Sri Lanka Federation Of University Women (Incorporation)

WHEREAS an association called and known as the" Sri Lanka Federation of University Women" has heretofore been established in Sri Lanka, for the purpose of effectually carrying out and transacting all objects and. matters connected with the said association according to the rules agreed to by its members:

AND whereas the said association has heretofore successfully carried out and transacted the several objects and matters for which it was established, and has applied to be incorporated, and it will be for the public advantage to grant such application:

BE it therefore enacted by the Parliament of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka as follows:

[10th April , 1985 ]
Short title.

1. This Act may be cited as the Sri Lanka Federation of University Women (Incorporation) Act, No. 12 of 1985.

Incorporation of the Sri Lanka Federation of University Women.

2. From and after the date of commencement of this' Act, such and so many persons as now are members of the Sri Lanka Federation of University Women (hereinafter referred to as "the Federation"), or shall hereafter be admitted members of the Corporation hereby constituted, shall be a body corporate (hereinafter referred to as "the Corporation") with perpetual succession, under the name and style of "The Sri Lanka Federation of University Women ", and by that name shall and may sue and be sued in all courts, with full power and authority to have and to use a common seal and to change and alter the - same at its pleasure.

General objects of the Corporation.


(1) The general objects for which the Corporation is constituted are hereby declared to be-"-

(a) to represent the University women of Sri Lanka and to take action on their behalf in ,;natters affecting their interests;

(b) to promote co-operation" friendship and understanding among University women, irrespective of race, religion or political opinion;

(c) to encourage research by University women

(d) to encourage education women to take their proper share of responsibility in society;

(e) to acquaint itself of any proposed legislative or other measures affecting women, and to make representations and take other appropriate steps to safe-guard the rights and interests of women in general and University women in particular;

(f) to render social service, and to undertake charitable, educational and social welfare activities for the relief of poverty, distress, sickness, malnutrition, illiteracy or unemployment among women and children in particular, and other persons in general.

(g) to affiliate, collaborate, federate or co-operate with, subscribe to, or become members of, any other organized body specialized agency or association whether local or foreign, corporate or incorporate, having aims and objects similar to those of the Corporation; and

(h) to do all such other things as may be necessary- for, or incidental or conducive to, the attainment of the objects of the Corporation, and generally for the benefit, advancement and welfare of its members.

(2) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, "a University woman" means a woman on whom has been conferred a degree by any University which is recognized by the Executive Council.

Executive council of the Corporation


(1) The affairs of the Corporation shall, subject to the rules in force for the time being of the Corporation, be administered by the Executive Council of the Corporation, consisting of such members as may be provided for-in such rule and elected in accordance therewith.

(2) The first Executive Council of the Corporation shall be the Executive Council of the Federation holding office at the time of the commencement of this Act, and it shall hold office until the first annual general meeting of the Corporation held after the commencement of this Act.

Register of member.


(1) The Executive Council of the Corporation shall cause to be kept a register in which every person who a the date of the commencement of this Act is a member of the Federation, and every person thereafter duly admitted a member of the Corporation hereby constituted, shall have her name inscribed.

(2) The register shall contain the following particular :

(a) the name and address of each member;

(b) the educational qualifications of, and the degrees conferred on the member ; and

(c) the date on which the name of any person was inscribed in the register as a member; and

(d) the date on which any person ceased to be a member.

Rules of the Corporation.


(1) It shall be lawful for the Corporation, from time to time, at any general meeting of the members and by the votes of not less than two-thirds of the members present and voting, to make rules, not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act or any other written law for the admission, withdrawal, resignation, retirement or expulsion of members, for the conduct of the duties of the Executive Council of the Corporation, and of the officers, agents and servants of the Corporation, for the procedure to be followed in the transaction of business, and otherwise generally for the management of the affairs of the Corporation and the accomplishment of its objects. Such rules when made may, at a like meeting and in like manner, be altered, added to, amended or rescinded.

(2) Every member of the Corporation shall be subject to the rules in force for the time being of the Corporation.

Accounts and audit of the Corporation.

7. The Executive Council of the Corporation shall cause proper accounts to be kept of all sums of money received and expended by the Corporation, and the accounts of the Corporation shall be examined and audited once at least in every year, and the correctness of the Income and Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet certified, by one or m re duly qualified auditor or auditors.

Debts due by, and payable to, the Federation.


(1) All debts and liabilities of the Federation existing on the date of the commencement of this Act shall be paid and discharged by the Corporation hereby constituted, and all debts due to, and subscriptions and contributions payable to, the Federation shall be paid to the Corporation, for the purposes of this Act.

(2) Contracts entered into by the Federation shall be deemed to be contracts of the Corporation.

Application of moneys and property.

9. The moneys and property of the Corporation, when so ever derived, shall be applied solely towards the promotion of its objects as set forth herein, and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly, by way of dividend, bonus, or otherwise howsoever by way of profit, to the members of the Corporation:

Provided however, that the provisions of this section shall not prevent

(a) the payment in good faith of reasonable and proper remuneration to any officer or employee of the Corporation or to any member of the Corporation for any services rendered to the Corporation;

(b) the payment of reasonable and proper rent for premises let to the Corporation by any member of the Corporation or by any company of which a member of the Corporation is a share-holder; and

(c) the re-imbursement or repayment of reasonable and proper expenses incurred with the prior approval of the Executive Council by any member,. officer or employee of the Corporation in the performance of his functions or duties or in promoting the objects of the Corporation.

Power of Corporation to hold property.

10. The Corporation shall be able and capable in law to acquire and hold either as beneficial owner or trustee or otherwise any property, movable or immovable, upon or by virtue of any instrument of purchase, grant, gift, or lease, or upon or by virtue of any testamentary disposition or otherwise, and all such property shall be held by the Corporation for the purposes of this Act and subject to the rules for the time being of the Corporation, or otherwise for the purposes of and upon the trusts and subject to the conditions in the relative instrument of disposition contained. with full power (subject always to the provisions of my written law relating to trusts and of the relative instrument of disposition) to sell, mortgage, lease, exchange or otherwise dispose of, encumber or charge the same.

Powers of the Corporation to acquire property investfunds, raise loans, & c.

11. It shall be lawful for the Corporation

(a) to purchase, acquire, rent, construct and otherwise obtain lands or buildings which may be required for the purposes of the Corporation and may lawfully be acquired for those purposes, and to deal with or dispose of the same as may be deemed expedient with a view to promoting the objects of the Corporation;

(b) to invest any funds not immediately required for the purposes of the Corporation in such manner as the Executive Council may think fit and from time to time to vary and transpose any .such investments;

(c) to raise or borrow money for the purposes of the Corporation on any security and to secure or discharge any debt or obligation of the Corporation in such manner as may be thought fit ;

(d) to solicit and receive subscriptions, grants, donations and gifts of all kinds for the purposes of the Corporation ;

(e) to construct, alter or maintain any buildings required for the purposes of the Corporation;

(f) to subscribe or guarantee- money for any charitable purpose;

(g) to undertake accept, execute, perform and administer any lawful trusts and conditions affecting any real or personal property held or owned or to be held or owned in trust for the Corporation or any other charitable association, institution, society or body and any other charitable trusts;

(h) to establish and maintain a headquarters for University women, and to establish and organize branches, and institutions such as research, training, social or welfare institutions in any part of Sri Lanka;

(i) to appoint, dismiss or terminate the services of officers and servants of the Corporation, and to pay them such salaries, pensions, gratuities and allowances as may from time to time be determined y the Corporation;

(j) to establish or contribute to any fund or scheme for the grant of gratuities, pensions, allowances or other benefits to officers or servants, past or present, of the Corporation, or to the relatives or dependants of such persons ;

(k) to enter into any contract with any person) company, society or body of persons) whether corporate or unincorporate, or any Government department or local authority for promoting the objects of the Corporation; and

(1) to do all other things necessary or expedient for the proper and effective carrying out of the objects of, the Corporation.

Seal of the Corporation.

12. The seal of the Corporation shall not be affixed to any instrument whatsoever except by the authority of a resolution of the Executive Council and except in the presence of two members of the Executive Council who shall sign their names on the instrument in token of their presence, and such signing shall be independence of the signing of any person as Ii witness.

Limitation of liability of members.

13. No member of the Corporation shall, for the purpose of discharging the debts and liabilities of the Corporation, or for any other purpose, be liable to make any contribution exceeding the amount of such membership fees as may be due from her to the Corporation.

Property remaining on dissolution

14. If upon the dissolution of the Corporation there remains, after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, such property shall not be distributed among the members of the Corporation, but shall be given or' transferred to some other institution or institutions having objects similar to the objects of the Corporation) and which is or are by the rules thereof prohibited from distributing any income or property among its or their members. Such institution or institutions shall be determined by the members of the Corporation at or immediately before the time of the dissolution of the Corporation. If such property or any part thereof cannot be disposed of in accordance with the) provisions of this section, such property or part shall be applied to some charitable object which shall be determined by the members of the Corporation.

Saving of the rights of the Republic and others

15. Nothing in this Act contained shall prejudice or affect the rights of the Republic, or of any body politic or corporate, or of any other persons, except such as are mentioned in this Act, and those claiming by, from or under them .