Mobilization And Supplementary Forces |
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BE it enacted by the Parliament of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka as follows:
[22nd October
, 1985 ]
Short title.
1. This Act may be cited as the Mobilization and Supplementary Forces Act, No. 40 of 1985.
Appointment of Competent Authority.
2. The President shall in consultation with the Minister appoint, by name or by office, a fit and propel" person to be the Competent Authority for Manpower Mobilization (hereinafter referred to as "the Authority").
Assignment of powers, duties and functions to the Authority.
(1) The Authority shall exercise, perform and discharge such powers, duties and functions as are assigned to him under any of the provisions of this Act.
(2) The Authority may, with the approval of the Minister, delegate any of the powers, duties and functions conferred or imposed on, or assigned to, him under this Act to any other public officer.
(3) In this Part of this Act, " Minister" means the Minister in charge of the subject and function of manpower mobilization and training.
Enlistment in National Armed Reserve.
(1) All relevant persons falling within any category of persons specified in an Order made by the Minister and known as "A National Service Order" shall enlist when directed so to do, by the Authority, in the interest of the security needs of the country, in the National Armed Reserve, in accordance with the provisions contained in this Act.
(2) The Authority may from time to time, by notice, require any person to whom a National Service Order applies, to report for a selection examination for enlistment, Every person so noticed shall comply with the notice. Every person required to report, shall report at such office and at such date and time as is specified in the notice and shall attend from day to day or at such other times as he is required by the officer, until the selection examinations for enlistment are finalized.
(3) A person noticed under subsection (2) and who passes the selection examination, shall when directed by the Authority, enlist in the National Armed Reserve in accordance with the prescribed procedure.
(4) A release from enlisting in the National Armed Reserve, of a person who has qualified for enlistment, may be granted by the Authority taking into consideration the security needs of the country. The Authority may require any person so released to enlist in the National Armed Reserve, within a period of two years from the date of such release:
Provided that any person granted a release under the provisions of this subsection, and not subject to a direction thereunder, shall be liable for national service if he falls within any category specified in a subsequent National Service Order.
(5) The National Service Order shall specify the grounds on which the releases from national service may be granted by the Authority, to persons who are qualified for enlistment in the National Armed Reserve.
(6) Every person to whom a notice under subsection (2) applies shall furnish the Authority with all such information as is required by the Authority, to facilitate the enlistment of such person in the National Armed Reserve.
For the purposes of this section" relevant person " means any citizen of Sri Lanka, who is not below the age of eighteen years.
Voluntary enlistment in the National Armed Reserve.
5. The Authority may with the approval of the Minister, by notification published in the Gazette) invite persons other than those persons to whom a National Service Order is applicable, and who are not below the age of eighteen years to render voluntary service in the National Armed Reserve. The manner of selection of the category of persons to whom the provisions of this section shall apply, shall be prescribed.
(1) Any person who fails
(a) to report for a selection examination when noticed to do so under subsection (2) of section 4 ; or
(b) to enlist in the National Armed Reserve when directed to do so under subsection (3) of section 4; or
(c) to furnish such information as he is required to furnish under subsection (6) of section 4 or who furnishes incorrect information under that subsection,
shall be guilty of an offence, and shall on conviction after summary trial, be punishable with imprisonment of either description for a term not exceeding four years.
(2) In a prosecution under subsection (1), a certificate under the hand of the Authority to the effect that a person has failed
(a) to report for a selection examination when noticed to do so ;
(b) to enlist in the National Armed Reserve when directed to do so ;
(c) to furnish any information he has been required to furnish under subsection (6) of section 4,
shall be prima facie evidence of the facts stated therein.
7. Regulations may be made in respect of any or all of' the following matters :
(a) the manner of conducting the selection examination for enlistment in the National Armed Reserve under section 4;
(b) the manner of obtaining releases from national service;
(c) the information required to be furnished by persons. liable to national service or voluntary service ;
(d) the maintenance of registers;
(e) the manner or selection of persons volunteering for service in the National Armed Reserve; and
(f) any matter stated or required by this Part to be prescribed.
Power to made Order.
8. No Order made by the Minister under section 4 shall come into force unless it is approved by Parliament, and notification of such approval is published in the Gazette.
For the purposes of this Part of this Act, "Minister" means the Minister in charge of the subject and functions. of manpower mobilization and training.
The notice referred to in subsection (2) of section 4 may be given generally to members of a category of relevant persons by notice published in the Gazette or individually to a member of such category by a letter sent to him by registered post.
Establishment of Reserve Affairs Council.
9. There shall be established a Reserve Affairs Council (hereinafter referred to as 'I the Council ")' which shall consist of such number of members as may be specified by the President by notification published in the Gazette. 'The President shall appoint the members of the Council, one of whom shall be nominated as Chairman of the Council.
Power of the President.
(1) The Minister may, with the approval of the President assign any specific power, function or duty conferred or imposed on, or assigned to, the Council, to any member of the Council.
(2) All matters in respect of the administration of the Council including the term of office of members of the Council, the appointment of Committees thereof. and the delegation of powers by the Council to such Committees. shall be prescribed by regulations made in that behalf.
(3) The President may direct any Government department, public corporation, statutory board or any other Government institution to extend such- services as forms part of the ordinary activities of such department, corporation, board or institution, to the National Armed Reserve, the National Cadet Corps. the National Auxiliary Force, or any Supplementary Force.
Powers duties and functions of the Council.
11. Subject to the direction and control of the President, the Council shall have the following powers, duties and functions:
(a) the preparation of plans
(i) to mobilize adequate reserves to augment the armed forces and the police force whenever the security needs of the country so require;
(ii) for the establishment of Supplementary Forces to assist the armed forces and the police force;
(iii) to provide pre-military training to students;
(b) to monitor and report on the implementation of such plans prepared under paragraph (a) as are approved by the President;
(c) to co-ordinate, in accordance with the directives is sued by the President, the activities of the National Armed Reserve, the National Cadet Corps, National Auxiliary Force and any other Supplementary Force;
(d) to supervise the training of the members of. the National Armed Reserve, the National Cadet Corps, National Auxiliary Force and any other Supplementary Force;
(e) to ensure that the manpower strength of the National Armed Reserve, the National Cadet Corps, National Auxiliary Force and any other Supplementary Force is maintained at levels specified by the President, and to report to him thereon;
(f) to report on the readiness of the National Armed Reserve for mobilization at any given time: and
(g) to supervise and report from time to time to the President, on the National Armed Reserve, the National Cadet Corps, National Auxiliary Force and any other Supplementary Force.
Duties of the Authority under this Part.
12. The Authority shall have the following functions and duties under this Part of the Act
(a) ensuring that the provisions of this Part and any regulations made in relation thereto, are complied with;
(b) to give effect to decisions of the Council and ensuring that the decisions of the Council are given effect to ;
(c) furnishing the Council with such information as it may require for the carrying out its functions and duties.
For the purposes of this Part of this Act, " Minister" means the Minister in charge of the subject and function of Reserve Affairs Council.
National Armed Reserve.
(1) There shall be raised and maintained, in accordance. with the provisions of this Act, a Reserve, to be known as the National Armed Reserve (hereinafter referred to as "the Reserve") which shall consist of such units, and comprise such strength, as the President may from time to time determine.
(2) The President shall appoint a fit and proper person to be the Director-General of the Reserve, who shall- be responsible for the administration, training. discipline, efficiency and all other matters relating to the Reserve.
Appointment and promotion & c. of members of the Reserve.
(1) The officers of the Reserve shall be appointed by the President.
(2) The officers appointed under subsection (1) shall be deemed to he officers of the Reserve from the date specified in their appointment.
(3) The President may from time to time promote or advance in rank, officers of the Reserve.
(4) The structure and ranks of the other members of the Reserve shall be prescribed.
The Reserve to be a National Military Training Establishment.
(1) The Reserve shall be a National Military Training Establishment which shall provide military training to the citizens of Sri Lanka.
(2) The Reserve shall provide reservists augmenting the armed forces and the police force.
Transfer of members of the Reserve.
(1) Any member of the Reserve who has completed the period of basic training and is rendering initial service, full-time service or mobilized service in the Reserve, may be transferred to the armed forces or the police force as individual reservists or as mobilized reserve units of the armed forces or the police force, to which such member or unit is transferred.
(2) When any member of the Reserve is transferred to anyone of the armed forces or the police force, the laws, regulations and rules for the time being applicable to the armed forces or the police force, other than such of those laws, regulations and rules as relate to the trial and punishment of civil offences to which such member is transferred, shall apply to, and in relation to, such member.
(3) Any member of the Reserve transferred under subsection (1) may be re-transferred to the Reserve
(4) The procedure for, and the conditions applicable, to- a
(a) the transfer of any member of the Reserve under subsection (1); and
(b) the re-transfer section (3),
Conditions of training & c., to be specified by the Council.
17. The Council shall, after consultation with the Director-General of the Reserve specify the conditions relating to the training and efficiency of members of the Reserve, and the degree of proficiency to be attained, by a member of the Reserve before he can be passed as efficient.
Power of the President to assign units etc. of the Reserve, to the armed forces and the police force.
(1) The President shall when he so deems it necessary in the interest of national security, assign an:,! unit of the Reserve to assist the armed forces or the police force as the case may be.
(2) Whenever any unit of the Reserve is, assigned under subsection (1) to assist the armed forces or the police force, an officer of the armed forces or the police force shall exercise operational command over such unit:
Provided that such unit shall whenever practicable be led by the member of the Reserve.
Provided that such unit shall whenever practicable led by a member of the Reserve.
19. Every member of the Reserve shall be liable to Members of the Reserve liable to initial service and reserve service.
(a) initial service inclusive of basic training in such manner, and for such period not exceeding one year, as may be determined by the Minister by notice published in the Gazette;
(b) reserve service for a total number of days not exceeding twenty-one in a year, as is determined by the Minister by notice published In the Gazette subsequent to the completion of initial service:
Provided that any member may volunteer to render service for a period exceeding the period determined for reserve service by the Minister by notice published in the Gazette.
Mobilization of the Reserve.
(1) The President may by Order published in the Gazette summon the Reserve for mobilized service-
(a) in the defence of Sri Lanka in time of war; or
(b) in the prevention or suppression of any rebellion or insurrection or other civil disturbance.
(2) Where an Order under subsection (1) is made, a member of the Reserve shall not be released at the end of his period of initial service, reserve or full-time service, and such member shall continue to serve in the Reserve: Provided that, the Council may at any time authorize the release of any such member of the Reserve, from mobilized service.
(3) Every member of the Reserve shall upon an Order being made under subsection (1) render service in the Reserve or in any of the armed forces or the police force as may be determined by the Council.
Period of service of members of the Reserving.
(1) The period of service of members of the Reserve, other than members on full-time service or members seconded for the service from the armed forces or the police force shall be for a period of ten years:
Provided that any member may re-enlist for a further period of service on such terms and conditions as may be determined by the Council.
(2) Any member of the Reserve may be discharged or dismissed from the Reserve.
Right to return to previous employment at end of period of service.
(1) Every employer who has had in his employment a person for a continuous period of at least six months immediately preceding the day on which that person was ordered to report for initial service, reserve service or mobilized service, shall continue to employ or reinstate that person in his employment, as the case may be, at the termination of such service.
(2) Every employer shall pay, in respect of every employee who reports for initial service, reserve service or mobilized service, during the period which such employee is performing such service, the salary, emoluments and allowances of such employee (including. all such contributions as the employer is required, by or under any written law, to pay in respect of such employee). The State shall refund to the employer the salary, emoluments, allowance and contributions made by such employer, to or in respect of, such employee during such period.
(3) The provisions of subsection (1) shall not apply to '!in employer, if the person whom he has had in his employment, and who was called up for initial service, reserve ,service or mobilized service, would have remained in that employment only for a contracted period of time, had such person not performed initial service, reserve service or mobilized service.
(4) Where a person is re-employed under subsection (1), the employer shall in so far as it is practicable, employ him on such terms and conditions, as are not less favourable than those which would have been applicable to him, had he not been so called out on initial service, reserve service or mobilized service.
(5) Any employer who fails to comply with the preceding provisions of this section shall be guilty of an offence, and shall be liable on conviction after summary trial to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to a fine not exceeding five thousand rupees or to both such imprisonment and fine, and the court by which he is convicted may order the employer to pay to the person whom he has failed to employ, a sum not exceeding an amount equal to three months remuneration at the rate which remuneration was last payable to him by the employer.
(6) In a prosecution under subsection (5), a certificate setting out the manner in which the accused has failed to comply with the provisions of this section, under the hand of the Authority shall be prima facie evidence of the facts stated therein.
Employer has no right to dismiss up called up for active service.
(1) No employer shall dismiss a person solely or mainly by reason of any duties or liabilities which that person is, or may become liable to perform Or discharge by reason of his being, or being liable to be, called up for active service under this Act, unless the person so called up for active service is employed only for a contracted period of time.
(2) For the purpose of this section, where it is proved that the duties or liabilities to which a person is liable under this Act, caused or contributed to the dismissal of that person, he shall be deemed to have been dismissed by reason of those duties or liabilities, unless the employer proves that the dismissal was for a reason unconnected therewith.
(3) Any employer who dismisses a member of the Reserve, by reason of his duties and liabilities as a member of the Reserve, shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction after summary trial to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to a fine not exceeding five thousand rupees or to both such imprisonment and fine, and the court by which he is convicted may order the employer to pay, to the dismissed person as compensation, a sum not exceeding an amount equal to three months remuneration at the rate which remuneration was last payable to him by the employer.
Secondment of members of armed forces or the police force for service the Reserve.
24. Any member of the armed forces or the police farce may be seconded far service in the Reserve in accordance with such conditions of service as may be specified in that behalf.
Full time service.
25. Any member of the Reserve may render full-time service to. the Reserve subject to. such terms and conditions as may be specified in that behalf.
Terms and conditions application to members of the Reserve.
26. The law far the time being in farce governing the discipline of any armed farce or police farce, other than such provisions of that law as relate to. the trial and punishment of civil offences, shall apply to, the members of the Reserve who. are rendering initial service, reserve service, full-time service or mobilized service, in like manner as they apply to. the members of such armed force or police farce.
Pay &c., to members of the Reserve to be determined.
27. Members of the Reserve, shall be paid such salary and allowances as may be determined.
All property of Reserve to vest in the Director-General.
28. All property belonging to. the Reserve other than the property of individual members of the Reserve, and the exclusive right to. sue far and recover monies. and other property due to. the Reserve or to. any Part of the Reserve, shall vest in the Director-General of the Reserve along with the power far him to. sue and to. make such contracts and conveyances, and to. do. all other lawful things relating to. such property; and any civil or criminal proceeds taken by virtue of this section by the Director-General of the Reserve shall not be discontinued and. shall not abate by reason of his death resignation, retirement or removal from office, but may be carried an by and in the name of his successor in office.
Failure to report for service an offence.
(1) Any member of the Reserve who fails to report far initial service when called upon to. do. so. shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction after summary trial, be liable to imprisonment of either description far a term not exceeding four years.
(i) Any member of the Reserve who. fails to. report for reserve service or mobilized service in the police force shall be guilty of an offence and shall an conviction after summary trial be liable to imprisonment of either description far a term not exceeding four years.
(ii) Any member of the Reserve who fails to report for reserve service or mobilized service in the armed forces shall be guilty of an offence, and on conviction by a court martial convened under the Army Act, Navy Act or Air Force Act as the case may be, shall be liable to rigorous imprisonment for a term not exceeding four years or be liable to be cashiered, dismissed with disgrace or discharged With ignominy as the case may be, or to suffer any less severe punishment in the scale set out in section 133 of the Army Act or section 120 of the Navy Act or section 133 of the Air Force Act.
Certificate of Authority to be prima facie evidence.
30. In a prosecution under section 29, the certificate under the hand of the Authority to the effect that a member of the Reserve, has failed to report for service when called upon to do so, shall be prima facie evidence of the facts stated therein.
Non applicability of certain acts to members of the Reserve.
31. Nothing contained in the Firearms Ordinance, the Explosives Act, the Offensive Weapons Act, No. 18 of 1966, shall apply to, and in relation to, members of the Reserve whilst on parade or in the course of discharging their duties as such members.
Modified effect of section 46 of the Firearms Ordinance.
32. Section 46 of the Firearms Ordinance shall have effect as if the reference to "Her Majesty's Forces contained in that section, included a reference to members of the Reserve.
Modified effect of section 3 (1) of the Firing Ranges and Military Training Act.
33. Section 3 (1) of the Firing Ranges and Military Training Act, shall have effect as if the reference to "naval military or air force of Ceylon" contained in that section, included a reference to the Reserve.
34. Regulations may be made in respect of any or all of the following matters :
(a) the units and strength of the Reserve;
(b) the rank structure of members of the Reserve;
(c) the uniforms to be worn by members of the Reserve;
(d) the training of members of the Reserve;
(e) the discipline of members of the Reserve;
(f) the disbandment of the whole or part of any unit of the Reserve;
(g) the administration of the Reserve;
(h) any matter stated or required by this Part of this Act to be prescribed ;
(i) the convening and constituting of courts martial;
(j) the adjournment, dissolution, and sittings of courts martial ;
(k) the procedure to be observed in trials by courts martial ;
(1) the confirmation and revision of the findings and sentences of courts martial ;
(m) the forms of orders to be made under the provisions of this Act relating to courts martial, imprisonment or detention;
(n) any matter in respect of which regulations are authorized to be made by this Part of this Act.
Issue of arms & c.
35. The Secretary to the Ministry of the Minister in charge of the subject of Defence shall control the issue of arms and ammunition to members of the Reserve as prescribed.
For the purposes of this Part of this Act, " Minister means the Minister in charge of the subject and function of manpower mobilization and training.
National Cadet Corps.
36.There shall be raised and maintained, in accordance with the provisions of this Act, a Corps to be known as the National Cadet Corps (hereinafter referred to as " the Corps").
President to determine units and strength of Crops.
(1) The Corps shall be formed into such units and shall consist of such strength as the President may from time to time determine
(2) The structure and ranks of the Corps and the appointments, promotions, demotions to, and from, such ranks shall be as prescribed.
Director of the Corps.
38. The President shall appoint a fit and proper person Director as Director of the Corps, who shall be responsible for the of the administration. training discipline and efficiency of the Corps.
President to appoint officers.
39. The officers of the Corps shall be appointed by the President.
Standard of training to be specified by the Council.
(1) The Corps shall provide pre-military training and civic training to students,
(2) The Council shall, after consultation with the Director of the Corps, specify the standard of efficiency and the degree of proficiency to be attained, by a cadet before he can be passed as efficient.
Secondment of officers & c. for service in the Corps.
41. Any member of' the armed forces or the police force or the Reserve may be seconded for service in the Corps on full-time or part-time basis and subject to such terms and conditions as may be specified in that behalf.
Cadets to be discharged on expiration of period of enrolment.
(1) Subject to the regulations made under this Act, a cadet, may be discharged from the Corps on the expiration of the period for which he was enrolled.
(2) The Director of the Corps may dismiss any cadet for a breach of discipline committed by the cadet.
Discipline of cadets of the Corps.
(1) Any cadet who
(a) in such manner as to show wilful defiance of authority, disobeys any lawful command given to him or conveyed to him personally by an officer, or
(b) contravenes or fails to comply with any order or regulation made under this Act,
shall be disciplined in such manner as is prescribed.
Corps not to be called on active service.
44. The Corps, shall not be called out for active service, but the officers of the Corps, may be summoned for mobilized service in the manner provided for the summoning of members of the Reserve for mobilized service.
Certain cadets deemed to be cadets of the Crops.
45. All persons who, immediately before the date of commencement of this Act, were cadets enrolled in the Sri Lanka Army Cadet Corps or the Police Cadet Corps shall be deemed to be cadets enrolled in the Corps with effect from the date of the commencement of this Act.
Minister to determine allowance of officers and cadets of the Corps.
46. The Minister shall with the concurrence of the Minister in charge of the subject of Finance, determine the allowances of the officers and cadets of the Corps.
Property of the Crops to vest in the Director of the Corps.
47. All property belonging to the Crops other than the property of individual members of the Corps and the exclusive right to sue, and recover, monies and other property due to the Corps or to any part of the Corps, shall vest in the Director of the Corps for the time being, with power for him to sue, to make contracts and conveyances, and to do all other lawful things relating to such property, and any civil or criminal proceedings taken by virtue of this section by the Director of the Corps shall not be discontinued and shall not abate by reasons of his death, resignation, retirement, or removal from office but may be carried on by, and in the name of, his successor in office.
Certain Acts not to apply to officers and cadets of the Corps.
48. Nothing in the Firearms Ordinance, The Explosives Ad, and the Offensive Weapons Act, No. 13 of 1966, shall apply to, and in relation to, officers and cadets of the Corps whilst on parade or in the course of discharging their duties as such officers and cadets.
Modification of Firearms Ordinance to include officers and cadets of the Crops.
49. Section 46 of the Firearms Ordinance, shall have effect as if the reference to "Her Majesty's Forces" contained in that Ordinance, included a reference to officers and cadets of the Corps.
Application of Part IV.
50. The Minister may, by Order published in the Gazette extend any provision of Part IV of this Act to members of the Corps other than cadets and where any such provision is so extended, references in that provision to members of the Reserve shall be deemed to include a reference to members of the Corps other than cadets.
51. Regulations may be made providing for all or any of the following matters:
(a) the organization, control, administration and discipline of the Corps;
(b) the uniforms to be worn by members of the Corps;
(c) the training of cadets;
(d) the disbandment of the whole or any part of. any Unit of the Corps;
(e) the age and other qualifications for cadet membership, promotion, advancement or reduction in rank, of, cadets and dispensation with the service 3 of cadets;
(f) the termination of the service of any member of the Corps other than a cadet;
(g) any matter which is by this Part of this Act stated or required to be prescribed;
(h) any matter in respect of which regulations are required to be made by this Part of this Act.
For the purposes of this Part of this Act
"Student" means any citizen of Sri Lanka above the age of fourteen years who is a student of a school or an institution established in accordance with the laws of Sri Lanka and imparting education in conformity with national policy.
"active service" has the same meaning as in section 162 of the Army Act.
" Minister" means the Minister in charge of the Subject and function of the national cadet corps,
Establishment of Supplementary Forces.
(1) The President may by order published in the Gazette (hereinafter referred to as "an Establishment Order ") raise and maintain in accordance with the provisions of this Act
(a) the National Auxiliary force;
(b) any other Auxiliary force;
(c) any Para-military force;
(e) any Civil Defence force.
(hereinafter referred to as "Supplementary Forces ) to support and assist the armed forces and the police force.
(2) Every Establishment Order shall
(a) assign a name and style to such Supplementary Force; and
(b) specify the objectives of such Supplementary Forces.
(3) Upon any Establishment Order being made under the provisions of subsection (1), a Supplementary Force under the name and style specified in such Order shall be deemed to have been established for the objectives specified in the order.
Disbandment of Supplementary Forces.
(1) The President may, by Order published in the Gazette (hereinafter referred to as "a Disbandment Order ") disband the whole or any part of any Supplementary Force established under the preceding provisions of this Part of this Act.
(2) Upon any disbandment Order being made under the provisions of subsection (1) the Supplementary Force specified in the said Order shall be deemed to have been disbanded.
Appointment of Commandant of such Supplementary Force.
54. The President shall appoint a fit and proper person as the Commandant of each Supplementary Force who shall be responsible for the command of such Supplementary Force.
Appointment of designated Commander.
55. Without prejudice to the powers of the President under the Constitution, the Commandant of the Supplementary forces shall be subject to the operational command and control of a designated Commander, designated by the President,
For the purposes of this section, " designated Commander " means anyone of the following persons:
(a) Commander of the Army;
(b) Commander of the Navy;
(c) Commander of the Air Force;
(d) The Inspector-General of Police; or
(e) Any fit and proper person, designated by name or office, by the President by notice published in the Gazette.
Council to specify conditions of efficiency & c. for Supplementary Forces.
56. The Council shall, after consultation with the Commandant of a Supplementary Force specify the conditions of efficiency and the degree of proficiency to be attained by a member of a Supplementary Force before such member can he passed as efficient.
Manner of appointment & c. of members.
57. The President may appoint the officers of any Supplementary Force, and shall specify the terms and conditions governing such appointment.
Secondment of members of the armed forces or the police force into service of the Supplementary Forces.
(1) Any member of the armed forces or the police force may be seconded for service in the Supplementary Force.
(2) The conditions of service of members seconded for service under subsection (1) shall be prescribed.
Units of each Supplementary Force.
(1) Each Supplementary Force shall consist of such Units as may be specified in the Establishment Order, establishing such Supplementary Force.
(2) The President may from time to time determine the strength of each Unit of a Supplementary Force.
Applicability of Police and Military Laws to members of the Supplementary Forces.
60. The law for the time being in force governing the discipline of any armed force or police force, other than such provisions of that law as provide for the trial and punishment of civil offences shall apply to the members of such Supplementary Force in a like manner as they apply to the members of such armed force or police force.
Pay & c., to be determined.
61. The members of every Supplementary Force shall be paid such salary and allowances as may be determined.
Vesting of property of each Supplementary Force in the Commandant of such Supplementary Force.
62. All property belonging to each Supplementary Force other than the property of individual members of such Supplementary Force and the exclusive right to sue for and recover monies and other property due to such Supplementary Force or to any part of such Supplementary Force, shall vest in the Commandant of such Supplementary Force for the time being, with power for him to sue, to make contracts and conveyances, and to do all other lawful things relating to such property; and any civil or criminal proceedings taken by virtue of this section by the Commandant of such Supplementary Force shall not be discontinued and shall not abate by reason of his death, resignation, retirement or removal from office, but may be carried on by and in the name of his successor in office.
Non applicability of certain acts, to members of the Supplementary Force.
63. Nothing in the Firearms Ordinance, the Explosives Act and the Offensive Weapons Act, No. 18 of 1966, shall apply to, and in relation to, members of any Supplementary Force whilst on parade or in the course of discharging their duties, as members of such Supplementary Force.
(1) Regulations may be made in respect of any or all of the following matters ;
(a) the uniforms to be worn by the members of Supplementary Forces;
(b) the training of members of Supplementary Forces;
(c) the discipline of members of the Supplementary Forces;
(d) the rank structure of the Supplementary Forces;
(e) the administration of the Supplementary Forces;
(f) any matter which is by this Part of this Act stated or required to be prescribed;
(g) the numerical establishment of units of the Supplementary Forces and the ranks therein;
(h) any matter in respect of which regulations are authorized or required to be made by any provision or this Part of this Act.
For the purposes of this Part of this Act, "Minister" means, the Minister in charge of the subject of supplementary forces.
(1) Minister with the approval of the President may Regulations. make regulations in respect of any or all matters in respect of which regulations are authorized or required to be made by any Part of this Act.
(2) Every regulation made under subsection (1) shall be published in the Gazette, and shall come into operation on the date of such publication, or on such later date as may be specified in the regulation.
(3) Every regulation made under subsection (1) shall as soon as convenient after its publication in the Gazette, be brought before Parliament for its approval. Any regulation which is not so approved shall be deemed to be rescinded as from the date of disapproval but without prejudice to anything previously done thereunder.
(4) Notification of the date on which any regulation is deemed to be so rescinded shall be published in the Gazette.
(5) In this Part of this Act "Minister " means the Minister in charge of the subject of manpower mobilization and training.