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[27th June
, 1974 ]
Short title.
1. This Law may be cited as the Leprosy Association of Sri Lanka Law.
Incorporation of the Leprosy Association of Sri Lanka.
2. From and after the date of commencement of this Law, the members for the time being of the Leprosy Association of Sri Lanka (hereinafter referred to as the " Association ") and such and so many persons as shall after that date be admitted members of the said Association shall be a body corporate with perpetual succession under the name "The Leprosy Association of Sri Lanka " (hereinafter referred to as "the Corporation ") and may, by the said name, sue and be sued in all courts, and shall have full power and authority to use a common seal and to alter the same at its pleasure.
General objects of the Corporation.
3. The general objects for which the Corporation is constituted are hereby declared to be-
(a) to assist in every possible way in the prevention and control of leprosy in Sri Lanka;
(b) to collaborate with the Government or with any Local Government authority or any other association in Sri Lanka or abroad on any project or undertaking with the same aims and objects;
(c) to communicate information concerning the causes, symptoms and signs, prevention and treatment of the disease.
(d) to inform the public of measures undertaken to combat the disease and to foster their interest and to enlist their co-operation in carrying out such measures;
(e) to provide facilities for giving assistance to patients and their dependants and for the rehabilitation of patients ; and
(f) to assist in every possible way in research work connected with the prevention and control of the disease.
The Council.
4. The affairs of the Corporation shall be administered by an executive body called the Council, composed of the office-bearers of the Association, such other members as may be provided by the rules of the Corporation and such number of persons with such qualifications and exercising such powers and for such periods as may be provided by the said rules.
Debts due and Payable to Corporation.
5. All debts and liabilities of the Association existing at the time of the coming into operation of this Law shall be paid by the Corporation hereby constituted, and all debts due to and subscriptions payable to the Association shall be paid to the Corporation for the purposes of this Law.
Power of the Corporation to hold property.
6. The Corporation shall be able and capable in law to receive and to hold property, both movable and immovable, which may be vested in it by virtue of any purchase, grant, gift, testamentary disposition or otherwise; and all such property shall be held by the Corporation for the purposes of this Law and subject to the rules for the time being of the Corporation with full power to sell, mortgage, lease, exchange or otherwise dispose of the same.
Seal of the Corporation.
7. The seal of the Corporation shall not be affixed to any instrument whatsoever except in the presence of the General Secretary and a member of the Council of the Association duly authorized for the purpose by rules of the Corporation, who shall sign their names to the instrument in token of their presence, and such signing shall be independent of the signing of any person as a witness.
Power to make rules.
8. It shall be lawful for the Corporation from time to time, to make, subject to the provisions of sections 9 and 10, rules for the admission, withdrawal or expulsion of members, for the conduct of the duties of the Council and of the various officers, agents and servants of the Association, for the procedure to be observed at meetings, for the transaction of the business of the Association, for the administration and management of the property of the Association, for the determination of the subscription payable by members and the collection of such subscriptions, and otherwise generally for the management of the affairs and the accomplishment of the objects of the Association.
Rules in the schedule to be the rules of the Corporation.
9. The rules set out in the Schedule* to this Law shall for all purposes be the rules of the Corporation :
Provided, however, that nothing in this section contained shall be held or be construed to prevent the Corporation at all times hereafter from making fresh rules or from altering, amending or adding to the existing rules or to rules which are hereafter made by the Corporation.
Amendment, & c of rules.
10. No rule in the Schedule* to this Law shall be altered, added to, amended, or rescinded and no rule shall hereafter be made, except on a special resolution of which not less than eight clear days notice has been given, and unless such resolution has been passed by the majority votes of two-thirds of the members present and voting at a general meeting of the members of the Association.
Saving of the rights the Republic and others.
11 Nothing in this Law contained shall prejudice or affect the rights of Republic, or of any body politic or corporate, or of any other persons, except such as are mentioned in this Law and those claiming by, from, or under them.