Consolidated Acts (2024)/C

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

TitleDate of Commencement
Calvary Church of Sri Lanka (Incorporation) Act10 February 1999
Cancer Research Foundation of Sri Lanka (Incorporation) Act17 November 2009
Capital Levy Act24 November 1971
Captain Anuruddha Parakrama Wijewantha Memorial Cultural Foundation (Incorporation) Act07 April 1997
Carriage By Air Act28 September 2018
Carriage of Goods by Sea Act21 May 1982
Casino Business (Regulation)Act07 December 2010
Cassim Family Trust (Incorporation) Act27 July 2000
Catholic Bishops’ Conference in Sri Lanka (Incorporation) Act29 April 1983
Catholic Union of Sri Lanka(Incorporation) Act25 November 1993
Ceiling on Housing Property (Special Provisions) Act24 March 1988
Ceiling on Housing Property Law13 January 1973
Cemeteries and Burial Grounds Ordinance01 January 1899
Census Ordinance30 October 1900
Central Bank of Sri Lanka Act22 November 2023
Central Ceylon Muslim Ladies’ Union (Incorporation) Act16 November 2007
Central Colleges Past Pupils’ Association of Sri Lanka (Incorporation) Act21 February 2012
Central Cultural Fund Act18 December 1980
Central Freight Bureau Law01 September 1973
Central Tennekumbura Young Men’s Muslim Association (Incorporation) Act21 August 1991
Centre for Islamic Guidance (Incorporation) Act04 June 1998
Centre for Islamic Studies, Colombo (Incorporation) Act10 December 1991
Centre for Manthinda Social Services and Vocational Training (Incorporation) Act21 December 1991
Ceylon (Parliamentary Elections) Order in Council27 September 1948
Ceylon Association for the Mentally Retarded (Incorporation) Act27 February 1971
Ceylon Baithful Mal Fund (Incorporation) Law09 April 1976
Ceylon Cold Stores (Possession and Control) Act10 April 1989
Ceylon College of Physicians Act27 February 1971
Ceylon Development Loans Act22 February 1954
Ceylon Electricity Board Act15 July 1969
Ceylon German Technical Training Institute Act20 September 2017
Ceylon Hotel School Graduates Association (Incorporation) Act06 June 1984
Ceylon Independence Act10 December 1947
Ceylon Moor Ladies’ Union Act22 June 1968
Ceylon Muslim Scholarship Fund Ordinance16 July 1946
Ceylon National Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis Act18 March 1957
Ceylon National Chamber of Industries Act14 May 1969
Ceylon National Library Services Board Act01 May 1970
Ceylon Pentecostal Mission Act24 March 1970
Ceylon Petroleum (Foreign Claims) Compensation Act18 December 1965
Ceylon Petroleum Corporation Act29 May 1961
Ceylon Police Saving Association Ordinance22 April 1928
Ceylon Post Office Savings Bank Ordinance01 October 1941
Ceylon Railway Daily-Paid Workers Benevolent Association (Incorporation) Act29 July 1965
Ceylon Railway Guards’ and Locomotive Enginemen’s Provident Association Act01 June 1969
Ceylon Railway Uniform Staff Benevolent Fund Ordinance19 December 1949
Ceylon Scout Council (Incorporation) Act27 March 1957
Ceylon Shipping Corporation Act09 March 1971
Ceylonese Evangelistic Association Law05 December 1975
Chamber of Commerce Ordinance19 November 1895
Chamber of Construction Industry of Sri Lanka22 November 2019
Chandima Weerakkody Foundation (Incorporation) Act04 March 2014
Chartered Institute of Personnel Management, Sri Lanka, Law05 November 1976
Chartered Institute of Transport of Sri Lanka (Incorporation) Act27 March 2000
Chauffeurs Regulation Ordinance09 September 1912
Cheetu Ordinance01 April 1935
Chemical Weapons Convention Act20 November 2007
Chief of Defence Staff Act09 July 2009
Chilaw Buddhist Association (Incorporation) Law22 June 1978
Children and Young Persons Ordinance28 April 1939
Chinmaya Mission of Sri Lanka (Incorporation) Act05 May 1981
Chitra Lane Welfare Society for Children with Special Needs(Incorporation)Act21 April 2015
Christian Assembly of Sri Lanka (Incorporation) Act23 May 1984
Church of Ceylon (Incorporation) Act06 August 1998
Church of the Foursquare Gospel in Sri Lanka (Incorporation) Act08 October 1986
Church of the Gospel Ministries in Sri Lanka (Incorporation) Act20 June 1994
Citizenship Act15 November 1948
Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction Act09 August 2001
Civil Aviation Act03 November 2010
Civil Aviation Authority of Sri Lanka Act18 December 2002
Civil Courts Procedure (Special Provisions) Law29 November 1977
Civil Law Ordinance01 July 1853
Civil Procedure Code Ordinance01 August 1890
Co-Operative Employees Commission Act21 March 1972
Co-Operative Societies (Special Provisions) Act21 March 1952
Co-Operative Societies (Special Provisions) Act31 December 1970
Co-Operative Societies (Special Provisions) Act31 December 1970
Co-Operative Societies Law11 October 1972
Co-Operative Societies Loans (Special Provisions) Act02 September 1969
Co-Operative Wholesale Establishment Act01 July 1950
Coast Conservation and Coastal Resource Management Act09 September 1981
Coconut Development Act30 October 1971
Coconut Fibre Act10 March 1967
Coconut Products Ordinance01 November 1935
Coconut Research Ordinance05 December 1928
Code of Criminal Procedure (Special Provisions) Act31 May 2005
Code of Criminal Procedure (Special Provisions) Act06 February 2013
Code of Criminal Procedure Act02 July 1979
College of General Practitioners of Sri Lanka (Incorporation) Law19 August 1974
Colleges of Education Act23 September 1986
Colombo Bible College Act16 September 1971
Colombo Buddhist Theosophical Society (Incorporation) Act21 May 1998
Colombo Gospel Tabernacle (Incorporation) Law05 December 1975
Colombo Grand Mosque (Incorporation) Act21 August 1986
Colombo Municipal Council (Differential Rates) Act15 May 1962
Colombo Port City Economic Commission Act28 May 2021
Colombo Waterworks Municipal Council Ordinance02 January 1908
Colonial Treasury Bills Ordinance31 July 1923
Commercial Mediation Centre of Sri Lanka Act09 August 2000
Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption Act27 October 1994
Commissions of Inquiry Act08 September 1948
Community Based Corrections Act10 December 1999
Community Recovery and Development Foundation (Incorporation) Act05 July 2007
Companies (War Contributions) Ordinance05 February 1941
Companies Act20 March 2007
Companies Tax Act06 June 1961
Competent Authority (Powers and Functions) Act25 March 2002
Compulsory Food Production (Tax Relief) Ordinance02 February 1943
Compulsory Public Service Act29 December 1961
Compulsory Savings Act29 January 1971
Computer Crime Act09 July 2007
Comrades of the Great War (Ceylon) Association Ordinance12 November 1923
Condominium Management Authority Law20 March 1973
Congress of Religions Act12 March 1970
Construction Industry Development Act16 October 2014
Consular Functions Act11 February 1981
Consumer Affairs Authority Act17 March 2003
Consumer Credit Act18 August 1982
Contingencies Fund Act07 September 1979
Control of Pesticides Act05 September 1980
Convention Against Doping in Sport Act11 November 2013
Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment Act20 December 1994
Convention on Preventing and Combating Trafficking in Women and Children for Prostitution Act20 September 2005
Convention on the Suppression of Terrorist Financing Act08 August 2005
Conventions Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act23 January 2008
Conversion of Estate Roads Into Public Roads Act17 February 1956
Conversion of Government Owned Business Undertakings Into Public Corporations Act15 May 1987
Conversion of Public Corporations or Government Owned Business Undertakings Into Public Companies Act15 May 1987
Corneal Grafting Act12 November 1955
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID – 19) (Temporary Provisions) Act01 March 2020
Council of Legal Education Ordinance21 March 1900
Council of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka (Incorporation) Act24 June 1999
Council of the College of Ophthalmologists of Sri Lanka (Incorporation) Act08 May 2000
Courts’ Records (Inspection By Minister of Justice) Act12 March 1958
Credit Councils (Repeal) Act23 September 1986
Credit Information Bureau of Sri Lanka Act08 May 1990
Criminal Justice Commissions (Repeal) Law09 March 1950
Criminal Lunatics Ordinance08 October 1889
Criminal Trials (Special Provisions) Act02 July 1979
Crown Agents (Change of Designation) Act01 January 1954
Crown Lands Ordinance01 September 1949
Cultural Property Act17 December 1988
Cumaratunga Munidasa Foundation (Incorporation) Act02 March 1994
Customs Ordinance01 January 1970

Lanka Law