Category: Featured Artcles
Sri Lanka Electricity Act, No. 36 of 2024
The Sri Lanka Electricity Act, No. 36 of 2024, introduces comprehensive reforms across the electricity sector aimed at restructuring management, operations, and policy to improve efficiency, encourage investment, and support renewable energy goals. In essence, this Act is designed to modernize the electricity sector, fostering a sustainable, competitive environment that attracts investment and meets Sri…
New Bill for Proceeds of Crime
New Bill to provide for the recovery of proceeds of crime; to provide for the investigation, restraint, forfeiture and disposal of proceeds of crime; to provide for the protection, preservation, management of restrained proceeds of crime; to establish the Proceeds of Crime Management Authority; to provide for inter-agency cooperation and international collaboration relating to the…
Protecting Attorney-Client Privilege and Work Product in a GenAI World
This checklist provides guidance for protecting attorney-client privilege and work product in the environment of generative artificial intelligence (AI). The checklist specifically gives an overview of AI uses in the law today, offers a brief summary of the attorney-client privilege and the work-product doctrine protections, raises attorney-client privilege and work-product doctrine issues regarding the use…
Scope of legal professional privilege in Sri Lanka
What is protected by legal professional privilege? While neither the Evidence Ordinance nor the Supreme Court Rules explicitly reference the term “legal professional privilege,” legal professional privilege operates in Sri Lanka in a similar manner to other common-law jurisdictions. Evidence Ordinance Under the Evidence Ordinance, no attorney is permitted, unless with a client’s express consent,…
LankaLAW Legal Advisory & Research Services
LankaLAW now offers following AI based legal advisory and Research services to lawyers and clients on exclusive basis relating to Sri Lankan Law. Specialised Services Legal Research Content and Verification: All our reports are generated through AI powered platform and curated by a panel of lawyers. REGISTER & GET YOUR FIRST REPORT FREE REPORT TEMPLATES
New Bill for the Reciprocal Recognition, Registration and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments
The Act aims to facilitate the reciprocal recognition, registration, and enforcement of foreign judgments in Sri Lanka. It repeals the Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Ordinance (Chapter 93) and the Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments Ordinance (Chapter 94). Key Provisions Conclusion The Act provides a comprehensive framework for the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments in Sri…
Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers of Sri Lanka incorporated by an Act of Parliament
Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers of Sri Lanka (Incorporation) Act, No. 34 of 2024, was certified on June 19, 2024, by the Parliament of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. Here is a summary of its key contents: The Act aims to ensure the Institute operates transparently, professionally, and in alignment with national and international…
Court of Appeal Judgement on Protection, Well-being, and Registration of Elephants in Sri Lanka
Case Overview The case involves applications for mandates in the nature of Writs of Certiorari, Prohibition, and Mandamus in terms of Article 140 of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. The Petitioners are primarily challenging the Fauna and Flora (Protection, Well-being, and Regularization of Registration of Tamed Elephants) Regulations No. 01…
Recovery of Loans by Banks (Special Provisions) (Amendment)
Recovery of Loans by Banks (Special Provisions) (Amendment) Act, No. 26 of 2024, was certified on May 8, 2024, by the Parliament of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. This act amends the Recovery of Loans by Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 4 of 1990. Key Amendments: Download Amendment:
The Latest Amendments to the Companies Act, No. 07 of 2007
The Companies (Amendment) Act, No. 23 of 2024, of Sri Lanka introduces several key changes to the existing Companies Act, No. 07 of 2007. Below is a summary of the amendments: Download the Amendments:
The Latest Amendments to the Shop and Office Employees Act
The Shop and Office Employees (Regulation of Employment and Remuneration) (Amendment) Act, No. 28 of 2024, introduces several significant changes to the principal enactment (Chapter 129). Here are the key amendments: Download Amendment Act:
Salient points and impact of the Gender Equality Bill
The Gender Equality Bill, presented by the Minister of Women, Child Affairs, and Social Empowerment in Sri Lanka, aims to address systemic gender inequalities and promote gender equality across various sectors. Here are the salient points and potential impacts of the bill: Download Gender Equality Bill: Salient Points of the Gender Equality Bill Impact…
Latest Amendments to the Partition Act
The Partition (Amendment) Act, No. 27 of 2024, introduces several key amendments to the Partition Law, No. 21 of 1977 of Sri Lanka. Here are the key amendments summarized: Download Amendment Act:
LankaLAW – First ever AI Assistant for Legal Research launched in Sri Lanka
COLOMBO, Sri Lanka – March 30, 2024 Chat2Find company engaged in conversational AI has officially announced the launch of LankaLAW an Artificially Intelligent (AI) powered Legal Assistant for Sri Lanka for Legal Research, Analysis and Advise. This is a part of Chat2Find initiative to release series of AI powered Assistants to Sri Lankan market as announced in…
Laws and Regulations applicable to Insurance Industry in Sri Lanka
The Regulation of Insurance Industry Act, No. 43 of 2000 is a key piece of legislation that governs the insurance industry in Sri Lanka. It has been amended several times to update and refine the regulatory framework for insurance companies operating within the country. Here are the details of the Act and its amendments based…