Consolidated Statutes 2006/D

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I |J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T |U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Dambadeniya Development foundation (Incorporation) Act No, (55 of 1992
Dambadeniya Rajamaha Vihara Development Foundation(Incorporation) Act, No.14 of 1994
Dangerous Animals Ordinance
Dawat-e-Hadiyah (Sri Lanka) (Incorporation) Act, No. 12 of 1994
Debits Tax Act, No. 16 of 2002
Debt Conciliation Ordinance
Debt Recovery (Special Provisions) Act No. 2 of 1990
Declaration of Assets and Liabilities Law
Deeds and Documents (Execution before Public Officers) Ordinance
Deeghavapi Prathisanskarana Sabhawa (Incorporation) Act
Deepavyapta Bosat Lama Samaja Sanvidhanaya (Incorporation) Act, No. 11 of 1987
Defence Stations Act
Defence Stations Act
Definition of Boundaries Ordinance
Deha Dhamma (Divine Body Care) Centre, Sri Lanka (Incorporation) Act, No. 25 of 1992
Dehiwala, Kalubowila Sri Hathbodhi Raiamaha Viharastha Vidyarakshaka Sabhawa (Incorporation) “Act, No. 36 of 1993
Department of Agriculture Ordinance
Department of Prisons Prisoners* Welfare Fund Law
DESIGNS (Repealed)
Destruction of Valueless Documents Ordinance
Dev Suwa Sevawa (Incorporation) Law
Development Councils Act (Repealed)
Development Councils and date of Elections Act, No. 20 of 1981
Development Finance Bank of Ceylon Act
Development Lotteries Board Act, No. 20 of 1997
Dhamma School Fund Act. No. 52 of 2000
Dharma Chakkra Childrens’ Foundation of Sri Lanka (Incorporation) Act. No. 13 of 2000
Dharmachakra Vidyapitha Sabha Law
Dharmaraja Foundation (Incorporation ) Act, No. 9 of 1997
Dharmavijaya Foundation (Incorporation) Act
Diabetic .Association of Sri Lanka (Incorporation) Act, No. 1 of 1992
Diplomatic Privileges Act, short title No. 9 of 1996
Director of Cultural Affairs (Special Provisions) Act, No. 46 of 1983
Director of Food Production (Change of Designation) Act, No. 54 of 1957
Director of Industries (Special Provisions) Act, No. 25 of 1964
Director of Public Works (Change of Designation) Law, No 37 of 1973
Disabled Ceylon Men’s Fund Ordinance
Diseases (Labourers) Ordinance
Divitura Uttara Pabbatharama Vihara Sanwardena Mandalaya (Incorporation) Act, No. 14 of 1985
Dog Registration Ordinance
Double Taxation (Relief) Act (Repealed)
Dried Meat Ordinance
Duncan White Sports Foundation (Incorporation) Act. No. 21 of 1892

Consolidated Statues

Consolidated 2024

Consolidated 2006

1980 Revised Version

1956 Revised Version

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Lanka Law