A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- Saiva Paripalana Sabhai (Chapter 457)
- Sale of Goods (Chapter 93)
- Sales Tax (Chapter 351)
- Salt (Chapter 343)
- Salvation Army (Chapter 436)
- Sambuddha Jayanthi Chaitya Trust (Chapter 422)
- Sannases and Old Deeds (Chapter 136)
- School Teachers Pension (Chapter 620)Â
- Senkadagala Eksath Bauddha Mandalaya (Chapter 417)
- Serendib Sufi Study Circle (Chapter 495)Â
- Service Contracts (Chapter 171)
- Servicemen (Collection and Disposal of Specified Property) (Chapter 628)
- Sex Disqualification Removal (Chapter 78)
- Short Titles (Numeration) (Chapter 13)
- Silk and Allied Products Development (Chapter 193)
- Silkworm Seed (Chapter 192)
- Sinhala Welenda Mandalaya (Chapter 507)
- Siri Anuradhapura Bastian Pilgrims Rest (Chapter 418)
- Societies (Chapter 141)
- Special Allowances of Workers (Chapter 167)
- Special Areas (Colombo) Development (Chapter 604)
- Special Fund (Voluntary Contributions For Charitable Purposes) (Chapter 335)
- Special Presidential Commissions of Inquiry (Chapter 9)
- Special Stamps (Chapter 359)
- Sports (Chapter 392)
- Sree Narayana Guru Society (Chapter 503)
- Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (Chapter 496)
- Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation (Chapter 365)
- Sri Lanka Ex-Servicemen’s Institute (Chapter 515)
- Sri Lanka Ex-Servicemens’ Association (Chapter 636)
- Sri Lanka Export Credit Insurance Corporation (Chapter 333)
- Sri Lanka Export Development (Chapter 228)
- Sri Lanka Fruit Board (Chapter 196)
- Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing (Chapter 201)
- Sri Lanka Inventors Incentives (Chapter 212)
- Sri Lanka Library Association (Chapter 494)
- Sri Lanka Malay Association Rupee Fund (Chapter 504)
- Sri Lanka Press Council (Chapter 378)
- Sri Lanka Sahitya Mandalya (Chapter 471)
- Sri Lanka State Plantations Corporation (Chapter 264)
- Sri Punniyawardhana Samithiya of Matale (Chapter 416)
- St. Andrew’s Church (Chapter 435)
- St. Thomas College (Chapter 489)
- State (Liabilities in Delict) (Chapter 108)
- State Agricultural Corporation (Chapter 268)
- State Debtors (Chapter 102)
- State Industrial Corporations (Chapter 208)
- State Land (Claims) (Chapter 294)
- State Landmarks (Chapter 291)
- State Lands Encroachments (Chapter 288)
- Statistics (Chapter 372)
- Statutory Reprints (Chapter 14)
- Street Collections (Chapter 611)
- Suburban Dairies and Launderies (Chapter 565)
- Supplementary Allowance of Workers (Chapter 168)
- Surveyors (Chapter 123)