(18 & 19 Vict, c. 91.)
Whereas by the 2nd section of " The Merchant Shipping Act Amendment Act, 1855," of the United Kingdom it is enacted that " In any case in which any lighthouse, buoy, or beacon has been or is hereafter erected or placed on or near the coasts of any British possession, by or with the consent of the legislative authority of such possession, Her Majesty may, by Order in Council, fix such dues in respect thereof, to be paid by the owner or master of every ship which passes the same or derives benefit therefrom, as Her Majesty may deem reasonable, and may in like manner from time to time increase, diminish, or repeal such dues ; and from the time specified in such Order for the commencement of the dues thereby fixed, increased, or diminished, the same shall be leviable throughout Her Majesty's dominions, in manner hereinafter mentioned " :