Ordinance Nos,
2 of 1937
31 of 1942
12 of 1944
12 of 1945
Act Nos,
38 of 1949
44 of 1964
1 of 1970
49 of 1993
12 of 2005
[1st March , 1938 ]
Short title.

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Fauna and Flora Protection Ordinance.

Constitution of National Reserves. Strict Natural Reserves. National Parks. Nature Reserves. Jungle Corridors. Refuges, Marine Reserves, Buffer Zones and Sanctuaries.
[ 2,44 of 1964]
[ [ 2,44 of 1964]
[ [ 3,1 of 1970]
[ 3,49 of 1993]


(1) The Minister may by Order published in the Gazette declare that any specified area of State land shall for the purposes of this Ordinance be a National Reserve and may by that Order or by any Order subsequently published in the Gazette declare that the whole or any specified part of any such National Reserve shall be-

(a) a Strict Natural Reserve; or

(b) a National Park ; or

(c) a Nature Reserve ; or

(d) a Jungle Corridor; or

(e) a Refuge; or

(f) a Marine Reserve ; or

(g) a Buffer Zone.

(2) The Minister may by Order published in the Gazette declare that any specified area of land within Sri Lanka (other than land declared to be a National Reserve) shall be a Sanctuary for the purposes of this Ordinance.

(3) An area declared to be a Sanctuary may include both State land and land other than State land.

(4) The Minister may by Order published in the Gazette declare that from a specified date -

(a) the limits of any Strict Natural Reserve, National Park, Nature reserve, Jungle Corridor Refuge, Marine Reserve or Buffer Zone, shall be altered of varied ;

(b) any National Reserve or part thereof shall cease to be a National Reserve;

(c) any Sanctuary or part thereof shall cease to be a Sanctuary ;

(d) that a National Reserve of one class shall be a National Reserve of another class.

[ 3,1 of 1970]


(a) The Minister may, by Order, declare that the limits of any National Reserve or Sanctuary shall be altered or varied.

(b) Any Order made by the Minister under this subsection shall have no effect unless it has been approved by Parliament and notification of such approval is published in the Gazette.

Control and management of facilities within National Reserves.
[ 4, 49 of 1993]

2A. The Director shall administer, control and manage the facilities or services which are to be provided within any National Reserve.

Essential features of Strict Natural Reserves, Jungle Corridors, National Parks, Refuges, Marine Reserves, Buffer Zones and Sanctuaries.
[3,44 of 1964]
[ 5, 49 of 1993]


(1) Save as hereinafter provided -

(a) no person shall be entitled to enter any Strict Natural Reserve or Nature Reserve, or in any way to disturb the fauna and flora therein;

(b) no person shall be entitled to enter any National Park except for the purpose of observing the fauna and flora therein;

[ 3,44 of 1964]

(c) no animal shall be hunted, killed or taken, and no plant shall be damaged, collected or destroyed in a Strict Natural Reserve destroyed, in a Strict Natural Reserve.

[ 3, 44 of 1964]

(d) no person shall hunt, shoot, kill or take any wild animal, or take or destroy any egg of any bird or reptile or any nest of any bird, in any Sanctuary.

[4,1 of 1970]

(1A) No person shall, on any State land or any part thereof within any Sanctuary, carry, or have in his possession or under his control, a gun, or a cartridge or other explosive of any description except under the authority, and in accordance with the terms or conditions, of a permit issued by the prescribed officer upon the payment of the prescribed fee. The preceding provisions of this subsection shall be in addition to, and not in derogation of, the provisions of the Firearms Ordinance.

[4,1 of 1970]

(3) Nothing in the preceding provisions' of this section shall be deemed or construed to prohibit or restrict the exercise by any person of any right acquired by him, whether by law or custom or usage, in or over any land situated within the limits of any Nature Reserve, or in or over any State land in any Sanctuary, being a right which was so acquired by such person prior to the date of the establishment of such Nature Reserve or Sanctuary.

[ 4, 1 of 1970]

(4) Any right referred to in subsection (3) which has not been, or is not. exercised by the person entitled thereto for a continuous period of two years shall be deemed to have lapsed, or to lapse, and to have been, or to be, ceded to the State.

Ban on tourist hotels &c, within one mile of National Reserve.
[ 6, 49 of 1993]

3A. No person shall, within one mile of the boundary at a National Reserve, construct a tourist hotel or provide any services or facilities similar to the services or facilities provided by a tourist hotel.

Restriction of entry into Strict Natural Reserves.


(1) No person other than the Director shall enter or remain within any Strict Natural Reserve except -

(a) for the purpose of discharging any official duty on the instructions or with the written permission of the Director; or

(b) under the authority and in accordance with the conditions of a written permit from the Director.

(2) A permit under subsection (1) (b) shall be issued only for the purpose of authorizing scientific research.

Restriction of entry into National Parks.


(1) No person shall enter or remain within any National Park except under the authority and in accordance with the conditions of a permit issued by the prescribed officer on payment of the prescribed fee.

(2) A permit under subsection (1) shall be issued only for the purpose of enabling the permit-holder to study or observe the fauna and flora in a National Park.

(3) If no fee is prescribed for the issue of a permit under subsection (1), such permit shall be issued free of charge.

Restriction of entry into Nature Reserves.
[ 4, 44 of 1964]
[ 7, 49 of 1993]


(1) No person shall enter or remain within any Nature Reserve except under the authority and in accordance with the condition of a permit issued by the prescribed officer on payment of the prescribed fee.

(2) If no fee is prescribed for the issue of a permit under subsection (1), such permit shall be issued free of charge.

Acts prohibited in Strict Natural Reserves, National Parks, Nature Reserves and Jungle Corridors.
[ 5, 44 of 1964]
[ [ 5, 1 of 1970]
[ 8, 49 of 1993]


(1) No person shall in a Strict Natural Reserve, National Park, Nature Reserve or Jungle Corridor, Refuge, Marine Reserve or Buffer Zone -

(a) hunt, shoot, kill, wound or take any wild animal or have in his possession or under his control any wild animal, whether dead or alive, or any part of such animal; or

(b) take or destroy any egg of any bird or reptile, or any nest of any bird ; or

(c) fire any gun or do any other act which disturbs or is likely to disturb any wild animal or do any act which interferes or is likely to interfere with the breeding place of any such animal; or

(d) fell, girdle, lop, tap, burn or in any way damage or destroy any plant, or take, collect, or remove any plant therefrom; or

(e) clear or break up any land for cultivation, mining or for any other purpose; or

(f) kindle or carry any fire; or

(g) possess or use any trap or any explosive or gun or other weapon or poisonous substance capable of being used for the purpose of injuring or destroying any animal or plant ; or

[ 5,1 of 1970]

(h) make any fresh clearing; or

(i) except under the authority of a permit issued in that behalf by the prescribed officer, erect any building, whether permanent or temporary, or occupy any building so erected; or

(j) construct or use any road or path so constructed by him; or

(k) construct or manage any tourist hotel or provide any services or facilities similar to the services or facilities provided by a tourist hotel.

[ 5, 44 of 1964]

(2) No person shall introduce any animal into any Strict Natural Reserve, National Park, Nature Reserve, Jungle Corridor, Refuge, Marine Reserve or Buffer Zone, or tether, liberate or release any animal therein.

[ 5, 44 of 1964]
[ [ 37. 1 of 1970]

(3) No person shall lead, or allow to stray any domestic animal into any National Reserve- It shall be lawful for the Director or any officer authorized by the Director to seize any domestic animal within any National Reserve and to release it to the owner thereof on the payment of a prescribed fine if such animal is claimed within twenty-eight days of such seizure. Any animal not so claimed may be disposed of by the Director in such manner as he may deem fit.

(4) Any person who acts in contravention of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to imprisonment of either description for a term not less than one year and not exceeding five years.

Acts prohibited in National Reserves, and Sanctuaries.
[ 6,44 of 1964]


(1) No person shall fish or take any aquatic animal or plant from any waters within a National Reserve, or Sanctuary which is on State land, except under the authority, and in accordance with the conditions, of a permit issued by a prescribed officer on payment of the prescribed fee.

[ 6,1 of 1970]

(2) No person shall remove any object of archaeological, pre-historic, historical, geological or other scientific interest, or any other object of mineral value, from any National Reserve or Sanctuary except under the authority, and in accordance with the conditions, of a permit issued by the prescribed officer on payment of the prescribed fee.

(3) If no fee is prescribed for the issue of a permit under subsection (1) or subsection (2), such permit shall be issued free of charge.

[ 6, l of 1970]

(4) Where the prescribed officer is satisfied that any application for the issue of a permit under subsection (1) is for the purpose of enabling the applicant to catch fish in any waters referred to in that subsection for the local consumption of the inhabitants of any village who have, by custom or usage, fished in such waters for that purpose, then, notwithstanding the provisions of that subsection, such officer shall issue such permit free of charge.

Acts regulated in Sanctuaries.
[ 7, 1 of 1970]
[ 9,49 of 1993]


(1) No person shall, except in accordance with regulations -

(b) in any in any Sanctuary -

(i) fire any gun, or do any other act which disturbs or is likely to disturb any wild animal or do any act which interferes or is likely to interfere with the breeding place of any such animal; or

(ii) hunt, shoot, kill, or take any wild animal, or have in his possession or under his control any wild animal, whether dead or alive, or any part of any such animal; or

(iii) take or destroy any egg of any bird or reptile or any nest of any bird; or

[ 7, 1 of 1970]

(iv) construct or use any hide or ambush on the ground or on any tree for hunting, shooting, injuring or wounding any wild animal, bird or reptile ; or

(v) set, lay or spread any pitfall, trap, snare or other instrument for the purpose of killing or capturing any wild animal, bird or reptile; or

[ 7, 1 of 1970]

(c) in any on any State land within any Sanctuary -

(i) fell, girdle, lop, tap, burn or in any way damage or destroy any plant, or take, collect, or remove any plant therefrom; or

(ii) clear or break up any land for cultivation, mining or for any other purpose; or

(iii) kindle or carry any fire; or

(iv) possess or use any trap or any explosive or poisonous substance capable of being used for the purpose of injuring or destroying any animal or plant; or

[ 7,1 of 1970]

(v) make any fresh clearing; or

(vi) erect any building whether permanent or temporary or occupy any building so erected unless such person is the holder of a permit issued in that behalf by the prescribed officer; or

(vii) construct or use any road or path so constructed by him.

Acts prohibited in vicinity of National Reserve.
[ 7,44 of 1964]
[ 10,49 of 1993]

8. No person shall from any road or land outside a Strict Natural Reserve, National Park, Nature Reserve, Jungle Corridor, Refuge, Marine Reserve or Buffer Zone, hunt, shoot, kill or take any wild animal in such Strict Natural Reserve, National Park, Nature Reserve, Jungle Corridor, Refuge, Marine Reserve or Buffer Zone.

Nature trails.
[ 11,49 of 1993]


(1) The Director may provide roads and tracks within a National Reserve to be nature trails for the use of any person who desires to travel on foot to study or observe the fauna and flora therein:

Provided that the State shall not be liable for any injury or damage sustained or incurred by any person using such trail.

(2) No person shall use any such nature trail unless he has obtained a permit issued by the Director upon the payment of the prescribed fee.

(3) Regulations may be made specifying the manner in which any person may use such nature trail.

Special regulations for Part I.
[ 12,49 of 1993]

9. Regulations may be made -

(b) prescribing the circumstances and cases in which and the conditions and restrictions subject to which wild animals may be hunted, shot, killed or taken in a Sanctuary;

(c) prescribing the conditions to be attached to any permit issued for the purposes of this Part of this Ordinance and the fees to be paid for the issue of such permits ;

(d) for the purpose of extending, with such modification as may be necessary, all or any of the provisions of Part II or of Part III of this Ordinance to any to any Sanctuary;

(e) for the purpose of extending, with such modification as may be necessary, all or any of the provisions of this Part of this Ordinance to any specified insect;

(f) declaring that all or any of the provisions of this Part of this Ordinance shall not apply to any specified species of animal in any specified area.

Restriction on development activity within one mile of National Reserves.
[ 13,49 of 1993]


(1) No person or organisation, whether private or State shall within a distance of one mile of the boundary of any National Reserve declared by Order made under section 2, carry out any development activity of any description whatsoever, without obtaining the prior written approval of the Director.

(2) Every application for approval, under subsection (1) to commence a development activity shall be accompanied by an Initial Environmental Examination or Environmental Impact Assessment, as the case may be, in terms of the National Environmental Act, No. 47 of 1980, relating to such development activity. The Director shall have regard to such environmental impact assessment in deciding whether or not to grant approval for the commencement of the development activity to which that assessment relates.

Offences and penalties under Part I.
[ 14,49 of 1993]

10. Any person who acts in contravention of -

(a) any provision of this Part of this Ordinance other than the provisions of section 6;

(b) any regulation made under section 9 for any purpose set out in that section; or

(c) any provision of Part II or Part III of this Ordinance which has by regulation been extended, with or without modification, to any to any Sanctuary; or

(d) any provision of this Part of this Ordinance which has by regulation been extended, with or without modification, to any specified insect,

shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not less than fifteen thousand rupees and not exceeding fifty thousand rupees or to imprisonment of either description for a term not less than two years and not more than five years or to both such fine and imprisonment.

Interpretation of Part I.
[ 15,49 of 1993]

11. In this Part of this Ordinance , unless the context otherwise requires-

"animal means any vertebrate or invertebrate ;

"domestic animal" means-

(a) any head of cattle, or any sheep, goat, horse, ass, mule, dog, or cat ;

(b) any domestic fowl reared by man as poultry; and

(c) when domesticated by man, any pig;

"plant" means a member of the plant kingdom ;

"wild animal" means any animal which is not a domestic animal.

[ 8, 1 of 1970]

" animal" means any vertebrate or invertebrate animal and includes a bird, fish, or reptile ;

" domestic animal " means -

(a) any head of cattle, or any sheep, goat, horse, ass, mule, dog, or cat;

(b) any domestic fowl or other bird commonly reared by man as poultry; and

(c) when domesticated by man, any elephant, buffalo, pig, deer, hare, rabbit, peacock, parrot, pigeon, or other animal;

"plant" means any member of the vegetable kingdom and includes the seed or any other part of any plant; " wild animal " means any animal which is not a domestic animal.

Protection of elephants and buffaloes in areas outside National Reserves and Sanctuaries.
[8,44 of 1964]
[17,49 of 1993]


(1) Save as is hereinafter provided, no person shall in any area outside a National Reserve or Sanctuary-

(a) hunt, shoot, kill, injure or take any elephant; or

(b) without a licence, in that behalf from the Director, capture any buffalo.

[37,1 of 1970]

(2) Every licence under subsection (1) shall be issued in the prescribed form on payment of the prescribed fee and shall continue in force for such period and within such limits and may be subject to such conditions as the Director may consider necessary or expedient to insert therein for the protection and preservation of buffaloes.

(3) The holder of a licence under subsection (1) (b), shall not later than fifteen days after the expiry of the licence, return the expired licence to the Director or the prescribed officer, and intimate to him the particulars of any buffalo capture by him.

Declaration of areas in which damage by elephant, or buffalo is apprehended.
[ 9, 44 of 1964]
[ [ 2. 1 of 1970]
[ [ 37, 1 of 1970]
[ 18, 49 of 1993]



(a) Whenever it appears to the Director that in any area outside a National Reserve damage to any person or to any house, crop, plantation or other property is likely to be caused by any elephant or buffalo, he may by notices affixed in conspicuous places within that area declare that area to be one within which damage by elephant or buffalo is apprehended and he may take such steps as may be necessary or expedient to have the elephant or buffalo driven off or captured and may issue licences subject to such conditions as he may deem necessary on payment of the prescribed fee, or of such fee not exceeding the prescribed fee, if any, as he may consider adequate, authorizing the licensee to capture such elephant or buffalo within that area while the declaration is in force.

[ 37,1 of 1970]
[[ 2, 1 of 1970]

(b) Whenever it appears to the Director that there is serious danger to life or property in the area referred to in subsection (1) (a), he may issue licences subject to such conditions as he may deem necessary or expedient either free or on payment of the prescribed fee or of such fee not exceeding the prescribed fee, if any, as he may consider adequate, authorizing the licensee to shoot, kill or take the elephant or buffalo, as the case may be, within that area while the declaration is in force.

[ 37,1 of 1970]

(2) Every declaration under subsection (1) shall be forthwith reported by the Director to the Minister and shall continue in force for a period of two months from the date of such declaration.

(3) The Minister may by notification in the Gazette extend or restrict the period for which such declaration shall continue in force, or may otherwise vary or revoke such declaration, but without prejudice to anything done or suffered thereunder prior to the publication of such notification.

Shooting, killing or taking of elephants under special licence.
[ 10, 44 of 1964]
[ [ 37, 1 of 1970]
[ [ 2. 1 of 1970]

14. Where the Director is satisfied that any elephant is found trespassing repeatedly in or upon any plantation or cultivated land and is causing serious damage to the owner of the plantation or cultivated land or likely to cause damage to life or property of those living therein, he may issue to any person a special licence, subject to such conditions as he may deem necessary or expedient, either free or on the payment of the prescribed fee or such fee not exceeding the prescribed fee, if any, as he may consider adequate, authorizing that person to follow or pursue such tusker or elephant to any place (not being a place within a National Reserve) and to shoot, kill or take such elephant.

15. Repealed.
[ 11, 44 of 1964]
[ 19, 49 of 1993]

Killing or taking of elephants and buffaloes to be reported forthwith.
[12,44 of 1964]
[ [2,1 of 1970]
[20,49 of 1993]

16. Any person who in the exercise of any right conferred by or under section 13 or section 14, kills or takes any elephant or buffaloe, shall forthwith report such killing or taking to any police officer entitled to officiate in the area within which such killing or capture took place or to any prescribed officer and to the Director.

Property in elephants killed or taken under Part II .
[2,1 of 1970]
[21,49 of 1993]


(1) Any elephant duly killed or taken by any person under the authority of any licence issued under this Part of this Ordinance, shall be the property of that person, unless otherwise provided in the conditions attached to the licence.

(2) Subject to the provisions of subsection (1), every elephant which is killed or captured shall be the property of the State,

(3) Any buffalo, duly killed or taken by any person in accordance with the provisions of this Part of this Ordinance shall be the property of that person, unless otherwise provided in the conditions attached to the licence, where any such buffalo, was killed or taken under the authority of a licence.

Director authorized to dispose of tusks and car cases of dead elephants.
[ 10,1 of 1970]

18. Subject to such restrictions or conditions as may be prescribed, the Director may, by sale or otherwise, dispose of the tusks or the car case, or any part of the car case, of any dead elephant which is the property of the State.

Royalties payable on elephants.
[ 2,1 of 1970]


(1) A royalty according to such rates as may, from time to time, be prescribed shall be levied as export duty by the officers of customs at the port of shipment in respect of every elephant, whether wild or tame, exported from Sri Lanka to any place outside Sri Lanka.

[ 2,1 of 1970]

(2) No elephant, whether wild or tame, shall be exported from Sri Lanka to any place outside Sri Lanka except under the authority of a special permit issued by the Director.

[37,1 of 1970]

(3) This section shall have effect as if it formed part of the Customs Ordinance and the provisions of that Ordinance shall apply accordingly.

Prohibition of export of any part of an elephants.
[ 22, 49 of 1993]


(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 40, no person shall export from Sri Lanka-

(a) any tusk or tush, or any part of a tusk or tush, or any article made out of a tusk or tush or part of a tusk or tush or any article containing ivory from a tusk or tush ; or

(b) any other part of an elephant, or any article made our of or containing any part of an elephant.

(2) Any person who contravenes the provisions of subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and. shall on conviction be liable to a fine not less than fifty thousand rupees and not exceeding two hundred and fifty thousand rupees or to imprisonment of either description for a term not less than two years and not exceeding five years or to both such fine and imprisonment.

(3) This section shall have effect as if it formed part of the Customs Ordinance and the provisions of that Ordinance shall apply accordingly.

Offences - Elephants.
[ 23, 49 of 1993]

20. Any person who -
[11,1 of 1970]

(a) in contravention of this Part of this Ordinance or contrary to the tenor of any licence issued to him thereunder, hunts, shoots, kills, injures, takes, follows, or pursues any elephant; or

[ 2, 1 of 1970]
[ [ 13. 44 of 1964]
[ [ 13.44 of 1964]
[ [ 2,1 of 1970]

(b) exports any elephant, whether wild or tame, from Sri Lanka except under the authority of a special permit issued under section 19, or in any way evades payment of the royalty payable on such export,

shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not less than one hundred thousand rupees and not exceeding five hundred thousand rupees or to imprisonment of either description for a term not less than two years and not exceeding five years or to both such fine and imprisonment, and where any person who is convicted of an offence mentioned in paragraph (a) of this section in respect of the killing or taking of any elephant is found by the court to be in possession of that elephant or its carcase or tusks or tushes, the court may make order directing such elephant, carcase, tusks, or tushes to be delivered to the possession or custody of any officer of Government to be held by that officer for and on behalf of the State.

Offences-Dead elephants.
[ 12, 1 of 1970]
[ 24, 49 of 1993]


(1) Subject to the provisions of subsection (2), any person who takes, dismembers, removes, sells or purchases the car case, or any part of the car case, of any dead elephant which is the property of the State shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not less than one hundred and fifty thousand rupees and not exceeding two hundred and fifty thousand rupees or to imprisonment of either description for a term not less than two years and not exceeding five years or to both such fine and imprisonment.

[ 2, 1 of 1970]

(2) Nothing in subsection (1) shall apply to the car case or any part of the car case of any dead elephant which is the property of the State if such car case or such part of the car case has been disposed of by the Director under section 18.

Offences relating to buffaloes.
[25,49 of 1993]
[5, 12 of 2005]

22. Any person who in contravention of this Part of this Ordinance or contrary to the terms of any licence issued to him thereunder, hunts, shoots, kills or takes any buffalo, shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not less than ten thousand rupees and not exceeding twenty thousand rupees or to imprisonment of either description for a term not less than one year and not exceeding two years or to both such fine and imprisonment.

Registration and licensing of elephants.
[16, 44 of 1964]
[ 26, 49 of 1993]


(1) No person shall own, have in his custody or make use of an elephant unless it is registered and unless a licence in respect of the elephant has been obtained in accordance with the provisions of this of section.

(2) Every person who owns or has in his custody an elephant shall register such elephant with the prescribed officer.

(3) Every person who owns or has in his custody an elephant shall, prior to registration, pay such registration fee as may be prescribed.

[ 37, 1 of 1970]

(4) The Director shall maintain a register of elephants in such form as may be prescribed.

(5) Every person who owns or has in his custody an elephant shall, upon payment of the prescribed licence fee, obtain from the prescribed officer an annual licence in respect of such elephant.

[2,1 of 1970]
[[37,1 of 1970]

(6) Where a person becomes the owner, or obtains the custody, of an elephant by virtue of sale, gift, the death of the previous owner or in any other manner whatsoever, such person shall immediately inform the Director or prescribed officer and, if the elephant is registered or licensed, take such steps as may be prescribed to have the previous registration and licence cancelled and to have a fresh registration made and a fresh licence obtained.

[2,1 of 1970]
[5, 12 of 2005]

(7) Any person who owns, has in his custody or makes use of an elephant which is not registered, and in respect of which a licence has not been obtained in accordance with the provisions of this section, shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not less than one hundred and fifty thousand rupees and not exceeding two hundred and fifty thousand rupees or to imprisonment of either description for a term not less than two years and not exceeding five years or to both such fine and imprisonment.

(8) The Director or any officer authorised by him may at any time enter any premises where he has reason to believe that an elephant is being kept and to make such inquiries and investigations thereon as may be necessary to ascertain whether the provisions of this section are being complied with.

[2,1 of 1970]

(9) Regulations may be made -

(a) specifying the officers to whom applications for registration of, and licences in respect of, elephants shall be made, and who shall have power to register and issue licences in respect of elephants;

(b) specifying the particulars to be set out in any such application, in the document certifying such registration and in such licence, including reference to identification marks and other details of the elephant to which the application, document certifying registration or licence relates;

(c) specifying the conditions subject to which such registration shall be made and licence issued and the fees payable for such registration and licence;

(d) specifying the form in which prescribed officers shall maintain registers under this section ; and

(e) specifying the manner in which any such registration or licence shall be cancelled and a fresh registration made and a fresh licence issued.

Penalty for unlawful possession of elephant.
[ 17, 44 of 1964]
[ [ 2, 1 of 1970]
[[ 2, 1 of 1970]
[ 27, 49 of 1993]


(1) Any person who is in unlawful possession of any elephant shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not less than one hundred and fifty thousand rupees and not exceeding two hundred and fifty thousand rupees or to imprisonment of either description for a term not less than ten years and not exceeding twenty years or to both such fine and imprisonment; and the court may on the conviction of any such person make order for the disposal of the elephant in respect of which the offence was committed, having regard to the rights of any other person who may appear to the court to be lawfully entitled to the possession of such elephant-

(2) A person who is found in possession of an elephant shall be deemed to be in unlawful possession of that elephant unless -

(a) he is the captor of that elephant under the authority of a licence issued under this Ordinance or under any written law repealed by Ordinance No. 2 of 1937; or

(b) he is the successor in title to such captor; or

(c) he is in possession on behalf of such captor or his successor in title.

Tusks and tushes to be registered.
[ 18, 44 of 1964]
[ 28, 49 of 1993]


(1) No person shall have in his possession a tusk or tush unless such tusk or tush has been registered with a prescribed officer.

(2) Every prescribed officer shall keep a register for the registration of tusks and tushes in such form as may be prescribed.

(3) Any person who has in his possession a tusk or tush which has not been registered shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not less than thirty thousand rupees and not exceeding one hundred and fifty thousand rupees or to imprisonment of either description for a term not less than two years and not exceeding five years or to both such fine and imprisonment.

(4) The court may, on the conviction of any person of an offence under subsection (3), make order for the disposal of the tusk or tush in respect of which the offence was committed, having regard to the rights of any other person who may appear to the court to be lawfully entitled to the possession of such tusk or tush.

(5) Regulations may be made -

(a) specifying the officer who shall have power to register tusks and tushes, and

(b) specifying the form in which prescribed officers shall maintain registers under this section.

Tusks and tushes to be licenced.
[ 29, 49 of 1993]


(1) Upon registration of a tusk or tush in accordance with section 24, every person who has in his possession a tusk or tush shall obtain a licence in respect of such tusk or tush.

(2) The licence stall be obtained on application made to the prescribed officer, in the prescribed form, on payment of the prescribed fee.

(3) Every prescribed officer shall maintain a register in respect of the licensing of tusks and tushes.

(4) Any person who has in his Possession a tusk or tush without obtaining a licence in respect of the same, shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine of not less than thirty thousand rupees and not exceeding one hundred and fifty thousand rupees or to imprisonment of either description for a term not less than two years and not exceeding five years, or to both such fine and imprisonment.

Inspection of places where tusks and tushes and kept.
[ 29, 49 of 1993]

24B. The Director or any officer authorised by him may at any time enter any premises where he has reason to believe that tusks or tushes are being kept, and to make such inquiries and investigation thereon as may be necessary to ascertain whether the provisions of this section are being complied with.

Power of Director, &c, to seize elephant, tusk or tush on suspicion.
[ 19, 44 of 1964]
[ [ 37, 1 of 1970]
[[ 2,1 of 1970]


(1) Where it appears to the Director or to any police officer or other prescribed officer that any person is in unlawful possession of any elephant, tusk or tush, it shall be lawful for the Director or such police or other prescribed officer to seize such elephant, tusk or tush and detain such elephant and to apply to the Magistrate having jurisdiction over the place where the elephant, tusk or tush was seized to make order for the disposal of such elephant, tusk or tush and the Magistrate to whom such application is made may, after such inquiry as he may deem necessary, make such order for the disposal of the elephant, tusk or tush as the justice of the case may require.

[19, 44 of 1964]
[ [ 2,1 of 1970]

(2) An order made under this section shall not affect the liability of any person to be prosecuted for any offence committed in respect of the elephant, tusk or tush to which the order relates.

26. Repealed.
[ 30, 49 of 1993]

Special regulations for Part II.
[ 37, 1 of 1970]

27. Regulations may be made prescribing the circumstances in which and the conditions subject to which the Director may waive or reduce the fee prescribed for the issue of any licence under this Part of this Ordinance.

Interpretation Part II.
[ 31, 49 of 1993]

28. In this Part of this Ordinance, unless otherwise expressly provided or unless the of context otherwise requires -

" buffalo " means a wild buffalo ;

"elephant" means a wild elephant, and includes a tusker, and for the purposes of section 22A, includes a tame or domestic elephant or tusker;

[21,44 of 1964]
[ [21. 44 of 1964]

" tusk " means the tusk of a tusker;

[21,44 of 1964]

" tush " means the tush of a tusker;

[ 14, 1 of 1970]

" tusker " means a wild elephant with a pair of incisors (teeth) or a single incisor.

Elephant orphanages.
[ 32, 49 of 1993]

29. There shall be established and maintained, within or outside any National Reserve or Sanctuary such number of elephant orphanages or similar establishments providing for the care and attention of orphaned elephants as the Director may deem necessary, for the protection and preservation of elephants.

Offences relating to mammals and reptiles not included in Schedule I.
[22,44 of 1964]
[34,49 of 1993]

30. Any person who in any area outside a National Reserve or a Sanctuary-

(a) kills, wounds, injures or take any mammal or reptile not included in Schedule I ;or

(b) takes or destroys the eggs or nest of any such reptile; or

(c) uses any boat or any lime, snare, net, spear, trap, gun, rod, line or hook with any accessory or bait, or explosives of any description or other instrument for the purpose of killing, wounding, injuring or taking any such mammal or reptile; or

(d) has in his possession or under his control, any such mammal or reptile killed or taken or any part of such mammal or reptile killed or taken, or the meat or flesh of any such mammal or reptile killed or taken or the eggs of any such reptile ; or

(e) has in his possession or under his control, the hide or skin of any such mammal or reptile killed or taken, or the horns or antlers of such mammal ; or

(f) exposes for sale, any such mammal or reptile or any part of such mammal or reptile; or

(g) purchases the hide or skin of any such mammal or reptile for the purpose of tanning or preparing such hide or skin for use,

shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not less than twenty thousand rupees and not exceeding fifty thousand rupees or to imprisonment of either description for a term not less than two years and not exceeding five years, or to both such fine and imprisonment.

The provisions of this section shall not apply to any domestic animal as defined in section 11.

Offence relating to birds.
[ 23, 44 of 1964]
[ [ 15, 1 of 1970]
[ 34, 49 of 1993]

31. Any person who in any area outside a National Reserve or a Sanctuary-

(a) kills, wounds, injures or take any bird ; or

(b) takes or destroys the eggs or nest of any bird; or

(c) uses any boat, or any lime, snare, net, spear, trap, gun, rod, line, or book with any accessory or bait or explosive of any description or other instrument for the purpose of killing, wounding, injuring or taking any bird; or

(d) has in his possession or under his control , any bird killed or taken skin of any bird killed or taken, or the feather or any other par of any bird killed or taken, or the eggs of any bird ; or

(e) exposes or offers for sale, any bird or any part of any bird,

shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not less than ten thousand rupees and not exceeding twenty thousand rupees, or to imprisonment of either description for a term not less than two years and not exceeding five years or to both fine and imprisonment:

Provided that a person shall be deemed not to have committed an offence under this section in relation to any bird specified in Schedule II.

The provisions of this section shell not apply to any domestic animal as defined in section 11.

Offences relating to amphibians and fishes included in Schedules III and IV.
[ 35, 49 of 1993]

31A. Any person who in any area outside a National Reserve or a Sanctuary-

(a) knowingly kills, wounds, injures, takes or collects any amphibian or fish included in Schedules III and IV respectively ; or

(b) takes or destroys the eggs, spawn, or nest of any such amphibian or fish; or

(c) uses any boat, lime, snare, net, spear, trap, gun, rod, line or hook with any accessories or bait or explosives of any description or any other instrument for the purpose of killing, wounding, injuring or taking any such amphibian or fish ; or

(d) has in his possession, under his control, any such amphibian or fish killed or taken or any part of any such amphibian or fish; or

(e) exposes of offers for sale or transports, any such amphibian or fish or part of any such amphibian or fish ; or

(f) purchases such amphibian or fish for the purposes of drying, curing or any other purpose,

shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not less than fifteen thousand rupees and not exceeding twenty five thousand rupees or to imprisonment of either description for a term not less than two years and not exceeding five years or to both such fine and imprisonment.

Offences relating to invertebrates included in Schedule IV A.
[ 35, 49 of 1993]

31B. Any person who in any area outside a National Reserve or Sanctuary-

(a) knowingly kills, wounds, injures, takes or collects any invertebrate included for the time being in Schedule IVA ; or

(b) takes or destroys the eggs, spawn, larva or nest of such invertebrate ; or

(c) uses any boat, lime, snare, net, spear, trap, gun, rod, line or hook with any accessories or bait or explosives of any description or any other instrument used for the purpose of killing, wounding, injuring, taking or collecting any such invertebrate : or

(d) has in his possession, or under his control, and such or fish invertebrate killed or taken or any part of such invertebrate egg, spawn or larva; or

(e) exposes or offers for sale, or transports any such invertebrate or part of suck invertebrate; or

(f) purchases such invertebrate for the purpose of drying, curing or for any other purpose,

shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not less than fifteen thousand rupees and not exceeding twenty five thousand rupees or to imprisonment of either description for a term not less than two years and not exceeding five years or to both such fine and imprisonment.

32. Repealed.
[ 36, 49 of 1993]

Alteration of Schedules I, II. Ill and IV.
[ 24, 44 of 1964]

34. The Minister may by regulation add to, rescind, vary, or amend any of the provisions of Schedules I, II, III and IV.

Proof of species of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fishes or invertebrates.
[ 17, 1 of 1970]
[ [ 25, 44 of 1964]
[ [ 17,1 of 1970]
[ 37, 49 of 1993]


(1) A certificate purporting to be signed by any competent authority to the effect that any mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, fish or invertebrate or a part of any mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, fish or invertebrate forwarded to such authority for examination and report is a mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, fish or invertebrate, or a fish or invertebrate of a species included in Schedule I, Schedule II, Schedule III, Schedule IV or Schedule IVA, as the case may be, shall, on production in any court of law, be sufficient evidence of the facts stated in such certificate until the contrary is proved.

(2) For the purpose of subsection (1), the expression, "competent authority" means-

(a) the Director of National Museums;

(b) the Director of National Zoological Gardens.

Temporary prohibition against killing or taking of birds in specified areas.
[ 18,1 of 1970]
[ 38, 49 of 1993]
[5, 12 of 2005]

36. The Minister may by notification in the Gazette declare that for a specified period no person shall shoot, kill, or take any bird of any species or take the eggs or nest or any such birds in any area outside a National Reserve or a Sanctuary mentioned in the notification, and any person who in any such area and during such specified period shoots, kills or takes any bird or the eggs or nest of any such bird, shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not less than ten thousand rupees and not exceeding twenty thousand rupees or to imprisonment of either description for a term not less than one year and not exceeding two years or to both such fine and imprisonment.

Prohibition of import of mammals birds, reptiles, fishes and invertebrate's without permits.
[ 39, 49 of 1993]


(1) No person shall import into Sri Lanka any mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, fish, or invertebrate whether dead or alive, or any part of any such mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, fish or invertebrate or the eggs, spawn or larva of any such mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, fish or invertebrate except under the authority of a permit issued in the prescribed form obtained from the prescribed officer on payment of the prescribed fee.

(2) This section shall have effect as if it formed part of the Customs Ordinance and the provisions of that Ordinance shall apply accordingly.

(3) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any domestic animal as defined in section 11, or to any tropical aquarium fishes.

"Tropical aquarium fish" means any species of fresh water fish specified in Schedule IV.

(4) In case of doubt or dispute, a certificate purporting to be signed by the Director to the effect that any fish belongs to a species of tropical aquarium fish or that any species of fish is a species of tropical aquarium fish shall be admissible in evidence and shall be prima facie proof of the facts stated therein.

Regulation relating to mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fishes and invertebrates.
[ 39, 49 of 1993]

38. Regulations may be made-

(a) requiring may person who imports any mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, fish or invertebrate on a permit issued under section 37, to provide a certificate from an approved authority that such mammal, bird, bird, reptile, amphibian, fish or invertebrate is free from disease or infection ;

(b) prohibiting any mamma!, bird, reptile, amphibian, fish or invertebrate imported under the authority of a permit issued under section 37, from being liberated or released in any part of Sri Lanka or prescribing any area or areas within which any such mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, fish, or invertebrate may be liberated or released.

Penalties for unlawful import or release of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fishes and invertebrates.
[ 39, 49 of 1993]


(1) Any person who-

(a) imports into Sri Lanka any mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, fish or invertebrate in contravention of the provisions of section 37, or any regulation made under section 38; or

(b) contravenes any regulation made under section 38, shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not less than ten thousand rupees and not exceeding twenty thousand rupees or to imprisonment of either description for a term not less than two years and not exceeding five years or to both such fine and imprisonment.

[ 26, 44 of 1964]
[5, 12 of 2005]

(2) Any person who liberates or releases any mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, fish or invertebrate which has been imported into Sri Lanka in contravention of the provisions of section 37 shall be guilty of an offence and shall, in addition to any punishment to which he may be liable under subsection (1), be liable on conviction to a fine of three thousand rupees in respect of each mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, fish or invertebrate so liberated or released.

Prohibition of export of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fishes, corals and invertebrates without a permit.
[ 39, 49 of 1993]


(1) No person shall export from Sri Lanka-

(a) any mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, fish, coral or invertebrate whether dead or alive ; or

(b) the eggs, feathers, or plumage of any bird, the horns, antlers, skin or hide of any mammal or reptile, or any part of any mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, fish, coral or invertebrate,

except under the authority of a permit issued in the prescribed form obtained from the prescribed officer on payment of the prescribed fee.

[27,44 of 1964]
[ [ 27,44 of 1964]

(2) Such permit shall not be issued except for the promotion of scientific knowledge including supplies to foreign museums, foreign zoological gardens in exchange for supplies to local museums or local zoological gardens.

(3) This section shall have effect as if it formed part of the Customs Ordinance, and the provisions of that Ordinance shall apply accordingly.

[27,44 of 1964]

(4) The preceding provisions of this section shall not apply to-

(a) any domestic animal as defined in section 11 ; or

(b) any mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, fish, coral or invertebrate of a species which is not indigenous to Sri Lanka.

[27,44 of 1964]

(5) In case of doubt or dispute a certificate- purporting to be signed by the Director of Museums, Director of the National Zoological Gardens or Director of the National Aquatic Resources Authority to the effect that any mammal, bird, reptile, fish, amphibian, coral or invertebrate belongs to a species which is not indigenous to Sri Lanka, or that any species of any mammal, bird, reptile, fish, amphibian, coral or invertebrate is a species not indigenous to Sri Lanka, or that any part of any mammal, bird, reptile, fish, amphibian, coral or invertebrate- is a part of a mammal, bird, reptile-, fish, amphibian, coral, or invertebrate of a species which is not indigenous to Sri Lanka, or that any part of any reptile, or bird, is the egg of a reptile or bird of a species which is not indigenous to Sri Lanka be admissible in evidence and shall be prima fade proof of the facts stated therein.

(6) Regulations may be made-

(a) prescribing the officer who shall have power to inspect prior to its export any item referred to in this section ;

(b) prescribing the officer who shall have power to seal any such item after such inspection;

(c) prescribing the documents to be furnished by the exporter of any such item, in proof of the circumstances under which such exporter obtained possession of such item.

Penalty for unlawful export of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fishes, and invertebrates.
[ 39, 49 of 1993]
[5, 12 of 2005]

41. Any person who exports from Sri Lanka any mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, fish or invertebrate whether dead or alive or any part of any mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, fish or invertebrate, or any eggs, feathers, plumage, horns, antlers, skins or hide of any such mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, fish or invertebrate in contravention of the provisions of section 40, shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not less than twenty five thousand rupees and not exceeding seventy five thousand rupees or to imprisonment of either description for a term not less than five years and not exceeding ten years or to both such fine and imprisonment.

Protection of plants included in Schedule V.
[ 19,1 of 1970]
[ 39, 49 of 1993]

42. No person shall in any area-

(a) remove, uproot or destroy or cause any damage or injury. to, any plant which is for the time being included in Schedule V and-

(i) is growing on the property of any other person : or

(ii) is growing in any public place ; or

(b)destroy any plant which is for the time being included in Schedule V, and growing on his own property ; or

(c) sell or expose for sale any plant for the time being included in Schedule V ; or

(d) remove ,uproot or destroy, or cause any damage or injury to any tree upon which any orchid or any other epiphytic plant is growing.

Protected trees.

43. No person shall uproot or destroy or cause any damage or injury to any tree (hereinafter called a " protected tree") growing in any public place and included for the time being in Schedule VI:

[29,44 of 1964]

Provided that nothing herein contained shall be deemed to prohibit or to penalize any act done by or on the orders of any person entrusted by the State or by any local authority with the charge or care of any protected tree if such act is done in order to stimulate the growth or to improve the condition or appearance or to secure the safety or to preserve the existence of any such tree.

Alteration of Schedules V and VI.
[30,44 of 1964]

44. The Minister may by regulation add to, rescind, vary or amend any of the provisions of Schedule V or Schedule VI;

Provided that no tree shall be so added to the list of trees in Schedule VI unless that tree is growing in a public place and unless in the opinion of the Minister the preservation or protection of that tree is necessary or desirable for scientific or aesthetic purposes or on religious or historical grounds.

Regulations relating to flora.
[ 40, 49 of 1993]

45. Regulations may be made -
[31,44 of 1964]

(a) prohibiting or regulating the exportation from Sri Lanka of any specified plant, whether or not such plant is included for the time being in Schedule V;

(b) prohibiting or regulating the cultivation of any specified plant;

(d) generally, for the protection and conservation of the wild vegetation, plant life and flora of Sri Lanka.

Offences under Part IV.
[ 41, 49 of 1993]

46. Any person who acts in contravention-

(a) or the previsions of section 42 ; or

(b) of the provisions of section 43 ; or

(c) of any regulation made under section 45,

shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not less than three thousand rupees and not exceeding fifteen thousand rupees or to imprisonment of either description for a term not less than two years and not exceeding five years or to both such fine and imprisonment.

Savings-Part IV.

47. Nothing in this Part of this Ordinance shall affect the provisions of -

(a) the Forest Ordinance, or any rules or regulations made thereunder;

(b) the Water Hyacinth Ordinance ;

(c) the Plant Protection Ordinance, or of any regulation made thereunder;

(d) the Tea Control Act, or of any regulation made thereunder;

(e) the Rubber Control Act, or of any regulation made thereunder;

(f) any other written law relating to the cultivation or to the regulation or the prohibition of the cultivation of any plant.

Interpretation of Part IV.
[ 42, 49 of 1993]

48. In this Part IV of this Ordinance unless the context otherwise requires-

" plant " means a member of the plant kingdom;

" public place" means any State land or land at the disposal of the State or land belonging to, or vested in, a local authority or public corporation and includes any land which is not private property.

Taxidermists and traders in animals, skins, &c, to be licensed.
[ 32, 44 of 1964]
[ 43, 49 of 1993]


(1) No person shall carry on or exercise the business or trade of a taxidermist, tanner, curer or trophy dealer, or any other business or trade involving the purchase, sale or exposure for sale or transport of any animal, whether dead or alive, or of any part of any dead animal, except upon a licence in respect of each such business or trade, issued in the prescribed form obtained from the prescribed officer on payment of the prescribed fee.

(2) Every licence issued under subsection (1) shall be subject to the prescribed conditions and if no fee is prescribed for the issue of such a licence, it shall be issued free of charge.

(3) In this section "animal" means an animal as defined in section 11, but does not include a domestic animal as defined in that section.

Registration of animals in the possession of individuals.
[ 44, 49 of 1993]


(1) No person shall after the date of the coming into force of this section, have in his possession or custody or under his control, any animal in excess of the prescribed number, except under the authority and in accordance with the conditions of a permit issued in the prescribed form, by the Director on payment of the prescribed fee :

Provided that where any person has in his possession, or custody or under his control any animal, in excess of the prescribed number, prior to the date of the coming into force of this section, such person shall within a period of three months from the date of the coming into force of this section obtain a permit under subsection (1).

(2) The Director or any prescribed officer shall have the power to-

(a) enter, inspect and search any premises on which any animal is being kept under the authority of a permit issued under subsection(1) and satisfy himself that the conditions of the permit are being complied with ;

(b) seize any animal found in such premises, in contravention of the provisions of the ' 'permit issued under subsection (1).

(3) The Director may order the confiscation of any animal seized under subsection (2) after such inquiry as he may deem necessary Any person aggrieved by the order of the Director may within fourteen days of the confiscation, give notice in writing to the Director that he intends to institute action in the appropriate court against such confiscation.

(4) No order of confiscation made under subsection (3) shall take effect until the expiry of a period of fourteen days from the date of such order, or where an action has been instituted in respect of such order, until the final determination of such action by court.

No gun to be discharged on a prohibited road.
[ 45, 49 of 1993]


(1) The Minister may by notification in the Gazette declare any road in any area outside a National Reserve or a Sanctuary to be a prohibited road for the purposes of this Ordinance.

(2) Any person who discharges any gun on any prohibited road or on any land adjoining any such road and reserved for its extension, protection or benefit,

shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not less than seven thousand five hundred rupees and not exceeding fifteen thousand rupees or to imprisonment of either description for a term not less than two years and not exceeding five years or to both such fine and imprisonment.

(3) Regulations may be made prescribing the means by which and the manner in which the fact that any road is a prohibited road for the purposes of this Ordinance may be brought to the notice of members of the public who have occasion to use that road or to travel thereon.

Prohibition of shooting from vehicles.
[ 46, 49 of 1993]

51. No person shall shoot at any animal from any position in or on any moving or stationary vehicle of any kind.

Prohibition of use of artificial lights.
[ 47, 49 of 1993]

52. No person shall use any artificial light, for the purpose of enabling or facilitating the destruction or the capture of any animal whether by dazzling the vision of any such animal, or by attracting any such animal to such artificial light or otherwise.

Prohibition of shooting, &c. in vicinity of water holes.
[ 33, 44 of 1964]
[ [ 20. 1 of 1970]
[ 47, 49 of 1993]

52A. No person shall shoot at, injure or kill any animal within a distance of one hundred yards from a water-hole or place where such animal usually goes to drink water.

Regulation of hunting, shooting &c. on State land or public thoroughfare outside National Reserves.
[ 34, 44 of 1964]
[ [2I, 1 of 1970]
[ 47, 49 of 1993]

53. Except in accordance with regulations, no person shall, on any State land or any public thoroughfare outside a National Reserve,-

(a) hunt, shoot, kill or take any animal between sunset and sunrise :

(b) set, lay or spread any net, pitfall, trap, snare or other instrument for the purposes of killing or taking any animal ; or

(c) construct or use any ambush, or hide on the ground or on a tree for the purpose of shooting or injuring any animal.

Prohibition of the poison &c on animals.
[ 35, 44 of 1964]
[ 47, 49 of 1993]

53A. No person shall use any poison, explosive or stupefying substance for the purpose of poisoning, killing or stupefying any animal.

Prohibition on the possession &c. of the flesh of any animal killed or taken by the use of poison, &c.
[ 35,44 of 1964]
[ 47, 49 of 1993]

53B. No person shall have in his possession, sell, expose for sale or transport the flesh of any animal which has been killed or taken by the use of any poison, explosive or stupefying substance :

Provided that no person shall be convicted under this section if he proves that he did not know and had no reasonable cause to believe that the animal whose flesh he is charged with having in his possession selling, exposing for sale or transporting ,had been killed or taken by the use of any poison, explosive, or stupefying substance.

Proof in case of identification of flesh of animals.
[ 48, 49 of 1993]


(1) In case of doubt or dispute, in a prosecution for an offence under section 53B, as to whether any flesh is the flesh of an animal taken or killed by the use of any poison, explosive or stupefying substance a certificate purporting to the signed by a competent authority to the effect that the flesh in question is the flesh of an animal, which had been killed or taken by the use of any poison, explosive, or stupefying substance, shall on production in any court of law be sufficient evidence as to the facts stated in such certificate, until the contrary is proved.

(2) In this section "competent authority" means-

(a) a Government Medical Officer; or

(b) a Government Veterinary Surgeon.

Prohibition on serving as food the flesh of any animal, the killing of which is prohibited.
[ 49, 49 of 1993]


(1) No person shall at any restaurant hotel, rest house or eating house, serve or authorize the serving of any food which constitutes or contains the flesh of animal, the billing of which is at that prohibited under this Ordinance.

(2) Any person who contravenes the provisions of subsection (1) shall be guilty offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not less than ten thousand rupees and not exceeding twenty five thousand rupees or to imprisonment of either description for a term not less than two years and not exceeding five years or both such fine and imprisonment.

Circumstances in which acts otherwise prohibited may be authorized.
[ 37, 44 of 1964]
[ [ 37,1 of 1970]
[ 50, 49 of 1993]


(1) The Director may by a writing under his hand authorize any person to do any act otherwise prohibited or penalized under this Ordinance or any regulation made thereunder, if in the opinion of the Director such act should be authorized for the protection, preservation or propagation, or for the scientific study or investigation, or for the collection of specimens a national zoo or national museum or for any university established or deemed to be established under the Universities Act, No. 18 of 1378, of the fauna and flora Sri Lanka.

(2) No person authorized under subsection (1) to do any act shall, by reason only of the commission of that act, be guilty of an offence under this Ordinance or any regulation made thereunder.

Interpretation of Part V.
[ 51, 49 of 1993]

55A. In this Part of this Ordinance-

"animal" means any mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, fish, coral or invertebrate and does not include a domestic animal as defined in section 11, or any tropical aquarium fish as defined in section 37.

Refusal and revocation of licences and permits.
[ 37, 1 of 1970]


(1) The Director or any officer empowered to issue a licence or permit under this Ordinance or any regulation made thereunder may in his discretion -

(a) insert in any such licence or permit any condition which he may consider necessary or expedient;

(b) refuse to issue any such licence or permit;

(c) revoke any such licence or permit, by notice in writing to the person to whom such licence or permit was issued.

(2) Any person aggrieved by the refusal or revocation of any permit or licence (other than a licence under section 49) may appeal against such refusal or revocation to the Minister.

(3) Any person aggrieved by the refusal to issue a licence under section 49 or by the revocation of any licence issued under that section may appeal against such refusal or revocation to the Minister.

(4) The decision of the Minister on any appeal preferred under subsection (2) or subsection (3), as the case may be, shall be final and conclusive.

(5) Regulations may be made prescribing the time within which appeals shall be preferred and generally in respect of all matters incidental to or connected with the hearing or disposal of such appeals.

Licences and Permits not to he transferred.
[ 52, 49 of 1993]


(1) No person other than the person named in any licence or permit issued under this Ordinance or any regulation made thereunder shall be entitled under cover of that licence or permit to do any act to authorize which that licence or permit was issued.

(2) Any person who transfers to any other person any licence or permit issued to him under this Ordinance or any regulation made thereunder shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not less than two thousand rupees and not exceeding five thousand rupees or to imprisonment of either description for a term not less than one year and not exceeding two years or to both such fine and imprisonment.

General Penalty.
[ 38,44 of 1964]
[ 53, 49 of 1993]
[5, 12 of 2005]

58. Any person who does any act in contravention of any of the provisions of this Ordinance, or of any regulation, or of any condition inserted in any licence or permit issued under this Ordinance or any regulation, shall be guilty of an offence punishable, where no other penalty Is expressly provided by this Ordinance, with a fine not less than three thousand rupees and not exceeding seven thousand five hundred rupees or with imprisonment of either description for a term not less than one year and not exceeding two years or to both such fine and imprisonment,

Special penalty for offences against elephants.
[ 22, 1 of 1970]
[ 53, 49 of 1993]
[5, 12 of 2005]

58A. Notwithstanding anything in any other provisions of this Ordinance, where any person is convicted of the offence of killings hunting, shooting, injuring or taking, or having in his possession or under his control, any wild elephant within a Nature Reserve or Sanctuary, he shall be liable to be punished with a fine not less than two hundred thousand rupees and not exceeding five hundred thousand rupees or to imprisonment of either description for a term not less than five years and not exceeding ten years or to both such fine and imprisonment.

Attempts and abetment.

59. Any person who attempts to commit or abets the commission of any offence under this Ordinance or any regulation made thereunder shall himself be guilty of the same offence.

General exceptions to liability.
[ 54, 49 of 1993]


(1) An act otherwise prohibited or penalised under this Ordinance or any regulation made thereunder, shall not be an offence, if it is done for the purpose of protecting any human being from any immediate danger or from injury by any wild animal.

(2) In this section "wild animal" means any wild animal as defined in section 11.

(3) The following provisions shall apply in any case where any wild animal is killed or taken by any person in such circumstances that such killing or taking is not an offence by virtue of the operation of subsection(l): -

(a) such person shall forthwith report such killing or taking to any police officer or grama seva niladhari entitled to officiate in the area within which such killing or taking took place, or to any prescribed officer;

(b) such police officer or grama seva niladhari or prescribed officer, as the case may be, shall, upon the receipt of such report, investigate the circumstances in which such killing or taking took place and report the result of the investigation to the Director;

(c) such wild animal shall be the property of the State and accordingly such police officer or grama seva niladhari or prescribed officer, as the case may be -

(i) shall, if such wild animal was so taken, take over such wild animal for and on behalf of the State; or

(ii) shall, if such wild animal was so killed, take over the car case of such wild animal for and on behalf of the Slate, and shall thereafter sell such car case by public auction, issue a receipt in respect of such sale to the purchaser, and credit the proceeds of such sale to the Wild Life Preservation Fund.

[40,44 of 1964]
[[ 23, 1 of 1970]
[5, 12 of 2005]

(4) Any person who fails to report the killing or taking of any wild animal to any police officer or Grama Niladhari or prescribed officer as required by paragraph (a) of subsection (3) shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not less than one hundred thousand rupees and not more than two hundred and fifty thousand rupees or to imprisonment of either description for a term not less than, two years and not exceeding five years or to both, such fine and imprisonment.

62. Repealed.
[ 37, 1 of 1970]
[ 55, 49 of 1993]

Offences to be triable summery by Magistrates Courts.
[ 56, 49 of 1993]

63. It shall be lawful for a Magistrate summarily to try any offence under this Ordinance or under any regulation made thereunder, notwithstanding that the punishment specified for such offence is in excess of the ordinary jurisdiction of such Magistrate.

Power of Magistrate's Court to make order of confiscation.
[ 2,1 of 1970]
[ [ 24,1 of 1970]
[ 56, 49 of 1993]


(1) Except as hereinbefore expressly provided in regard to the disposal of any elephant or of the carcase of any elephant or the tusks of any elephant, on the conviction of any person for an offence relating to an elephant, any animal or any part of any animal in respect of which any offence has been committed and any gun, vehicle, boat, artificial light, snare, net, trap, or other instrument, contrivance, appliance or thing used in, or for the commission of any offence, shall by reason of that conviction be forfeited to the State.

(2) Any property forfeited to the State under subsection (1) shall-

(a) if no appeal has been preferred to the Court of Appeal against the relevant conviction, vest in the State with effect from the date on which the period prescribed for preferring an appeal against such conviction expires;

(b) if an appeal has been preferred to the Court of Appeal against the relevant conviction, vest in the State with effect from the date on which such conviction is affirmed on appeal.

In this subsection, " relevant conviction" means the conviction consequent to which any property is forfeited under subsection (1). The Director shall take possession, on behalf of the State, of any property vested in the State under this section.

(3) In this section "animal'' means any mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, fish or invertebrate but does not include a domestic animal as defined in section 11.

Share of fines to the Wild Life Preservation Fund.
[41, 44 of 1964]
[ [ 25. 1 of 1970]
[ [ 37, 1 of 1970]

65. Where a prosecution under this Ordinance or any other written law is instituted by an officer of the Department of Wild Life Conservation, the court may direct that one-half of any fine recovered in the case shall be paid into the Wild Life Preservation Fund which shall be maintained and operated on by the Director in the prescribed manner.

Powers of arrest and search.
[ 42, 44 of 1964]
[ [ 26, 1 of 1970]
[ 57, 49 of 1993]


(1) Where a police officer or prescribed officer has reasonable grounds for believing that any person has committed an offence he may, subject to such restrictions as may be prescribed -

(a) require such person to produce for his inspection any animal or the car case or part of the car case of any animal or bird in his possession, or any licence, permit or other document issued to him or required to be kept by him under the provisions of this Ordinance ;

(b) stop and search any person or any boat, vessel or vehicle and open any package or container found on such person or carried in such boat, vessel or vehicle;

(bb) enter and search without warrant any hut, house, wadi or premises of any person, and question any person found in such hut, house, wadi or premises ;

(c) seize any animal or the car case or part of the car case of any animal in the possession of any person and appearing to such officer to be the property of the State under the provisions of this Ordinance ;

(cc) seize and take possession of any animal or the carcase or part of the carcase of any animal which may be produced in evidence of the offence;

[ 26,1 of 1970]

(d) unless he is satisfied that such person will appear and answer any charge preferred against him, arrest and detain such person without warrant and seize anything in his possession which may be produced in evidence of his offence;

[ 26, 1 of 1970]

(e) seize any boat, vessel, vehicle, gun, cartridge, knife, torch, battery, or any other article or equipment which appears to such officer to have been used in the commission of the offence, or which may be produced in evidence of the offence.

(2) Any person who without reasonable cause fails to produce and hand over anything which a police officer or prescribed officer acting under the provisions of this section may require him to produce or hand over, shall be guilty of an offence.

[ 26, 1 of 1970]

(3) Any person who -

(a) fails or refuses to stop any boat, vessel or vehicle when called upon to do so by a police officer or prescribed officer, or

(b) does not allow the search of any boat, vessel or vehicle by a police officer or prescribed officer, or

(c) refuses to be searched by, or obstructs or resists, or escapes or attempts to escape from the custody of a police officer or prescribed officer acting under the provisions of this Ordinance; or

(d) does not allow entry into, or the search of, any hut, house, wadi or premises by a police officer or prescribed officer in the exercise of the powers conferred on such police officer or prescribed officer by subsection (1).

shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not less than ten thousand rupees and not exceeding twenty thousand rupees or to imprisonment of either description for a term not less than five years and not exceeding ten years or to both such fine and imprisonment.

(4) In this section "animal" means any mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, fish, or invertebrate but does not include any domestic animal as defined in section 11.

Offences by officers.
[ 27,1 of 1970]
[ 58, 49 of 1993]

66A. Any officer appointed for the purposes of this Ordinance under section 68 -

(a) who is guilty of prevarication in any judicial trial for an offence under this Ordinance; or

(b) who wilfully fails in his duty to report any offence under this Ordinance,

shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not less than fifteen thousand rupees and not exceeding twenty five thousand rupees or to imprisonment of either description for a term not less than one year and not exceeding two years or to both such fine and imprisonment.

Power to ascertain name and address of an offender.
[27,1 of 1970]
[ 59, 49 of 1993]
[5, 12 of 2005]

66B. Where any person is found offending against any part of this Ordinance, it shall be lawful for any prescribed officer to require the person offending to state his name and place of abode, and in case a person so offending after being so required refuses to state his correct name or place of abode or states a name or place of abode which is incorrect, he shall be guilty of an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not less than one thousand rupees and not exceeding two thousand rupees.

Special powers in respect of unlicensed guns.
[ 60, 49 of 1993]


(1) It shall be lawful for an officer of the Department of Wild Life Conservation or police officer or prescribed officer-

(a) to require any person possessing, carrying or using a gun to produce the licence issued in respect of such gun under any written law;

(b) to enter and search any premises in which he has reasonable grounds for believing, that any person is manufacturing, selling, repairing or has in his possession any unlicensed gun;

(c) to stop and search any boat, vessel or conveyance in which he suspects that any unlicensed gun is being carried;

(d) to take into custody any unlicensed gun and produce such gun at the nearest police station or divisional secretariat.

(2) Any person who-

(a) fails to produce a licence in respect of any gun in his possession; or

(b) refuses to allow the search of any premises ; or

(c) fails or refuses to stop any boat, vessel or conveyance when called upon to do so by an officer referred to in subsection (1), in contravention of the provisions of subsection (1),

shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not less than ten thousand rupees and not exceeding twenty thousand rupees or to imprisonment of either description for a term not less than two years and not exceeding five years or to both such fine and imprisonment.

Director to control roads within the boundaries of any National Reserve.
[ 60, 49 of 1993]


(1) Where any road is constructed within the boundaries of any National Reserve by any other agency, it shall be lawful for the Director or any officer of the Department of Wild Life Conservation to-

(a) erect barriers on any such road or any part of such road at any point within such National Reserve, in order to exercise control over access to the Reserve ;

(b) make such arrangements as may be necessary for the opening and closing of such barriers, to facilitate access to, and from, such Reserve ;

(c) stop and search, at such barriers, or on any read or part thereof any vehicle suspected to be connected with the commission of any offence under this Ordinance.

(2) No person shall, at any barrier erected under subsection (1) or on any road or part thereof within a National Reserve, fail to stop any vehicle when called upon to do so or fail to obey any direction lawfully given by the Director or other officer under subsection (1), and any person who fails to stop when so called upon or to obey any direction so given shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not less than seven thousand five hundred rupees and not exceeding fifteen thousand rupees or to imprisonment of either description for a term not less than two years and not exceeding five years or to both such fine and imprisonment.

Erection of barriers and search of vehicles, &c. on roads adjoining National Reserve, & c.
[ 28,1 of 1970]
[ [ 37, 1 of 1970]
[ 61, 49 of 1993]


(1) For the purpose of preventing the commission of offences against section 8 of this Ordinance on any portion of any road running alongside a Strict Natural Reserve, National Park or Nature Reserve, Jungle Corridor, Refuge, Marine Reserve, Buffer Zone or Sanctuary -

(a) it shall be lawful for the Director to cause barriers to be placed across each end of that portion of the road, so as to enable vehicles to be stopped and searched thereat as hereinafter provided ; and

(b) it shall be lawful for a prescribed officer to stop at such barrier any vehicle which is about to enter that portion of the road, and to search the vehicle and any person in the vehicle, for the purpose of ascertaining whether any gun is being carried therein, and in any case where any gun is so found therein, to require the person for the time being in charge of the vehicle to permit such officer or any other person specified by such officer to travel in that vehicle during the whole or any part of the journey to be performed on that portion of the road.

(2) Where the person for the time being in charge of any vehicle which is stopped at any barrier under subsection (1) refuses, upon being required so to do under that subsection, to permit a prescribed officer or any person specified by such officer to travel in the vehicle, it shall be lawful for the prescribed officer to take such steps as may be necessary to prevent the vehicle from proceeding beyond the barrier.

Jurisdiction over offences committed at sea.
[ 29, 1 of 1970]
[ 62, 49 of 1993]

67A. Where any offence under this Ordinance is committed by any person in any part of the territorial sea, the Magistrate's Court having jurisdiction -

(a) over the part of the coast nearest to which the offence was committed ; or

(b) over the place at which the person came ashore after the commission of the offence, shall have jurisdiction to try the offence.

Offences under the Ordinance to be cognizable and bailable.
[ 29, 1 of 1970]


(1) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the First Schedule to the Code of Criminal Procedure Act, every offence under this Ordinance shall be a cognizable offence and a bailable offence of within the meaning of that Act.

(2) The Director and every prescribed officer shall have the power to release any person arrested under this Ordinance on bail or on such person executing a bond with or without sureties.

The Director and prescribed officers to be peace officers.
[ 29, 1 of 1970]

67C. The Director and every prescribed officer shall be deemed to be a peace officer within the meaning of the Code of Criminal Procedure Act for exercising, for the purposes of this Ordinance, any power conferred on peace officers by that Act.

Power of Director and prescribed officers to hold inquiries.


(1) The Director and, subject to the provisions of subsection (2), every prescribed officer shall exercise the powers that may be exercised in respect of cognizable offences by an inquirer, or by an officer in charge of a police station, under the provisions of Chapter XI of the Code of Criminal Procedure Act.

(2) The powers referred to in subsection (1) shall not be exercised by a prescribed officer in any place which is outside the limits of the area to which he is appointed.

(3) An inquiry under this section shall be held at or in the neighbourhood of the place in which the offence is alleged to have been committed.

Arrests, searches, &c., how to be made.
[ 29, 1 of 1970]

67E. The provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure Act relating to arrests, searches, search warrants, the release of persons arrested on bail or on the execution of bonds, the production of persons arrested, and the investigation of offences shall be held to be applicable to all action taken in these respects under this Ordinance.

Ejectment from State land.
[ 29, 1 of 1970]
[ 63, 49 of 1993]

67F. Where any person convicted of any offence under section 6 or section respect of any State land continues to be in unlawful or unauthorized possession or occupation of such State land or any portion thereof, the district director of the district or area, or the officer of the Department of Wild Life Conservation in charge of the range in which such State land is situated may issue a notice on such person forthwith to vacate the land of which he is in unlawful or unauthorized possession or occupation and if he fails to do so he may be ejected from the land under the procedure prescribed by sections 120 to 127 (both inclusive) of the Land Development Ordinance as if -

(a) that land were a holding under that Ordinance,

(b) the notice issued under this section were a notice under section 119 of that Ordinance,

(c) the reference in section 124* of that Ordinance to the person whose grant has been cancelled were a reference to the person to whom a notice under this section has been issued, and

(d) the district director of the district or area, or the officer of the Department of Wild Life Conservation in charge of the range in which that land is situate were the Government Agent exercising, discharging or performing in respect of a holding any power, duty or function imposed upon or assigned to the Government Agent under that Ordinance.

Appointment of officers.


(1) For the purposes of this Ordinance, there may be appointed-
[ 30,1 of 1970]

(a) a person by name or by office to be or to act as Director, or as Deputy Director, Wildlife Conservation,

[ 30,1 of 1970]

(b) a person by name or by office to be or to act as district director, Wildlife Conservation, for any specified district or area;

[43,44 of 1964]

(c) a person to act as an honorary district director. Wildlife Conservation, for any specified district or area;

[ 30, l of 1970]

(d) such other officers and servants as may, from time to time, be required.

(2) In the exercise of their powers and in the discharge of their duties under this Ordinance all persons, officers and servants appointed under this section shall be subject to the general direction and control of the Minister.

[ 37, 1 of 1970]

(3) All persons, officers and servants appointed under this section shall be deemed to be public servants within the meaning of the Penal Code.

Delegation of Powers of director.
[ 44,44 of 1964]

69. The Director may with the approval of the Minister delegate to any district director or to any honorary district director in respect of his district or area any power or duty conferred or imposed on the Director by this Ordinance or by any regulation made thereunder.

Advisory committee.
[ 37, 1 of 1970]
[ 64, 49 of 1993]


(1) The Minister may appoint an Advisory Committee which shall consist of the Secretary to the Ministry in charge of the subject of Wild Life Conservation as Chair-ten other persons for the purpose of advising the Director and making recommendations to the Minister on all matters and questions relating to the fauna and flora of Sri Lanka.

(2) Meetings of the advisory committee shall be held at least four times in every year.

(3) The advisory committee shall be entitled to determine its own procedure in any matter of procedure for which no provision is prescribed.

General regulations.
[37,1 of 1970]
[65,49 of 1993]


(1) The Minister may make regulations for the purpose of carrying out or giving effect to the principles and provisions of this Ordinance.

(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the powers conferred by subsection (1), the Minister may make regulations for or in respect of all or any of the following matters : -

(a) the circumstances in which and the conditions subject to which the Director may exercise the powers conferred on him by section 55 ,

(b) the circumstances in which and the conditions subject to which any licence or permit may be issued free of charge;

(c) the fee to be paid for any licence or permit issued under this Ordinance or under any regulation, and the mode and manner of payment or recovery of any such fee ;

(d) the prohibition or regulation of the import, manufacture, sale, possession or the use of any spear gun or of any head-gear so constructed as to be capable of being fitted with any lamp or artificial light or of any lamp constructed so as to be capable of being fitted into any head-gear ;

(e) the period of office of the members of the advisory committee appointed under section 70, the manner in which meetings of that committee shall be convened, the procedure to be followed at such meetings, and the manner in which the recommendations of that committee shall be made;

[ 45, 44 of 1964]

(g) the establishment and administration the " Wildlife Preservation Fund " and the purposes for which that Fund may be employed ; and

[45,44 of 1964]

(h) all matters for which regulations are required or authorised to be made under this Ordinance, all matters stated or required by this Ordinance to be prescribed, and ail other matters incidental to or connected with such matters.

(3) Every regulation made by the Minister shall be published in the Gazette and shall come into operation on the date of such publication or on such later date as may be specified in such regulation.

(4) Every regulation made by the Minister shall, as soon as convenient after its publication, be brought before Parliament for approval. Any regulation which is not so approved shall be deemed to be rescinded as from the date of disapproval but without prejudice to anything previously done thereunder, Notification of the date on which a regulation is deemed to be rescinded shall be published in the Gazette.

[ 66, 49 of 1993]

[31,1 of 1970]

(1) In this Ordinance, unless the , context otherwise requires -

" Buffer Zone " means a Buffer Zone constituted by Order under section 2 (1)

" cultivated land " includes land used for chena cultivation when a crop is growing on such land ;

" coast" means the border of land which is adjacent, to the sea and not covered by sea water;

[31,1 of 1970]

"Director" means the person appointed to be or to act as the Director Wildlife Conservation, for the purposes of this Ordinance, and includes the Deputy Director, Wildlife Conservation, appointed for such purposes;

[31, 1 of 1970]

"district director" means a district director. Wildlife Conservation, appointed for the purposes of this Ordinance;

"Invertebrate" means a member of the phyla, protozoa, porifera (Sponges), coelentreata, arthropoda, moilusca, annelida ;

"gun" has the same meaning as in the Firearms Ordinance and includes a speargun or a "cap-chur" gun ;

[ 46, 44 of 1964]

"honorary district director" means an honorary district director. Wildlife Conservation, appointed for the purposes of this Ordinance;

[ 46, 44 of 1964]

"Jungle Corridor" means a Jungle Corridor for elephants constituted by Order under section 2(1);

"local authority" means Municipal Council, Urban Council or Pradeshiya Sabha said includes any authority created and established by, or under, any law to exercise, perform or discharge powers, duties and functions corresponding to, or similar to powers, duties and functions exercised, performed and discharged by any such Council or Sabha ;

" Marine Reserve" means a Marine Reserve constituted by order under section 2(1) ;

"National Park " constituted 2(1) means a National Park by Order under section " National Reserve " means a National Reserve constituted by Order under section 2(1);

[ 46,44 of 1964]

" Nature Reserve" means a Nature Reserve constituted by Order under section 2(1);

" offence " means an offence under this Ordinance or under any regulation ;

" police officer " means a member of an established police force and includes a police reservist;

" prescribed" means prescribed by this Ordinance or by regulation ;

" public corporation" means any corporation, board or other body which was, or is established, by or under any written law other than the Companies Act, with funds or capital wholly or partly provided by the Government by way of grant, loan or otherwise ;

" Refuge" means a Refuge, constituted by Order under section 2 (1) ;

" regulation " means a regulation made by the Minister under this Ordinance ;

"Sanctuary" means a Sanctuary constituted by Order under section 2(2);

" Sri Lanka " includes the territorial sea of Sri Lanka;

" Sri Lanka" includes the territorial waters of Sri Lanka ;

" State land " means all land to which the State is lawfully entitled together with all rights, interests and privileges attached or appertaining thereto;

" State land " means land to which the State is lawfully entitled or which may be disposed of by the State together with any building standing therein, and with all rights, interests and privileges attached or appertaining thereto, and shall be deemed to include land vested in, or under the control of the River Valley Development Board and the Mahaweli Development Board or any other authority charged with the function of developing State land, or in any local authority ;

" Strict Natural Reserve " means a Strict Natural Reserve constituted by Order under section 2(1);

[ 31,1 of 1970]

"territorial sea" means the area declared as the territorial sea of Sri Lanka by Proclamation, made under the Maritime Zones Law, No. 22 of 1976;

"tourist," means any local or foreign visitor who enters any national park ;

" tourist hotel" means an organization, institution or an enterprise which provides not less than ten rooms for accommodation;

"vertebrate", means a member of the class of pisces, amphibia, reptilia, aves or mammalia; and

" wild life " means, plants and animals which owe their existence to natural phenomena or processes that occur autonomously.

(2) Any reference in this Ordinance or in any regulation or in any other written law to a Schedule of this Ordinance shall be deemed to be a reference to the Schedule for the lime being in force.

Savings Licenses.

73. Every licence issued by any authority under any written law repealed by Ordinance No. 2 of 1937 for the doing of any act for which a licence is required by this Ordinance shall be valid and continue in force until the expiration of the period for which it was granted.

Savings Proclamations, notifications &c.

74. All such proclamations, notifications and orders issued, and all such regulations and rules made, and all such concessions, rules permissions and authorizations given, and all such royalties fixed under any written law repealed by Ordinance No. 2 of 1937 as are in force at the date on which this Ordinance comes into operation shall, so far as they relate to matters for which provision may in any manner be made under this Ordinance and so far as they are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance, continue in force unless or until provision in regard to such matters is made in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance.

Operation of Fisheries Ordinance.

75. The provisions of the Fisheries Ordinance shall cease to be in operation in any National Reserve or Sanctuary as from the date on which such National Reserve or Sanctuary is duly constituted under section 2 ; but, subject as aforesaid, the provisions of that Ordinance shall continue to be in operation in any area outside a National Reserve or a Sanctuary.

See Schedules ,
49 of 1993