Ceylon Legislative Enactments 1980-P

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Paddy Marketing Board (Chapter 202)202
Paddy Producers’ Savings (Chapter 204)204
Panandura Public and local Government Service Buddhist Association (Chapter 415)415
Partnership (Chapter 179)179
Passport (Regulation) and Exit Permit (Chapter 247)247
Pawn Brokers (Chapter 99)99
Payment of Gratuities etc., To Indian Repatriates (Chapter 162)162
Pearl Fisheries (Chapter 243)243
Penal Code (Chapter 25)25
Petroleum (Chapter 634)634
Petroleum Products (Regulation and Control of Supplies) (Chapter 221)221
Pilgrimages (Chapter 362)362
Piliyandala Young Men’s Buddhist Association (Chapter 406)406
Pilots (Chapter 237)237
Pirivena Education (Chapter 385)385
Plant Protection (Chapter 276)276
Planters’ Association (Chapter 484)484
Police Saving Association (Chapter 481)481
Poor Law (Chapter 368)368
Post and Telegraph Benefit Association (Chapter 480)480
Post Office (Chapter 520)520
Post Office Security Fund (Chapter 473)473
Powers of Attorney (Chapter 140)140
Presbyterian Church (Kandy) (Chapter 434)434
Prescription (Chapter 81)81
President’s Fund (Chapter 334)334
Prevention of Crimes (Chapter 29)29
Prevention of Frauds (Chapter 84)84
Prevention of Social Disabilities (Chapter 33)33
Primary Courts’ Procedure (Chapter 18)18
Prisoners’ Welfare Fund (Chapter 67)67
Prisons (Chapter 66)66
Privilege Leave (Private Sector) (Chapter 156)156
Prize Competitions (Chapter 58)58
Probation of Offenders (Chapter 34)34
Profane Publications (Chapter 41)41
Proof of Public Documents (Chapter 22)22
Protection of Produce (Chapter 46)46
Protection of Tenants (Special Provisions) (Chapter 598)598
Provincial of the Oblates in Ceylon (Chapter 442)442
Public and Judicial Officers (Retirement) (Chapter 616)616
Public Bodies (Prevention of Corruption) (Chapter 584)584
Public Corporations (Financial Control) (Chapter 182)182
Public Examinations (Chapter 382)382
Public Officers’ (Security) (Chapter 612)612
Public Performances (Chapter 363)363
Public Security (Chapter 51)51
Public Servants (Liabilities) (Chapter 106)106
Public Service Provident Fund (Chapter 621)621
Publications on Horse-Racing (Chapter 56)56

Consolidated Statutes

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Consolidated 2006

1980 Revised Version

1956 Revised Version

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