Ceylon Association For The Advancement Of Science

Whereas an Association called and known as "The Ceylon Association for the Advancement of Science " has heretofore been established for the purpose of effectually carrying out and transacting all matters connected with the said Association according to the rules agreed to by its members:

And whereas the said Association has heretofore successfully carried out and transacted the several objects and matters for which it was established and has applied to be incorporated, and it will be for the public advantage to grant the application:

Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and the House of Representatives of Ceylon in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows: -

[25th April , 1066 ]
Short title.

1. This Act may be cited as the Ceylon Association for the Advancement of Science Act, No. 11 of 1966.

Incorporation of the Ceylon Association for the Advancement of Science.

2. From and after the passing of this Act all persons as now are members of the said Ceylon Association for the Advancement of Science or shall hereafter be admitted members of the corporation hereby constituted shall be and become a corporation with continuance for ever under the style and name of " The Ceylon Association for the Advancement of Science ", and by that name shall and may sue and be sued in all courts with full power and authority to have and use a common seal and alter the same at its pleasure.

General objects of the corporation.

3. The general objects for which the corporation is constituted are hereby declared to be: -

(a) to promote the advancement of science (Pure and Applied);

(b) to provide for systematic direction of scientific inquiry in the interests of the country;

(c) to promote contact among scientific workers;

(d) to hold an Annual Session;

(e) to disseminate scientific knowledge; and

(f) to do such other things as may be necessary for the advancement of science.

The General Committee.

4. The governing body of the corporation shall, subject to the rules in force for the time being of the corporation as hereinafter provided, be the General Committee consisting of such members with such qualifications and exercising such powers as the said rules shall direct. The first General Committee of the corporation shall be the General Committee of the Ceylon Association for the Advancement of Science for the time being.

The Council.

5. The affairs of the corporation shall be administered by an executive body called the Council, elected by the General Committee in accordance with the rules of the corporation and it shall consist of such number of members with such qualifications exercising such powers and for such periods as the said rules shall direct. The first Council of the corporation shall be the Council of the Ceylon Association for the Advancement of Science for the time being consisting of Dr. D. V. W. Abeygunawardena, Dr. V. Appapillai, Dr. B. A. Baptist, Dr. N. G. Baptist, Prof. G. H. Cooray, Prof. C. C. de Silva, Mr. E. B. Dissanaike, Mr. T. Gunawardhana, Mr. V. E. Herat, Dr. S. R. Kottegoda, Mr. A. S. Mendis, Miss C. L. M. Nethsinghe, Mr. D. B. Pattiaratchi, Dr. G. Ponnamperuma, Dr. W. D. Ratnavale, Mr. S.Selvaratnam, Dr. S. Sentheshanmuganathan, Dr. W. M. Tilakaratne, Mr. N. A. D. Weerasinha and Dr. T. W. Wikramanayake.

Debts due by and payable to corporation.

6. All debts and liabilities of the said Ceylon Association for the Advancement of Science existing at the time of the coming into operation of this Act shall be paid by the corporation hereby constituted, and all debts due to and subscriptions and contributions payable to the said Ceylon Association for the Advancement of Science shall be paid to the said corporation for the purposes of this Act.

How the seal of the corporation is to be affixed.

7. The seal of the corporation shall be in the safe custody of the Council and shall not be affixed to any instrument whatsoever except with the authority of the Council previously obtained and in the presence of two members of the Council, who shall sign their names to the instrument in token of their presence, and such signing shall be independent of the signing of any person as a witness.

Corporation may hold property movable and immovable.

8. The corporation shall be capable in law to take and hold any property, movable or immovable, which may become vested in it by virtue of any purchase, grant, gift, testamentary disposition, or otherwise, and all such property shall be held by the corporation for the purposes of this Act and subject to the rules for the time being of the said corporation, with full power to sell, mortgage, lease, exchange or otherwise dispose of the same.

Power to make rules.

9. It shall be lawful for the corporation from time to time at any meeting of the General Committee, and by a vote of two-thirds of the members present and voting to make rules for admission, withdrawal or expulsion of members; for the conduct of the duties of the Council and of the various officers, agents and servants of the corporation; for the procedure in the transaction of business and otherwise generally for the management of affairs of the corporation and the accomplishment of its objects. Subject to the provisions of section 11, such rules may at such meeting be amended, added to or repealed.

Rules in the Schedule to be the rules of the corporation.

10. Subject to the provisions of section 9, the rules set out in the Schedule to this Act shall for all purposes be the rules of the corporation:

Provided, however, that nothing in this section contained shall be held or construed to prevent the corporation at all times hereafter from making fresh rules or from altering, amending, adding to or rescinding any of the rules set out in the Schedule or which may hereafter be made by the corporation.

Amendment, &c., of rules.

11. No rule in the Schedule to this Act nor any rule which may hereafter be passed at a meeting shall be altered, added to, amended or rescinded, except by a vote of two-thirds of the members present and voting at a meeting of the General Committee of the corporation.

Savings of the rights of the Crown and others.

12. Nothing in this Act contained shall prejudice or affect the rights of Her Majesty the Queen, Her Heirs, and Successors, or of any body politic or corporate or of any other persons, except such as are mentioned in this Act, and those claiming by, from, or under them.


Rules of the Ceylon Association for the Advancement of Science.



1. The Association shall be named ' The Ceylon Association for the Advancement of Science'.


2. The objects of the Association are: To promote the advancement of Science (Pure and Applied); to provide for systematic direction of scientific inquiry in the interests of the country; to promote contact among scientific workers; to hold an Annual Session; to disseminate scientific knowledge; to do such other things as may be necessary for the advancement of science.


3. The Association shall consist of Foundation, Ordinary, Honorary, Corporate, Associate, Session and Student Members.

The governing body of the Association shall be a General Committee, constituted as hereinafter set forth; and its affairs shall be directed by a Council and conducted by two General Secretaries and a Treasurer appointed by that Committee.



1. The General Committee shall consist of (a) Foundation and Ordinary Members and (b) Honorary Members.


2. The General Committee shall meet during every Annual Session at a meeting called the Annual Meeting. In the interval between two Annual Meetings, it shall be competent for the Council at any time to summon a meeting of the General Committee.

It shall be within the power of the General President to summon a meeting of the General Committee at the written request of thirty members of the Committee provided that at least a fortnight's notice has been given.


3. Fifty members of the General Committee shall form a quorum.


4. The General Committee shall: -

(a) Receive and consider the Reports of the Council and of the Treasurer,

(b) Determine the time and place of the Annual Sessions,

(c) Elect all the officers of the Association, members of the Council, Sectional Committees, and the General Research Committee.

(d) Appoint Auditors,

(e) Exercise all other such functions as by these Rules are assigned to it as the governing body of the Association.

3. The Council


1. The Council shall consist of ex officio members, and of six other members, elected by the General Committee as hereinafter provided.

The ex officio members are-The General President, the President-elect, the immediate past General President, the Chairman of the General Research Committee, the two General Secretaries, the Treasurer and the Sectional Presidents.


2. Seven members of the Council shall form a quorum.


3. The Council shall have authority to act in the name and on behalf of the Association, in all matters which do not conflict with the functions of the General Committee. It shall have power to amend Regulations and to frame new Regulations.

In the interval between two Annual Meetings the Council shall manage the affairs of the Association and may fill up vacancies among the officers, and members of Committees appointed by the General Committee or the Council, until the next Annual Meeting.

The Council shall hold such meetings as it may think fit, at intervals not exceeding two months, and shall in any case meet during the Annual Session to consider matters to be brought before the General Committee at its Annual Meeting.

The Council, shall be changed with the responsibility of conducting the Annual Session.

The Council shall nominate for election by the General Committee at each Annual Meeting, the officers of the Association, the members of the Sectional Committees and the members of the General Research Committee as hereinafter provided.


4. Members of the Council other than the ex officio members shall be elected by the General Committee without nomination, by the Council; and this election shall be at the same meeting as that an which the election of the officers of the Council takes place.


5. The term of membership of every member of the Council shall be one year, beginning on the first day of January next following his election; with the exception that a General Secretary or a Treasurer shall continue in office for a period of three years and be eligible for re-election once consecutively.



1. The General President shall preside at all meetings of the Council and of the General Committee as also on public occasions. His rulings shall be absolute on all points of order that may arise. He shall deliver a Presidential Address at the Annual Session during his year of office.

In the event of the General President being unable, from illness or other cause, to exercise the functions of his office, the President-elect shall be empowered to discharge the duties of the General President.

General, Secretaries and Treasurer.

2. One of the General Secretaries shall be resident in Colombo. It shall be competent for the General Secretaries and the Treasurer in consultation with General President to act, in the name of the Association, in any matter of urgency which cannot be brought under the consideration of the Council; and they shall report such action to the Council at the next meeting.

3. The General Secretaries shall control the general organisation and administration and shall be responsible to the Council for conducting the correspondence and for the general routine of the work of the Association, excepting that which relates to Finance. They shall be responsible for the taking down of Minutes at the Meetings of the Council, Committees of the Council and the General Committee. They shall also be charged with the editorial work of the Association,

4. The Treasurer shall be responsible to the Council for the financial affairs of the Association.


Session Committee.

1. A Session Committee shall be formed to assist the General Secretaries and the Treasurer in making arrangements for the Annual Session, and shall have power to add to their number.

The members of the Session Committee shall be appointed by the Council on the recommendation of the General Secretaries and the Treasurer.


2. The Session Committee shall undertake the organization, and shall have power to act in the name of the Association in all matters pertaining to the arrangements for the Annual Session, other than the work of the Sections.

Public Occasions.

3. The Council may provide evening or other lectures, demonstrations and exhibitions to which persons not members may be admitted; and the Council shall appoint speakers for these purposes, having regard to the scientific and educational needs and interests of the country.


1. For the purpose of scientific deliberation and discussion during the Annual Sessions, there shall be an appropriate number of Sections corresponding to the main branches of Science as may from time to time be constituted by the General Committee on the recommendation of the Council.

2. The following Sections shall be provided for the present:

(a) Medical and Veterinary Sciences.

(b) Agriculture and Forestry.

(c) Engineering,

(d) Natural Sciences (Botany, Zoology, Geology, Geodesy and Geography),

(e) Physical Sciences (Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, astronomy and Meteorology),

(f) Social Sciences.

Sectional Officers.

3. There shall be in each section a President and a Secretary.

Sectional Committees.

4. The work of each section shall be conducted by a Sectional Committee consisting of the officers of the Section and six other members. The officers and members of the Sectional Committees shall be appointed by the General Committee on recommendations made by the respective Sections. The term of membership of every member of the Sectional Committee shall be one year, beginning on the first day of January next following his election. Each Sectional Committee shall meet within two months of its appointment and at that meeting shall draw up the programme of week for the year.

Executive Functions of President and Secretary.

5. The chief executive officers of a Section shall be the President and the Secretary. They shall have power to act on behalf of the Section in any master of urgency which cannot be brought before the consideration of the Sectional Committee; and they shall report such action to the Sectional Committee at its next meeting.

The President shall preside at all meetings of the Sectional Committee or of the Section. His ruling shall be absolute on all points of order that may arise. He shall deliver a Presidential Address to his Section at the Annual Session.

The President may depute a member of the Sectional Committee to preside at any meeting of the Committee or Section at which he is unable for any reason to preside himself.

The Secretary shall be responsible for the organisation of work within the Section, for keeping Minutes of meetings of the Sectional Committee and of the Section.

Procedure of Sections.

6. Each Section shall meet on the opening day of each Session and daily thereafter during the Session, if necessary; it shall (a) nominate Sectional officers and members of the Sectional Committee for the ensuing year, for the consideration of the Council, (b) consider means of improving the scientific work of the Section, and (c) select topics for discussions at the next Session of the Association.


7. No paper shall be read in any Section until it has been accepted by the Sectional Committee and entered as accepted in the Minutes of the Committee.


8. Recommendations arising out of the proceedings of any Section, provided that they have received the sanction of the Sectional Committee, shall be referred to the Council for consideration, and, if found desirable, for action.



1. There shall be within the Association a General Research Committee with the purpose of furthering scientific and industrial research and of extending and maintaining scientific research of national importance.


2. The General Research Committee shall consist of 18 members elected by the General Committee on the recommendation of the Council. Such members shall be accepted research workers in the fields of pure and/or applied science.

The General Research Committee may as it deems necessary seek the assistance of any person or persons for a specific purpose arising out of its function:

The General Research Committee shall elect its Chairman and Secretary and frame its own regulations provided that nothing in the regulations so framed shall be in conflict with rules of the Association.

The General Research Committee shall make an annual report to the Council.


3. The General Research Committee shall-

(a) study and report on scientific problems with a bearing on the national interest with special attention to the initiation and/or the development of the necessary research.

(b) advise the members of the General Committee through the Council on specific research projects.

(c) advise the Council on any other matter of scientific importance.


4. The General Research Committee shall receive from time to time the funds necessary for its work from the Council.

Tenure of Membership.

5. The term of service of every member of the General Research Committee shall be three years, with the proviso that a retiring member shall be eligible for re-election and provided that no member shall serve for a continuous period exceeding 6 years.


Financial Statement.

1. The Treasurer shall receive and acknowledge all sums of money paid to the Association. He shall prepare and submit to the Council and the General Committee a balance-sheet of the funds of the Association completed to the thirtieth day of September each year, and shall submit at any meeting of the Council an interim statement of his accounts if so requested.


2. The accounts of the Association shall be audited annually by the Auditor appointed by the General Committee.


3. The Treasurer shall make all ordinary payments authorized by the Council.


4. The Treasurer is empowered to draw on the account of the Association, and, with the authority of Council, to invest on behalf of the Association part or all of the balance standing at any time to the credit of the Association in the books of the Association's bankers, in such investments as may be recommended by the Council.


5. All cheques shall be signed by the Treasurer and one of the General Secretaries. In the event of the Treasurer being unable, from illness or any other cause, to exercise the functions of his office the General President of the Association and one of the General Secretaries shall be jointly empowered to sign cheques on behalf of the Association.



1. The Proceedings of the Annual Sessions shall be published; and the publication price of the Proceedings shall be determined by the Council from time to time, subject to any statutory rights of libraries, or other considerations in the Council's discretion.



1. Admission to Membership of the Association shall be made as follows: -

(a) As Foundation Members, persons who attended the inaugural meeting or persons who being unable to be present at that meeting communicated their names to the conveners of the said meeting.

(b) As ordinary members, persons with recognised scientific qualifications or persons who in the opinion of the Council have made contributions to scientific knowledge.

(c) As Honorary Members, persons who have rendered distinguished service to science.

(d) As Corporate Members, corporate bodies engaged in or closely associated with the pursuit, promotion or application of science.

(e) As Associate Members, persons interested in science.

(f) As Session Members, persons who wish to attend the Annual Sessions.

(g) As Student Members, persons who are bona fide students.

Ordinary, Associate and Corporate Members shall be elected by the Council, after being duly proposed and seconded by members of the General Committee.

Honorary Members shall be elected by the General Committee on the nomination of the Council.

Honorary Members for any one Annual Session may also be appointed by the Council: such members shall be distinguished colleagues from foreign countries or officers of an International Scientific Organisation, invited by the Council to attend the Annual Session as guests.

Admission to Session and Student Membership shall be by tickets issued by the Treasurer.

The Council shall have the power to refuse any application for membership.


2. Every person or corporate body admitted as a member shall conform to the Rules and Regulations of the Association, and for any infringement thereof, shall be liable to exclusion by the Council, who have authority, if they think it necessary, to withhold from any person the privilege of attending any meeting or to cancel a ticket of admission already issued.

Conditions and Privileges.

3. The following subscription rates shall be payable to the Association: -

(a) The annual subscription of Foundation and Ordinary Members shall be Rs. 15. Foundation and Ordinary Members shall have the right to attend all meetings of the Association, to contribute papers for reading at the Annual Session, to take part in discussions, to vote on any matter coming up for discussion and to fill any office of the Association.

A life composition fee of Rs. 150 shall be payable at any time by a Foundation or Ordinary Member in lieu of future annual subscriptions.

(b) Corporate Members shall pay an annual subscription of Rs. 100 and shall have the right to be represented by not more than two nominees at meetings other than business meetings of the Association. Such nominees have the right to present papers, provided they hold the qualifications required for an Ordinary Member.

(c) The Annual Subscription for Associate Members shall be Rs. 15. They shall have the right to attend all meetings of the Association, to communicate papers through Foundation or Ordinary Members for reading at the Annual Sessions and to take part in discussions.

They shall however not have the right to attend any business meeting and shall not be eligible to any office in the Association.

(d) Session Members may obtain Session Tickets for the Annual Session on payment of Rs. 10; they shall have the right to attend all meetings other than business meetings, of the Annual Session for which such payment has been tendered, to communicate papers through Foundation or Ordinary Members for reading at the Annual Session and to take part in discussions. They shall, however, not have the right to vote at any meeting; and shall not be eligible for any office in the Association.

(e) Student Members may obtain Students' Tickets for the Annual Session on payment of Rs. 2.50. Holders of such tickets shall be entitled to the same privileges as Session Members.

(f) Honorary Members shall be entitled to all the privileges of Foundation or Ordinary Members.

Arrears of Annual Subscriptions.

4. Annual subscriptions shall become due on the first day of January in every year and shall be in respect of the year ending on the thirty-first day of December next following the actual date of payment in each case; provided that a member shall not by this be prevented from making good arrears of subscription.

The Membership of a Foundation or Ordinary or Corporate or Associate Member who defaults in the payment of his annual subscription for a period of one year from the date it falls due may be terminated at the discretion of the Council, after the member his been duly requested by the Treasurer to pay his subscription.

Members out of the Island.

5. A Foundation, Ordinary or Associate Member who is out of the Island for a period not less than one year may apply to the Council for a waiver of his subscription, provided that notice has been given to the General Secretaries of the departure of the member from the Island.


Any alteration of, or addition to, any of the Rules, and new Rules, may be proposed by the Council or by individual members of the General Committee; provided that such proposals from individual members shall have been communicated to the Council through the General Secretaries at least two months before the Annual Meeting, or any other meeting convened specially for the purpose.

It shall be within the power of the Council to make its own observations on proposals for amendment of the Rules made by individual members.

Amendments in the Rules shall be made only if such amendments are accepted by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting at the meeting of the General Committee.



1. The time allowed for a Presidential Address, in a Section shall not normally exceed forty-five minutes.

The manuscript of every Sectional President's address ready for printing in the Proceedings of the Annual Session, together with five copies of a short popular summary (about 500 words, for issue to the press) shall be forwarded to the General Secretary, so as to reach him eight weeks before the commencement of the Session at which the address is to be delivered.


2. The following procedure shall be adopted for the collection of papers to be read before the Session. About six months before the Annual Session, the General Secretaries shall invite all members to contribute papers for reading at the next Annual Session. In addition, persons engaged in scientific research or enquiry but who are not already members of the Association may be invited by the General Secretaries to contribute papers provided that such persons are requested at the same time, to join as members of the Association.

3. Every paper submitted for reading at the Annual Session shall be accompanied by an abstract in triplicate; and the paper with two of its abstracts shall be forwarded to the President of the Section concerned and the third abstract to the Genera] Secretary, so as to reach them before a certain date to be specified from time to time by the Council. The Sectional President shall forward one copy of every paper received together with its abstract to the General Secretary, after refereeing and acceptance. The decision of the Sectional Committee with regard to acceptance or rejection of a paper shall be final and all reports confidential.


4. The President and Secretary of every Section shall in consultation with the other members of their Sectional Committee make proposals to the General Secretary regarding the programme of the Section for the Annual Session. Such proposals shall reach the General Secretary not later than six weeks before the Annual Session.

5. General discussions on questions of importance held either by a single Section or jointly by two or more Sections shall be encouraged. The Sectional Presidents concerned shall communicate to the General Secretary before the end of August preceding the Annual Session, the titles of such discussions, names of the speakers and such further information as may be considered necessary. The President and the Secretary of the Section arranging a discussion shall carry out the necessary correspondence throughout the year during which they hold office.


6. The President of a Section shall, in consultation with the General Secretary, make arrangements for such local excursions as may seem desirable.


7. The Publications relating to Annual Sessions shall be printed in three parts as follows: -

(a) General Programme.-This shall contain the names of office-bearers and past General Presidents, the General Programme, List of New Members, Minutes of the last Annual Meeting, Report of the Council, Statement of audited accounts and the Agenda for the Annual Meeting during the Session.

(b) Part I-This shall contain all the abstracts of papers to be read at the Session and the Sectional Programmes.

(c) Part II-This shall contain the General President's Address, Sectional Presidents' Addresses, the Invitation Lecture, and any other reports relating to the Annual Session as may be decided on by the Council.

8. Foundation, Ordinary, Associate and Honorary Members shall be entitled to receive all the three Parts of the Proceedings. Corporate Members shall also be entitled to receive all the publications but in duplicate. The issue of the Proceedings to Session and Student Members shall be left to the discretion of the Council.

9. Every President-General or Sectional-shall be entitled to receive fifty copies of his address without charge, and additional copies at the cost of reproduction.


10. The Treasurer in consultation with the General Secretaries shall prepare and present at the first meeting of the Council a draft budget for the current year for consideration and approval.


11. Any alteration in, or addition to, any of the Regulations, or any new Regulation, shall be considered by the Council, and, if they so decide, recommend to the General Committee for approval and confirmation; provided that the Council may bring into operation in the interval between Annual Meetings any amendment consistent with the Rules, and shall report such amendment to the General Committee at the ensuing Annual Meeting.