
Whereas the Planters' Association of Ceylon (hereinafter referred to as "the association") has applied for the privileges of incorporation, and it will be for the public advantage to grant the application :

Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of Ceylon, by and with the advice and consent of Legislative Council thereof, as follows:-

Ordinance Nos,
12 of 1916
[26th June , 1916 ]
Short title.

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Planters' Association of Ceylon Ordinance.

Incorporation of the association.

2. From and after the passing of this Ordinance the present chairman and members of the committee of the Planters' Association of Ceylon (hereinafter referred to as " the association "), and such and so many persons as now are members of the association or shall hereafter be admitted members of the corporation hereby constituted, shall be a corporation with limited liability in manner hereinafter provided, with perpetual succession and a common seal, under the style and name of " The Planters' Association of Ceylon " and by that name shall and may sue and be sued in all courts.

General objects of the corporation.

3. The general objects for which the corporation is constituted are hereby declared to be to promote, foster, and protect the planting industry of Ceylon and the interests of the planting community, and to manage and control the Ceylon Labour and Coast Agency Commission.


4. The affairs of the corporation shall be administered, subject to the rules for the time being of the corporation as hereinafter provided, by a committee to be elected in accordance with the rules for the time being of the corporation.

The register.


(1) The committee shall cause a register to be kept, in which every person who at the date of the passing of this Ordinance is a member of the association, and every person thereafter duly admitted a member of the corporation hereby constituted, shall have name inscribed.

(2) The register shall contain the following particulars :-

(a) the name, address, and occupation of each member;

(b) the date at which the name of any person was inscribed in the register as a member;

(c) the date at which any person ceased to be a member.

Power to make rules-


(1) It Shall be lawful for the corporation from time to time, at any general meeting of the members, and by a majority of votes, to make such rules as it may deem expedient for any of the following purposes:-

(a) the admission, withdrawal, or expulsion of members;

(b) the imposition of fines and forfeitures for breaches of rules;

(c) the powers, conduct, and duties of the committee and of the various officers, agents, and servants of the corporation;

(d) the procedure and the transaction of business;

(e) the administration and management of the property of the corporation and of all other property that may be vested in it in pursuance of this Ordinance;

(f) the decision of matters of local custom and usage;

(g) the provision of means of settlement or arbitration of disputes that may be referred to it for that purpose by members of the corporation;

(h) the determination of any question as to the interpretation of any provision of this Ordinance or of any rules made thereunder;

(1) generally the management of the affairs of the corporation and the accomplishment of its objects.

(2) Any rules made under this section shall be at all times binding upon the members for the time being of the corporation.

(3) Pending the making of rules under this section the affairs of the corporation shall be administered, as nearly as may be, in accordance with the rules of the association in force at the date of its incorporation,

Property vested in corporation.

7. On the coming into operation of this Ordinance all and every the property belonging to the association, whether held in the name of the association or in the name or names of any person or persons in trust for the association, shall be and the same is hereby vested in the corporation hereby constituted, and (he same, together with all after-acquired property, movable or immovable, and all subscriptions, contributions, donations, fines, amounts of loans, and advances received or to be received, shall be held by the said corporation for the purposes of this Ordinance, and subject to the rules for the time being of the said corporation.

Debts, due by, and payable to the association.

8. All debts and liabilities of the association existing at the time of the coming into operation of this Ordinance shall be paid by the corporation hereby constituted, and all debts due to, and subscriptions, contributions, and fines payable to, the association shall be paid to the said corporation for the purposes of this Ordinance.

Procedure in affixing the seal of the corporation.

9. The seal of the corporation shall not be affixed to any instrument whatsoever, except in the presence of two members of the committee, who shall sign their names to the instrument in token of their presence, and such signing shall be independent of the signing of any person as a witness.

Corporation may hold property movable and immovable.

10. The corporation shall be capable in law to take and hold any property, movable or immovable, which may become vested in it by virtue of any purchase, grant, gift, testamentary disposition, or otherwise, whether absolutely or in trust-

(a) for the collective benefit of the members of the corporation, or of the members of any district association the whole of whose members are members of the corporation; or

(b) for any object in which the members of the corporation or of such district association are interested; or

(c) for the benefit of any local community or body of persons which is, wholly or mainly, composed of members of the corporation,

and all such property shall be held by the corporation for the purposes of this Ordinance and subject to the rules for the time being of the said corporation, with full power (subject to any trusts attaching to any such property and the law regulating such trusts) to sell, mortgage, lease, exchange, or otherwise dispose of the same.

Limit of liability of members.

11. The liability of each member of the association shall be limited to the transactions of the association which shall have occurred during the period of his membership, and shall in no case exceed the sum of fifteen rupees over and above such annual subscriptions as may be due from such member to the association. And such limitation of liability shall include any contribution that such member may be called upon to make under the rules of the association to meet any deficit in the annual expenses of the association.

Chapter 291 , Volume No.10, Page No.385.