AN ORDINANCE TO MAKE PROVISION FOR THE REMOVAL OF PRISONERS FROM CEYLON WHO HAVE BEEN SENTENCED TO DEATH, BUT WHOSE SENTENCE SHALL HAVE BEEN COMMUTED (* This Ordinance which has been enacted to serve a particular purpose, appears to have no applicability to the present situation in Sri Lanka.) .
Ordinance Nos,
13 of 1911
[11th August , 1911 ]
Short title.

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Prisoners Removal Ordinance.

Resolvability of prisoner whose death sentence is commuted. (47and 48 Vict. c. 31.)

2. Prisoners who shall have been sentenced to death, but whose sentence shall have been commuted to a sentence of imprisonment, shall be subject to removal from Ceylon under the Colonial Prisoners Removal Act, 1884.

Concurrence of Government to be given by Governor-General.

3. The concurrence of the Government of Ceylon on the removal of any such prisoner shall be given by the Governor-General.

Powers of Government to make agreements.


(1) It shall be lawful for the Government of Ceylon to enter into an agreement with the Government of any of Her Majesty's Realms and Territories for the purpose of regulating -

(a) the conditions under which prisoners subject to removal under this Ordinance shall be removed to such realm or territory ;

(b) the payment of the costs incurred in the removal, maintenance, return, or sending back after discharge of such prisoners.

(2) Every such agreement shall be published in the Gazette.


5. This Ordinance shall be read in connection with the Colonial Prisoners Removal Act, 1884, and all words and expressions used in this Ordinance shall have the same meaning as the same words and expressions used in that Act.