Ordinance Nos,
46 of 1946
[19th October , 1946 ]
Short title.

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Moors' Islamic Cultural Home Ordinance.

Incorporation of the Moors' islamic Cultural Home.


(1) On and after the date of the commencement of this Ordinance, the persons for the time being constituting the board of trustees of the Moors' Islamic Cultural Home, and the other members for the time being of the aforesaid Home shall be and are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate with the name of "the Moors' Islamic Cultural Home **.

(2) The Moors* Islamic Cultural Home shall, in the said name and for the purposes herein mentioned, have perpetual succession, and may by the said name sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered in all courts, and shall have a common seal with power to break, alter and renew the same at its discretion.

Objects of the corporation.

3. The objects for which the corporation is constituted are hereby declared to be-

(a) the study and promotion of Islamic culture and religion;

(b) the research into, and study of, the history, customs, traditions and habits of the Ceylon Moors;

(c) the promotion of a spirit of fellowship among members of the Moors' Islamic Cultural Home, and the inculcation in them of the principles of service to the community and the country;

(d) the promotion of the cultural, moral, social and economic welfare of Sri Lanka;

(e) the provision of facilities for recreation;

(f) the establishment and maintenance of a hostel for students, a guest house for visitors, and a restaurant for the convenience of its members and other persons approved by the board of trustees; and

(g) the construction and maintenance of a suite of rooms which are to be let for weddings and other social functions.

Board of trustees-


(1) The affairs of the corporation shall, subject to any rules made or deemed to be made under this Ordinance, be administered by a board of trustees, consisting of the president, not less than five vice-presidents, three honorary joint secretaries, two honorary joint treasurers, and not less than thirty-eight other members. The persons constituting such board shall be elected in accordance with rule 3 specified in the Schedule* to this Ordinance or any rule amending the said rule 3.

(2) The first members of the board of trustees shall be-

Colombo A.R.A.Razik,M.S.C, M.M.C.J.P..U.M.

Colombo W. M. Hauim,

J.P. Al Haj.

A. V. Macan Markar "


M. H. M. MunasVict-Pretidents Al Alim

M. H. M. Shanuu- deeo ..

0. H. M. Sulaman "

Al. Haj.

M. H. M. Sula-unan

L. M. M. Uvais

M. 1. Abdul Rasool Trincomake President

A. I. L. Marikar ,

A. H. Macan Markar, B.A. (Cantab.)

A.L.M.Lafir Colombo "

M. L. M. Ghouse Other members of the Board of Trustees Hon. Jt. Treasurers

A. H. Macan Markar, B.A. (Cantab.) A. C. Abdeen .. Colombo B. L. Abdul Bhari .. Bentota A. C. M. Abdul Cader, Proctor, S.C. ..


M. C. M. Abdul Cader .. Galle

S. M. H. Abdul Hafeel .

M. A. M. Abdul Hassen . -Warakapola A. R. A. M. Aboobuckcr, Kathi, J.P. .

Trincomalcc M, L. M. Ahmed .Colombo

M. S. M. Anver

I. M. Asanoon .Negombo

Al Haj. H. A. Cabcer . .

Colombo M. A. Kareem, M.A. (Cantab.) M. Hussain Careem, Proctor .GaUe

S. A. I. Dheen, Proctor, S.C, Kathi, J.P. .Negombo

M. M. M, Ghouse . .

Colombo Dr. M.S. Ghouzul Ameer S, Halimdoon .Kandy M. I. M. Hamdoon .Negombo

A. M. Hamid,

M. R. A. S. (C.8.) .Colombo

A.L.M. Haniifa, Kathi, J.F '. Anuradhapura

M. Sulaiman Hassim .Colombo Al Ha). M. M- Ibrahim . .Batticaloa

M. Thowfeek Idroos . .Colombo S. M. Isroail ,, H. S. Ismail, Proctor . .Puttalam K- S. Jallabdeen Al Haj-

Y. A. Jamaldcen „

M. F. M. Jaward M.

H. M. Kamil -

Y. M. Khalid -

C. M. M. Maharoof, Proctor,

S.C. S. D. M. Mansoor 5"

A. C. H. Mohamed

I. S. Mohamed, Headman Akuraoa

K. M. N, S. Mohamed, Headman

S. L. Mohamed . .Colombo

A. F. Mohamed . .Galle

M. B. Mohamed . .Colombo

M. N. S. Mohamed . .

Trincomalee A. C.

Mohammedo, J.P., U.M.,

Proctor, S.C. . .Colombo

H. M. Mohideen . .

Katugastota S. E. C. Mohideen .Minuwangoda

Dr. M. Mohideen Hassan . -Colombo

M. Y. M. Mushood

M. S. Naina Marikar ,

S. M. A. Raheeman, J.P.,

U M., Proctor, S.C. .

Negombo Rajakaruna Vaidiyalillcke Muhandiram Sheik Mohamed Udayar . .

Aranayake Rasheed Bin Hassen,

M.M.C. . .Colombo Razeeo Abdul Cader ..

C M. M. Sahid A. R. M. Saleero C M. M. Salih 0- L. M.

M. Salih M. Samccr

M. M. Shafi M. M. Sulaiman .. „

A. Mubarak Thaha .. „

A. R. M. Thassim, Kathi,

J.P. . .Balapitiya

P. M- Yooaoof . .

Negombo M. H. M. Yusuf . .

Colombo A. R. M. Zarook



(1) It shall be lawful for the board of trustees at any of its meetings, by a majority which is not less than two-thirds of the number of members present and voting at such meeting, to make rules in respect of all or any of the following matters:-

(a) the admission, withdrawal, suspension or expulsion of members of the Moors' Islamic Cultural Home;

(b) the election, appointment, and removal of the office-bearers of the corporation or of the members of the board of trustees, and their tenure of office;

(c) the duties of the board of trustees, and of the various subcommittees, office-bearers, agents and servants of the corporation;

(d) the procedure to be followed in the transaction of business ; and

(e) generally for carrying out and giving effect to the principles of this Ordinance.

(2) The rules in the Schedule* to this Ordinance shall for all purposes be deemed to be the rules of the corporation in force at the commencement of this Ordinance, and to have been made under this Ordinance, and may be altered, added to, amended, or rescinded by rules, to be made under this Ordinance.

(3) All members of the corporation shall be subject to any rules made or deemed to be made under this Ordinance.

Power to hold property.

6. The corporation shall at all times hereafter be able and capable in law to take and hold any property, movable or immovable, whether by purchase, grant, gift, testamentary disposition, or otherwise, and all such property shall be held by the corporation for the purposes of this Ordinance.

Debts, & c, due by and payable to the Moors' Islamic Cultural Home.

7. All debts and liabilities of the said Moors' Islamic Cultural Home which were in existence before the coming into operation of this Ordinance, shall be paid by the corporation, and all debts due to and subscriptions and contributions payable to the said Moors' Islamic Cultural Home shall be paid to the corporation for the purposes of this Ordinance.


8. The seal of the corporation shall not be affixed to any instrument whatsoever, except in the presence of three members of the board of trustees, of whom one shall be the president or a vice-president, expressly nominated by the board of trustees and such persons shall sign their names to the instrument in token of their presence, and such signing shall be independent of the signing of any person as a witness.

Power to dispose, & c, property.

9. Subject to the provisions of rule 3 (j) specified in the Schedule* to this Ordinance, the corporation shall have the power to sell, mortgage, lease, exchange or otherwise dispose of its property.

Decision of dispute & c ., as to principles policy.

10. Except so far as provided in this Ordinance or in any rules made or deemed to be made thereunder, any dispute or doubt as to any matter or question affecting or relating to the principles or policy of the corporation shall be referred to the board of trustees whose decision thereon shall be final.

Saving of the rights, of the Republic and others.

11 Nothing in this Ordinance contained shall prejudice or affect the rights of the Republic, or any body politic or corporate, or any other persons, except such as are mentioned in this Ordinance and those claiming by, from, or under them.