Ceylon Legislative Enactments 1980-L

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Labour Inspections (Maintenance of Secrecy) (Chapter 62)62
Lady Lochore Loan Fund (Chapter 508)508
Land Betterment Charges (Chapter 353)353
Land Grants (Special Provisions) (Chapter 287)287
Land Reform (Chapter 297)297
Land Registers (Reconstructed Folios) (Chapter 138)138
Land Settlement (Chapter 299)299
Land Surveys (Chapter 293)293
Lands Resumption (Chapter 290)290
Lanka Jatika Sarvodaya Shramadana Sangamaya (Chapter 517)517
Lanka Mahila Samiti (Chapter 506)506
Launches (Chapter 536)536
Law Commission (Chapter 16)16
Legal Aid (Chapter 112)112
Legitimacy (Chapter 77)77
Lepers (Chapter 560)560
Leporosy Association of Sri Lanka (Chapter 513)513
Licensing of Clubs (Chapter 609)609
Licensing of Produce Brokers (Chapter 126)126
Lighting Control (Chapter 53)53
Lions Clubs-Youth Education, Rehabilitation and Employment Trust (Chapter 519)519
Loan Board (Chapter 311)311
Local Authorities (Imposition of Civic Disabilities) (No.1) (Chapter 590)590
Local Authorities (Imposition of Civic Disabilities) (No.2) (Chapter 591)591
Local Authorities (Pensioners’ Allowances) (Chapter 594)594
Local Authorities (Special Provisions) (Chapter 593)593
Local Authorities (Standard By-Laws) (Chapter 588)588
Local Authorities Housing (Chapter 601)601
Local Authority Quarters (Recovery of Possession) (Chapter 583)583
Local Government (Administrative Regions) (Chapter 595)595
Local Government Service (Chapter 592)592
Local Loans (Chapter 312)312
Local Treasury Bills (Chapter 319)319
Lost Property (Chapter 87)87
Lotteries (Chapter 57)57
Low-Country Products Association (Chapter 485)485

Consolidated Statutes

Consolidated 2024

Consolidated 2006

1980 Revised Version

1956 Revised Version

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Lanka Law