalankara Sabha (Chapter 491)
- Vidyaniketa Sanrakshaka Sabha (Chapter 424)
- Village Councils (Chapter 579)
- Visiting Forces (Chapter 629)
- Voluntary Social Services Organizations (Registration and Supervision) (Chapter 370)
- Water Hyacinth (Chapter 277)
- Water Resources Board (Chapter 280)
- Weights and Measures (Chapter 188)
- Wells and Pits (Chapter 564)
- Whaling (Chapter 244)
- Widows’ and Orphans’ Pension Scheme (Armed Forces) (Chapter 619)
- Wildlife Protection Society (Chapter 569)
- Wills (Chapter 75)
- Workmen’s Compensation (Chapter 158)
- Young Men’s Buddhist Association, Wadduwa (Chapter 410)
- Young Men’s Buddhist Association, Dehiwala- Mt.Lavinia (Chapter 408)
- Young Men’s Buddhist Association, Maggona (Chapter 412)
- Young Men’s Buddhist Association, Mahiyangana (Chapter 409)
- Young Men’s Buddhist Association, Matara (Chapter 411)
- Young Men’s Muslim Association, Maligawatta (Chapter 462)
- Youthful Offenders (Training Schools) (Chapter 35)