(1) The Authority shall have the power to do all such acts and take all such steps as may be necessary for, or conducive or incidental to, the performance of its functions.
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the powers conferred by subsection (1) the Authority shall have the power-
(a) to acquire in any manner whatsoever and hold, take or give on lease or hire, mortgage, pledge, sell or otherwise dispose of, any movable or immovable property;
(b) to enter into and perform or carry out, whether directly or through any officer or agent authorized in that behalf by the Authority, all such contracts or agreements as may be necessary for, or conducive or incidental to, the performance of the functions and the exercise of the powers of the Authority;
(c) to construct, manufacture, purchase, maintain and repair anything necessary for, or conducive or incidental to, the performance of the functions of the Authority ;
(d) to purchase, transport, store and supply any commodity, equipment or machinery necessary for, or conducive or incidental to, the performance of the functions of the Authority;
(e) to appoint, employ, remunerate and control such officers, servants and agents as may be necessary for, or conducive or incidental to, the performance of the functions and the exercise of the powers of the Authority;
(f) to train, or assist financially the training of, persons to do work necessary for, or conducive or incidental to, the performance of the functions of the Authority;
(g) to establish and maintain welfare and recreational facilities, houses, hostels and other like accommodation, for the persons employed by or serving the Authority;
(h) to provide services of any kind that may be necessary for, or conducive or incidental to, the performance of the functions of the Authority;
(i) to levy fees or other charges for services performed, or facilities or equipment provided, by the Authority;
(j) to provide assistance, including financial assistance through loans, guaranteeing of loans, subsidies and grants, to any co-operative society, union of co-operative societies or any person or body of persons (whether corporate or not) engaged in the cultivation of tea in small holdings or any holdings which do not possess their own means of manufacture;
(k) to manage or participate in the management of, or assist in or supervise the management of, such tea small holdings;
(kk) subject to the provisions of this Law to make rules providing for the registration of Tea Small Holdings Development Societies, (hereinafter referred to as "Societies") applications for registration, the conditions and restrictions subject to which such Societies shall be registered, appeals against refusal of registration, provisions to be included in the by-laws of Societies applying for registration (including provisions as to qualifications for membership of the Society and of the Executive Committee thereof, the register of members of the Society, declaration of profits of the Society, meetings of the Society and of the Executive Committee, audits and accounts of the Society, settlement of disputes between the Society and; a member of the-Society by arbitration), grounds for cancellation of registration appeals from orders of cancellation, liquidation after cancellation of registration, powers of a liquidator and enforcement of orders made by a liquidator;
(l) subject to the provisions of this Law, to make rules in respect of the administration of the affairs of the Authority; and
(i) to require any person to maintain true and accurate records, in a form and containing the particulars specified by the Authority, relating to any matter as may be necessary for, or conducive or incidental to, the performance of the functions or the exercise of the powers of the Authority;
(ii) to require any person to furnish, within a specified period of time, all such returns, information and explanations as are within the knowledge of that person relating to any matter as may be necessary for, or conducive or incidental to, the performance of the functions or the exercise of the powers of the Authority;
(iii) to require any person to produce or cause to be produced before a specified date such documentary or other evidence as the Authority may require for the purpose of verifying any facts, entered in any record maintained under sub-paragraph (i) or stated in any return, information or explanation furnished under sub-paragraph (ii);
(iv) to enter and inspect, at any reasonable time, any land, building, office, store, factory, shed or premises for the purpose of examining and verifying any records or for the purpose of verifying any particulars furnished in any return made or information or explanation given to the Authority under sub-paragraphs (i) and (ii); and
(v) to enter at any reasonable time any land, building, office, store, factory, shed or premises for the purpose of inspecting and checking stocks of the produce of such tea holdings and manufactures thereof.
(3) Any person who fails, without reasonable cause, to comply with the provisions of sub-paragraph (i) or sub-paragraph (ii) or sub-paragraph (iii) of paragraph (m) of subsection (2), or who knowingly maintains false records or furnishes false returns, information, explanations, or documentary or other evidence, or who obstructs the Authority in the exercise of the powers conferred on it by sub-paragraph (iv) or sub-paragraph (v) of paragraph (m) of subsection (2), shall be guilty of an offence under this Law.