Application of this Part.
4. The provisions of this Part shall apply only to a mortgage of land, to any action to enforce payment of the moneys due upon a mortgage of land, and to any hypothecary action in respect of any land.
Interpretation of terms in this Part.
(1) For the purposes of this Part -
"person entitled to notice ", in relation to a hypothecary action in respect of any land, means any person who -
(a) has any interest in the land (whether by way of mortgage or otherwise), being an interest (i) to which the mortgage in suit in the hypothecary action has priority ; and (ii) which was created or arises by virtue of an instrument duly registered under the Registration of Documents Ordinance, as an instrument affecting the land, prior to the time of the registration of the Us pendens of the hypothecary action, and
(b) has, prior to such time, registered an address for the service on him of legal documents in accordance with the provisions of section 6 of this Act, and includes a person declared by subsection (2) of this section to be entitled to notice of the action ;
" registered address " means an address registered in accordance with the provisions of section 6 of this Act.
(2) Where a notice of seizure of any land is, after the registration of a mortgage of that land but before the registration of the lis pendens of a hypothecary action upon such mortgage, duly registered for the time being under the Registration of Documents Ordinance, the judgment creditor in the action in which such seizure was effected may register an address under section 6, and if such address is registered, shall be a person entitled to notice of the hypothecary action.
Registration of address for service of documents.
(1) Application for the registration of an address for the service of legal documents shall be made substantially in the form set out in the First Schedule to this Act.
(2) The address for service shall be registered in or in continuation of the folio in which is registered the mortgage of the land in respect of which the applicant has an interest:
Provided, however, that where such mortgage includes more than one land, it shall be sufficient if the address of the applicant is registered in the folio relating to the land in which he has an interest.
(3) Where the applicant declares in his application that a previously registered address is cancelled, the Registrar shall make a new entry in the register and cancel the registration of the previous address.
(4) The fee for registration of an address for service or for a change of such address shall be fifty cents for each address, with an addition of ten cents for each folio after the first in which the address is to be registered.
Actions on mortgage.
(1) Notwithstanding anything in section 34 of the Civil Procedure Code, a claim to enforce payment of the moneys due upon a mortgage may be joined to a claim in a hypothecary action, or a separate action may be brought in respect of each such remedy.
(2) In every such action the mortgagor shall be sued as defendant whether or not he is in possession of the mortgaged land at the time when the action is instituted.
Lis pendens to be registered. & c.
8. An order for the issue of summons in a hypothecary action shall not be made by any court unless a declaration under the hand of an attorney-at-law is filed of record-
(a) certifying that the lis pendens of such action has been duly registered under the Registration of Documents Ordinance as an instrument affecting the land to which the action relates, and that such registration has been effected in or in continuation of the folio in which the mortgage bond sued upon in the action was registered ;
(b) certifying that the register maintained under the Registration of Documents Ordinance or a certified extract therefrom, and all relevant entries in such register, have been personally inspected by such attorney-at-law by any other specified attorney-at-law, at or after the time of the entry in the register of the lis pendens of the action ; and
(c) containing a statement of the name and registered address of every person, if any, found upon such inspection to be a person entitled to notice of the action.
Notice of hypothecary action.
(1) Notice of a hypothecary action shall, upon an order being made for the issue of summons on the defendants in the action, be issued to every person who is stated in the declaration filed under section 8 to be a person entitled to notice of such action, but who has not been joined as a defendant to the action.
(2) Where notice is not issued under subsection (1) to any person entitled to such notice, any party to the action may thereafter, but before the sale of the mortgaged land in execution of a hypothecary decree, apply to the court for the issue of notice of the action to such person, (whether or not his name was mentioned in the declaration filed under section 8), and notice shall be issued accordingly.
Manner of issue of notice.
(1) Notice of a hypothecary action may be issued to a person entitled to notice of such action in the manner provided in paragraph (a) hereunder or in the manner provided in paragraph (b) hereunder, at the option of the plaintiff :-
(i) The Registrar of the court shall send to that person by registered post to his registered address a notice in the prescribed form ; it shall be the duty of the Registrar to make an entry that the notice was sent in the journal of the proceedings in the action, and to file in such journal the receipt issued by the post office in respect of such notice ; and such entry and receipt shall be taken as conclusive proof, in the absence of fraud that the notice was duly sent;
(ii) A copy of such notice shall, within the period of two weeks from the date of the posting of the notice under sub-paragraph (i), be affixed in a conspicuous position upon the mortgaged land by the Fiscal under a precept from the court;
(iii) A copy of such notice shall be published in a newspaper specified by the court;
(b) The notice of action may be served in any manner provided by the Civil Procedure Code for the service of summons.
(2) The notice referred to in sub-paragraphs (i) and (ii) of paragraph (a) of subsection (1) shall be in Sinhala and Tamil and shall be accompanied by a translation thereof in English as the court may direct.
Manner of issue of process, & c, where person entitled to notice is a party to the action.
(1) Where the plaintiff in a hypothecary action joins as a defendant any person entitled to notice of the action, the provisions of section 10 shall apply in relation to the service on such person of the summons in the action in like manner as they apply in relation to the issue of notice of the action.
(2) Where any person entitled to notice of a hypothecary action is added as a party to the action, the provisions of section 10 shall apply in relation to the service on such person of any notice, process, order, decree or other document or written communication, in like manner as they apply in relation to the issue of notice of the action.
Rights of person to whom notice is issued.
12. Where notice of a hypothecary action is issued to any person under section 9 and in the manner provided by section 10 -
(a) such person shall be entitled at his option to be added as a party to the action upon application made to the court in that behalf within one month of the date of the posting of the notice to him under section 10 (1) (a) or of the publication of a copy thereof under that section, whichever is the later, or where the notice is served in like manner as a summons, within one month of the date of such service ;
(b) such person may, in the discretion of the court upon such terms as the court thinks just, be added as a party to the action upon application made after the expiry of the period of one month referred to in paragraph (a) but before the sale of the land under the hypothecary decree :
Provided, however, that every finding, order, decree or thing done in the action prior to the date of the application under paragraph (b) shall, unless the court in its discretion otherwise orders, bind the person so added in like manner as though he had previously been a party to the action.
Right of person entitled to notice to be added as a party before sale.
13. Any person entitled to notice of a hypothecary action to whom such notice has not been issued under section 9 and in the manner provided by section 10 shall be entitled, on application made by him to the court at any time before the sale of the mortgaged land in execution of a hypothecary decree, to be added as a party to the action.
Rights of person added during pendency of action.
14. Where any person, to whom notice of a hypothecary action has been issued under subsection (2) of section 9 and in the manner provided by section 10, is added as a party to the action under paragraph (a) of section 12, or any person entitled to notice of a hypothecary action is added as a party under section 13-
(a) no finding, order, decree or proceeding previously made or taken in the action shall bind him except in so far as he may consent to be bound thereby;
(b) such person shall be entitled to raise any question or issue which he could have raised if he had originally been a party to the action, and any other party may raise any question or issue arising in consequence;
(c) a fresh trial shall be had on every issue previously raised in the action, unless such person consents to be bound by the previous finding thereon;
(d) upon the trial of any issue whether previously raised or not, no part of the evidence previously taken shall be evidence upon that issue, except in so far as all the parties to the action agree to be bound by such evidence ;
(e) if a decree had been entered in the action prior to the addition of such person as a party thereto, the court shall, if such person so requires, make order suspending the operation of such decree, and shall, after the trial of all the issues as herein before provided, confirm the judgment previously given and the decree entered thereon or annul such judgment and decree and give a new judgment and enter a new decree, as the circumstances of the case may require.
Persons noticed or added to be bound by decree and sale.
15. Every party to a hypothecary action, and every person entitled to notice of the action and to whom notice of the action is issued under section 9 and in the manner provided by section 10, and every person who is added as a party under section 12 or section 13, shall be bound by the decree and sale in the hypothecary action.
Intervention by person interested who is not entitled to notice.
16. Every person having any interest in the mortgaged land by virtue of an instrument to which the mortgage in suit has priority, but who is not a person entitled to notice of the action as herein before defined, shall be bound by every order, decree or sale or thing done in the hypothecary action :
Provided, however, that any such person may at any time before the entry of the decree in the action be added as a party on application made by him in that behalf upon such terms as the court may impose, but any person so added shall be bound by every finding or order previously made in the action and by the proceedings previously taken therein except in so far as the court may in its discretion otherwise order.
Meaning of "party omitted ".
17. In sections 18 to 23, " party omitted from a hypothecary action " means a person entitled to notice of the hypothecary action but who is not declared by section 15 to be bound by the decree and sale in that action.
Party omitted may intervene after sale and dispute the amount of decree or claim balance proceeds.
(1) A party omitted from a hypothecary action may at his option intervene in the action after the sale of the mortgaged land in execution of a hypothecary decree, but before the distribution of the proceeds of the sale, for the purpose of raising an issue as to the sum due under the mortgage in suit in the hypothecary action, and the court shall, if it finds after inquiry and hearing such evidence as may be adduced upon such issue, that the sum actually due is less than the sum stated in the decree to be due under the mortgage, amend the decree in so far as it relates to the sum found to be due under the mortgage.
(2) The raising of any issue or the amendment of any decree under subsection (1) shall not in any way affect the validity of the sale in execution of the hypothecary decree.
(3) A party omitted from a hypothecary action who intervenes in that action under subsection (1) shall, whether or not he makes a claim under section 57 to participate in the balance proceeds of sale of the mortgaged land, be bound by the sale in that action and by the decree (whether or not it is amended under that subsection) in like manner as though he had been a party to the action.
(4) Where a party omitted from a hypothecary action makes a claim under section 57 to participate in the balance of the proceeds of sale of the mortgaged land, then, notwithstanding that he may not have intervened in the action under subsection (1) of this section, he shall be bound by the decree and sale in the action in like manner as though he had been a party thereto.
Action by or against party omitted for settlement of rights, & c.
(1) Where a party omitted from a hypothecary action is not a person who is by subsection (3) or subsection (4) of section 18 declared to be bound by the decree and sale in that action, and a conveyance of the mortgaged land has been executed in favour of the person who had purchased that land at the sale (hereinafter referred to as " the prior sale ") in execution of the hypothecary decree in that action -
(a) the party omitted may institute an action, to which the mortgagor and the purchaser at the prior sale shall be added as parties, for the purpose of obtaining a decree declaring him to be entitled to the land or to any interest therein, or where such party omitted is a mortgagee, for the purpose of obtaining a hypothecary decree in respect of the land ;
(b) the purchaser of the land at the prior sale may institute an action to which the mortgagor and the party omitted shall be added as parties, for the settlement of the rights and liabilities of the purchaser, the mortgagor and the party omitted.
(2) In this section and in sections 20 to 23, " purchaser at the prior sale " includes any person deriving title under or from the person who purchased the land at the prior sale.
(3) The court may, if it thinks fit so to do having regard to the circumstances of any case, permit the party omitted to institute an action under subsection (1), notwithstanding that a conveyance of the mortgaged land may not have been executed in favour of the purchaser of the land.
Issue may be raised as to amount properly due under mortgages paid off out of proceeds of prior sale.
20. In any action instituted under section 19, the party omitted from the hypothecary action may raise any issue as to the moneys due under any mortgage, which had priority over the interest of the party omitted and which was wholly or partly paid off out of the proceeds of the prior sale. Where such issue is raised, the mortgagee under that mortgage shall be added as a party to the action instituted under section 19 and the court shall determine afresh the sum actually due thereunder.
Procedure where court finds that moneys are due to party omitted from mortgagor.
(1) Where the court, in any action instituted under section 19, finds that any moneys are due from the mortgagor to the party omitted by virtue of the instrument under which he claims, the court shall enter a decree ordering that the land sold at the prior sale shall be resold, unless the purchaser at the prior sale pays to the party omitted, before a date specified in the decree, the moneys so found to be due to the party omitted from the mortgagor.
(2) Upon the resale of the mortgaged land under the decree entered under subsection (1), the proceeds of resale shall be distributed as follows :-
(i) firstly, the purchaser at the prior sale shall be entitled to payment of the amount at which he purchased the land at the prior sale, or of the total amount of the moneys paid off out of such purchase money to every mortgagee under a mortgage which had priority over the interest of the party omitted, whichever amount is the less :
Provided, however, that where the court has under section 20 determined the amount of the moneys due under any such mortgage, and the amount so determined is less than the moneys actually paid off thereon in the prior action, the amount so determined shall be taken, for the purposes of the preceding provisions of this paragraph, to be the moneys due under that mortgage;
(ii) secondly, after payment of any amount to which the purchaser is entitled under paragraph (i), the party omitted shall be entitled to payment of the amount found under subsection (1) to be due to him from the mortgagor ;
(iii) thirdly, the purchaser at the prior sale shall be entitled to any balance remaining after the payments referred to in sub-paragraphs (i) and (ii), have been made.
(3) Where any moneys are paid to the party omitted by the purchaser at the prior sale in compliance with the decree under subsection (1) or any moneys are paid to the party omitted under paragraph (ii) of subsection (2), the following provisions shall apply:-
(a) If the mortgage was created before the appointed date, the purchaser of the land at the prior sale shall be entitled, in the action instituted under section 19, to an order directing the mortgagor to pay to such purchaser an amount equal to the amount so paid to the party omitted ;
(b) If the mortgage was created after the appointed date, then, if, but only if, any amount had in the prior hypothecary action been paid to the mortgagor out of the proceeds of sale of the mortgaged land at the prior sale, the purchaser at such prior sale shall be entitled, in the action instituted under section 19, to an order directing the mortgagor to pay to such purchaser an amount equal to the moneys actually so paid to the party omitted under this section or to the moneys paid to the mortgagor out of the proceeds of the prior sale, whichever amount is the less.
(4) Any order made under subsection (3) may be enforced in the same manner as an order or decree for the payment of money in an ordinary action.
Provisions applicable where party omitted is a transferee.
(1) Where the court is satisfied that the instrument, under which the party omitted from the hypothecary action claims an interest in the land, transferred to him the title of the mortgagor to the land, but that such title was subject to the mortgage in suit in the prior hypothecary action, the court shall enter decree declaring the party omitted to be entitled to the land subject to the right of the purchaser at the prior sale to a hypothecary charge to the extent of the amount at which he purchased the land at the prior sale or of the total amount of the moneys paid off out of such purchase money to every mortgagee under a mortgage which had priority over the interest of the party omitted, whichever amount is less, and ordering that in default of the payment of such amount to the purchaser by the party omitted the land shall be sold against the party omitted for the recovery of such amount:
Provided, however, that where the court has under section 20 determined the amount of the moneys due under any such mortgage, and the amount so determined is less than the sum actually paid off thereon out of the proceeds of the prior sale, the amount so determined shall be taken, for the purposes of the preceding provisions of this subsection, to be the moneys due under that mortgage.
(2) In any case to which subsection (1) of this section applies the court shall, if satisfied that any moneys were paid to the mortgagor out of the proceeds of the prior sale, make order directing the mortgagor to pay to the purchaser at the prior sale an amount equal to the moneys so paid to the mortgagor out of those proceeds, and such order may be enforced in the same manner as an order or decree for the payment of money in an ordinary action.
Order against prior mortgagee if overpayment was made from proceeds of prior sale.
(1) In any case where, by reason that the amount of the moneys determined by the court under section 20 to be due on any mortgage is less than the amount of the moneys actually paid off on that mortgage out of the proceeds of the prior sale, there has been an over-payment to the mortgagee under that mortgage (hereinafter referred to in this section as " the prior mortgagee), the following provisions shall apply:-
(a) If no moneys are paid to the party omitted under section 21 (1) in compliance with the decree entered thereunder or under paragraph (ii) of section 21 (2) out of the proceeds of the resale, the party omitted shall be entitled, in the action instituted under section 19, to an order directing the prior mortgagee to pay to him the amount found under section 21 (1) to be due to him from the mortgagor or the amount of such over-payment, whichever amount is less;
(b) If any moneys are paid to the party omitted under section 21 (1) in compliance with the decree entered thereunder or under paragraph (ii) of section 21 (2) out of the proceeds of the resale -
(i) the purchaser at the prior sale shall be entitled, in the action instituted under section 19, to an order directing the prior mortgagee to pay to such purchaser the amount of the moneys so paid to the party omitted or the amount of such over-payment, whichever amount is less;
(ii) if the moneys so paid to the party omitted are less than the amount found under section 21 (1) to be due to him from the mortgagor, the party omitted shall be entitled, in the action instituted under section 19, to an order directing the prior mortgagee to pay to him the amount of the deficiency :
Provided, however, that no order shall be made under this sub-paragraph against the prior mortgagee unless, and except to the extent to which, the amount of the over-payment exceeds the amount specified in the order made against the prior mortgagee under sub-paragraph (i) of this paragraph ;
(c) If the party omitted is a transferee, and the provisions of section 22 are accordingly applicable, the purchaser at the prior sale shall, in the action instituted under section 19, be entitled to an order directing the prior mortgagee to pay to him the amount of such over-payment.
(2) Any order made under subsection (1) may be enforced in the same manner as an order or decree for the payment of money in an ordinary action.
Meaning of " prior mortgage puisne mortgage ", & c.
24. In section 25-
"prior mortgage", in relation to any other mortgage of the same land, means a mortgage which has priority over such other mortgage ; and
" prior mortgagee" has a corresponding meaning;
" puisne mortgage", in relation to any other mortgage of the same land, means a mortgage over which such other mortgage has priority ; and
" puisne mortgagee" has a corresponding meaning.
Effect of conveyance upon sale under puisne mortgage.
25. Where any mortgaged land is sold in execution of a decree in a hypothecary action upon a puisne mort gage, and the conveyance of the mortgaged land is executed in favour of the purchaser at such sale (here inafter in this section referred to as " the purchaser under the puisne mortgage"), the following provisions shall apply :-
(a) The puisne mortgagee, and every person who being entitled to notice of the action upon the puisne mortgage is by virtue of any of the preceding provisions of this Part bound by the decree and sale in that action, shall not be entitled to notice of any hypothecary action instituted subsequent to the date of such conveyance on any prior mortgage of that land, but shall be bound by the decree and sale in the latter action ;
(b) The purchaser under the puisne mortgage shall, if the mortgaged land is subsequently sold in execution of the decree in any hypothecary action upon a prior mortgage, be entitled upon making a claim in that behalf under section 57, to the entirety of the balance of the proceeds of the sale of the land remaining after satisfaction of the moneys found to be due in that action to the prior mortgagee and of the claim, if any, of any other person preferred by virtue of any other instrument having priority to the puisne mortgage ;
(c) If the purchaser under the puisne mortgage is a person entitled to notice of a subsequent hypothecary action upon a prior mortgage of the land but is a party omitted from the latter action, and if an action is instituted under section 19, then, for the purposes of the application of the provisions of subsection (1) of section 22, no mortgage shall be deemed to have priority over the interest of such party omitted unless it had priority over the puisne mortgage in suit in the action in which the land was sold to such purchaser ;
(d) If the conveyance to the purchaser under the puisne mortgage was executed after the date of the registration of the lis pendens of a hypothecary action upon a prior mortgage of the land, and if the puisne mortgagee under the mortgage in suit in the action in which such purchaser purchased the mortgaged land is a party omitted from the subsequent hypothecary action, then such purchaser, unless he is added as a party to the latter action under section 16 or makes a claim under section 57 in the latter action, shall be deemed to be a party omitted from the latter action and the provisions of paragraph (c) of this section shall be applicable ;
(e) Except in the cases referred to in paragraphs (c) and (d) if this section, the purchaser under the puisne mortgage shall, whether or not he is a party to any hypothecary action upon any prior mortgage of the mortgaged land, be bound by the decree and sale in the latter action.
Appointment of representative of deceased mortgagor or of deceased party to hypothecary action.
(1) Where any mortgagor dies before the institution of a hypothecary action in respect of the mortgaged land, or any mortgagor or any person who is or becomes a party to a hypothecary action dies after the institution of the action, and grant of probate of the will or issue of letters of administration to the estate of the deceased has not been made, the court in which the action is to be or has been instituted may in its discretion, after the service of notice on such persons, if any, and after such inquiry as the court may consider necessary, make order appointing a person to represent the estate of the deceased for the purpose of the hypothecary action, and such person may be made or added as a party to the action : Provided, however, that such order may be made only if -
(a) the value of the mortgaged property does not exceed twenty thousand rupees; or
(b) a period of six months has elapsed after the date of the death of the deceased ; or
(c) the court is satisfied that delay in the institution of the action would render the action not maintainable by reason of the provisions of the Prescription Ordinance.
(2) In making any appointment under subsection (1) the court shall appoint as representative a person who after summary inquiry appears to the court to be the person to whom probate of the will or letters of administration to the estate of the deceased would ordinarily be issued :
Provided, however, that in the event of a dispute between persons claiming to be entitled to be so appointed, the court shall make such an appointment (whether of one of those persons or of any other person) as would in the opinion of the court be in the interests of the estate of the deceased.
Effect of representative being made a party.
27. Where any appointment is made under section 26 and the person so appointed is a party to the action, every order, decree and sale or thing done in the hypothecary action (including the seizure and sale in execution of the property of the deceased mortgagor not included in the mortgage in suit) shall have the like effect as though the executor or administrator of the deceased were a party to the action.
Provision for death, insolvency, unsoundness of mind or minority of party entitled to notice and for registration of addresses and issue of notice in such cases.
(1) The duly appointed executor of the will or the administrator of the estate of a deceased person, or the duly appointed assignee of the estate of an insolvent, or the duly appointed curator or manager of the estate of a minor or person of unsound mind, may, whether or not such deceased person, insolvent, minor or person of unsound mind has himself registered his address under section 6, register an address under that section on behalf of such estate.
(2) Where the registration of the address of the executor or administrator or of the assignee, curator or manager, as the case may be, is not effected as pro vided in subsection (1), any other person interested may register an address under section 6 on behalf of the estate of the deceased person or of the insolvent, minor or person of unsound mind. The address so registered shall be cancelled forthwith upon the registration of an address under subsection (1) on behalf of such estate.
(3) Where notice of a hypothecary action is issued under section 9 and in manner provided by section 10-
(a) to any executor or administrator or to any assignee, curator or manager who has registered an address as provided in subsection (1) ; or
(b) to any other person who has registered an address as provided in subsection (2) and whose address is for the time being registered, and if the deceased person, insolvent, minor or person of unsound mind had himself registered an address under section 6, to the address registered by him, notice of the hypothecary action shall be deemed to have been duly issued for the purpose of binding the estate of such deceased person, insolvent, minor or person of unsound mind.
(4)In any case referred to in paragraph (b) of subsection (3), any person to whom notice of the hypothecary action is issued or any other person may, within one month of the date of the posting of the notice or of the publication thereof, whichever is the later, or where the notice is served in like manner as a summons, within one month of the date of such service, make application to the court for the appointment of some person to represent the estate of the deceased or of the insolvent, minor or person of unsound mind as the case may be, and the court shall appoint a person accordingly. In making such appointment the court shall appoint as representative a person who after summary inquiry appears to court to be the person to whom probate of the will or letters of administration to the estate of the deceased would ordinarily be issued, or who would ordinarily be appointed to be the curator, assignee or manager of the estate, as the case may be :
Provided, however, that in the event of a dispute between persons claiming to be entitled to be so appointed, the court shall appoint as representative such of those persons or such other person, whose appointment in the opinion of the court will be in the interests of the estate. Where the court is satisfied that proceedings are pending for the appointment of an executor, administrator, assignee, curator or manager, the court may on that ground postpone the appointment of a representative for any period not exceeding three months.
Estate to be bound if notices issued as provided in section 28.
(1) Where notice of a hypothecary action is issued under section 9 and in manner provided by section 10 to the registered address of a person entitled to notice of the action, then, notwithstanding that such person may be or may have been dead or an insolvent or a minor or person of unsound mind at the time of the issue of the notice, the estate of such person shall be bound by every order, decree or sale or thing done in the hypothecary action whether or not application is made under subsection (4) of section 28 for the appointment of a representative, unless the executor or administrator or assignee, curator or manager or any other person had registered an address on behalf of the estate under subsection (1) or subsection (2) of that section.
(2) In any case where notice of a hypothecary action is in manner provided in section 10 issued to an executor, administrator, curator, assignee or manager who has registered his address as provided in subsection (1) of section 28, then, notwithstanding such death, insolvency, minority or unsoundness of mind, the estate shall be bound by every order, decree or sale or thing done in the hypothecary action, whether or not such executor, administrator, assignee, curator or manager becomes a party to the action.
(3) Where-
(a) notice of a hypothecary action is issued under section 9 and in manner provided by section 10 to any person who has registered an address under subsection (2) of section 28 on behalf of the estate of a deceased person or insolvent or person of unsound mind or minor ; and
(b) if the deceased person, insolvent, person of unsound mind or minor had himself registered an address, such notice is issued to that address, then, notwithstanding the death, insolvency, minority, or unsoundness of mind, the estate shall be bound by every order, decree or sale or thing done in the hypothecary action, whether or not a representative is appointed under subsection (4) of section 28 and becomes a party to the action.
Estate to be bound notwithstanding death, & c, if address not registered.
30.Where any person having any interest in a mortgaged land, to which the mortgage in suit has priority, has not registered an address under section 6, and no other person registers an address on his behalf or on behalf of his estate as provided in subsection (1) or subsection (2) of section 28, then, notwithstanding that the person having such interest may be dead or an insolvent, minor, or person of unsound mind at the time of the institution of the hypothecary action, the estate of such person shall be bound by every order, decree or sale or thing done in the hypothecary action.
Special provision for actions on mortgages created before the appointed date.
(1) The provisions of sections 28 to 30 shall not apply in the case of any action instituted for the enforcement of a mortgage created before the appointed date.
(2) Where a hypothecary action is instituted for the enforcement of a mortgage created before the appointed date, and the court is satisfied that any person entitled to notice of the action is or was dead or an insolvent, minor or person of unsound mind before or at the time of the issue to him of notice of the action, the person to whom probate of the will or letters of administration to the estate of the deceased is granted, or, as the case may be, the duly appointed assignee or curator or manager shall be added as a party to the action upon application made to the court in that behalf whether by such person or by any party to the action :
Provided, however, that it shall be lawful for the court in the circumstances and subject to the conditions set out in section 26 to appoint a representative of the deceased for the purpose of the hypothecary action, and in any such case the representative so appointed may be added as a party to the action in lieu of the executor or administrator.
(3) Where the executor or administrator or the duly appointed representative of a deceased person, or, as the case may be, the assignee, curator, or manager of the estate of the insolvent, minor, or person of unsound mind is not added as a party under subsection (2), the executor or administrator or, as the case may be, the assignee, curator or manager shall -
(a) be entitled upon making a claim in that behalf under section 57 to participate in the proceeds of sale remaining after satisfaction of the amount decreed to be due upon the mortgage in suit in the action ; or
(b) if he does not so participate, be deemed to be a party omitted for the purpose of enabling an action to be brought by or against him under section 19 and if such an action is brought the provisions of sections 20 to 23 shall apply accordingly.
Death, insolvency or unsoundness of mind of mortgagor after entry of decree.
32. Where any mortgagor dies or is adjudged an insolvent or a person of unsound mind at any time after the entry of decree in a hypothecary action and before the sale of the mortgaged land under the decree, no proceedings for the execution or enforcement of the decree shall be taken, or if taken shall be of any effect, unless the duly appointed executor of the will or administrator of the estate of the deceased or a representative appointed under section 26, or, as the case may be, the assignee or manager of the estate of the insolvent or person of unsound mind, is made a party to the action.
Power of plaintiff to join claimant adverse to mortgagor.
(1) The plaintiff in a hypothecary action may at his option join as a party to the action any person alleged by the plaintiff to claim any right to ownership or possession of the mortgaged land by title adverse to that of the mortgagor.
(2) Where any person is so joined as a party to the action, such person or any other party may raise any issue upon any question relating to the right of owner ship or possession of the land ; and in any such case the court shall, after hearing such evidence as may be adduced by any party to the action, make an adjudicatetion upon the issue so raised.
(3) Where the adjudication of the court upon any issue raised as herein before provided is to the effect that the mortgagor is not entitled to the land or any part or share thereof, no decree shall be entered in the action for the sale of the land or such part or share thereof, as the case may be.
(4) Where any person is joined as a party to the action under subsection (1), every adjudication by the court on any question relating to the title of the land or to the right of possession thereof shall be res adjudicate as between all parties to the action including the party so added.
Provision for declaration by court as to removal from land of persons claiming adversely to mortgagor.
(1) Upon the institution of a hypothecary action in respect of any land, the plaintiff may at his option, at any time after the registration of the lis pendens of the action and before the issue of a precept or order for the service of summons, make application to the court for a declaration that, in the event of decree being entered for the sale of the land the court will order the removal from the land of all persons whomsoever who may resist the delivery of possession to the purchaser at the sale. No such application shall be entertained by the court unless it is accompanied by a plan of the land.
(2) Upon such application being made, the court shall direct -
(a) that notices of the application shall be published in two separate issues of each of two newspapers specified by the court;
(b) that such notices shall be posted by the Fiscal under a precept from court in at least three conspicuous places on the land, and that similar notices shall be posted at the District Court, Magistrate's Court and Primary Court, if any, having jurisdiction in the area in which the land is situated, at the kachcheri of the district in which the land is situated, and at such other places as the court may think fit;
(c) that notice of the action shall be published by beat of tom-tom in the vicinity of the land on two specified dates in the presence of a Fiscal's officer or grama niladhari or other officer specified by the court.
(3) Every notice under subsection (2) shall contain a statement to the effect that a plan of the land has been filed in the court and will be available for inspection by any person interested.
(4) For the purposes of paragraph (a) of subsection (2), the court shall direct publication in two newspapers which appear to the court to be the most appropriate for the purpose of conveying information of the action to the residents of the area in which the land is situated.
(5) The notices required to be posted by paragraphs (b) and (c) of subsection (2) shall be posted either before the date of the last publication of the notice under paragraph (a) of subsection (2) or not later than two weeks after that date.
Right of claimant to be added as party and to raise issues as to right of possession, & c.
(1) Where notices have been published and posted as provided in section 34, any person claiming to be entitled to possession of the land or of any part or share thereof under any right or title adverse to that of the mortgagor shall be entitled, on application made to the court in that behalf at any time within two months of the date of the last publication of the notice under paragraph (a) of section 34 (2), to be added as a party to the action for the purpose of securing an adjudication by the court upon his claim.
(2) Where any person is added as a party under subsection (1), such person or any other party may raise any issue (including an issue on a question of title) relevant to the claim to possession of the land and in any such case the court shall, after hearing such evidence as may be adduced by any party to the action, make an adjudication upon the issue so raised.
Order of court upon application under section 35.
(1) Where no person makes application to be added as a party under section 35, or where the court is satisfied that none of the persons so added is entitled to possession of the land, the court shall make the declaration for which application was made by the plaintiff under subsection (1) of section 35 :
Provided, however, that where any person appears before the court at any time within the period of two months specified in subsection (1) of section 35, and satisfies the court -
(a) that he was placed in charge of the land by a person who is absent from Sri Lanka; and
(b) that there is no duly appointed attorney in Sri Lanka of such last-mentioned person, the court shall not make such declaration.
(2) Where the adjudication of the court upon any issue raised as herein before provided is to the effect that the mortgagor is not entitled to the land or to any part or share thereof, the court shall make order dismissing the hypothecary action in so far as it relates to the land or such part or share.
(3) Where the adjudication of the court upon any such issue is that any party added under section 35 is entitled to possession of the land or any part there of and that the mortgage in suit in the action is subject to the rights of such person, no declaration shall be made under subsection (1) of this section in respect of the land or that part thereof, as the case may be.
(4) Where any person is added as a party to the action under section 35, every adjudication by the court upon any question relating to the title to the land or to the right to possession thereof shall be res adjudicate as between all the parties to the action including the parties so added.
(5) The making of a declaration under this section, or the removal from the land of any person in pursuance of the order made under section 55 in terms of such declaration -
(a) shall not affect or prejudice the right of any person (other than (i) a person declared by the preceding sections of this Act to be bound by the decree, or (ii) a person added as a party under this section) to institute proceedings for the recovery of possession of the land from the purchaser or for declaration of title thereto ; and
(b) shall not operate as res adjudicate in such proceedings upon any question as to the right to possession or ownership of the land.
Application for appointment of receiver of mortgaged land.
(1) The plaintiff in a hypothecary action may, at any time after the registration of the lis pendens of the action, make application to the court by petition for the appointment of a receiver of the land which is the subject of the action.
Such application shall be supported by affidavit of the plaintiff stating the sum lent to the mortgagor, the sum, if any, repaid out of the loan, the sums due to the mortgagee by way of principal and interest, and the current market value of the mortgaged land.
(2) Subject as hereinafter provided, the application for the appointment of a receiver shall, unless the plain tiff otherwise desires, be dealt with ex parte by the court:
Provided, however, that where the application is made at any time after the filing of an answer by the mortgagor, the application shall be dealt with after notice to the mortgagor.
(3) This section and sections 38 to 45 shall not apply to any action upon a mortgage created before the appointed date.
Cases where court may refuse to appoint receiver.
(1) The court may refuse to make an order for the appointment of a receiver -
(a) if, having regard to the situation, nature and value of the land and the amount which in the circumstances of the case can reasonably be allowed as remuneration to a receiver, the court is of opinion that a suitable person is not available for such appointment;
(b) if it appears to the court that the amount claimed by the plaintiff to be due on the mortgage, less such amount, if any, as may have been brought into court by the mortgagor is not more than one-half of the current market value of the land.
(2) Save as provided in subsection (1), the court shall not refuse to make an order for the appointment of a receiver upon application duly made in that behalf. Notwithstanding anything in subsection (1), the court shall not refuse to make an order for the appointment of a receiver in any case where the court is satisfied that the mortgagor or other person in possession of the mortgaged land has committed any act of waste in respect of the land and that the appointment of a receiver is necessary for the purpose of the prevention of such acts.
Cancellation of appointment.
(1) The court may cancel the appointment of a receiver -
(a) at the instance of the plaintiff ; or
(b) where the appointment had been made without notice to the mortgagor, if it is subsequently shown to the satisfaction of the court that the amount claimed by the plaintiff to be due on the mortgage, less such amount if any as may have been brought into court by the mortgagor, is not more than one-half of the current market value of the land ; or
(c) if the court considers such cancellation expedient owing to any default or negligence on the part of the receiver, or if the court is satisfied that the amount of the remuneration allowed to the receiver is excessive and that he is unwilling to accept as remuneration the amount which the court, after hearing the mortgagor, considers to be reasonable ; or
(d) at the instance of the receiver, if he is unwilling to continue in his appointment as such.
(2) Where the appointment of a receiver is cancelled under paragraph (c) or paragraph (d) of subsection (1), the court may, if the plaintiff so desires, make a new appointment of a receiver.
Order for appointment, & c.
(1) Every order for the appointment of a receiver shall - (a) provide for the committal of the land to the custody and management of the receiver; (b) fix the amount of the remuneration to be payable to the receiver, whether specifically or by reference to a specified percentage of the amount of the rents and profits derived from the land.
(2) The court may, if it considers it necessary so to do, require the receiver to give such security as the court may consider adequate.
(3) Where the receiver is obstructed by any person in taking custody of the land, the court may, after considering such representations as may be made by such person, by order direct the removal of such person from the land.
Eights and powers of receiver.
(1) The person appointed under this Part to be the receiver of any land shall have and may exercise all the rights and powers of the owner of the land for the management, protection, and preservation of the land and the collection of the rents and profits thereof.
(2) The court may on application made by the receiver or any party to the action -
(a) give such directions as it may consider necessary relating to the exercise of the rights and powers conferred by subsection (1) ;
(b) by order authorize the receiver to institute or defend any action or proceedings in respect of any matter affecting the land or the administration or management thereof.
Duties and liabilities of receiver.
42. Every receiver appointed under the preceding provisions of this Part shall -
(a) render accounts to the court in such form and at such times as the court may direct in that behalf;
(b) make payment into court to the credit of the action, from time to time as the court may direct, of the nett rents and profits of the land ;
(c) be responsible for any damage to the land, or for any loss of income, incurred by his gross negligence or by any intentional act of omission on his part.
Payment of subsistence allowance to mortgagor.
(1) Where it is shown to the satisfaction of the court -
(a) that the income, if any, derived by the mortgagor from sources other than the land is insufficient to enable the mortgagor to meet the expenses necessary for the subsistence of himself and his dependants, and
(b) that any balance remains out of the nett rents and profits of the land after payment therefrom of the remuneration of the receiver, the court may, after considering how far it is necessary to keep in court the amount of the rents and profits or any part thereof for the purpose of securing that the land and the amount so kept will provide adequate security for the payment of the amount claimed by the plaintiff to be due to him, direct the payment to the mortgagor, out of the balance so remaining, of a monthly allowance sufficient to meet such expenses of the mortgagor.
(2) Any directions given under subsection (1) may be varied or revoked by the court on application made by the plaintiff or the mortgagor.
Nett profits to be kept in court.
(1) All moneys paid into court by the receiver shall, unless the court otherwise directs, be kept in court to the credit of the action until the final disposal thereof:
Provided that payment may from time to time be made, out of such moneys, of the remuneration due to the receiver, or of such amounts as may be directed under section 43 to be paid to the mortgagor, or of such amounts as may from time to time be ordered by the court to be paid to the receiver for the purposes of the management of the land.
(2) The amount of the moneys in court shall be applied in satisfaction of the sums if any for which decree is entered in the action.
(3) No seizure of such moneys in execution of any order or decree in any other action shall affect the operation of subsection (2) of this section.
Registration of appeal against orders under sections 37 to 43.
45. No appeal shall lie against the refusal of the court to make any order for the appointment of a receiver or against any order appointing a receiver or against any other order or directions made or given under any of the provisions of sections 37 to 43, other than an order made under subsection (3) of section 40.
Property liable to sale in execution of decree.
46.No decree in any hypothecary action upon any mortgage of land which is created after the coming into force of this section, and no decree in any action for the recovery of any moneys due upon any such mortgage, shall order any property, whatsoever, other than the mortgaged property to be sold for the recovery of any money found to be due under the mortgage, and no property whatsoever, other than the mortgaged property, shall be sold or be liable to be sold in execution of any such decree.
In this section "action for the recovery of moneys due upon a mortgage" includes any action for the recovery of any debt secured by a mortgage whether the cause of action sued upon arises by reason of the mortgage or otherwise.
Operation of section 46.
47. The provisions of section 46 shall have effect notwithstanding anything in any other law or in any mortgage bond or other instrument.
Effect of the execution of a separate instrument at the execution of the mortgage bond.
(1) Where at the time of the execution of a mortgage bond in favour of a lending institution for the payment of a loan, the principal of which exceeds one hundred and fifty thousand rupees the mortgagor executes a separate instrument, attested by the notary attesting the bond and by the witnesses to the bond containing-
(a) a special declaration on the part of the mortgagor that he renounces the benefit of section 46 and that the effect of such renunciation has been explained to him by the notary; and
(b) an endorsement signed by the notary to the effect that he has explained to the mortgagor the effect of such renunciation, then, in addition to the mortgaged property, any other property belonging to the mortgagor shall, subject To the provisions of subsection(2), be liable to be ordered to be sold and to be sold under the decree in an action upon the mortgage, and the provisions of section 218 of the Civil Procedure Code (Chapter 101) shall, mutatis mutandis, apply to the seizure and sale of such other property.
(2) In any case referred to in subsection (1), no process shall issue for the seizure and sale of any property of the mortgagor, other than the mortgaged property, until the mortgaged property is sold and the proceeds thereof applied in satisfaction of the decree.
(3) Where the separate instrument referred to in subsection (1) is to be executed by any mortgagor, it shall be the duty of the notary to explain to the mortgagor, that the instrument provides for the renunciation of the benefit of section 46 and that the effect of such renunciation is that, in addition to the mortgaged property, other property of the mortgagor is liable to be sold in execution of a decree in an action upon the mortgage.
(4) No stamp duty shall be payable upon the further instrument referred to in this section.
(5) Where the mortgage is created by an instrument referred to in section 69 which is attested by an officer of a lending institution, then for the purpose of the application of the provisions of subsection (1) and subsection (3) of this section, any reference in those provisions to the notary attesting the mortgage bond shall be deemed to be a reference to such officer.
(6) Nothing in this section shall apply to any action upon a mortgage created before the coming into force of this section.
(7) For the purpose of this section "lending institution" means-
(a) a licensed Commercial Bank within the meaning of the Banking Act, No.30 of 1988;
(b) the State Mortgage and Investment Bank established by the State Mortgage and Investment Bank Act, No. 13 of 1975;
(c) the National Development Bank established by the National Development Bank of Sri Lanka Act, No. 2 of 1979;
(d) the National Savings Bank established by the National Savings Bank Act, No. 30 of 1971; and
(e) the DFCC* Bank established by the Development Finance Corporation of Ceylon Act (Chapter 165).(* See section 2 of Act, No. 23 of 1997.)
Order for sale in decree & c.
(1) Where in a hypothecary action the court finds that the mortgage ought to be enforced, the decree shall, in relation to the mortgaged land, order that the land shall be sold in default of payment, within a period of two months from the date of the decree, of the moneys due under the mortgage: Provided, however, that the court may, in its discretion and subject to such conditions including the making of specified payments on specified dates as it thinks fit, on application made in that behalf before the entry of the decree and after consideration of the circumstances of both the mortgagor and mortgagee, fix, in lieu of the aforesaid period of two months, such longer period as the court may consider reasonable.
(2) In issuing the commission for the sale of the mortgaged land the court shall specify the amount due under the decree at the time of the issue of the commission and the amount so specified shall be mentioned in the advertisement of the sale. Where the sale is stayed or adjourned and a subsequent advertisement is necessary, the court shall on application made by the plaintiff and upon his certifying that any part payment has been made of the amount due under the decree, give notice to the Fiscal or auctioneer of the amount due under the decree at the time of such application, and in such event the amount so notified shall be mentioned in the subsequent advertisement.
Special provision for seizure and sale.
49. Subject as hereinafter provided, where the plaintiff desires that the land shall be seized prior to the sale, the court may order that the land shall be seized by the Fiscal under section 237 of the Civil Procedure Code and where the land is so seized the provisions of the Civil Procedure Code relating to the seizure, sale, confirmation of the sale, and conveyance and delivery of immovable property sold in execution of a decree for the payment of money shall apply accordingly and the provisions of sections 53 to 56 of this Act shall not apply :
Provided that no such order shall be made in any case where a declaration has been made under section 36.
Directions and other provisions as to sale.
(1) Where no order is made under section 49 for the seizure of the land, the court may in the decree or subsequently give directions -
(a) specifying the person by whom the land shall be sold;
(b) specifying the manner and time of the advertisement of the sale and the person by whom the conveyance to the purchaser is to be executed;
(c) prescribing the conditions of the sale ;
(d) in relation to such other matters for which the court considers directions to be necessary.
(2) Where the plaintiff so desires the court may direct the land to be sold by the Fiscal, and in any such case the sale may be conducted on behalf of the Fiscal by the Deputy Fiscal or by any other person authorized in writing by the Fiscal.
(3) Any directions given under the preceding pro visions of this section may be altered by subsequent directions of the court.
(4) Where no order is made under section 49 for the seizure of the land, the following provisions shall apply in relation to the sale :-
(a) The person conducting the sale shall put up the land for sale first at the current market value of the land as appraised by him, or if the appraised value is fixed by the court under section 51 (3) at such appraised value, and if there be no bidders then at the amount mentioned as required by section 48 in the advertisement as the amount due under the decree and in the event of there being no bidders at such sale also, then immediately thereafter the land shall be put up for sale to the highest bidder :
Provided that where an order has been made under section 52 (1), the land shall not be sold at the first sale if the highest bid is less than the appraised value as fixed under section 51 (3);
(b) If the judgment debtor or any other person on his behalf, at any time before the hour fixed for the sale, pays to the officer conducting the sale the full amount mentioned as required by section 48 in the advertisement as the amount due under the decree and also the charges incurred for advertisement and incidental to the sale of the land, the sale shall be stayed ;
(c) In every case where a sale has taken place the person conducting the sale shall (i) not later than forty-eight hours after the time of the sale, deposit at the nearest kachcheri to the credit of the action the amount realized at the sale and forward the kachcheri receipt to the court by which the order to sell was issued, and (ii) in making the report required by section 282 of the Civil Procedure Code, specify the manner in which the sale has been held, the name of each bidder and each bid made by such bidder ;
(d) Every person making a bid at the sale shall be bound by the conditions of sale prescribed by the court under the preceding provisions of this section whether or not he signs an agreement to be bound thereby;
(c) If the court finds that any sum is due in respect of the sale by reason of the operation of the conditions of sale from any person bound by such conditions, the court may make order directing the payment of such sum by such person to the credit of the action, and such order may be enforced in the same manner as an order or decree entered by the court in an ordinary action.
Leave to plaintiff to bid and purchase.
(1) The plaintiff in a hypothecary action shall not be entitled to bid for or purchase any mortgaged land sold in execution of the decree unless leave to bid and purchase is granted to him by the court.
(2) Every application by the plaintiff for leave to bid for and purchase any mortgaged land shall be accompanied by an appraisement from the person directed to conduct the sale setting out the current market value of the land.
A copy of such appraisement shall be sent by the Registrar, by registered post to the registered attorney for the mortgagor or where no proxy has been filed shall be served on the mortgagor in like manner as a summons and copies shall be sent by registered post to every other party to the action who has registered an address under section 6 ; the mortgagor or any such party may within a period of fourteen days from the date of the service or posting of the copy make objection to the valuation set out therein.
(3) The court shall, after consideration of such objections, if any, as may be made under subsection (2), by order fix the amount which shall be taken, for the purposes of the succeeding provisions of this section, to be the appraised value of the land.
(4) Leave to the plaintiff to bid for and purchase any mortgaged land shall in every case be subject to the condition that the plaintiff shall not bid for or purchase the land except at or above the amount of the appraised value of the land as fixed under subsection (3) or the amount required by section 48 to be mentioned in the advertisement as the amount due under the decree, whichever such amount is the less.
(5) Where two or more lands are subject to the mortgage and one advertisement only is published in respect of the sale of such lands, it shall be the duty of the Fiscal or auctioneer to specify in the advertisement the order in which such lands will be sold, whether or not directions prescribing the order of sale are given under section 52.
(6) Where application is made under subsection (2) after the publication of the advertisement of the sale, and it is necessary in consequence of such application to alter the date of the sale and publish a fresh advertisement of the sale, the court may order that the costs of the postponement and of the fresh advertisement shall be borne by the plaintiff.
(7) No appeal shall lie against any order made under this section.
Directions for second sale if highest bid is less than current market value.
(1) The court may in any hypothecary action on application made by the mortgagor and upon such terms as the court may think fit, direct that if the highest bid at the sale of any mortgaged land is less than the amount of the appraised value of the land as fixed under section 51 (3), the land shall not be sold at that sale, and that a second sale of the land shall be held.
Order of sale where more than one land is mortgaged.
(2) Where more than one land is subject to the mortgage in suit in the action, the court may upon application made by the mortgagor in that behalf, prescribe the order in which the lands shall be sold and may fix different dates for the sales of different lands.
Form of conveyance to purchaser.
53. The conveyance to the purchaser of any mortgaged land sold in execution of a hypothecary decree shall, except in a case to which section 49 applies, be in the form in the First Schedule to this Act:
Provided, however, that such form may in any case be varied or modified by the court in such manner as the court may consider necessary in the circumstances of the case.
Delivery of possession, & c.
54. In any case, other than a case in which a declaration has been made under section 36 or in which an order is made under section 49, the court shall on application made by the purchaser make an order for the delivery of possession to the purchaser or any other person on his behalf, and an order so made shall have the like effect and be enforced in the same manner as an order made under section 287 of the Civil Procedure Code in the case of a sale by the Fiscal under that Code.
Removal of all persons whomsoever where declaration has been made under section 36.
(1) In any case where a declaration has been made under section 36, the court shall on application made by the purchaser order delivery to be made by putting the purchaser or any person whom he may appoint to receive delivery on his behalf in possession of the land, and if need be, by removing therefrom all persons whomsoever who may refuse to vacate the same.
(2) Where an order is made under subsection (1), and the Fiscal reports to the court that he was unable to put the purchaser or any other person on his behalf in possession of the land, the court shall direct the Fiscal to post in conspicuous places on the land a notice in the form set out in the First Schedule to this Act and to report to the court within seven days of the posting of such notice -
(a) whether or not the purchaser or such other person was put in possession of the land; and
(b) whether he was obstructed in attempting to put the purchaser or such person in possession, and if so, the manner of such obstruction and the person or persons by whom such obstruction. was caused.
(3) Where the court is satisfied upon the report of the Fiscal that any person whosoever refused to yield up possession at any time after the date of the posting of the notice referred to in subsection (2) or obstructed or resisted the Fiscal at any time after that date, the court may commit the person so refusing to yield up possession or causing such obstruction or resistance to jail for a term which may extend to thirty days, and direct the purchaser to be put into possession of the land.
(4) Where possession of the land is delivered to the purchaser and he is at any time within two months thereafter hindered or obstructed by any person in maintaining effective possession of the land, the court may commit the person causing such hindrance or obstruction to jail for a term which may extend to thirty days :
Provided, however, that nothing in the preceding provisions of this subsection shall affect or prejudice the right of the purchaser upon any such hindrance or obstruction being caused (whether within or after the period of two months aforesaid) to any remedy which may be claimed in that behalf under any written or other law.
(5) Nothing in sections 323 to 330 of the Civil Procedure Code shall apply in any case where an order for the delivery of possession to the purchaser or any other person on his behalf is made under this section.
Fiscal to prepare plan of the land of which possession is delivered.
56. Where delivery of possession of a mortgaged land has been made to the purchaser under section 54 or section 55, the Fiscal shall upon a request made in that behalf by the purchaser and the payment by the purchaser of the necessary expenses, cause a plan to be prepared of the land of which possession was delivered. The plan so prepared shall after being endorsed by the Fiscal with a certificate to the effect that it is a plan of the land of which possession was delivered be furnished to the purchaser.
Claims to balance proceeds of sale.
57. Where any land is sold in execution of a hypothecary decree in respect thereof, any person who claims any interest in the balance of the proceeds of sale remaining after satisfaction of the moneys due under the mortgage in suit in the action shall (whether or not he is a party to the action or a person entitled to a notice thereof) be entitled to establish such claim, and where such claim is established to participate in such balance proceeds.
Rights of seizing creditor to participate in balance proceeds of sale.
(1) Where any land is sold in execution of a hypothecary decree in respect thereof -
(a) any judgment-creditor claiming under a notice of seizure of the land which had been duly registered under the Registration of Documents Ordinance before the registration of the lis pendens of the hypothecary action shall, whether or not he has registered an address under section 6 of this Act, be entitled to make a claim under section 57 and to participate in the proceeds of sale remaining after satisfaction of the moneys due on the mortgage in suit in the hypothecary action ;
(b) no person claiming under any seizure of the land effected or registered after the date of the registration of the lis pendens of the hypothecary action shall, by reason of such seizure, be entitled to participate in such balance proceeds, but nothing in this paragraph shall prejudice the right of such person after the sale of the land to seize the right, title and interest of the mortgagor in such balance proceeds,
(2) The rights of any person claiming under a notice of seizure to participate in the balance proceeds as provided in paragraph (a) of subsection (1), shall, as between himself and any other person claiming whether under a notice of seizure or any other instrument, have priority according to the time of registration: Provided, however, that where two or more notices of seizure of any land are registered by different persons and no other person has any interest in the land by virtue of any other instrument registered between the dates of the registration of such notices of seizure, such different persons shall be entitled to claim a rateable distribution of the balance proceeds of sale remaining available for distribution.
Decree absolute in default of appearance.
59. Where a hypothecary action is heard ex parte under section 85 of the Civil Procedure Code, the decree shall be a decree absolute and not a decree nisi.
(1) A mortgagee's costs recoverable in a hypothecary action include all costs, charges and expenses properly incurred by him in relation to the action whether before or after the institution of the hypothecary action notwithstanding that they may have been incurred after the entry of decree in the action.
(2)In any case where notice of a hypothecary action is not issued under subsection (1) of section 9 to a person entitled to such notice and such person is thereafter added as a party whether in pursuance of a notice under subsection (2) of that section or under section 13 or such person intervenes in the action under section 18, the court shall have the power to make such orders as to costs, whether as against the plaintiff or otherwise, and to revise any orders previously made in the proceedings, as the court may think fit in the circumstances of the case.
Application of Chapter XXII of the Civil Procedure Code.
(1) Where the mortgaged land is directed to be sold by any person other than the Fiscal, or where the mortgaged land is directed to be sold by the Fiscal without being previously seized as provided in section 49-
(a) sections 271, 273, 282, 283, 289 and 291 to 295 of the Civil Procedure Code shall be applicable ;
(b) sections 296 and 297 of that Code shall be applicable if the property is sold by the Fiscal;
(c) sections 338 to 340, 342, 344, 345, 346, 349 and 350 of that Code shall be applicable;
(d) section 343 of that Code shall be applicable, subject to the modification that the court shall not under that section stay execution proceedings for the purpose only of allowing time for payment by the judgment-debtor, unless he satisfies the court that there is reason to believe that the amount of the decree may be raised by mortgage, lease or private sale of the mortgaged land or of any other immovable property of the debtor, and to the further modification that the time allowed for the purpose aforesaid shall not be longer than six months;
(e) sections 288 and 323 to 330 of that Code shall be applicable in every case where an order is made under section 54 of this Act for the delivery of possession of the mortgaged land to the purchaser at the sale ;
(f) save as herein before provided, nothing in Chapter XXII of the Civil Procedure Code shall be applicable.
(2) For the purpose of the application of the provisions of the Civil Procedure Code where the land is sold by a person other than the Fiscal, any reference in those provisions to the Fiscal shall be deemed to be a reference to the person conducting the sale.
(3) Nothing in sections 298 to 319 of the Civil Procedure Code shall apply in any hypothecary action or any action to enforce payment of the moneys due upon a mortgage of land.
(4) Where the mortgaged land is sold by the Fiscal after being seized as provided in section 49, and an order for the delivery of possession is made under section 287 of the Civil Procedure Code, the provisions of sections 323 to 330 of that Code shall be applicable.
Application of this Part.
62. Save as otherwise herein before provided, the provisions of this Part shall apply to mortgages created before the appointed date:
Provided that nothing in those provisions shall apply to any action instituted before the appointed date, and the provisions of the Mortgage Ordinance shall, notwithstanding the repeal thereof, continue to apply in relation to any action instituted before that date.
Right of approved agency to realize shares mortgaged in specified circumstances.
(1) Where the holder of any shares- (a) creates a mortgage of such shares in favour of an approved credit agency by means of an instrument in the form set out in the Third Schedule to this Act, and (b) deposits with such agency the certificate or certificates issued to him in respect of such shares, and (c) executes and delivers to such agency an instrument of transfer of such shares in favour of such agency or of any nominee of such agency, or an instrument of transfer in which the name of the transferee is not entered at the time of the execution (hereinafter referred to as a " transfer in blank "), the provisions hereinafter set out shall apply, that is to say - (i) if the shares are mortgaged as security for the payment of any moneys stated to be payable on demand, and the mortgagor fails to make payment of the moneys due and payable under the mortgage within one month of the issue to him by the agency of a notice of demand in accordance with the provisions of section 74, or (ii) if the shares are mortgaged as security for the payment of any moneys stated to be payable on a specified or ascertainable date, and the mortgagor fails to make payment of the moneys due and payable under the mortgage within one month of the issue to him by the agency, after that date, of a notice of demand in accordance with the provisions of section 74, it shall be lawful for the agency to sell, or as the case may be to cause the nominee to sell, the shares, at their current market value, and where a transfer in blank had been executed, to complete the sale by the insertion in the transfer in blank of the name of the purchaser as the transferee of the shares.
(2) The right of the agency to sell any shares under subsection (1) shall include the right to purchase the shares at the current market value, or where the transfer had been executed in favour of the agency to retain the shares, credit being in either event given to the mortgagor to the extent of the current market value.
(3) The rights of the agency under the preceding provisions of this section may be exercised in respect of all the shares which are for the time being subject to the mortgage under the instrument referred to in subsection (1) (a) or separately in respect of any shares so subject.
Address of mortgagor and issue of notice of demand.
(1) Every instrument of mortgage referred to in paragraph (a) of section 73 (1) shall contain the address to which notice of demand of payment may be sent to the mortgagor by the agency : Provided, however, that upon any change of address the mortgagor may notify the new address to the agency and such new address, if acknowledged in writing by the agency, shall, for the purposes of section 73, be the address to which a notice of demand of payment may be sent.
(2) Every such notice of demand shall be sent by registered post in a letter to the address of the mortgagor as stated in the instrument referred to in paragraph (a) of section 73 (1) or to such new address as may for the time being have been notified and acknowledged as provided in subsection (1) of this section.
Effect of exercise of right of sale. & c.
(1) Upon the exercise under section 73 of the right of sale or purchase of any shares and the completion of a transfer in blank by the insertion of the name of the purchaser as transferee of the shares, the transfer as so completed shall have the like effect as though it had been executed by the mortgagor at the time of completion.
(2) Where a transfer (other than in blank) of any shares has been executed by the mortgagor as provided in section 73 in favour of an approved credit agency or a nominee of such agency, the fact that the transfer had been executed by way of mortgage shall not affect the right of the agency or the nominee, during the pendency of the mortgage, to apply to be registered as holder of the shares and to be so registered.
Proceeds of sale or purchase to be applied in satisfaction of debt.
76. Upon the sale or purchase of any shares in exercise of the right conferred by section 73 -
(a) the moneys realized upon such sale or credited as provided in section 73 (2) shall be applied by the agency in satisfaction of the debt due and payable under the mortgage, and the mortgagor shall be entitled to receive the balance, if any, remaining after such debt is satisfied ;
(b) if the moneys realized or credited upon the sale or purchase of all the shares mortgaged by the instrument are insufficient to satisfy such debt, the deficiency may be recovered from the mortgagor in the ordinary course of law.
Rights of mortgagor on discharge of mortgage.
77. Where a mortgage of shares has been created as provided in section 73, and the mortgage is discharged by payment of the moneys due and payable thereunder, or by reason that the moneys realized upon a sale or purchase of some only of the shares so mortgaged are sufficient to satisfy the debt, or otherwise-
(a) the mortgagor shall be entitled, in the case of a transfer in blank, to receive from the agency the certificate or certificates in respect of such shares or of the shares remaining unsold, as the case may be, together with the transfer in blank in respect thereof ;
(b) the mortgagor shall be entitled in the case of a transfer otherwise than in blank, to receive from the agency or its nominee at the instance of the agency, a duly executed instrument of retransfer of the share or of the shares remaining unsold, as the case may be.
Right to damages, & c, for wrongful sale.
(1) Where any shares mortgaged as provided in section 73 are sold or caused to be sold, or are purchased by the agency, otherwise than in the due exercise of the right conferred in that behalf by that section, the mortgagor shall be entitled to recover from the agency the amount of any loss or damage suffered or incurred by reason of such sale or purchase :
Provided, however, that no such action for any loss or damage shall be maintainable by the mortgagor on the ground that notice of demand under section 74 was not received by him, if it is proved that such notice was sent by registered post in a letter addressed to the mortgagor at the proper address referred to in the aforesaid section 74, and that the right of sale or purchase was exercised after one month from the date of such posting.
Savings for application of company law, & c, as to transfers and registration.
79. The operation of any other written law or of any regulations or provisions which apply to the transfer of shares, or to the registration of the transferee of any shares as the holder thereof, or which confer any right to decline to effect such registration shall not in any way be affected or modified by reason that a transfer of any such shares is effected in the exercise of the right conferred by section 73.
Meaning of "shares".
80.For the purpose of sections 73 to 79-
"shares" means any shares, debentures, stock or other securities in the funds of the Government of Sri Lanka or in the capital of any company incorporated or registered in Sri Lanka;
"certificate" means any share certificate or any other document certifying that a person is the holder of any shares as herein before defined.
Rights of approved agency to surrender mortgaged life policy in specified circumstances.
81. Where the holder of a policy of life insurance -
(a) creates a mortgage of the policy in favour of an approved credit agency by means of an instrument in the form set out in the Third Schedule to this Act, and
(b) assigns the policy to the agency by way of mort - gage and deposits it with such agency,
the following provisions shall have effect, that is to say -
(i) if the policy is mortgaged as security for the payment of any moneys stated to be payable on demand, and the mortgagor fails to make payment of the moneys due and payable under the mortgage within six months of the issue of notice of demand of payment in accordance with the provisions of section 82, or
(ii) if the policy is mortgaged as security for the payment of any moneys stated to be payable on any specified or ascertainable date, and the mortgagor fails to make payment of the moneys due and payable under the mortgage within six months of the issue, after that date, of notice of demand of payment in accordance with the provisions of section 82, or
(iii) if any premium due on the policy remains unpaid after one month from the issue, in accordance with the provisions of section 82, by the agency of a notice demanding payment of such premium to be made to the insurer,
such agency shall be entitled to surrender the policy to the insurer and to receive payment of the surrender value of the policy or of such amount as would have been payable to the assured if the policy had been surrendered by him.
In any case to which this section applies, the payment to the agency by the insurer of the surrender value of the policy or of such other amount of which the agency is declared by this section to be entitled to receive payment shall be a discharge of the liability of the insurer upon the policy.
Address of mortgagor and issue of notice of demand.
(1) Every instrument of mortgage referred to in paragraph (a) of section 81 shall contain the address to which notice of demand of payment may be sent to the mortgagor by the agency :
Provided, however, that upon any change of address the mortgagor may notify the new address to the agency which shall thereupon acknowledge the new address in writing ; and such new address, if so acknowledged, shall, for the purposes of section 81, be the address to which a notice of demand of payment may be sent.
(2) Every such notice of demand shall be sent by registered post in a letter to the address of the mortgagor as stated in the instrument referred to in paragraph (a) of section 81 or to such new address as may for the time being have been notified and acknowledged as provided in subsection (1) of this section.
Moneys received upon surrender to be applied in satisfaction of debt.
83. Where any policy of insurance is surrendered in the exercise of the right conferred by section 81 -
(a) the moneys received by the agency from the insurer shall be applied in satisfaction of the debt due and payable under the mortgage ;
(b) the mortgagor shall be entitled to payment from the agency of the balance, if any, remaining after satisfaction of such debt;
(c) if the moneys so received are insufficient to satisfy such debt, the agency shall be entitled to recover the deficiency in the ordinary course of law.
Right to damages, & c, for wrongful surrender.
84. If the policy is surrendered by the agency other wise than in the due exercise of the right conferred by section 81, the mortgagor shall be entitled to recover from the agency the amount of any loss or damage suffered or incurred by him in consequence of such surrender :
Provided, however, that no such action for any loss or damage shall be maintainable by the mortgagor on the ground that notice of demand under section 82 was not received by him, if it is proved that such notice was sent by registered post in a letter addressed to the mortgagor at the proper address referred to in the aforesaid section 82, and that the right of surrender was exercised after the period of six months or the period of one month of the date of such posting, whichever such period is applicable.
Power of approved credit agency to sell corporeal movables which are subject to mortgage.
(1) Where a mortgage of any corporeal movables is created in favour of an approved credit agency, it shall be lawful for the agency, subject to the provisions of subsections (2) and (3), to sell any of the movables subject to the mortgage which may for the time being be actually in the possession and custody of the agency.
(2) The power conferred on the agency by subsection (1) to sell any movables shall be exercised only if the instrument of mortgage or an agreement between the parties contains provision referring to this section and empowering the agency to exercise the power of sale conferred thereby, and if either of the following conditions is fulfilled, that is to say -
(a) where the mortgage is created as security for the payment of any moneys stated to be payable on demand, if the mortgagor fails to make payment of the moneys due and payable under the mortgage within one month of the issue to him by the agency of a notice of demand in accordance with the provisions of section 86 ; or
(b) where the mortgage is created as security for the payment of any moneys stated to be payable on a specified or ascertainable date, if the mortgagor fails to make payment of the moneys due and payable under the mortgage within one month of the issue to him by the agency, after that date, of a notice of demand in accordance with the provisions of section 86.
(3) Every sale in exercise of the power conferred by subsection (1) shall be by public auction, and it shall be the duty of the agency to take such steps as are necessary to ensure -
(a) that a notice containing a description of the movables to be sold and specifying the date fixed for the sale, is published in two issues of a daily newspaper circulating in Sri Lanka at least one week before the date fixed for the sale, and
(b) that the sale takes place on the date so specified, or if the sale is postponed, that a further notice containing the particulars specified in sub-paragraph (a) is published at least one week before the date to which the sale is postponed.
Notice of demand of payment prior to exercise of power of sale.
(1) The power of sale conferred by section 85 shall not be exercised unless the instrument of mort gage contains an address to which notice of demand of payment may be sent to the mortgagor by the agency ; or where there is no such instrument unless the mortgagor has in writing signed by him furnished an address as aforesaid to the mortgagee :
Provided, however, that upon any change of address, the mortgagor may notify his new address to the agency, and such new address, if acknowledged in writing by the agency, shall for the purposes of section 85 be the address to which a notice of demand of payment may be sent.
(2) Every such notice of demand of payment shall be sent by registered post in a letter to the address of the mortgagor as stated in the instrument of mortgage or the writing referred to in subsection (1), or to such new address as may, for the time being, have been notified and acknowledged as provided by that subsection.
Application of proceeds of sale.
87. Upon a sale of any movables in the exercise of the right conferred by section 85 -
(a) the moneys realized upon such sale shall be applied by the agency in satisfaction of the debt due and payable under the mortgage, and the mortgagor shall be entitled to receive the balance, if any, remaining after such debt is satisfied ;
(b) if the moneys realized upon the sale are insufficient to satisfy such debt, the deficiency may be recovered from the mortgagor in the ordinary course of law.
Damages for wrongful sale of mortgaged property.
88. Where any movables are caused to be sold by the agency otherwise than in the due exercise of the powers conferred in that behalf by section 85 or where the provisions of subsection (3) of that section are not complied with in relation to the sale, the mortgagor shall be entitled to recover from the agency the amount of any loss or damage suffered or incurred by reason of the sale or of the non-compliance, as the case may be:
Provided, however, that no action for any loss or damage shall be maintainable by the mortgagor on the ground that notice of demand of payment was not received by him, if it is proved that such notice was sent by registered post in a letter addressed to the mortgagor at the proper address referred to in section 86, and that the power of sale was exercised after one month from the date of such posting.
Meaning of "book debt".
89. In sections 90 to 95 " book debt" means any debt which -
(a) is due or may become due to any person on account of any loan made in the ordinary course of any business carried on by that person as a money-lender, or on account of goods sold in the ordinary course of any business carried on by that person as a seller of such goods, or on account of work or services performed or rendered in the ordinary course of any business carried on for profit by that person, and
(b) is shown in the books kept by such person in the ordinary course of the business.
Rights of approved credit agency to which book debts are assigned by way of mortgage.
(1) An assignment of any book debt shall, if such assignment is executed in favour of an approved credit agency and is expressed to be by way of mort gage and is duly registered under the Registration of Documents Ordinance, confer on the agency, in addition to the right to enforce such mortgage by action in any competent court, the right to demand, accept and recover payment of such debt from the person owing such debt to the assignor : Provided, however, that no right herein before conferred on the agency shall be exercisable -
(a) unless notice of the assignment is given by the agency, to the person owing such debt, in any manner provided by section 91, and the debt is due and unpaid at the date on which notice is so given ;
(b) if the right to demand, accept or receive such payment is, by the instrument of the mortgage, declared to be conditional upon the happening of any event or the non-fulfilment of any obligation by the assignor, unless such event has happened or such obligation has not been fulfilled within the time specified in that behalf in the instrument, as the case may be.
(2) The provisions of subsection (1) shall apply in relation to a book debt notwithstanding -
(a) that it may not be specially assigned ; or
(b) that it may not have been due, or that the consideration therefor may not have passed, at the time of the execution of the assignment.
Manner of giving notice of assignment to person owing book debt.
(1) Notice of the assignment of a book debt may be given by the agency to a person owing such debt in any manner set out hereunder, that is to say -
(a) by sending or presenting to the person owing such debt a notice addressed to such person and signed by the assignor to the effect that the debt has been assigned to the assignee ; or
(b) by sending or presenting to such person (i) a general notice signed by the assignor to the effect that all book debts which are due or may become due have been assigned to the assignee, or (ii) a copy of such notice certified by a director, manager, partner or secretary of the agency.
(2) Any notice referred to in paragraph (a) or paragraph (b) of subsection (1) may be signed by the assignor at the time of the execution of the assignment or at any time thereafter, and may be sent or presented to the person owing the debt at any time while the assignment is operative.
Application of moneys received in payment of mortgage debt.
92. Where payment of a book debt is made to the agency upon demand made in that behalf of the person owing such debt, the amount of the payment shall be applied in satisfaction of the moneys for the time being due and payable to the agency under the mortgage, and the balance, if any, remaining out of such proceeds shall be payable to the assignor.
Damages for wrongful exercise of power to recover book debt.
93. Where any book debt is recovered by the agency otherwise than in the due exercise of the powers conferred by section 90, the assignor shall be entitled to recover from the agency the amount of any loss or damage suffered or incurred by reason of such recovery.
Provision for recovery of book debt by assignor notwithstanding assignment.
(1) Notwithstanding the execution of any assignment referred to in section 90, but subject as hereinafter provided, the assignor shall, unless and until notice of the assignment is given to the person owing the debt, have the same right to recover such debt from such person whether by way of action or otherwise, and to appropriate to his own use any moneys so recovered, as though the assignment had not been executed :
Provided, however, that the agency shall be entitled, upon making application to any court in which an action for the enforcement of the assignment can properly be instituted, by petition supported by an affidavit declaring that moneys are due and payable to him under the mortgage, to obtain ex parte an injunction restraining the assignor from recovering any such debt, and if need be an order authorizing the Fiscal -
(a) to enter the premises in which the assignor carries on his business, together with a person nominated in that behalf by the assignee and approved by the court;
(b) to take possession of any such books kept or found therein as may contain entries relating to the book debts which are subject to the assignment; and
(c) to deliver such books to the assignee for the purpose of enabling him to recover such debts from the persons by whom they are owing, and where an injunction is so issued nothing in the preceding provisions of this section shall authorize or be deemed to authorize the assignor to recover or sue for any debt in breach of such injunction.
(2) Where an injunction has been issued under subsection (1) or any order relating to the books has been made under that subsection, the court may thereafter upon application made by the assignor and after such inquiry as it may consider necessary, make such order in relation to the injunction and to the books as the court may think fit.
Protection for debtor paying without notice of assignment.
95. Notwithstanding the execution of any assignment referred to in section 90, the assignee shall not be entitled to demand or recover payment of any book debt which is subject to the assignment from the person owing such debt if such debt had been paid by such person to the assignor before notice under section 91 is received by him.