Ceylon Legislative Enactments 1980-M

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Mahamantinda Vidyarakshaka Sabha (Chapter 492)492
Mahanuwara Esala Perahera Trust (Chapter 397)397
Mahanuwara Young Men’s Buddhist Association (Chapter 405)405
Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka (Chapter 272)272
Maintenance (Chapter 100)100
Manufacture of Matches (Regulation) (Chapter 191)191
Maritime Zones (Chapter 7)7
Marriage and Devorce (Kandyan) (Chapter 132)132
Marriage and Divorce (Muslim) (Chapter 134)134
Marriages (Chapter 131)131
Married Women’s Property (Chapter 68)68
Masters Attendant (Chapter 235)235
Matrimonial Rights and Inheritance (Chapter 69)69
Matrimonial Rights and Inheritance (Jaffna) (Chapter 70)70
Medical Practitioners, Pharmecists, Midwives and Nurses (Chapter 113)113
Mental Diseases (Chapter 559)559
Merchant Shipping (Chapter 233)233
Methodist Trust Association (Chapter 438)438
Milk Board (Chapter 548)548
Minimum Wages (Chapter 164)164
Minister of Local Government (Delegation of Powers) (Chapter 580)580
Monetary Law (Chapter 323)323
Money Lending (Chapter 90)90
Moors’ Islamic Cultural Home (Chapter 502)502
Moratuwa Social Service Society (Chapter 509)509
Mortgage (Chapter 98)98
Motor Car (Conventions) (Chapter 532)532
Motor Cars (Tax on Transfers) (Chapter 531)531
Motor Traffic (Special Provisions) (Chapter 529)529
Municipal Council (Chapter 576)576
Municipal Dairies and Launderies (Chapter 566)566
Muslim Hospital Association (Chapter 501)501
Muslim Interstate Succession (Chapter 72)72
Muslim Library (Chapter 467)467

Consolidated Statutes

Consolidated 2024

Consolidated 2006

1980 Revised Version

1956 Revised Version

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