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Preamble |
Whereas it is expedient to incorporate the board of electors of the Maradana mosque for the purpose of effectually transacting the affairs of the said mosque, and of controlling, managing, and dealing with the property and funds thereof :
Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of Ceylon, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :-
Ordinance Nos, |
22 of 1924 | |
[28th August
, 1924 ]
Short title.
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Maradana Mosque Ordinance.
Incorporation of Board of Trustees of Maradana Mosque.
2. From and after the passing of this Ordinance the persons whose names appear in the First Schedule* and their respective successors elected in manner provided by the rules in the Second Schedule* or such other rules as may be in force at the date of election, shall be and become a corporation with perpetual succession under the name and style of *' The Board of Trustees of the Maradana Mosque", and by that name shall and may sue and be sued in all courts.
Rules of corporation.
3. The rules set forth in the Second Schedule* shall for all purposes be the rules of the corporation:
Provided, however, that nothing in this section contained shall be held or construed to prevent the congregation of the Maradana mosque at general meeting assembled from making fresh rules, or from altering, amending, adding to, or cancelling any of the rules in the said Second Schedule*, or any rule that may be hereafter made by the said congregation.
Amendment, amp c., of rules.
4. No rule in the Second Schedule*, nor any rule hereafter passed at a general meeting of the said congregation shall be altered, amended, or cancelled, except by a majority of two-thirds of the members present and voting at any general meeting.
Vesting of property.
5. On the coming into operation of this Ordinance, all and every the property belonging to the Maradana mosque, whether held in the name of the Maradana mosque or in the name or names of any person or persons in trust for the Maradana mosque shall be, and the same are hereby vested in the corporation hereby constituted, and the same together with all after-acquired property and all subscriptions, contributions, donations, and income from whatsoever source shall be held by the corporation in trust for the Maradana mosque.
Acquisition and dealing with property.
6. Subject to any special rule that may be made in that behalf the corporation shall have full power to acquire, purchase, take, hold, and enjoy movable or immovable property of every description, and to sell, exchange, mortgage, lease, or otherwise dispose of the property belonging to the trust, and to invest the proceeds in other property or to devote the same for the purposes of the trust. The corporation shall not, however, have the power to sell, gift, exchange, or mortgage immovable property belonging to the mosque at the date of the passing of this Ordinance without the order of the District Court. Every application for the above purpose shall be made under summary procedure as provided in the Civil Procedure Code,
Expenditure on educational institutions.
(1) It shall be lawful for the corporation after defraying all the expenses of the Maradana mosque to spend for the establishment of educational institutions in exion with the mosque, any portion of the funds, income, or revenue of the said mosque. Zahira College and other educational corporation.
(2) The general government and direction of Zahira College shall be vested in the It shall be lawful for the corporation, after defraying all the expenses institutions of the Maradana mosque to devote any portion of the funds, income, or revenue of the said mosque for maintaining Zahira College or for establishing other educational institutions.
(3) Any donation, grant, or subscription which the corporation may specially receive for Zahira College or other educational institutions established by the corporation shall be spent exclusively for the purpose for which it was intended.
(4) Any building erected on the premises of the Maradana mosque in connexion with Zahira College with the aid of any building grant given by Government shall be used for the purpose for which it was intended, and shall not be converted to any other use without the sanction of the Government, or without repaying to Government the said grant.
Official seal.
8. The seal of the corporation shall not be affixed to any instrument whatsoever, except in the presence of the managing trustee and two other office-bearers of the executive committee of the Maradana mosque elected according to the Second Schedule*, who shall sign their names to the instrument in token of their presence, and such signing shall be independent of the signing of any person as a witness.
Administration of corporation.
9. Except where special provision is made to the contrary in this Ordinance or in the rules, the affairs of the said corporation shall be administered by the executive committee elected in pursuance of the said rules.
Saving of the rights, of the Crown and others.
11 Nothing in this Ordinance contained shall prejudice
or affect the rights of Her Majesty the Queen, Her Heirs, and Successors,
or any body politic or corporate, or any other persons, except such as
are mentioned in this Ordinance and those claiming by, from, or
under them.
Chapter 347 , Volume No.10, Page No.693. |