Short title.
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Council of Legal Education Ordinance.
The Council of Legal Education incorporated.
2. The Chief Justice and the Puisne Justices of the Supreme Court; the Attorney-General and the Solicitor-General ; and Frederick Dornhorst, Henry Lorenz Wendt, Thomas Edward de Sampayo, Walter Pereira, James Arthur van Langenberg, advocates ; Frederick John de Saram, John William Vanderstraaten, proctors of the Supreme Court ; and Peter Daniel Anthonisz Mack, proctor of the District Court of Colombo, being the present Council of Legal Education, and their respective successors, appointed in manner provided in the Second Schedule of the Courts Ordinance, are hereby associated together, and shall for ever hereafter be and be called a body corporate in deed and in law by the name and style of" The Incorporated Council of Legal Education ", under which name the said council may sue and be sued.
To use a common seal.
3. The Incorporated Council of Legal Education shall and may have and use a common seal, and the said seal may from time to time break, change, alter, and make anew as to the said Council may seem fit.
Property and effects of Council in whom vested.
4. All moneys, goods, chattels, and effects whatsoever, and all securities for money or obligatory instruments and evidences or muniments of title and all other effects, and all rights and claims whether belonging to the Council of Legal Education at the date of the passing of this Ordinance or acquired by the Incorporated Council of Legal Education after the passing of this Ordinance, shall be vested in the said Council.
Power to acquire land.
5. The Incorporated Council of Legal Education shall have perpetual succession, and shall at all times hereafter be able and capable in law to purchase, acquire, hold, and enjoy in perpetuity or for any lesser term any property, movable or immovable, of what nature or kind so ever, and to invest the funds of the Council in promissory notes, debentures, stock or other securities of the Government of Ceylon or in any Government Savings Bank or the National Savings Bank, or in any mortgage of movable or immovable property in Ceylon, and also in the purchase or acquisition of all manner of goods, chattels, and things whatever which they may think proper or requisite for the purposes of the said Council.
Power to erect buildings and to sell or mortgage property.
6. The Incorporated Council of Legal Education may erect or cause to be erected any buildings on any lands so purchased or acquired or held or enjoyed by them, and may also from time to time sell, grant, convey, demise, assign, exchange, and dispose of or mortgage any property for the time being vested in them.
Power to make by-laws.
(1) It shall be lawful for the Incorporated Council of Legal Education, with the concurrence of the Minister, to make such by-laws, rules and orders as to it shall seem necessary for any of the following purposes:-
(a) for convening the ordinary or any special meetings of the Council and fixing the number of ordinary meetings to be held each year, and the dates on which such meetings shall be held ;
(b) for prescribing the manner in which the sea! of the Council shall be affixed ;
(c) for prescribing the course of studies and examinations to be observed by such law students and the payments to be made therefor ;
(d) for the appointment of lecturers and examiners, and fixing the salary or fees to be paid to such lecturers and examiners respectively ;
(e) for fixing the minimum number of marks to be earned by candidates at the several examinations ;
(f) for the appointment and removal of such secretary, librarian, officers, clerks, and servants as the Council may deem useful or necessary ;
(g) and generally for carrying out the objects for which the Council is incorporated into full force and effect.
Power to alter by - Laws
8. The Incorporated Council of Legal Education is further empowered the said by - laws , rules , orders, or any of them , from time to time to alter or annual as the said council shall think requisite.
Power to alter rules contained in the second schedule to the Courts of Ordinance.
9.The Incorporated Council of Legal Education or the major part of the members present at the meeting convened for that purpose is hereby empowered and authorized to alter and amend and rescind from time to time the rules contained in the Second Schedule to the Courts Ordinance.
Rules in Schedule to the Courts Ordinance to continue in force
10. The rules contained in the second Schedule to the Courts Ordinance shall continue in force until rules framed under the provisions of this Ordinance have been substituted therefor
Saving clause.
11. Nothing in this Ordinance contained shall affect the rights of Her Majesty the Queen , or of the Supreme Court, or of any bodies politic or corporate or other persons except such as are mentioned in this Ordinance and those claiming by, from or under them.