Ceylon Legislative Enactments 1980-S

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Saiva Paripalana Sabhai (Chapter 457)457
Sale of Goods (Chapter 93)93
Sales Tax (Chapter 351)351
Salt (Chapter 343)343
Salvation Army (Chapter 436)436
Sambuddha Jayanthi Chaitya Trust (Chapter 422)422
Sannases and Old Deeds (Chapter 136)136
School Teachers Pension (Chapter 620)620
Senkadagala Eksath Bauddha Mandalaya (Chapter 417)417
Serendib Sufi Study Circle (Chapter 495)495
Service Contracts (Chapter 171)171
Servicemen (Collection and Disposal of Specified Property) (Chapter 628)628
Sex Disqualification Removal (Chapter 78)78
Short Titles (Numeration) (Chapter 13)13
Silk and Allied Products Development (Chapter 193)193
Silkworm Seed (Chapter 192)192
Sinhala Welenda Mandalaya (Chapter 507)507
Siri Anuradhapura Bastian Pilgrims Rest (Chapter 418)418
Societies (Chapter 141)141
Special Allowances of Workers (Chapter 167)167
Special Areas (Colombo) Development (Chapter 604)604
Special Fund (Voluntary Contributions For Charitable Purposes) (Chapter 335)335
Special Presidential Commissions of Inquiry (Chapter 9)9
Special Stamps (Chapter 359)359
Sports (Chapter 392)392
Sree Narayana Guru Society (Chapter 503)503
Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (Chapter 496)496
Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation (Chapter 365)365
Sri Lanka Ex-Servicemen’s Institute (Chapter 515)515
Sri Lanka Ex-Servicemens’ Association (Chapter 636)636
Sri Lanka Export Credit Insurance Corporation (Chapter 333)333
Sri Lanka Export Development (Chapter 228)228
Sri Lanka Fruit Board (Chapter 196)196
Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing (Chapter 201)201
Sri Lanka Inventors Incentives (Chapter 212)212
Sri Lanka Library Association (Chapter 494)494
Sri Lanka Malay Association Rupee Fund (Chapter 504)504
Sri Lanka Press Council (Chapter 378)378
Sri Lanka Sahitya Mandalya (Chapter 471)471
Sri Lanka State Plantations Corporation (Chapter 264)264
Sri Punniyawardhana Samithiya of Matale (Chapter 416)416
St. Andrew’s Church (Chapter 435)435
St. Thomas College (Chapter 489)489
State (Liabilities in Delict) (Chapter 108)108
State Agricultural Corporation (Chapter 268)268
State Debtors (Chapter 102)102
State Industrial Corporations (Chapter 208)208
State Land (Claims) (Chapter 294)294
State Landmarks (Chapter 291)291
State Lands Encroachments (Chapter 288)288
Statistics (Chapter 372)372
Statutory Reprints (Chapter 14)14
Street Collections (Chapter 611)611
Suburban Dairies and Launderies (Chapter 565)565
Supplementary Allowance of Workers (Chapter 168)168
Surveyors (Chapter 123)123

Consolidated Statutes

Consolidated 2024

Consolidated 2006

1980 Revised Version

1956 Revised Version

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