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Ordinance Nos, |
20 of 1942 | |
26 of 1943 | |
[1st July
, 1942 ]
Short title and commencement.
(1) This Ordinance may be cited as the Ceylon University Ordinance, and shall, subject as hereinafter provided, come into operation on such date as the Governor may appoint by Proclamation published in the Gazette: *[* See Gazette No. 8,945 of 12th June, 1942.]
Provided that the Governor may, in any such Proclamation, declare that the operation of any provision of this Ordinance, or the application of any such provision to any Faculty or to any department of study, shall be suspended. * [* See Gazette No. 8,945 of 12th June, 1942.]
(2) Where the operation of any provision of this Ordinance or the application of any such provision to any Faculty or department of study has been suspended under subsection (1), the Governor-General may, by Proclamation published in the Gazette, declare that the operation of any such provision or the application of any such provision to any such Faculty or department shall cease to be suspended with effect from such date as may be specified in the Proclamation.
2. In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires-
" Act" means any Act made in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance or of any Statute ;
" Authorities " means the Authorities of the University mentioned in section 14, and includes any other Authority prescribed by Statute ;
" Council" means the University Council constituted in accordance with the provisions of section 19;
" Court" means the University Court constituted in accordance with the provisions of section 15 ;
" Faculty " means a Faculty established under section 22;
" officer " means the Vice-Chancellor, the Registrar, the Deans of the Faculties, the Librarian, and the holder of any office created by Statute ;
" regulation" means any regulation made by an Authority or officer or other body of the University in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance or of any Statute or Act;
" Statute " means any of the Statutes contained in the Schedule and any Statute made in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance ;
"teacher " includes Professor, Reader, Lecturer, and any other person imparting instruction in the University ; and who is in receipt of an annual salary ;
" University radius" means the radius prescribed under section 31.
Incorporation and general powers of the University.
(1) There shall be established in Ceylon, in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance, a University, (in this Ordinance referred to as " the University "), with the name and style of " The University of Ceylon ", by which name the Chancellor, the Pro-Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor and the members for the time being of the Court, the Council and the Senate of the University, duly nominated, appointed or elected by or in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance, are hereby constituted a body corporate with perpetual succession, and with full power and authority by and in such name-
(a) to sue and be sued in all courts ;
(b) to have and use a common seal and to alter the same at its pleasure ;
(c) for the purposes of this Ordinance, and subject to the Statutes, Acts and regulations, to purchase any property movable or immovable, and to take, accept and hold any such property which may become vested in it by virtue of any such purchase, or by any grant, donation, lease, testamentary disposition or otherwise ;
(d) to sell, hypothecate, lease, exchange or otherwise dispose of any such property : Provided that any sale, hypothecation, lease, exchange or other disposition of any such property shall be void if the same is made in contravention of any restriction, condition or prohibition imposed by law or by the instrument or order by which the property was vested in the University; and
(e) to exercise and perform, in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance and of the Statutes, Acts and regulations, whenever necessary, all the powers and duties conferred or imposed upon the University by any of such provisions.
(2) The powers conferred upon the University by this section shall be exercised by the Council, unless otherwise expressly provided in this Ordinance, or in the Statutes, Acts or regulations.
Location of the University.
4.* [* Operation of section 4 suspended.-Gazette No. 8,945 of 12th June, 1942.] The University constituted by this Ordinance shall have its seat in or near Kandy, on the site lying within the boundaries of any land hereafter vested in the University under section 5 (hereinafter referred to as " the University precincts ").
Vesting of land, & c, in the University.
5. The Governor-General [3] may, by Order, vest in the University, for the purposes of this Ordinance and subject to such restrictions, conditions and prohibitions, of any nature whatsoever relating to use, occupation or disposition, as may be specified in the Order, any land or building acquired for a public purpose under the provisions of any laws now or hereafter to be in force for the acquisition of private lands for public purposes, or any other Crown land.
Powers of the University.
6. The University shall, subject to the provisions of this Ordinance and of any Statute, Act or regulation, have the powers following : -
(a) to provide for instruction in such branches of arts, science and learning as the University may determine, and also to make provision for research and for the advancement and dissemination of knowledge ;
(b) to hold examinations for the purpose of ascertaining the persons who have acquired proficiency in different branches of study;
(c) to provide postgraduate courses and for this purpose to co-operate with other Universities or authorities, in such manner and for such purposes as the University may determine;
(d) to grant and confer degrees, diplomas and other academic distinctions to and on persons who shall have pursued approved courses of study in the University and shall have passed the examinations of the University ;
(e) to admit graduates of other Universities to equal or similar degrees in the University on such conditions as may be prescribed by Act made on the recommendation of the Senate, and to register them as graduates of the University ;
(f) to confer degrees of the University on any persons who shall be employed by the University as Professors, Readers, Lecturers, or otherwise, or who shall have carried on independent research therein ;
(g) to confer honorary degrees or other distinctions on approved persons ;
(h) to recognize the examinations and periods of study passed by persons seeking admission to, or by students of, the University at other Universities or places of learning of University status as equivalent to such examinations and periods of study in the University, or such part thereof, as may be prescribed by Act, and to withdraw such recognition at any time ;
(i) to institute Professorships, Readerships, Lectu-rerships and any other posts or offices which may be required, and to make appointments thereto ;
(j) to erect, equip, and maintain for the purpose of the University, libraries, laboratories and other buildings whether for instructional or residential purposes ;
(k) to institute and award fellowships, scholarships, exhibitions, bursaries, and medals and other prizes ;
(l) to manage Halls of Residence, and to license lodging houses, for the residence of students of the University ;
(m) to regulate and provide for the residence, discipline, and moral, mental and physical well-being of officers, teachers and students of the University;
(n) to demand and receive such fees as may from time to time be prescribed by Act;
(o) to do all such other acts and things, whether incidental to the powers aforesaid or not, as may be requisite in order to further the objects of the University.
Distinctions of race, creed, class or religion prohibited ; but religious instruction permitted.
7. The University shall be open to all persons of either sex and of whatever race, creed or class, and no test of religious belief or profession shall be adopted or imposed in order to entitle any person to be admitted as a teacher or student of the University, or to hold any appointment therein (other than that of warden of a Hall of Residence), or to graduate thereat or to hold, enjoy or exercise any advantage or privilege thereof: Provided that nothing in the preceding provisions of this section shall be deemed to prevent religious instruction being given in any manner which may be prescribed by Act to those willing to receive it by persons approved for that purpose by the Council,
Places of worship.
(1) Where any person represents to the Governor-General8 that he is prepared to provide a place of worship within the University radius for the use of any religious community, the Governor-General3 may, after consulting the Council, lease to that person or to the representatives of that religious community, at . a nominal rent, such extent of Crown land as the Governor-General8 may deem necessary for the purpose.
(2) Where any land, other than Crown land, is required for the purposes of a lease under subsection (1), that land may be acquired under the Land Acquisition Act and shall, for the purposes of the application of the provisions of that Act, be deemed to be land required for a public purpose.
(3) In this section " place of worship" includes accommodation attached to a place of worship for the purpose of housing members of a religious order.
Teaching authorities and courses of study.
9. The authorities responsible for organizing the teaching of the University shall be prescribed by Statute ; and the courses of study shall be prescribed by Act or regulation.
The Chancellor.
10. The Governor-General" shall be ex officio Chancellor of the University. He shall be the head of the University and the president of the Court, and shall, when present, preside at meetings of the Court and at any convocation of the University.
The Pro-Chancellor.
11. The Minister charged with the subject of Education1 for the time being shall be Pro-Chancellor of the University. He shall, when present, and in the absence of the Chancellor, preside at meetings of the Court and at any convocation of the University.
The Vice-Chancellor.
(1) The first Vice-Chancellor shall be appointed by the Governor-General3 and subsequent appointments to the office of Vice-Chancellor shall be made by the Governor-General3 on the recommendation of the Court.
(2) The Vice-Chancellor shall be a whole-time officer of the University and shall be the principal executive and academic officer thereof. He shall be an ex officio member of the Court and an ex officio member and chairman of the Council and of the Senate. He shall convene all meetings of the Court, the Council, and the Senate, and all convocations, and shall, in the absence of the Chancellor and Pro-Chancellor, preside at meetings of the Court and at any convocation of the University. He shall be entitled to convene, be present at, and speak at, any meeting of any Authority or other body of the University, but shall not be entitled to vote at such meeting unless he is a member of the Authority or body concerned.
(3) It shall be the duty of the Vice-Chancellor to see that the provisions of this Ordinance and of the Statutes, Acts and regulations are duly observed ; and he shall have and may exercise all such powers as he may deem necessary for this purpose.
(4) The Vice-Chancellor shall give effect to the decisions of the Council regarding the appointment, dismissal or suspension of the officers and teachers of the University, and shall exercise general supervision over the administrative and educational arrangements of the University. He shall be responsible for the presentation to the Council of the annual accounts of the University and of all financial estimates, annual or supplementary. He shall also be responsible for the discipline of the University in accordance with this Ordinance and the Statutes, Acts and regulations, and shall exercise and perform such other powers and duties as may be conferred or imposed upon him by this Ordinance or prescribed by Statute or Act.
(5) The Vice-Chancellor shall hold office for a, term of five years, but he may be reappointed in accordance with this section:
Provided that if the Court so recommends, no person shall continue to hold the office of Vice-Chancellor after he has completed his sixtieth year ; or, if he completes his sixtieth year in the course of an academic year, after the last day of such academic year.
(6) If any vacancy occurs in the office of Vice-Chancellor, or if the Vice-Chancellor, by reason of 6leave, illness, or other cause, is unable temporarily to perform the duties of his office, the Council shall, as soon as possible, subject to the approval of the Chancellor, make such arrangements as it may think fit for carrying on the office. Until such arrangements have been made, the Registrar shall carry on the routine duties of the office.
(7) In the absence of the Vice-Chancellor at any meeting of the Council, the Council shall elect a chairman for the purposes of the meeting from among the members present.
The Registrar and the Librarian.
(1) The Registrar shall be a whole-time officer of the University and shall be appointed by the Chancellor on the recommendation of the Council. He shall exercise and perform such powers and duties as may be conferred or imposed upon him by this Ordinance or prescribed by Statute, Act or regulation.
(2) The Librarian shall be a whole-time officer of the University and shall be appointed by the Chancellor on the recommendation of the Council. He shall exercise and perform such powers and duties as may be prescribed by Statute, Act or regulation.
Authorities of the University.
14. The Authorities of the University shall be the Court, the Council, the Senate, the Faculties, the General Board of Studies and Research, and such other bodies as may be prescribed by Statute as Authorities of the University.
The Court.
(1) The University Court, in this Ordinance referred to as " the Court ", shall consist of the following persons :-
(a) " Ex officio " members-
(iii) The Vice-Chancellor,
(v) Readers and Lecturers in independent charge of departments of study.
(vi) Such other members as may be prescribed by Statute.
(b) Life members-
(i) Persons appointed by the Chancellor to be life members for distinguished services rendered to the University or to education generally: Provided that the number of life members so appointed shall not at any time exceed five.
(ii) Individual donors of not less than one hundred thousand rupees to the University for a purpose approved by the Council, who may be appointed by the Chancellor to be life members.
(c) Other members-
(i) One member of each Faculty to be elected by the Faculty.
(ii) Members to be elected by the registered graduates from among their own body.
(iii) Members to be elected from among their own body by the teachers of the University other than the Professors, and the Readers and Lecturers in independent charge of departments of study.
(iv) Members to be elected by the members of the Senate and the House of Representatives1 of Ceylon from among their own bodies.
(v) Members to be elected from among their own bodies by such institutions connected with oriental culture as the Council shall from time to time determine.
(vi) Members to be elected from among their own bodies by the Council of Legal Education and the Ceylon Medical Council.
(vii) Members to be elected from among their own bodies by such councils, boards, associations, or other bodies, or groups of bodies, as the Council shall from time to time determine.
(2) Except as otherwise provided by this Ordinance the number of members to be elected or appointed under the respective paragraphs of subsection (1) (c)and their term of membership shall be prescribed by Statute, and the mode of election of members to be elected under subsection (1) (c) (i), (ii) and (iii) shall be prescribed by Act.
(3) The total number of members of the Court shall not at any time exceed one hundred. The quorum for a meeting of the Court shall be prescribed by Statute.
Meetings of the Court.
(1) The Court shall meet once in each year, on a date to be fixed by the Vice-Chancellor, at a meeting to be called the annual meeting of the Court.
(2) The Vice-Chancellor may whenever he thinks fit, and shall upon a requisition in writing signed by not less than twenty members of the Court, convene a special meeting of the Court.
Powers and duties of the Court.
17. Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance and of the Statutes, Acts and regulations, the Court shall have and perform the following powers and duties; -
(a) to make Statutes, and by Statute to amend, add to or repeal the same: Provided that no Statute made by the Court shall be repugnant to the laws of Ceylon or to any provision of this Ordinance ;
(b) to consider, amend, or cancel Acts made by the Council;
(c) to consider, amend, or adopt the annual report, the annual accounts, and the financial estimates of the University : Provided that no such amendment shall be made unless the opinion of the Council thereon has first been obtained ;
(d) to do any other act or to perform any other duty authorized or imposed upon the Court by this Ordinance or by Statute.
The Council.
18. The University Council, in this Ordinance referred to as "the Council", shall be the executive body of the University.
Constitution of the Council.
(1) The Council shall consist of the following persons : -
(a) "Ex officio" members-
(ii) The Director of Education.
(iii) The Deans of the Faculties.
(b) Other members-
(i) Five members appointed by the Chancellor.
(ii) Three members elected by the Court from among its own body, not being salaried officers of the University.
(iii) Two members elected by the Senate from among its own body.
(iv) One warden elected by the wardens of the Halls of Residence from among their own number: z
Provided that if, in the opinion of the Council, the wardens of the Halls of Residence have not made such an election within a reasonable time, it shall be lawful for the Council to nominate one of the wardens to represent them and any person so nominated by the Council shall be deemed to have been duly elected for the purpose of this paragraph.
(2) Members of the Council other than ex officio members shall hold office for a period of three years: Provided that members elected under the provisions of subsection (1) (b) (ii) and (iii) shall retain their membership so long only within the said period of three years as they continue to be members of the body which elected them, and that the member elected or nominated under the provisions of subsection (1) (b) (iv) shall retain his membership so long only within the said period of three years as he retains his position of warden of a Hall of Residence.
(3) The mode of election of members to be elected under subsection (1) (b) (iv) shall be prescribed by Act.
(4) Seven members of the Council shall form a quorum.
Powers and duties of the Council.
20. Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance and of the Statutes, Acts and regulations, the Council shall have and perform the following powers and duties: -
(a) to hold, control, and administer the property and funds of the University ;
(b) to select a coat of arms for the University, subject to the approval of the Court, and to determine the form, provide for the custody and direct the use, of the common seal of the University ;
(c) to regulate and determine all matters concerning the University in accordance with this Ordinance, the Statutes, Acts and regulations ;
(d) after consideration of the recommendations of the Senate, and subject to ratification by the Court, but without prejudice to anything done by the Council before such ratification-
(i) to institute, abolish, or suspend Professorships, Readerships, Lecturerships, and other teaching posts, and
(ii) to determine the qualifications and emoluments of teachers ;
(e) to appoint officers whose appointment is not otherwise provided for, and to suspend or dismiss on the grounds of incapacity or conduct which in the opinion of not less than two-thirds of the members of the Council renders him unfit to be an officer or teacher of the University any officer, or any teacher appointed under the provisions of section 34 or section 35 ;
(f) to appoint, and to suspend, dismiss or otherwise punish persons in the employ of the University other than officers and teachers ;
(g) to administer any funds placed at the disposal of the University for specific purposes ;
(h) to receive and accept bequests, donations and grants of any property to the University: Provided that all such bequests, donations and grants shall be reported to the Court at its next meeting ;
(i) to consider the annual report, the annual accounts, and the financial estimates of the University, and to submit such report, accounts, and estimates to the Court;
(j) to draft Statutes as and when it sees fit and to submit the same to the Court; and to make Acts for any matters in respect of which Acts are authorized to be made ; and to make such regulations as are not provided to be made by any other Authority ;
(k) to provide the buildings, premises, furniture and apparatus, and other material needed for carrying on the work of the University ;
(l) to appoint examiners, whether from the staff of the University or from elsewhere, after consideration of the recommendations of the Senate, and to determine any fees which may be paid to such examiners;
(m) to supervise and control the residence and discipline of students of the University, and to make arrangements for promoting their health and general welfare ;
(n) to institute, maintain, and manage Halls of Residence, and to appoint wardens thereto ;
(o) to enter into, vary, carry out, or cancel contracts on behalf of the University, and to invest any moneys belonging to the University, including any unapplied income, in any security in which, under the provisions of section 20 of the Trusts Ordinance or of any other written law, it is lawful to invest trust moneys; or, with the approval of the Minister of Finance,l to invest any such moneys in the purchase of immovable property in Ceylon or vary such investments; or to place on fixed deposit in any bank approved in this behalf by the Minister of Finance1 any portion of such moneys not required for immediate expenditure ;
(p) to determine by regulation, after consulting the Senate, the dates for the commencement and the termination of the academic year;
(q) to determine, after consulting the Senate, the academic dress of the Chancellor, Pro-Chancellor, officers, graduates and students of the University;
(r) to exercise all other powers of the University, the exercise of which is not otherwise provided for by this Ordinance or by Statute: Provided that the exercise of such powers shall be subject to ratification by the Court, but without prejudice to anything done by the Council before such ratification:
Provided that no resolution shall be passed by the Council in relation to any academic matter unless the Senate has first been given the opportunity of recording and transmitting to the Council its opinion thereon.
In this section, " academic matter" includes any matter which is subject to the control and general direction of the Senate under section 21.
The Senate.
21. The Senate of the University, in this Ordinance referred to as " the Senate ", shall be the academic body of the University, and, subject to the provisions of this Ordinance and of the Statutes, Acts and regulations, shall have the control and general direction of instruction, education, and examinations within the University, and shall exercise and perform such other powers and duties as shall be conferred or imposed upon it by any of such provisions. The constitution of the Senate, its powers and duties, and the term of membership of the members thereof, other than the ex officio members, shall be prescribed by Statute.
Faculties and Deans of Faculties.
(1) The University shall have power to establish Faculties of Oriental Studies, Arts, Science, Law, Medicine, Agriculture, Commerce, and Engineering, and such other Faculties (whether formed by the addition of Faculties or by the subdivision or combination of an existing Faculty or of existing Faculties, or otherwise) as may be prescribed by Statute.
(2) The constitution and the powers and duties of the Faculties, and the term of membership of the members thereof, other than the ex officio members, shall be prescribed by Statute.
(3) The departments of study to be comprised in each of the Faculties shall be prescribed by Act.
(4) There shall be a Dean of each Faculty who shall be a Professor elected by the Faculty from among the heads of departments of study in the Faculty and shall hold office as Dean for such term, and exercise and perform such powers and duties, as may be prescribed by Statute. For the purposes of this subsection, the Professor of each such department, or the Reader or Lecturer if there is no Professor, shall be deemed to be the head of the department. If more than one Professor or more than one Reader or Lecturer is attached to any such department, the Vice-Chancellor shall appoint such Professor or Reader or Lecturer as he thinks fit to be head of the department, and such Professor or Reader or Lecturer shall be responsible to the Dean for the organization of the teaching in that department:
Provided that if, through his absence on leave or for any other reason, the Dean is prevented from performing the duties of his office, it shall be lawful for the Vice-Chancellor to appoint a Professor from among the Professors of the Faculty to perform such duties.
General Board of Studies and Research.
23. There shall be a General Board of Studies and Research. The constitution and the powers and duties of this board, and the term of membership of the members thereof, other than the ex officio members, shall be prescribed by Statute.
Other Authorities.
24. The constitution, powers, and duties, and the term of membership of members other than ex officio members of such other bodies as shall be declared by Statute to be Authorities of the University shall be prescribed by Statute.
Holding of convocation.
(1) A convocation of the University for the purpose of conferring degrees shall be held once in every year on such date as may be approved by the Chancellor:
Provided that a special convocation may be held at such other time as the Chancellor may direct.
(2) The procedure of any such convocation shall be prescribed by Act.
(1) Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance, Statutes may be made providing for all or any of the following matters: -
(a) the constitution, powers, and duties, and the term of membership of members other than ex officio members of the Authorities of the University, of the Boards of Studies, of the Board of Residence and Discipline, and of the Board for the Training of Teachers, where such matters have not been determined by this Ordinance ;
(b) the filling of vacancies on, and the convening of, any Authority or other body of the University, where not otherwise provided for ;
(c) the conditions of appointment, and emoluments, of the officers and teachers of the University, and their powers and duties ;
(d) the creation of offices in the University other than those provided for in this Ordinance, and the abolition of such offices ;
(e) the admission of students to the University;
(f) the maintenance of a register of registered graduates ;
(g) the determination of the degrees, diplomas, and other academic distinctions to be conferred by the University;
(h) the conferment of honorary degrees ;
(i) the conditions of residence and the discipline of students, and the appointment of wardens of Halls of Residence ;
(j) the institution and award of fellowships, scholarships, exhibitions, bursaries, and medals and other prizes for which funds or property may in any manner whatsoever be provided, and the making of regulations respecting the same and the tenure thereof ;
(k) the interpretation of the Statutes, Acts, and regulations ;
(l) all matters which under the provisions of this Ordinance are to be or may be prescribed by Statute.
(2) The Statutes contained in the First Schedule *[* First Schedule omitted under section 6 (1) of the Revised Edition of the Legislative Enactments Act.] shall be the first Statutes of the University, and shall be deemed to have been made by the Court under this Ordinance and may be amended, added to or repealed by Statutes made in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance.
Powers of Court, Council and Chancellor in relation to Statutes.
(1) Save as otherwise provided in subsection (2), no Statute shall be made by the Court until the Court has consulted the Council and obtained the opinion of the Council on the terms of the proposed Statute.
(2) The Council may propose to the Court the draft of any Statute to be made by the Court. Such draft shall be considered by the Court at its next meeting. The Court may approve such draft and make the Statute, or may amend the draft, or may reject it, or may return it to the Council for reconsideration, either in whole or in part, together with any amendment which the Court may suggest.
(3) The Court shall not initiate, and the Council shall not propose to the Court the draft of, any Statute, whereby the status, powers, or constitution of any Authority of the University will be affected until such Authority has been given an opportunity of expressing an opinion thereon. Such opinion shall be in. writing and shall be considered by the Court and shall, if the Statute is made by the Court, be submitted to the Chancellor.
(4) Every Statute which has been made by the Court shall be submitted to the Chancellor, who may refer the Statute back once to the Court for further consideration, or may assent thereto.
(5) Every Statute shall, when assented to by the Chancellor, be published in the Gazette and shall come into force on the date of such publication.
28. Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance, and of the Statutes, Acts may be made providing for all or any of the following matters: -
(a) the courses of study to be prescribed for all degrees and diplomas of the University ;
(b) the conditions under which students shall be admitted to the degree or diploma courses and to the University examinations, and be eligible for degrees and diplomas ;
(c) the conditions of residence of the students of the University ;
(d) the fees to be charged for courses of study in the University, for residence, for admission to the examinations, for degrees and diplomas, and for the registration of graduates ;
(e) the formation of departments of study in the Faculties ;
(f) the constitution, powers, and duties of any board, committee or other body of the University, where such matters have not been otherwise determined ;
(g) the conditions and mode of appointment, duties, and emoluments, of examiners, and the conduct and standard of examinations ;
(h) the numbers, qualifications, and emoluments of persons in the employ of the University other than officers and teachers ;
(i) such other emoluments and allowances as are not otherwise provided for ;
(j) all matters which under the provisions of this Ordinance or of the Statutes are to be or may be prescribed by Act.
Powers of Court. Council and Chancellor in relation to Acts.
(1) Acts shall be made by the Council:
Provided that no Act shall be made under any of the paragraphs (a), (b), (e) and (g) of section 28 unless a draft of such Act has been proposed by the Senate.
(2) The Council shall not have power to amend any draft proposed by the Senate under subsection (1), but may reject it or return it to the Senate for reconsideration, either in whole or in part, together with any amendments which the Council may suggest.
(3) All Acts made by the Council shall be submitted to the Court at its next meeting, and the Court shall have power, by a resolution passed by a majority consisting of not less than two-thirds of the members present at such meeting, to amend or cancel any such Act, but without prejudice to anything already done thereunder:
Provided that-
(a) no such amendment of an Act shall be made until the Court has first taken the opinion of the Council;
(b) any Act cancelled by the Court shall, upon such cancellation, be null and void ;
Provided, further, that it shall be lawful for the Vice-Chancellor to make such order as he may think fit with regard to any case of difficulty which may arise owing to the amendment or cancellation by the* Court of any Act so submitted to the Court; and such order shall have effect accordingly.
(4) It shall be lawful for the Council by Act to add to, amend, alter or repeal any Act for the time being in force.
(1) Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance and of the Statutes and Acts, the Authorities and the other bodies of the University may make regulations providing-
(a) for all matters of procedure at the meetings of such Authorities and bodies, for the holding of their meetings, for the keeping of their records, and generally for all other matters relating to their business ;
(b) for all matters which under the provisions of this Ordinance or of the Statutes or Acts are to be or may be prescribed by regulation, and for all other matters solely concerning such Authorities and bodies and not provided for by this Ordinance or by Statute or Act.
(2) It shall be lawful by regulation to add to, amend, alter or repeal any regulation for the time being in force.
(3) The Council may direct the amendment, in such manner as it may specify, of any regulation made under this section, and the Authority or other body to which the direction is given shall comply therewith.
Conditions of residence and administration of Statutes and Acts relating thereto
(1)* [* Provisions of section 31 (1) relating to "University radius" suspended.-Gazette No. 8,945 of 12th June, 1942.] Every undergraduate member of the University shall reside within such radius from the Convocation Hall of the University as shall from time to time be prescribed by Act, (in this Ordinance referred to as the University radius "), in a Hall of Residence or under such conditions of residence as may from time to time be prescribed by Statute or Act. -
(2) The Statutes and Acts relating to conditions of residence shall be administered by the Board of Residence and Discipline.
32. All examinations held by the University shall be conducted in such manner as shall be prescribed by Statutes, Acts and regulations.
Admission and periods of study for graduation.
(1) Subject to the provisions of the Statutes, Acts and regulations, admission to the University shall be controlled by a board of admission which shall consist of-
(b) the Deans of the Faculties,
(c) such other officers or teachers of the University as the Council shall from time to time determine.
(2) No person shall be eligible for admission to a course of study for a degree unless he has attained such age as shall be prescribed by Statute and has passed an entrance examination of the University or an examination recognized by the University as equivalent thereto, and unless he possesses such further qualifications, if any, as may be prescribed by Act or regulation in relation to such course of study.
(3) Subject to the provisions of the Statutes, Acts and regulations relating to residence, the period of resident study necessary to qualify any student for graduation shall not be less than three academic years of three terms each, the whole of which period shall be subsequent to the date on which the student has been admitted to the University:
Provided that students who have already obtained degrees at other Universities, the examinations of which are recognized as equivalent to the examinations of the University, shall be permitted to qualify for graduation under such conditions as regards resident study as may be prescribed by Act;
Provided, further, that, where the Vice-Chancellor certifies that for a specific period a student has been engaged on full-time study at the Ceylon University College or the Ceylon Medical College or the University before its establishment in the University precincts, such period shall be deemed to be part of the period of resident study for the purposes of this subsection.
Appointment of Professors, & c.
34. Every appointment to a post of Professor, Reader or Lecturer in the University shall be made by the Council after considering the recommendation of a board of selection, the members of which shall be-
(ii) the Dean of the Faculty to which the post belongs,
(iii) two members appointed by the Council from among its own body,
(iv) two members who have knowledge of the subject of study concerned appointed by the Senate from among its own body,
(v) two members who shall not be officers or teachers of the University, appointed by the Court from among its own body.
Appointment of other teachers.
35. Every appointment to a post of teacher other than that of Professor, Reader or Lecturer shall be made by the Council after considering the recommendation of a selection committee constituted in such manner as may be prescribed by Statute.
(1) Every appointment of a teacher made under the provisions of section 34 or section 35, or of a Registrar or Librarian, shall be upon an agreement in writing between the University and such teacher-Registrar or Librarian. Such agreement shall be-
(a) in the case of experienced persons who have already gained distinction in their subjects, for such period and on such terms as the Council may resolve; and
(b) in other cases, for a probationary period of three years which may be extended by the Council by resolution for a further period of one year, if the Council thinks fit.
(2) In the case of agreements entered into by the University under subsection (1) (b), any renewal thereof upon the expiration of the probationary period shall be expressed to be and remain in force, subject to the reservations hereinafter referred to, until the teacher, Registrar or Librarian appointed thereby has completed his fifty-fifth year, or, if he completes his fifty-fifth year in the course of an academic year, until the last day of such academic year, and in any such agreement there shall be expressly reserved-
(a) a right for the University to annul the agreement on any ground on which it shall be lawful for the Council, under the provisions of section 20 (e), to dismiss a teacher, Registrar or Librarian ;
(b) an option for the University to renew the agreement so that it may continue and remain in force until the teacher, Registrar or Librarian has completed his sixtieth year ; and
(c) a right for the teacher, Registrar or Librarian to terminate the agreement at any time upon three months' notice in writing to the Vice-Chancellor,
37. Every full-time officer and teacher of the University shall be entitled to leave on such terms as shall be prescribed by Act.
Interpretation of Part IX.
38. In this Part-
" contributor" means any officer, teacher, clerk or servant who is a contributor to the provident fund ;
" provident fund " means the Ceylon University Provident Fund established under section 39 ;
" Registrar " includes any other person appointed by the Council under section 47 for the purposes of that section;
"salary" means the emoluments of the substantive post or appointment held by any contributor and includes any such allowances as may by Statute or Act be declared to constitute part of the salary of a contributor.
Establishment of provident fund.
39. The University shall establish a fund to be called and known as the Ceylon University Provident Fund.
Acts for regulation of provident fund.
40. The Council may make Acts for the regulation, administration and management of the provident fund and for all matters incidental to or connected with the provident fund for which no express provision is made in this Ordinance.
Contributions to the provident fund.
(1) Every officer, teacher, clerk and servant employed by the University, except in such cases as may be prescribed by Act, shall from the date of his employment contribute to the provident fund, by means of equal monthly deductions from his salary, an amount equal to one-twentieth of his salary ; and the University shall, in addition, out of the University Fund, at the same time contribute to the provident fund in respect of every contributor a sum equal to one-tenth of the salary of that contributor.
(2) The Registrar shall open and keep a general account for the provident fund and a separate account in respect of each contributor to that fund. All contributions made by a contributor to the provident fund and all contributions made by the University to the provident fund in respect of that contributor shall be placed to the credit of the separate account of that contributor in the provident fund.
(3) The amount lying to the credit of the account of a contributor shall, subject to the provisions of any Act made by the Council in that behalf, accumulate at compound interest at the rate of four per centum per annum until the day on which that contributor completes his fifty-fifth year; and the account of that contributor shall be closed on that day.
Payments out of the provident fund.
(1) Where the account of any contributor is closed as provided in section 41, the Registrar shall, subject to the provisions of section 43, pay to that contributor the full amount lying to the credit of his account in the provident fund.
(2) Where a contributor, before he has completed his fifty-fifth year, ceases to be employed by the University either on account of ill health or incapacity or on account of the abolition of the post in which he is employed, or voluntarily retires from the service of the University, the Registrar shall, subject to the provisions of section 43, pay to that contributor the full amount which has accumulated to the credit of his account in the provident fund at the date on which he has ceased to be employed, or on which he retired, as the case may be.
(3) Where a contributor, before he has completed his fifty-fifth year, is dismissed on account of conduct which, in the opinion of the Council, renders him unfit to be further employed by the University, the Registrar shall, subject to the provisions of section 43, pay to that contributor the amount contributed by him to the provident fund, together with the accumulated interest thereon up to the date of his dismissal.
(4) Where a contributor dies while in the service of the University, the Registrar shall, subject to the provisions of section 43, pay the full amount which has accumulated to the credit of the account of that contributor in the provident fund to the estate of the deceased contributor or to the person lawfully entitled to such amount.
Deductions prior to payment from provident fund.
43. Notwithstanding anything in the preceding provisions of this Part and without prejudice to any other right, or remedy, the amount of any loss or damage sustained by the University by reason of the dishonesty or negligence of a contributor at any time during the period of his employment by the University shall be a first charge upon the amount lying to the credit of the account of that contributor in the provident fund ; and such amount may be deducted at the time any payment is made in accordance with the provisions of section 42.
Financial year.
44. The financial year of the University shall commence on the first day of October in any year and end on the thirtieth day of September in the succeeding year.
University Fund.
45. There shall be a fund, to be called the University Fund, into which shall be paid-
(a) fees paid to the University in accordance with the provisions of Acts made under section 28 (d);
(b) income from endowments ;
(c) moneys provided by Parliament1 as grants in aid of the University ;
(d) all other moneys belonging to the University from whatsoever source derived.
Grants in aid of the "University.
(1) The Deputy Secretary to the Treasury1 shall as soon as may be after the commencement of each financial year, pay to the University such moneys as may be provided by Parliament1 under the annual Appropriation Act as a grant in aid of the University.
(2) The Deputy Secretary to the Treasury1 shall, from time to time, pay to the University such moneys as may be provided by Parliament,1 by way of a supplementary vote or otherwise, as a grant in aid of the University.
(3) All moneys paid to the University under the preceding subsections shall be applied or expended by the University for all or any of the purposes authorized by or under this Ordinance.
Registrar to keep accounts, & c.
47. It shall be the duty of the Registrar, or of any other person who may be appointed for the purposes of this section by the Council in accordance with the Statutes-
(a) to keep the accounts of the University in such form as the Council shall from time to time direct ;
(b) to receive all moneys paid into the University Fund and to credit such moneys to the proper heads of account;
(c) to make all authorized payments ;
(d) to prepare for the consideration of the Vice-Chancellor the annual financial estimates for the ensuing financial year, and any supplementary estimates under section 53 :
Provided that income derived from grants made for specific purposes, or from endowments for specific objects, shall be separately accounted for in the accounts of the University, and that no payments shall be made from such income for the general purposes of the University or for any purposes or objects other than those for which such grants or endowments were respectively made.
48, The accounts of the University shall be annually audited by the Auditor-General.
Publication of accounts in Gazette.
49. The accounts of the University for each financial year shall, when audited, be published in the Gazette,
Annual estimates to be considered by the Council.
50. The annual financial estimates prepared under the provisions of section 47 (d) shall be considered by the Council before the fifteenth day of January in each year. The Council may make such alterations in such financial estimates as it thinks fit and shall transmit them to the Court together with the accounts of the University for the last completed financial year.
Annual accounts and estimates to be considered by the Court.
51. The annual accounts of the University and the annual financial estimates shall be considered by the Court at its annual meeting, and it shall be lawful for the Court subject to the provisions of section 17 (c), by resolution to adopt the said accounts and to adopt or amend the said estimates, as it thinks fit.
Court to return estimates with any resolutions under section 51.
52. The Court shall return the annual financial estimates to the Council together with any resolutions passed under the provisions of section 51; and the Council shall thereupon accept the decisions of the Court:
Provided that-
(a) subject to the provisions of section 46 (3), the Council may, unless the Court otherwise directs, transfer moneys assigned under one head of expenditure in the passed estimates to any other head;
(b) every such transfer shall be reported to the Court at the next annual meeting of the Court.
Supplementary estimates.
53. In case of necessity and in order to meet unforeseen expenditure, it shall at any time be lawful for the Registrar or other person appointed for the purposes of section 47 to prepare supplementary estimates of expenditure and for the Council to pass such estimates :
Provided that such supplementary estimates shall be submitted to the Court at its next annual meeting together with the annual financial estimates for the ensuing year.
Gifts, bonuses, &c.
54. The University shall not grant any bonus or make any gift or division of money to or between any of its members otherwise than in accordance with Statutes made under the provisions of section 26 (1) (i).
Deprivation of degree, &c, on account of misconduct.
55. If any member of any of the Authorities or other bodies of the University, or any graduate of the University, or any person who has received a diploma or other academic distinction from the University, or any person upon whom an honorary degree has been conferred by the University, is convicted of any crime or offence involving moral turpitude, or is in the opinion of the Council guilty of scandalous conduct, it shall be lawful for the Chancellor, on the recommendation of not less than two-thirds of the members of the Council, to do any or all of the following : -
(a) to remove his name from the membership-roll of such Authority or other body;
(b) to remove his name from the register of registered graduates ;
(c) to deprive him of any degree, diploma or other academic distinction conferred upon him by the University;
(d) to deprive him of all privileges of the University which he enjoys.
Question as to validity of elections and appointments.
56. If any question arises whether any person has been duly elected, appointed, nominated or co-opted as, or whether any person is entitled to be, a member of any Authority or other body of the University, the question shall be referred to the Chancellor whose decision thereon shall be final.
Vacancies not to invalidate resolutions or proceedings.
57. No resolution or proceeding of any Authority or other body of the University shall be invalidated merely by reason of the existence of a vacancy or of vacancies among its members.
Rights of women.
(1) All courses of study, and all degrees, diplomas and other academic distinctions of the University shall be open to women.
(2) No person shall, by reason of sex, be debarred from any office in the University or from membership of any of its Authorities or other bodies.
Salaries, &c, of officers, &c, exempt from seizure in execution.
59. Notwithstanding anything in any written law other than this Ordinance, the salary or allowances of any officer, teacher, clerk or servant of the University and moneys lying to the credit of any such officer, teacher, clerk, or servant in the Ceylon University Provident Fund shall not at any time be attached, sequestered or seized in execution of the decree or process of any court.
Prohibition of persons convicted of certain offences from entering University radius.
(1) It shall be lawful for the Vice-Chancellor, with the consent of the Council, by writing under his hand served on any person who has been convicted of an offence under the provisions of section 365 or section 365a of the Penal Code or of section 2 of the Brothels Ordinance, to prohibit such person from entering or remaining within the University radius or within such part thereof as may be specified in such writing. Such prohibition shall be and remain in force until revoked by the Vice-Chancellor with the like consent.
(2) A certificate under the hand of the Vice-Chan-cellor to the effect that any person named in the certificate has been prohibited, in accordance with the provisions of subsection (1), from entering or remaining within the University radius or any specified part thereof, shall be received and accepted by a court as evidence of the facts stated in such certificate until the contrary is proved.
(3) A document purporting to be a certificate issued by the Vice-Chancellor and to be signed by him, shall be received in evidence, and shall, until the contrary is proved, be deemed to be a certificate issued by the Vice-Chancellor under subsection (1).
Penalty for offence of disobeying prohibition.
61. Any person prohibited under the provisions of section 60 from entering or remaining within the University radius or part thereof who enters or remains within such radius or part thereof in contravention of such prohibition shall be guilty of an offence, and shall, on conviction after summary trial before a Magistrate, be liable to a fine of one hundred rupees in respect of each day upon which he has entered or during which he has remained within such radius or part thereof.
Offences under section 61 to be cognizable and bailable.
62. All offences under section 61 shall be cognizable and bailable within the meaning of those terms as defined in the Criminal Procedure Code.
Application of Housing and Town Improvement Ordinance to areas in proximity to the University precincts.
(1) Notwithstanding anything in the Housing and Town Improvement Ordinance, it shall be lawful for the Minister,1 if he deems it expedient to do so in order to preserve the amenities of the University precincts, to declare, by Notification published in the Gazette, that Chapter I of Part II of that Ordinance shall apply, subject to the modifications specified in subsection (2) of this section, to any area of land in proximity to the University precincts to which the said Ordinance does not otherwise apply, as if such area were an area comprised within the administrative limits of a local authority.
(2) Upon the publication of any such Notification, the said Chapter shall apply accordingly, subject to the following modifications therein: -
(a) The word "Vice-Chancellor" shall be substituted for the word " Chairman", wherever the latter word occurs therein.
(b) The following section shall be substituted for section 7 thereof : -
" 7. The Vice-Chancellor shall not refuse- (1) to approve any plan, drawing or specification of any building; or (2) to consent to any alteration in any building,
unless the building or the alteration of the building is of such a nature as to be likely, in his opinion, to injure the amenities of the University precincts, or unless the applicant for such approval or consent fails to comply with any requirement made under section 8."
(c) In section 8 (a) thereof, the words " by local by-laws, or in the absence of such by-laws " shall be omitted.
(d) In section 8 (b) thereof, the words "so as to bring it into accordance with such form or so as to contain any of such particulars " shall be substituted for the words "so as to bring it into accordance with law ".
(e) In section 8 (e) thereof, the word "Chapter" shall be substituted for the word " Ordinance ".
(f) In section 13 (1) (c) thereof, the words "this Chapter " shall be substituted for the words " this Ordinance or of any local by-law ".
(g) In section 13 (2) thereof, the words " so as not to injure the amenities of the University precincts " shall be substituted for the words " in such a way as to bring it into accordance with law ", and the words " and any expenses thereby incurred shall be recoverable upon an order made by the Magistrate in the same manner as a fine imposed by him, and upon recovery shall be paid to the Vice-Chancellor" shall be substituted for the words " and to recover the expenses thereby incurred in the same manner and by the same process as a rate ".
(h) In section 15 (1) thereof the words "dees not injure the amenities of the University precincts " shall be substituted for the words " is in accordance with law ".
(i) The reference to the tribunal of appeal in section 16 thereof shall be deemed to be a reference to the District Court having jurisdiction in the district in which the said area is situated.
(3) The exercise of any of the powers conferred upon the Vice-Chancellor under the provisions of this section shall be subject to the consent of the Council, and if the Vice-Chancellor refuses to approve any plan, drawing or specification of any building or to consent to any alteration in any building within the said area on the ground that it will injure the amenities of the University precincts, the University shall make compensation to any person for any loss or damage he may sustain in consequence of such refusal; and any person aggrieved by the failure of the University to make such compensation or to make adequate compensation, may appeal to the District Court having jurisdiction in which such area is situated and the decision of the District Court on any such appeal shall be final.
Appointment of, and preliminary action by, first Vice-Chancellor.
64. The first Vice-Chancellor may be appointed at any time after the enactment of this Ordinance and prior to the date on which this Ordinance or any provision thereof is brought into operation; and it shall be lawful for any person so appointed, subject to the existence of financial provision therefor, to make such appointments and to take such action as he may think necessary, consistent, so far as may be, with the provisions of this Ordinance and of the Statutes contained in the First Schedule,* for the purpose of bringing the University into being or for the purpose of the issue of any Proclamation under section 1; and, for such purposes, he may exercise any power which, by this Ordinance or by the Statutes aforesaid, is or may be conferred on the University or on any officer or Authority thereof.
Rotation of membership of University Authorities.
65. In the case of the first appointments, elections or co-optations to any University Authority, one-half of the total number of members appointed, elected or co-opted in any category, or, in the event of there being an odd number of members in any category, one-half such number less one, shall retain their membership of such Authority for a term of two years only and shall then retire from such membership. The members who shall so retire shall be chosen by lot: * First Schedule omitted under section 6 (1) of the Revised Edition of the Legislative Enactments Act. Provided that any member retiring after a term of two years only under the provisions of this section shall be eligible for reappointment or re-election, or to be again co-opted, for full three years' term of membership.
Transitional period.
(1) For the purposes of this section, " the transitional period " means the period between the date on which this Ordinance comes into operation and the thirtieth day of September next following.
(2) For the purposes of Part X of this Ordinance, the first financial year of the University shall begin at the end of the transitional period.
(3) The Vice-Chancellor shall prepare the financial estimates for the transitional period. The said financial estimates shall be deemed to be the financial estimates of the University for the purposes of this Ordinance.
(4) There shall be paid to the University out of moneys provided by the State Council in accordance with the provisions of section 46 a grant in aid of the University to meet the expenses of the University during the transitional period.
(5) Until the grant in aid under the last preceding subsection shall have been paid, it shall be lawful for the Financial Secretary to advance to the University such sums as he may think necessary to meet the current expenses of the University :
Provided that such sums shall be deemed to be part of the grant in aid under the last preceding subsection.
(6) If under section 64 the Vice-Chancellor is appointed before this Ordinance comes into operation, it shall be lawful for the Financial Secretary to pay, out of moneys voted by the State Council for the expenses of the Ceylon University College, and until this Ordinance comes into operation, the salary of the Vice-Chancellor under this Ordinance and such expenses as the Vice-Chancellor may incur with the consent of the Financial Secretary for the purposes of section 64.
(7) For the purposes of section 41, the date of the employment of the first Vice-Chancellor shall be the date on which he is appointed under section 64, notwithstanding that this Ordinance may not then be otherwise in operation.
Transfer of officers.
(1) Save as otherwise provided in subsection (4), every teacher, officer, servant or other person holding an appointment under the Government of Ceylon and employed in the Ceylon University College or the Ceylon Medical College immediately before the date on which this Ordinance comes into operation shall, on that date, be transferred to the employ of the University.
(2) In this Part of this Ordinance, persons transferred under the last preceding subsection are referred to as " transferred officers ".
(3) A transferred officer shall be employed by the University with as nearly as may be the same status and, subject to this Ordinance, on the same terms, including terms relating to salary or wages, the termination of his employment, allowances and overseas passages for himself and his family, as he had or enjoyed in the service of the Government of Ceylon immediately before the date on which this Ordinance comes into operation. Any dispute between the University and a transferred officer as to the application of this section shall be decided by the Governor-General8 whose decision shall be final.
(4) The preceding provisions of this section shall not apply to the Principal of the Ceylon University College.
Pensionable officers transferred to University.
(1) Every transferred officer who, immediately before the date on which this Ordinance comes into operation, held a post declared to be pensionable under the Minutes on Pensions issued by the Governor (hereinafter referred to as a " pensionable officer"), shall be deemed, for the purposes of those Minutes, to continue to hold such a post so long as he is in the employ of the University, and shall be eligible for the grant of a pension as though his service under the University were service under the Government; and the Governor-General8 may grant such pension in accordance with the terms of the said Minutes.
(2) Where, at any time after the date on which this Ordinance comes into operation, any person in the service of the Government of Ceylon and holding a post declared to be pensionable under the Minutes on Pensions issued by the Governor is appointed to be an officer or a teacher of the University, the Governor-General 3 may, by Notification published in the Gazette, declare that that post of officer or teacher, while held by that person, shall be deemed for the purposes of the said Minutes to be a pensionable post in the service of the Government; and upon the publication of any such Notification, the person referred to therein shall be eligible for the grant of a pension as though his service under the University were service under the Government, and the Governor -General8 may grant such pension in accordance with the terms of the said Minutes.
[ 3, 26 of 1943.]
[ [ 3, 26 of 1943.]
(3) Notwithstanding anything in the Widows' and Orphans' Pension Fund Ordinance, every transferred officer who, immediately before the date on which this Ordinance comes into operation, was subject to the provisions of that Ordinance, and every officer or teacher whose post is deemed under subsection (2) to be a pensionable post in the service of the Government and who, immediately before his appointment to the University, was subject to the provisions of that Ordinance shall, so long as he remains in the employ of the University, be deemed to be a public officer within the meaning of that Ordinance and for the purpose of the application of the provisions thereof.
Contributions by University in respect of transferred officers.
(1) The University shall, in respect of every pensionable officer in its employ, contribute out of the University Fund to the Consolidated Fund1 in respect of every complete month during which the said officer is in its employ, such sum not exceeding fifteen per centum of the highest monthly salary received by such officer in his substantive post under the Government or the University as the Minister of Finance1 may from time to time determine.
(2) In addition to the contribution under subsection (1), the University shall, in respect of every transferred officer who is under section 68 (3) deemed to be a public officer within the meaning of the Widows' and Orphans' Pension Fund Ordinance for the purposes of the application of the provisions of that Ordinance, contribute out of the University Fund to the Consolidated Fund,[1] in respect of every complete month during which each such officer is in the employ of the University, a sum equivalent to three per centum of the salary of each such officer for each such month.
(3) All contributions under the preceding provisions of this section shall be paid annually into the Treasury on or before such date as may be fixed by the Minister of Finance.[1]
(4) In this section, " salary " means the emoluments of the pensionable appointment held by the officer exclusive of allowances other than personal allowance ; and " pensionable officer" and " transferred officer" include an officer or teacher whose post is deemed under section 68 (2) to be a pensionable post in the service of the Government.
Non-pensionable transferred officers.
(1) In respect of every transferred officer who is not a pensionable officer there shall, subject as hereinafter provided, be paid to the University out of moneys provided by Parliament[1] a sum equal to one-tenth of the officer's salary during each month of his service under Government accumulated during the period of such service up to the date of payment at compound interest calculated from the first day of October next following such month with yearly rests at the rate of four per centum per annum :
Provided that no such payment shall be made to the University in respect of any such officer who on the date of his transfer to the employ of the University counts not less than fifteen years of service under Government and elects that, in lieu of any such payment as aforesaid in respect of his service under Government, he should receive from the Government, on ultimate retirement from his employment under the University, a retiring allowance computed on the basis of his service under the Government.
(2) The sum so received by the University in respect of any transferred officer shall be placed to the credit of the account of that transferred officer, in the provident fund established under section 39 and shall, for the purposes of the application of the provisions of Part IX of the Ordinance, be deemed to be a contribution made by the University in respect of that officer under section 41 (1).
Pensionable officers entitled to benefits of Article 88 of the Order in Council prior to their transfer to service of the University.
71. Every pensionable officer who, immediately before the date on which this Ordinance comes into operation, belonged to the class of public officers described in paragraph (a) of clause (1) of Article 88 of the Ceylon (State Council) Order in Council, 1931, shall be entitled to retire from the service of the University in the same circumstances, under the same conditions, and with the same benefits and consequences, as though his service under the University were service under the Government and as though he were a public officer of that class on the date of his retirement from the service of the University.
Rights of other pensionable officers.
72. Any pensionable officer to whom section 71 does not apply .shall be entitled, within a period of five years from the date on which this Ordinance comes into operation, to retire from the service of the University and may then be granted, under the Pension Minutes issued by the Governor, such compensation as might have been granted if he had been, on the date of his retirement, an officer in the public service and had been retired on account of the abolition of his office ; and, for the purposes of the grant of such compensation, the service of every such pensionable officer under the University shall be deemed to be service under the Government.
Transfer to University of fixtures and movable property of University College and Medical College.
73. The Governor-General[3] may, by Order, transfer to the University such fixtures and movable property belonging to the Crown and used by the Ceylon University College or the Ceylon Medical College as may be specified in the Order ; and any fixtures or movable property specified in any such Order shall, with. effect from such date as may be appointed thereby,, vest in and be the property of the University.
Construction of deeds, &c.
(1) Where under any deed, will, or other written instrument or under any agreement, trust or fideicommissum, the Crown has acquired or would but for this section have acquired any right, power or privilege, or has become bound or would but for this section have become bound to the performance of any duty or obligation, such right, power, privilege, duty or obligation being in respect of and for the purposes of the Ceylon University College or the Ceylon Medical College, the right, power, or privilege shall vest in, or the duty or obligation shall be binding on, the University.
(2) Any question whether under the preceding provisions of this section any right, power or privilege has become vested in the University or any duty or obligation has become binding on the University shall be referred to the Governor-General;[3] and the decision of the Governor-General[3] thereon shall be final.
(3) Any reference in any document to the Government of Ceylon on behalf of the Ceylon University College or the Ceylon Medical College, or to the Ceylon University College or the Ceylon Medical College, or to the Principal of the Ceylon University College, shall be construed as a reference to the University, or to the Council, or to the Vice-Chancellor, as the case may be.
Chapter 186, |