Sales of land to be final unless otherwise stipulated.
2. We having taken into our consideration the expediency of settling the rights of purchasers of land in the Kandyan provinces on a footing which shall give them an immediate and permanent interest in their property, and induce them to improve we save, which the practice that has obtained in same of the said provinces of allowing the seller to repurchase the land at any time in his life is evidently calculated to prevent: Do therefore proclaimed and enact, that from and after the publication of these presence all sales of land made in writting according to the provision of our proclamation* [Repealed by Ordinance No. 7 of 1834, itself repealed by Ordinance No. 7 of 1840.] of the twenty-eighth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and twenty in the Kandyan provinces shall be final and conclusive, and neither seller nor his or her heirs shall have any peculiar right to repurchase the same, unless an express stipulation reserving such privilege shall be inserted in the deed of sale.