Act Nos,
12 of 1957
[18th March , 1957 ]
Short title.

1. This Act may be cited as the Gramabhiwurdhi Sadhaka Society (Incorporation) Act.

Incorporation of Gramabhi-wurdhi Sadhaka Society.

2. The members for the time being of the society known as Gramabhiwurdhi Sadhaka Society established at Sarikkalimulla in Moratuwa (hereinafter referred to as the " society ") shall be a body corporate (hereinafter referred to as the " corporation ") with perpetual succession, a common seal and the name "Gramabhiwurdhi Sadhaka Society". The corporation may sue and be sued in such name.

General objects of the corporation.

3. The following shall be the general objects of the corporation:-

(a) Maintenance of Samayalankara Buddhist Sunday School.

(b) The study and propagation of Buddhism.

(c) The practical observance of Buddhism and the encouragement to Buddhists of living according to the principles of Buddhism.

(d) Maintenance of Sri Thaksala Vidyalaya, presently a Senior Secondary English School.

(e) Periodical investigations of the Iron Works School and, when necessary, recommending to the Department of Industries improvements to that school.

(f) The advancement of the physical, intellectual and social welfare of members.

(g) The promotion of unity and co-operation among the people of the village in which the society is established.

Committee of management.


(1) The affairs of the corporation shall, subject to the rules in force for the time being of the corporation, be administered by a committee of management consisting of the president, the two vice-presidents, the honorary general secretary, and the honorary treasurer of the corporation and ten other members elected to that committee in accordance with the rules for the time being of the corporation.

(2) The first committee of management shall consist of the following :- C. T. Perera, Esq., (President), W. A. William Silva, Esq., (Vice-President), Bertie W. Peiris, Esq., (Vice-President), P. V. D. S. Perera, Esq., (Honorary Secretary), D. S. Goonewardene, Esq., (Honorary Assistant Secretary), K. Rubert S. Peiris, Esq., (Honorary Treasurer), P. A. Sirisena Perera, Esq., L. L. Dharmadasa, Esq., B. A. Peter Dias, Esq., W. A. Simon Dharmasena, Esq., L. D. R. Piyasena, Esq., P. A. Jayaweera Perera, Esq., W. Chandrasena, Esq., M. A. Sirisena, Esq., and B. M. Sirisena, Esq.



(1) The corporation may make rules relating to the admission, suspension or expulsion of members, the duties of the committee of management and of the various officers, agents and servants of the corporation, the procedure in the transaction of business and the management of the affairs of the corporation and the accomplishment of its objects.

(2) Subject to the provisions of subsection (3), the rules set out in the Schedule* to this Act shall be the rules of the corporation.

(3) Any rule of the corporation may be amended or rescinded or any rule may be added to the rules of the corporation by a resolution approved by the committee of management and passed by a majority of not less than two-thirds of such members of the corporation entitled to vote under the rules of the corporation as are present at a general meeting of the members.

"(4) The members of the corporation shall be subject to the rules in force for the time being of the corporation.

Debts due by and payable to society.

6. All the debts and liabilities of the society existing at the time of the coming into operation of this Act shall be paid and discharged by the corporation, and all the debts, subscriptions and contributions due or payable to the society shall be paid to the corporation.

Seal of the corporation.

7. The seal of the corporation may be altered at the pleasure of the corporation shall not be affixed to any instrument whatsoever except in the presence of two of the members of the committee of management who shall sign their names on the instrument in token of their presence and such signing shall be independent of the signing of any person as a witness.

Corporation may hold property.

8. The corporation may acquire and hold any property, movable or immovable, by right of purchase, grant, gift, testamentary disposition, or otherwise, and all such property shall be held by the corporation subject to the rules for the time being of the corporation.

Saving of the rights of the Republic and others.

9. Nothing in this Act contained shall prejudice or affect the rights of the Republic, or of any body corporate, or of any other persons, except such as are mentioned in this Act and those claiming from or under them.