Short title.
1 This Act may be cited as the Ceylon Moor Ladies' Union Act.
Incorporation of the Ceylon Moor Ladies' Union.
2. From and after the date of commencement of this Act, the Patroness, Vice-Patronesses, President, Vice- Presidents, members of the Committee of the Ceylon Moor Ladies' Union (hereinafter referred to as the " Union ") and such and so many persons who are women above the age of eighteen years and professing the Islamic faith as are or as may hereafter be enrolled as members of the Union shall become and be a body corporate (hereinafter referred to as " the Corporation") with perpetual succession, a common seal, and the name "The Ceylon Moor Ladies' Union". The Corporation may sue and be sued by that name.
General objects.
3. The general objects for which the Corporation is constituted are hereby declared to be-
(a) to collect funds for and the establishment and management of orphanages for Muslims in Sri Lanka;
(b) to collect funds for and the establishment and management of industrial homes or centres in Sri Lanka to provide employment facilities and training to poor and destitute Muslim women and young girls;
(c) to promote the spiritual, intellectual, social and physical welfare of the members of the Union, as enjoined by Islam, and the encouragement of its practical observance;
(d) to make provision for the giving of poor Muslim girls in marriage ; and
(e) to provide facilities for the relief of poverty, distress, sickness, unemployment and illiteracy among, generally to ameliorate the social and economic conditions, and to promote the religious and cultural welfare of, Muslim women in Sri Lanka.
Control and management of Union.
(1) The control and management of the affairs of the Union, including the power to expend the funds of the Union and to the deal with, dispose of, or acquire by purchase, exchange, grant, gift, devise or bequest, any immovable or movable property in the name of the Union shall, subject to this Act and to the rules for the time being in force, be vested in a Committee of Management, constituted as hereinafter provided.
(2) The Committee of Management (hereinafter referred to as the " Committee ") of the Union shall consist of the President, the Vice-Presidents, the Honorary Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer of the Union and four members elected in accordance with the rules, at each general meeting of the Union.
(3) The President of the Corporation shall preside at all meetings of the Corporation and in his absence one of the Vice-Presidents may preside, and in the absence of any of the Vice-Presidents, any member duly elected may preside at such meeting.
(4) The first Committee shall consist of- Mrs. M. Ghouse Mohideen (President) Mrs. Aysha Rauf (Vice-President) Mrs. M. I. M. Haniffa (Vice-President) Mrs. A. B. M. Sallih (Vice-President) Mrs. 0. L. M. Mashood (Vice-President) Mrs. M. N. Haniffa (Hony. Secretary) Mrs. A. H. Mohideen (Hony. Treasurer) Mrs. M. H. M. Yusuf Mrs. M. H. M. Mohideen Mrs. M. S. Naina Marikar Mrs. M. A. S- M. Mohideen
Union to make rules.
(1) It shall be lawful for the Union from time to time at any general meeting of the members and by the votes of the majority of the members present at such meeting to make rules for the following purposes:-
(a) the admission, withdrawal or expulsion of members;
(b) the powers, conduct, functions, and duties of the Committee, and of the various officers, agents and servants of the Union;
(c) the procedure to be observed at meetings, and in convening meetings, and in the transaction of business of the Union;
(d) the administration and management of the property of the Union and of all other property that may be vested in it;
(e) the management of the affairs of the Union and the achievement of its objects;
(f) the fixing of the rate of subscriptions payable by members and the collection of such subscriptions; and
(g) the custody of the seal of the Union.
(2) No rule made at any general meeting shall be altered, amended or cancelled except by the votes of a majority of two-thirds of the members present and voting at a subsequent general meeting.
Board of Trustees.
(1) The Committee may appoint a Board of Trustees, consisting of three Ceylon Moors of standing and professing the Islamic faith, with power and authority to have and use the common seal, and in the name of the Union to receive, take, hold, manage or dispose of property, movable or immovable. In the exercise of such power and authority the Trustees shall be subject to the direction and control of the Committee.
(2) A Trustee may be removed from office by a resolution carried by the votes of two-thirds of the members present and voting at a general meeting convened for the purpose.
Representative of Union in court of law.
7. The Committee may, if it considers it expedient, nominate and appoint any person to represent the Union in any court of law or at any inquiry or interview, and any such nomination and appointment shall be limited to a particular case or matter and shall not be in the nature of a general appointment.
Committee to make rules & c
8. It shall be lawful for the Committee, from time to time, at any meeting of the Committee and by the votes of the majority of members to make rules, not inconsistent with the rules made by the members at any general meeting, for the conduct of the duties and functions of the Committee, of the Trustees, office-bearers, officers and servants of the Committee, for the procedure in the transaction of business, and otherwise generally for the management of the affairs and the accomplishment of the objects of the Committee. Such rules when made may be added to, varied, amended or rescinded in like manner at any subsequent meeting of the Committee.
Saving of the rights of the Republic and others.
9. Nothing in this Act shall prejudice or affect the rights of the Republic, or of any body politic or corporate, or of any other persons, except such as are mentioned in this Act, and those claiming by, from, or under them.