(1) It shall be lawful for the Minister by notification in the Gazette to make regulations for any or all of the following purposes:-
(a) for the management, administration, and control of any botanic garden;
(b) for fixing the hours of opening and closing any botanic garden and the hours at or during which the public shall be prohibited access thereto;
(bb) for the levying of a fee or charge, subject to such limitations and exemptions as may be made, for admission to any botanic garden;
(c) for regulating the conduct of persons employed in any botanic garden or resorting thereto;
(d) for prohibiting, restricting, and regulating the use of any botanic garden by animals, motorcars, carts, carriages, jinrickshas, and bicycles;
(e) for declaring what portion or portions of any botanic garden shall be deemed to be a private ground attached to residences therein or required for nurseries or other administrative purposes and not accessible to the public except by the special permission of the curator duly authorized by the Director of Agriculture in that behalf; and
(f) for prohibiting and preventing interference with, or damage to, or destruction of, trees, plants, shrubs, fruits, gates, fences, or other things within or about any botanic garden.
(2) The regulations in the Second Schedule shall be deemed to have been made under this Ordinance, and may be amended, altered, or rescinded by regulations made under this Ordinance.
(3) All regulations made under this Ordinance shall be laid, as soon as conveniently may be, on the table of Parliament at two successive meetings of Parliament, and shall be brought before Parliament at the next subsequent meeting held thereafter by a motion that the said regulations shall not be disapproved, and if upon the introduction of any such motion, or upon any adjournment thereof, the said regulations are disapproved by Parliament, such regulations shall be deemed to be rescinded as from the date of such disapproval, but without prejudice to anything already done thereunder; and such regulations, if not so disapproved, shall continue to be of full force and effect. Every such disapproval shall be published in the Gazette.
(4) Copies of all regulations made or deemed to be made under this Ordinance, printed in Sinhala, Tamil and English, shall be kept posted at the main entrance of the botanic garden to which they apply, and in such other places in the garden as may be deemed necessary by the Director of Agriculture.