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[28th March
, 1980 ]
Short title.
1. This Act may be cited as the Lions Clubs International District 306A-Youth Education, Rehabilitation and Employment Trust (Incorporation) Act.
Establishment and incorporation of the Lions Clubs International District 306A-Youth Education, Rehabilitation and Employment Trust.
(1) From and after the date of commencement of this Act, there shall be established a Trust to be called the " Lions Clubs International District 306A-Youth Education, Rehabilitation and Employment Trust" (hereinafter referred to as " the Trust").
(2) The Trust shall, by the name assigned to it by subsection (1), be a body corporate, and shall have perpetual succession and a common seal and may sue and be sued in such name.
Board of Trustees of the Trust.
(1) The administration, management and control of the Trust shall be vested in a Board of Trustees constituted as hereinafter provided.
(2) The Board of Trustees of the Trust (hereinafter referred to as " the Board") shall consist of the following members:-
(a) the District Governor of the Lions Clubs International District 306A- Sri Lanka (hereinafter called "the District") who shall be the Chairman of the Board ;
(b) the immediate past District Governor of the District;
(c) the Cabinet Secretary of the District;
(d) the Cabinet Treasurer of the District;
(e) four members from the Lion Clubs in the District who shall be appointed by the District Governor of the District; and
(f) four members from the Lions Clubs in the District who shall be appointed by the District Governor of the District on the recommendation of the District Cabinet.
objects of the Trust-
4. The objects for which the Trust is established are hereby declared to be-
(a) to provide educational facilities to youth wherever possible;
(b) to provide assistance to deserving youth who are under-privileged, incapacitated or handicapped so as to enable them to complete their primary or secondary education;
(c) to provide assistance to deserving youth who are under-privileged, incapacited or handicapped so as to enable them to complete their technical or academic education at a University or at a Technical Institute;
(d) to provide all possible assistance locally for rehabilitation of young persons affected by congenital deformities, accidents, illness causing serious damage to vital organs and any other handicap ;
(e) to provide special assistance to rehabilitate youth suffering from sight or hearing disorders ;
(f) to provide assistance possibly in collaboration with Lions Clubs in other parts of the world for the treatment of conditions which require medical or surgical attention outside the country;
(g) to provide all possible assistance to Governmental agencies for generating employment amongst youth;
(h) to set up vocational training centres for training youth in vocations which will enable them to find meaningful employment; and
(i) to provide the necessary management expertise and advice for youth to involve themselves in gainful self-employment.
Powers of the Trust.
5. The Board shall, in the name of the Trust, have the power to-
(a) receive grants, gifts or donations in cash or kind whether from local or foreign sources;
(b) acquire in any manner whatsoever and hold, take or give on lease or hire, mortgage, pledge, sell or otherwise dispose of, any movable or immovable property;
(c) give grants, endowments or scholarships for the furtherance of the objects of the Trust;
(d) appoint, employ, remunerate and exercise disciplinary control over its officers and servants;
(e) open, operate and close bank accounts, and to borrow or raise money, with or without security;
(f) invest funds belonging to the Trust at the discretion of the Board in any such investments as are authorized by law for the investment of trust money and to recall, re-invest and vary such investments at the discretion of the Board and to collect income accruing from such investments;
(g) erect or cause to be erected any building or structure on any land belonging to or held by the Trust; and
(h) do all such other acts and things as are incidental or conducive to the carrying out of the objects of the Trust.
Power of the Board to make rules,
(1) It shall be lawful for the Board, from time to time, at a general meeting and to make by a majority or members present and rules voting '« thereat, not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, for all or any of the following matters:-
(a) the term of office of the Board, eligibility for and the mode of appointment thereto, the resignation or vacation of office and filling of casual vacancies;
(b) the powers, conduct, duties and functions of the various officers, agents and servants of the Trust, including their terms and conditions of service;
(c) the procedure to be observed at, the summoning and holding of, meetings of the Board, the times, places, notice and agenda of such meetings, the quorum thereof and the conduct of business thereat;
(d) the administration and management of the property of the Trust, the custody of its funds and maintenance and audit of its accounts; and
(e) generally the management of the affairs of the Trust and the accomplishment of its objects.
(2) Any rule made by the Board may be amended or rescinded in like manner as a rule may be made under subsection (1).
Seal of the Trust
7. The seal of the Trust-
(a) shall be in the custody of such person as the Board may from time to time determine;
(b) may be altered in such manner as may be determined by the Board; and
(c) shall not be affixed to any instrument or document except with the sanction of the Board, and in the presence of two members of the Board who shall sign the instrument or document in token of their presence.
Saving of the rights of the Republic, and others.
8. Nothing in this Act contained shall prejudice or affect the rights of the Republic, or of any body politic or corporate, or of any other persons, except such as are mentioned in this Act and those claiming by, from, or under them.