- 0000 : Tenth Amendment to the Constitution
- 03/1986 : National Film Corporation Trust for Film Artistes and Technicians
- 04/1986 : Presidents’ Entitlements
- 05/1986 : Grant of Citizenship to Stateless Persons
- 06/1986 : Development Councils Elections (Amendment)
- 07/1986 : Coconut Development (Amendment)
- 08/1986 : Coconut Development (Amendment)
- 09/1986 : Public Service Mutual Provident Association (Amendment)
- 13/1986 : Land Acquisition (Amendment)
- 14/1986 : Land Reform (Special Provisions)
- 15/1986 : Animal Feed
- 18/1986 : Land Reform (Special Provisions) (Amendment)
- 19/1986 : Firing Ranges and Military Training (Amendment)
- 20/1986 : Plant Protection (Amendment)
- 21/1986 : Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka (Amendment)
- 24/1986 : Navy (Amendment)
- 25/1986 : Railways (Amendment)
- 26/1986 : Poisons, Opium and Dangerous Drugs (Amendment)
- 27/1986 : Inland Revenue (Amendment)
- 30/1986 : Colleges of Education
- 31/1986 : Credit Councils (Repeal)
- 32/1986 : People’s Bank (Amendment)
- 38/1986 : Special Presidential Commissions of Inquiry (Amendment)
- 39/1986 : Municipal Councils and Urban Councils (Amendment)
- 40/1986 : Siri Anuradhapura Bastian Pilgrims Rest Management Society (Repeal)
- 41/1986 : National Dangerous Drugs Control Board (Amendment)
- 42/1986 : Control of Insurance (Amendment)
- 43/1986 : Insurance Corporation (Amendment)
- 44/1986 : Insurance (Special Provisions) (Amendment)
- 45/1986 : Appropriation