Consolidated Statutes 2006/S

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I |J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T |U | V | W | X | Y | Z

S. D. Bandaranaike Foundation (Incorporation) Act, No. 3 of 2004
S. W. R. D. Bandaranaike National Memorial Foundation Law
SAARC Regional Convention on Suppression of Terrorism Act, No. 70 of 1988
Sadaham Mithuru Samuluwa. (Incorporation) Act. No, 28 of 1992
Sahanoda Foundation ( Incorporation) Act. No. 20 of 2000
Saint Thomas’ College Board of Governors Ordinance
Saiva Paripalana Sabhai Ordinance
Sale of Goods Ordinance
Sales Tax Act
Salihiya Thaikka (Incorporation) Act, No. 32 of 1998
SALT – Repealed and Replaced by Mines And Minerals Act 33 of 1992
Salvation Army Ordinance
Samastha Lanka International Development Association (Incorporation) Act, No. 5 of 2007
Sambuddha Jayanthi Chaitya Trust Act
Samurdhi Authority of Sri Lanka Act, No.30 of 1995
Sannases and Old Deeds Ordinance
Sareeram Sri Lanka National Foundation (Incorporation) Act, No.1 of 1999
Sarvodaya Trust Fund for the Advancement of Humanity, Development and Peace (Incorporation) Act, No. 31 of 1984
Saumyamoorthi Thondaman Memorial Foundation Act, No. 19 of 2005
Save the Nation Contribution Act, No. 5 of 1996
Savings Certificates Ordinance
School Development Boards Act No. 8 of 1993
School Teachers Pension Act
Science and Technology Development Act, No.11 of 1994
Seamen’s Welfare Fund Act, No. 24 of 1984
Second Amendment to the Constitution
Securities and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka (Amendment) Act, No. 18 of 2003
Securities and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka Act, No. 36 of 1987
Seed Act, No. 22 of 2003
Senkadagala Eksath Bauddha Mandalaya (Incorporation) Act
Serendib Foundation (Incorporation) Act, No. 12 of 1991
Servants of the Buddha ( Incorporation) Act, No. 48 of 1991
Service Contracts Ordinance
Service Contracts Ordinance
Service Praveni Lands Succession Ordinance
Service Tenures Ordinance
Servicemen (Collection and Disposal of Specified Property) Act
Settlement of Debts Law, No, 27 of 1975
Seva Vanitha Movement Short of Sri Lanka (Incorporation) Act, No. 10 of 1987
Seventeenth Amendment to the Constitution
Seventh Amendment to the Constitution
Sex Disqualification Removal (Legal Profession) Ordinance
Shop and Office Employees (Regulation of Employment and Remuneration) Act
Short Titles (Numeration) Ordinance
Shrarna Vasana Fund Act, No. 12 of 1998
Sigiriya Heritage Foundation Act, No. 62 of 1998
Silk and Allied Products Development Law
Silkworm Seed Law
Sinhala Welenda Mandalaya Ordinance
Sir John Kotelawala Defence Academy Act, No. 68 of 1981
Sir Razik Fareed Foundation (Incorporation) Act, No. 44 of 1982
SIRI ANURADHAPURA BASTIAN PILGRIMS REST – Repealed and Replaced by Sri Anuradhapura Bastian Pilgrims Rest Managemnt Society(Repeal) Act, No. 40 of 1986
Sivali Vidyalaya, Ratnapura, Board of Governors Ordinance
Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution
Sixth Amendment to the Constitution
slamic Youth Front ( Incorporation) Act No. 43 of 1991
Societies Ordinance
Societies Ordinance (Amendment) Act, No. 11 of 2005
Society of the Apostolic Church of Sri Lanka (Incorporation) Act, No. 6 of 1991
Soil Conservation Act
Southern Development Authority of Sri Lanka Act, No. 18 of 1996
Special Allowances of Workers Law
Special Areas (Colombo) Development Ordinance
Special Areas (Colombo) Development Ordinance
Special Educational Society (Incorporation) Act, No. 3 of 1999
Special Fund (Voluntary Contributions for Charitable Purposes) Act
Special Presidential Commissions of Inquiry Law
Special Presidential Commissions of Inquiry Law, No. 7 of 1978
Special Stamps Act
Specified Certificates of Deposits (Tax and other Concessions) Act, No. 45 of 1990
Sports Law
Sree Narayana Guru Society of Sri Lanka Act
Sri Bodhiraja Foundation (Incorporation) Act, No. 30 of 1993
Sri Gangathilaka Maha Viharastha Sasanaraksaka Samithiya (Incorporation) Act, No. 3 of 2000
Sri Jayewardenepura General Hospital Board Act, No, 54 of 1983
Sri Jayewardenepura Pitakotte Eksath Avamangalliyadhara (Shavakruththiyadhara) Samithiya (Incorporation) Act, No. 23 of 1988
Sri Kalyani Eksath Bauddha Sangamaya (Incorporation) Act, No. 60 of 1992
Sri Lanka Accounting Short title and Auditing Standards Act, No. 15 of 1995
Sri Lanka Accreditation Board for Conformity Assessment Act, No. 32 of 2005
Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science Act
Sri Lanka Baptist Sangamaya Ordinance
Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation (Special Provisions) Act, No. 8 of 1996
Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Act
Sri Lanka Bureau of foreign Employment Act, No. 21 of 1985
Sri Lanka Campus Crusade for Christ (Incorporation) Act, No, 25 of 1981
Sri Lanka Cancer Society (Incorporation) Act, No. 10 of 1997
Sri Lanka Chamber of Small Industry (Incorporation) Act, No. 43 of 1981
Sri Lanka Coinage Ordinance
Sri Lanka Council for Agricultural Research Policy Act, No. 47 of 1987
Sri Lanka Council of Archaeologists (Incorporation) Act. No. 4 of 1992
Sri Lanka Disaster Management Act, No. 13 of 2005
Sri Lanka Energy Managers’ Association (Incorporation) Act. No. 1 of 1994
Sri Lanka Ex-Servicemen’s Association Law
Sri Lanka Ex-Servicemen’s Institute Law
Sri Lanka Export Credit Insurance Corporation Act
Sri Lanka Export Development Act
Sri Lanka Eye Foundation (Incorporation) Act, No. 26 of 1990
Sri Lanka Federation of the Visually Handicapped (Incorporation) Act, No. 4 of 2007
Sri Lanka Federation of University Women (Incorporation) Act, No. 12 of 1985
Sri Lanka Foundation Law
Sri Lanka Fruit Board Law
Sri Lanka Historical Association (Incorporation) Act, No. 26 of 1998
Sri Lanka Institute of Advanced Technological Education Act, No. 29 of 1995
Sri Lanka Institute of Architects Law
Sri Lanka Institute Of Co-operative Management – (Repealed By Sri Lanka Institute of Co-operative Management (Repeal) Act, No. 6 of 2004)
Sri Lanka Institute of Credit Management (Incorporation) Act, No. 7 of 2000
Sri Lanka Institute of Development Administration Act, No. 9 of 1982
Sri Lanka Institute of Interior Designers (Incorporation) Act, No. 2 of 1998
Sri Lanka Institute of Local Governance Act. No. 31 of 1999
Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing (Incorporation) Act
Sri Lanka Institute of Printing Act, No. 18 of 1984
Sri Lanka Institute of Taxation (Incorporation) Act, No. 21 of 2000
Sri Lanka Inventors Incentives Act
Sri Lanka Islamic Centre Incorporation) Act. No. 2 of 1991
Sri Lanka Islamic Renaissance Movement Association (Incorporation) Act, No. 17 of 1992
Sri Lanka Judges’ Institute Act, No. 46 of 1985
Sri Lanka Land Reclamation and Development Corporation Act
Sri Lanka Library Association (Incorporation) Law
Sri Lanka Malay Association Rupee Fund (Incorporation) Law
Sri Lanka Malay Association Rupee Fund (Incorporation) Law, No. 37 of 1978
Sri Lanka Nurses Council Act, No. 19 of 1988
Sri Lanka Ports Authority (Special Provisions) Act, No. 36 of 1990
Sri Lanka Ports Authority Act
Sri Lanka Press Council Law
Sri Lanka Railways Authority Act, No, 60 of 1993
Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation Act, No. 6 of 1982
Sri Lanka Sahitya Mandalaya Act
Sri Lanka Samodaya Foundation (Incorporation) Act, No. 36 of 1985
Sri Lanka Social Security Board Act, No. 17 of 1996
Sri Lanka Society for Numismatic Studies Act, No. 39 of 1998
Sri Lanka Standards short title. Institution Act, No. 6 of 1984
Sri Lanka State Plantations Corporation Act
Sri Lanka State Trading Corporations Act
Sri Lanka Sumithrayo (Incorporation) Act, No. 10 of 1986
Sri Lanka Tea Board Law
Sri Lanka Telecommunications Act, No. 25 of 1991
Sri Lanka Transport Board Act, No. 27 of 2005
Sri Lanka United Malay Organisation (Incorporation) Act, No. 17 of 1986
Sri Lanka Working Journalists’ Association (Incorporation) Act, No. 46 of 1987
Sri Narada Bauddha Madhyasthana Vihara Sanwardana Sabhawa (Incorporation) Act, No. 1 of 2003
Sri Punniyawardhana Samithiya of Matale Act
Sri Punyodaya Samitiya (Incorporation) Act, No. 33 of 1986
Sri Sarananda Development Foundation (Incorporation) Act, No. 06 of 2007
Sri Sarananda Foundation (Incorporation) Act, No. 49 of 1998
Sri Subodharama Sasana Seva Samithiya (Incorporation) Act, No. 61 of 1992
Sri Sugatha Community Development Foundation (Incorporation) Act, No. 27 of 1992
Sri Sumangala Schools Board of Management Ordinance
Sri Sunethra Mahadevi Piriven Rajamaha Vihara Sasana Development Society (Incorporation) Act. No. 22 of 2000
Sri Tax Law (Sections 1 to 6 of the Finance Law, No. 47 of 1973
Stamp Duty Act, No. 43 of 1982
Stamp Ordinance
State (Liability In Delict) Ac
State Agricultural Corporations Act
State Debtors Ordinance
State Film Corporation Act, No. 47 of 1971
STATE GEM CORPORATION – Repealed and Replaced by the National Gem And Jewellery Authority Act, No 50 of 1993
State Industrial Corporations Act
State Land (Claims) Ordinance
State Landmarks Ordinance
State Lands (Recovery of Possession) Act
State Lands Encroachments Ordinance
State Lands Ordinance
State Mortgage and Investment Bank Law
State Printing Corporation Act
Statistics Ordinance
Statutory. Reprints Ordinance
Stock Act
Street Collections Regulation Ordinance
Students (Higher Education) Loan Fund Act
Suburban Dairies and Laundries Ordinance
Sufi Study Circle Law
Sugarcane Research Institute Act, No. 75 of 1981
Sugathadasa National Sports Complex Authority Act, No. 17 of 1999
Sukhitha Subasadhaka Sangamaya (Incorporation) Act, No. 28 of 1984
Superior Courts Complex Board of Management Act, No. 50 of 1987
Superior Major of the Silvestro-Benedictine Congregation in Sri Lanka (Incorporation) Act, No. 41 of 1981
Supplementary Allowance of Workers Act
Suppression of Terrorist Bombings Act, No. 11 of 1999
Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime Navigation Act, No. 42 of 2000
Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at Airports Serving International Civil Aviation Act, No. 31 of 1996
Supreme Court Appeals (Special Provisions) Act, No. 4 of 1960(Repealed)
Surcharge on Income Tax Act, No, 7 of 1989
Surcharge on Wealth Tax Act, No. 25 of 1982
Survey Act. No 17 of 2002
Surveyors Ordinance (Repelaed)
Surveyors’ Institute of Sri Lanka (Incorporation) Act, No. 22 of 1982
Suwa Sahana Sewa Foundation (Incorporation)Act, No. 54 of 1992
Suwasetha Social Service Association (Incorporation) Act, No. 58 of 2000

Consolidated Statues

Consolidated 2024

Consolidated 2006

1980 Revised Version

1956 Revised Version

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