
Whereas Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan, Kt., K.C., C.M.G., has founded in the Northern Province of Ceylon a college called Parameshvara College mainly for the education of Hindu boys, and the training of them to lofty ideals of character, perfection in work, heartfelt devotion to God and loyalty to the King, and has heretofore transacted all the affairs of the said college with the help of certain other persons appointed by him, and forming together the trustees of the said college :

And whereas it is desirable to constitute these persons one body politic and corporate, for the purpose of effectually promoting the aims of the said college and transacting all its affairs :

Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of Ceylon, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows : -

Ordinance Nos,
7 of 1925
[21st , ]
Short title.

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Parameshvara College Ordinance.

Incorporation of Paramesh vara College of North Ceylon, and use of a common seal

2. From and after the passing of this Ordinance the following persons shall be, and become, a corporation, under the name and style of The Board of Directors of the Parameshvara College of North Ceylon, to wit, the said Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan, Lady Ramanathan, Ramanathan Rajendra, Ramanathan Vamadeva, the Hon. Arunachalam Mahadeva, the principal of Parameshvara College, the Hon. Wytialingam Duraiswamy, and the Hon. Suppiramaniam Raja ratnam, and by the said name they and their successors shall have perpetual succession and shall use a common seal.

Power to sue and be sued.

3. They and their successors by the same name may sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, in all and any courts of law whatsoever of Ceylon in all manner of actions, complaints and causes whatsoever.

Right to acquire and dispose of property for the benefit of the said college.

4. They and their successors by the name aforesaid shall be capable of holding all movable and immovable properties as have been already acquired by them, and of having and holding ever hereafter other estates, movable and immovable, either by purchase, gift, devise, or legacy to and for the use and benefit of the said college ; and of soiling, disposing of, or exchanging the same for the benefit of the said college, and shall have full power to assign, transfer, and dispose of, for the benefit of the said college, all mortgages and other securities which they may hold or shall be entitled to.

Vesting in the board of directors the title deeds, mortgages, &c, held by the trustees of the college.

5. All title deeds, mortgages and other securities for land tenements and money held in the name of any persons as trustees of the said college shall be, and the same are hereby declared to be, transferred and vested in the board of directors of Parameshvara College and their successors in the corporate name, as if the same had been conveyed, assigned and transferred by the trustees in whose names the same are now held to the said corporation.

Tenure of the office of president by Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan.

6. The said Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan shall be, during the term of his life, the president of the said Parameshvara College, and all the appointments, rules and other acts made by him up to the day of the passing of this Ordinance shall continue to be in full force until other appointments, rules and acts become necessary to be made thereafter according to the will of the majority of the board of directors.

Appointment of successors to Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan and other directors of the board.

7. In view of the retirement or death of the said Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan, Lady Ramanatrn Mr. Rajendra, Mr. Vamadeva, or Mr. Mahadeva, it shall be competent to each of them to appoint his or her successor respectively to the office held by each.

In the event of the retirement or death of the said Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan without appointing a successor as president, the board may elect one of themselves or any other person, distinguished for organization, executive ability, tact, and maintenance of discipline, as the president, provided that the person so elected is of the Shaiva faith.

In the event of the retirement or death of Lady Ramanathan without appointing a successor to her seat the board shall elect in her place the lady president of the Ramanathan College for Girls established by Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan in the district of Jaffna.

In the event of the retirement or death of the said Mr. Rajendra, Mr. Vamadeva, or Mr. Mahadeva, without each appointing to his seat a successor, the board of directors shall elect the best available male members of the family of Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan in the direct or collateral line to fill each such seat, provided he is of the Shaiva faith. In the event of any of the said two Thamil Members of the State Council elected to serve on the board not becoming a Senator or Member of Parliament or becoming a Senator or Member of Parliament and vacating his seat in the Senate or House of Representatives as the case may be, the board may re-elect him as director, or elect some other elected Thamil Senator or Member of Parliament professing the Shaiva faith to fill his place, and in the event of the resignation or death of any person so re-elected or elected the board may from time to time elect any Thamil gentleman professing the Shaiva faith who is a Senator or member of Parliament, or who has been a member of the Legislative Council or State Council or who has been a Senator or Member of Parliament, or who, not being such member, Senator or Member of Parliament, is deemed fit and is willing to occupy the vacated seat

Voluntary-retirement of directors.

8. Any of the members of the board of directors may retire therefrom upon giving to the president three calendar months' notice in writing of his or her intention to do so.

Board to appoint officers and to administer the college.

9. The board thus constituted shall have power to select and appoint every officer needed for carrying on the work of the college in its different departments, and to administer all its affairs.

The course of studies to be imparted, and the aims of the college.

10, The education imparted to students professing the Shaiva faith in the said college shall, in addition to the ordinary courses of instruction in English, Thamil, Sanskrit and Latin, include a careful study of the principles relating to the life eternal or spiritual, as taught in the Vethas, the Shaiva Agamas, the Tharma Shasthras, the Puranas, and the Ithikashas, for due observance and practice in the concerns of the temporal or worldly life. The sacred hymns of Manika Vachaka Svami, Thiru Jnana Sambhanthar, Thiru Navukarasar, Suntharar, and Thayumana Svami shall foe taught; and divine service shall be held in the college temple, at which all the boarders, day scholars, and teachers professing the Shaiva faith shall attend immediately before the morning session begins :

Provided that no pupil shall be refused admission by reason of his not being of the Shaiva faith, and that nothing in this Ordinance shall affect the provisions of sections 13 and 15 of the Education Ordinance, No. 1 of 1920.* [* Repealed by Ordinance No. 31 of 1939.]

The study of the Thamil language and literature shall be compulsory on all Thamil boys from the lowest to the highest class. And the national music, drama and games of the Thamil people shall also be cultivated.

Meetings of the board.

11. The board shall meet once at least every two months. The president may summon a meeting of the board oftener, and on a requisition signed by any two members thereof, stating the object for which the meeting is required, he shall call a meeting of the board.

The quorum for a board meeting.

12. Five members of the board shall form a quorum. The president shall have a casting vote as well as an original vote. The board shall keep a minute book of its proceedings.

All executive power to be vested in the president.

13. The resolutions passed at the meetings of the board shall be given effect to by the president. In him shall be vested all executive power. A vice-president who may be appointed by Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan during his lifetime, or who may be elected by the board after his retirement or death, may help the president in the performance of his executive duties.


14. Accounts shall be kept of the income and expenditure of the college, and shall be audited at least once a year by a duly qualified auditor.

The board empowered to make, vary, and revoke rules.

15. The board of directors may from time to time make, and when made, revoke, vary, or amend rules, consistent with this Ordinance, regulating -

(a) the convening of the ordinary or special meetings of the board, and the dates on which such meetings shall be held ;

(b) the manner in which the seal of the board shall be affixed ;

(c) the course of instruction to be followed by students attending the said college ;

(d) the maintenance of good order and discipline among the students, and the punishment of the students who contravene the rules ;

(e) the qualifications needed in teachers and other officers; the payment of their salaries, increments, and pensions ; and the appointment, suspension, and removal of them from office ;

(f) the keeping of accounts of the income and expenditure of the said college ; the preparation of the monthly and yearly balance sheets; of arrears due to the college ; and the accounts connected with the book depot, science apparatus, hostels, stores, &c. ;

(g) the election, once in every three years, of a gentleman of good character and wide experience, professing the Shaiva faith, to represent on the board of directors after the year nineteen hundred and thirty, the Old Boys of the said college, who have passed the English School-leaving Certificate Examination, or the Cambridge Junior or Senior Certificate Examination, or the Matriculation Examination of any University, have attained the age of twenty-one at the time of the election, and have caused their names and addresses to be registered in the books of the college as electors, upon payment of a registration fee of two rupees and fifty cents to the college ;

(h) the election, once in every three years, of a graduate in any faculty of any University, who professes the Shaiva faith, to represent on the board of directors all Hindu graduates resident in Ceylon, who have caused their names and addresses to be registered, upon payment of a registration fee of five rupees to the college ; and

(i) generally all matters relating to the individual and social improvement of the students and the staff of the said college.

Saving of the rights of the Crown.

16. Nothing in this Ordinance shall prejudice or affect the rights of Her Majesty the Queen, Her Heirs and Successors or any body, politic or corporate, or of any other person or persons, except such as are mentioned in this Ordinance, and those claiming by, from, through, or under them.

Chapter 298, Volume No.10, Page No.412.