Case Digest (C-1)

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I |J | K |L | M | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Alawdeen, S.m.k. V. Holland Colombo Trading Society, Ltd. NLR-Vol. 54 p 289
Benah V. Mohideen NLR-Vol. 18 p 458
Packeer Ally V. Batcha NLR-Vol. 18 p 452
Sangaralingam V. Mohammed Ally NLR-Vol. 19 p 114
Burne V. Munisamy NLR-Vol. 21 p 193
Appuhamy V. Theodoris Et Al., NLR-Vol. 19 p 154
De Mel V. Joronis Appu NLR-Vol. 21 p 29
Podi Nona V. Urban Council, Horana SLR-Year-1981 -Vol. 2 p 141
Jayawardene V. Appuhamy NLR-Vol. 17 p 74
Solicitor General V. Perera NLR-Vol. 17 p 413
Nakuran V. Ranhamy NLR-Vol. 20 p 135
Sivasami V. Vinayagamoorthy SLR-Year-1997 -Vol. 2 p 285
Sinno V. Punchihamy NLR-Vol. 19 p 43
Shammari V. Premier Airline Agencies (pvt) Ltd. SLR-Year-1998 -Vol. 2 p 162
Ramalingam V. Mohideen. NLR-Vol. 23 p 409
Sivanadian V. Samarawikkrama NLR-Vol. 3 p 221
The Australia (cargo Ex) NLR-Vol. 19 p 5
Srilanka Ports Authority And Another V. Jugolinija-boal East SLR-Year-1981 -Vol. 1 p 18
Sri Lanka Ports Authority V. Pieris SLR-Year-1981 -Vol. 1 p 101
Abdul Latiff V. Ceylon Wharfage Co., Ltd NLR-Vol. 61 p 169
The Attorney General V. Scindia Steam Navigation Co., Ltd., India NLR-Vol. 63 p 385
Attorney General V. Asiatic Steam Navigation Co. Ltd. NLR-Vol. 75 p 481
Indian Bank Ltd. V. Sri Lanka Shipping Co. Ltd. NLR-Vol. 79I p 1
Bagsoobhoy V. The Ceylon Wharfage Co. Ltd., NLR-Vol. 49 p 145
Athinarayanapillai V. The Ceylon Wharfage Co. Ltd. NLR-Vol. 53 p 419
Alibhoy V. Ceylon Wharfage Co., Ltd. NLR-Vol. 56 p 470
The Ceylon Wharfage Co., Ltd., V. Dada NLR-Vol. 59 p 110
British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd V. The Attorney General NLR-Vol. 60 p 553
Abdul Latiff V. Ceylon Wharfage Co., Ltd NLR-Vol. 61 p 169
Abdul Latiff V. Ceylon Wharfage Co., Ltd NLR-Vol. 61 p 169
Scindia Steam Navigation Co., Ltd V. Attorney-general NLR-Vol. 61 p 409
Maurice Roche Ltd. V. Port Corporation NLR-Vol. 71 p 195
Cargo Boat Despatch Co. Ltd. V. Moosajee Ltd. NLR-Vol. 71 p 225
The China Pacific Navigation Co. Ltd., Hong Kong V. Messrs Jafferjee Brothers NLR-Vol. 71 p 300
Sri Lanka Shipping Co. Ltd. V. The Indian Bank Ltd. NLR-Vol. 71 p 361
Alagasunderam Chettiar V. The Indian Bank Ltd. NLR-Vol. 72 p 1
Silva V. Dineshamy NLR-Vol. 16 p 48
Sarangapany V. Cornelis Appu NLR-Vol. 23 p 464
Fernando V. Pedru Appu Et Al, NLR-Vol. 3 p 216
Suriapperuma V. Senanayake SLR-Year-1989 -Vol. 1 p 325
Luciya V. Somaratne SLR-Year-1981 -Vol. 2 p 499
Abeytunge V. Siyadoris Et Al NLR-Vol. 44 p 184
King V. Seneviratne NLR-Vol. 27 p 100
M.v. Ocean Envoy And Another V. Al Linshirah Bulk Carriers Ltd. SLR-Year-2002 -Vol. 2 p 337
Raman V. Ismail NLR-Vol. 16 p 148
Pingyar V. Vallasamy NLR-Vol. 16 p 205
Poosari V. Perera NLR-Vol. 25 p 255
James V. Fernando Et Al., NLR-Vol. 36 p 143
Henry V. Aluvihare NLR-Vol. 10 p 353
Meedin V. Jayawardene NLR-Vol. 19 p 397
Silva V. Rodrigo NLR-Vol. 21 p 153
Thambyah V. Vanderput NLR-Vol. 31 p 420
Seimon V. Vellappan (s. I. Police) NLR-Vol. 47 p 185
Perera V. Perera NLR-Vol. 59 p 133
Silva V. Banda NLR-Vol. 21 p 207
Sittappu V. Sinnappu NLR-Vol. 3 p 345
Edward V. De Silva NLR-Vol. 46 p 510
Gunadasa Alias Appuwa And Another V. Attorney General SLR-Year-1999 -Vol. 1 p 253
Aneeza Umma V. Leelawathie And Another SLR-Year-1999 -Vol. 3 p 253
Julius V. Hodgson NLR-Vol. 11 p 25
Fernando V. Lakshman Perera SLR-Year-2000 -Vol. 2 p 413
Hatton National Bank Limited. V. Sellers Sports(pvt) Ltd. And Others SLR-Year-2000 -Vol. 3 p 326
Brunswick Exports Ltd. V. Hatton National Bank Ltd. SLR-Year-1999 -Vol. 1 p 219
Hatton National Bank V. Silva And Another SLR-Year-1999 -Vol. 3 p 113
Union Assurance Limited. V. Peiris SLR-Year-1999 -Vol. 3 p 181
Shahul Hameed V. Abdul Cader SLR-Year-1999 -Vol. 3 p 340
G.t.e. Directories Lanka (pvt) Ltd. V. Mukthar Marikkar And Another SLR-Year-1998 -Vol. 3 p 180
Sumanawathie V. Mahinda SLR-Year-1998 -Vol. 3 p 4
Kuruppuarachchi V. Andreas SLR-Year-1996 -Vol. 2 p 11
Colgan And Ohters V. Udeshi And Others SLR-Year-1996 -Vol. 2 p 220
Adlin Fernando And Another V. Lionel Fernando And Others SLR-Year-1995 -Vol. 2 p 25
Urban Council, Moratuwa And Serasinghe V. Ceylon Paint Industries SLR-Year-1995 -Vol. 2 p 191
Pilapitiya V. Buddadasa And Another SLR-Year-1990 -Vol. 2 p 186
Pelis And Another V. Arnaashal SLR-Year-1980 -Vol. 2 p 296
Appuhamy V. Dionis NLR-Vol. 12 p 382
Nelson V. The Municipal Council, Colombo NLR-Vol. 13 p 43
Dingiri Menika V. Punchi Mahatmaya Et Al., NLR-Vol. 13 p 59
Jayamaha Et Al., V. Singappu NLR-Vol. 13 p 348
Raki Et Al. V. Casie Lebbe Et Al., NLR-Vol. 14 p 441
Ratwatte V. Nugawela NLR-Vol. 15 p 1
Palaniappa Chetty V. Saminathan Chetty Et Al. NLR-Vol. 15 p 161
Samichi V. Pieris NLR-Vol. 16 p 257
Senaratna V. Jane Nona NLR-Vol. 16 p 389
Lowe V. Fernando NLR-Vol. 16 p 398
Palaniappa V. Saminathan Et Al. NLR-Vol. 17 p 56
London And Lancashire Fire Insurance Company V. P & O Company Et Al., NLR-Vol. 18 p 15
Wadurala V. The Sunderland Rubber Co., NLR-Vol. 18 p 76
Siyatu V. Banda NLR-Vol. 19 p 59
Suppramania Chetty Et Al. V. The Fiscal, Western Province NLR-Vol. 19 p 129
Buddharakita Terunnanse V. Gunasekara NLR-Vol. 1 p 206
Sarangapany V. Cornelis Appu NLR-Vol. 23 p 464
Menika V. Menika Et Al., NLR-Vol. 25 p 6
Kanagasabapathy V. Kanagasabai Et Al., NLR-Vol. 25 p 173
Palaniappa Chetty V. Mortimer NLR-Vol. 25 p 209
Silva Hamine V. Wijekoon NLR-Vol. 27 p 439
Fernando V. Palaniappa Chetty NLR-Vol. 28 p 273
Supramani Ayer Et Al. V. Changarapillai Et Al. NLR-Vol. 2 p 30
Banda V. Thomas NLR-Vol. 31 p 461
Hettiaratchi V. Terunnanse NLR-Vol. 31 p 469
Subatheris V. Singho NLR-Vol. 32 p 360
Forsyth V. Walker And Clark Spence NLR-Vol. 33 p 211
Sokalingam Chettiar V. Ramanayake Et. Al., NLR-Vol. 33 p 319
The Bank Of Chettinad. Ltd. V. Thambiah Et Al., NLR-Vol. 35 p 190
Haniffa V. Ocean Accident And Guarantee Corporation, Limited NLR-Vol. 35 p 216
Tambimuttu V. Ratnasingham Et Al., NLR-Vol. 40 p 253
Muttumenika V. Sudumenika NLR-Vol. 45 p 58
Fernando, B.j. V. Sunthary Pillai NLR-Vol. 45 p 126
Selvam, A.g. V. Kuddipillai, N. NLR-Vol. 55 p 426
Pless Pol V. Lady De Soysa Et Al., NLR-Vol. 9 p 316
Ameer V. Kulatunge SLR-Year-1996 -Vol. 2 p 398
Sub Inspector Of Police, Eheliyagoda V. Posathamy NLR-Vol. 40 p 514
Jonklaas V. Silva Et Al., NLR-Vol. 42 p 128
Arnolis Appuhamy V. Mahil NLR-Vol. 50 p 263
Marshall V. Veero NLR-Vol. 38 p 321
Adihetty V. Sirisena NLR-Vol. 44 p 47
Dewasurendra V. Alahakoon NLR-Vol. 58 p 116
In The Matter Of The Last Will And Testament Of John Aron ferdinandus NLR-Vol. 1 p 245
Annamalay Chetty V. Thronhill NLR-Vol. 29 p 225
Strong V. Marikar NLR-Vol. 35 p 145
Lebbe V. Umma SLR-Year-1999 -Vol. 3 p 367
Rasanayagam V. Suraweera And Others SLR-Year-2003 -Vol. 3 p 15
Ashokan V. Commissioner Of National Housing SLR-Year-2003 -Vol. 3 p 179
Leelawathie And Another V Commissioner Of National Housing SLR-Year-2004 -Vol. 3 p 175
Cassim V. Weerawardene, Commissioner For National Housing And Another SLR-Year-2002 -Vol. 1 p 316
Razaqh V. Suraweera And Others SLR-Year-2002 -Vol. 3 p 155
Indrakumar V. Premawardena And Others SLR-Year-2001 -Vol. 1 p 7
Moosajees Ltd. V. Arthur & Others SLR-Year-2001 -Vol. 2 p 101
Piyadasa V. Suraweera SLR-Year-2001 -Vol. 3 p 154
Colombage V. Jiffry And Others SLR-Year-2000 -Vol. 3 p 367
Nelia Silva V. Commissioner For National Housing And Another SLR-Year-1999 -Vol. 1 p 291
Gunawardene And Wijesooriya V. Minister Of Local Government, Housing And Construction And Others SLR-Year-1999 -Vol. 2 p 263
Vaidyanathan V. Board Of Review Of Ceiling On Housing Property Law And Others SLR-Year-1998 -Vol. 1 p 275
Eugene Nona V. Karunadasa And Others SLR-Year-1998 -Vol. 1 p 306
Fazrul Hefeera And Another V. Sokkalingampillai And Others SLR-Year-1998 -Vol. 3 p 52
Sirisena V. Doreen De Silva And Others SLR-Year-1998 -Vol. 3 p 199
Leelawathie V. Manel Ratnayake SLR-Year-1998 -Vol. 3 p 349
Wijebahu V. Sumanasekara And Others SLR-Year-1998 -Vol. 3 p 355
Desmond De Perera And Others V. Karunaratne, Commissioner For National Housing SLR-Year-1997 -Vol. 1 p 148
Talagune V. De Livera SLR-Year-1997 -Vol. 1 p 253
Cynthia De Alwis V. Marjorie D’alwis And Two Others SLR-Year-1997 -Vol. 3 p 113
Maginona V. Commissioner For National Housing And Others SLR-Year-1997 -Vol. 3 p 131
Withanaratchi V. Gunawardena And Others SLR-Year-1996 -Vol. 1 p 253
Arthur V. Moosajees Limited And Others SLR-Year-1996 -Vol. 2 p 14
Sitamparanathan V. Premaratne And Others SLR-Year-1996 -Vol. 2 p 202
Perera V. Lokuge And Others SLR-Year-1996 -Vol. 2 p 282
Muttiah V. Commissioner For National Housing SLR-Year-1995 -Vol. 2 p 74
Desmond Perera And Others V. Arunaratne, Commissioner Of National Housing And Others SLR-Year-1994 -Vol. 3 p 316
Thurairajah V. Sirimevan Bibile, Chairman, Board Of Review Ceiling On Housing Property Law And Others SLR-Year-1992 -Vol. 1 p 116
Kathiresan V. Sirimevan Bibile, Chairman, Board Of Review, Ceiling On Housing Property Law And Others SLR-Year-1992 -Vol. 1 p 275
Wahab V. Jayah SLR-Year-1988 -Vol. 1 p 78
Adamjee V. Board Of Review, Ceiling On Housing Property And Others SLR-Year-1985 -Vol. 1 p 169
Biso Menika V. Cyril Alwis And Others SLR-Year-1982 -Vol. 1 p 368
Abeysekera V. Wijetunge And Others SLR-Year-1982 -Vol. 2 p 737
Wijetunge V. Wickremanayake And Others SLR-Year-1981 -Vol. 2 p 477
Mrs.alice Jayawardena V. Commissioner Of National Housing NLR-Vol. 80 p 250
Julian V. Sirisena Cooray, Minister Of National Housing And Construction And Others SLR-Year-1993 -Vol. 1 p 238
Centre For Policy Alternatives (guarantee) Limited And Another V. Dayananda Dissanayake, Commissioner Of Elections And Others SLR-Year-2003 -Vol. 1 p 277
Sheriff And Others V. Jamaldeen SLR-Year-2000 -Vol. 2 p 190
Goodeve V. Madaran NLR-Vol. 13 p 171
Uduma Lebbe V. Seyadu Ali NLR-Vol. 1 p 1
Delmege Et Al. V. Delmege NLR-Vol. 1 p 271
Pieris Appuhami V. Boteju NLR-Vol. 1 p 329
Muttiah Chetty V. De Silva Et Al. NLR-Vol. 1 p 358
Daniel V. Rodrigo NLR-Vol. 1 p 383
In The Matter Of The Insolvency Of Edwin Richard Peris NLR-Vol. 3 p 114
Wicremasinghe V. Chandrananda De Silva, Secretary Ministry Of Defence And Others SLR-Year-2001 -Vol. 2 p 333
Chandrasena V. Leela Nona And Others SLR-Year-1997 -Vol. 3 p 373
Gunesekere V. Teberis Et Al. NLR-Vol. 10 p 18
Eliatamby V. Appukutty NLR-Vol. 15 p 43
Kapuruhamy V. Appuhamy Et Al NLR-Vol. 17 p 364
Caruppen Chetty V. Abeyratne NLR-Vol. 30 p 444
In The Matter Of An Application For A Mandamus On The Police Magistrate Of Colombo NLR-Vol. 18 p 70
Perimbarajah V. Officer-in-charge, Minor Complaints Section, Police Station, Wattala. SLR-Year-1994 -Vol. 2 p 361
Ediriweera, Returning Officer For Akuressa Pradeshiya Sabha V. Kapukotuwa, General Secretary, United National Party And Others SLR-Year-2003 -Vol. 1 p 228
Jayawardena V. The People’s Bank SLR-Year-2002 -Vol. 3 p 17
Vigneswaran And Stephen V. Dayananda Dissanayake, Commissioner Of Elections And Others SLR-Year-2002 -Vol. 3 p 59
Wickremasinghe And Another V. The Urban Development Authority SLR-Year-2002 -Vol. 3 p 253
Saheer And Others V. Board Of Governors, Zahira College And Others SLR-Year-2002 -Vol. 3 p 405
Topa Sporting Goods Pvt) Ltd. V. The Commissioner Of Labour And Three Others SLR-Year-1997 -Vol. 2 p 95
Fernando And Others V. Land Reform Commission And Another SLR-Year-1997 -Vol. 2 p 122
Waas Gunawardena V. Perera And Another SLR-Year-1997 -Vol. 2 p 222
Environmental Foundation Ltd. V. Minister Of Public Administration And Six Others SLR-Year-1997 -Vol. 2 p 306
Wickramasinghe V. Ceylon Electricity Board And Another SLR-Year-1997 -Vol. 2 p 377
Blanka Diamonds (pvt) Ltd. V. Coeme SLR-Year-1996 -Vol. 1 p 200
W.k.c. Perera V. Prof Daya Edirisinghe And Others SLR-Year-1995 -Vol. 1 p 148
Bandula V. Almeida And Others SLR-Year-1995 -Vol. 1 p 309
Dawson Silva V. Monetary Board Of The Central Bank Of Sri Lanka And Another SLR-Year-1995 -Vol. 1 p 344
Samalanka Limited V. Weerakoon, Commissioner Of Labour And Others SLR-Year-1994 -Vol. 1 p 405
Gunasinghe V. Hon. Gaminl Dissanayake, And Others SLR-Year-1994 -Vol. 2 p 132
Hopman And Others V. Minister Of Lands And Land Development And Others SLR-Year-1994 -Vol. 2 p 240
Morapana Commercial Co. Ltd. And Others V. Mariamma And Others SLR-Year-1994 -Vol. 3 p 103
Wasalatilaka And Others V. The Education Employees Co Operative Thrift And Credit Society Ltd. And Others SLR-Year-1993 -Vol. 1 p 137
Nirmal Paper Converters (pvt) Ltd. V. Sri Lanka Ports Authority And Another SLR-Year-1993 -Vol. 1 p 219
Industrial & General Workers Union V. P. C. Imbulana And Others SLR-Year-1992 -Vol. 2 p 260
Dayananda V. Sujatha Janaki And Others SLR-Year-1992 -Vol. 2 p 276
Iranganie V. Abeyratne And Others SLR-Year-1991 -Vol. 2 p 183
Gomes V. Mohamed.m. H, Speaker Of Parliament SLR-Year-1991 -Vol. 2 p 408
Kiriwanthe And Another V.nawaratne And Another SLR-Year-1990 -Vol. 1 p 1
Brown And Co. Ltd. And Others V. Ratnayake And Others SLR-Year-1990 -Vol. 1 p 92
Kamil Hassan V. Fairline Garments (international) Ltd. And Two Others SLR-Year-1990 -Vol. 1 p 394
Weerakoon V. Weerapana And Another SLR-Year-1990 -Vol. 1 p 407
Sundarkaran V. Bharathi And Others SLR-Year-1989 -Vol. 1 p 46
New Portman Ltd. V. Jayawardena And Two Others SLR-Year-1989 -Vol. 1 p 307
Gunadasa V. Attorney General And Others SLR-Year-1989 -Vol. 2 p 130
Rajapakse V. Kularatne And Others SLR-Year-1988 -Vol. 2 p 383
Jamis V. Yapa And Others SLR-Year-1987 -Vol. 1 p 350
Fernando V. Illukkumbura And Another SLR-Year-1987 -Vol. 2 p 8
Ceylon Estate Staffs Union V. Land Reform Commission SLR-Year-1987 -Vol. 2 p 203
Chulasubadra De Silva V. The University Of Colombo And Others SLR-Year-1986 -Vol. 2 p 288
Piyadasa V. Bata Shoe Co. SLR-Year-1982 -Vol. 1 p 91
Mohamed Mohideen Hassen Et Al., V. N.s.peiris Et Al., SLR-Year-1982 -Vol. 1 p 195
D.m.s. Fernando And Another V. Mohideen Ismail SLR-Year-1982 -Vol. 1 p 222
Biso Menika V. Cyril Alwis And Others SLR-Year-1982 -Vol. 1 p 368
Chandradasa V. Wijetatne SLR-Year-1982 -Vol. 1 p 412
Thirunavakarasu V. Siriwardena And Others SLR-Year-1981 -Vol. 1 p 185
Board Of Trustees Of The Tamil University Movement V. De Silva And Another, F.n. SLR-Year-1981 -Vol. 1 p 350
Kanagaratna V. Rajasunderam SLR-Year-1981 -Vol. 1 p 492
Nanayakkara V. The Institute Of Chartered Accountants Of Sri Lanka And Others SLR-Year-1981 -Vol. 2 p 52
Ismail V. Commissioner Of Inland Revenue SLR-Year-1981 -Vol. 2 p 78
Wijesinghe V. The Magistrate, Kurunegala SLR-Year-1981 -Vol. 2 p 212
J. B. Textiles Industries Ltd V. Minister Of Finance And Planning SLR-Year-1981 -Vol. 2 p 238
The State Graphite Corporation (state Mining And Mineral Development Corporation) V. Fernando, K.s.d.p. And Another SLR-Year-1981 -Vol. 2 p 401
Wimalasiri De Silva V. Gunatunga SLR-Year-1981 -Vol. 2 p 433
Wijetunge V. Wickremanayake And Others SLR-Year-1981 -Vol. 2 p 477
Podi Nona V. Urban Council, Horana SLR-Year-1981 -Vol. 2 p 141
G.p.a. Silva And Others V. Saidique And Others SLR-Year-1978-79-80 -Vol. 1 p 166
Mendis, Fowzie And Others V. Goonewardena, G.p.a. Silva SLR-Year-1978-79 -Vol. 2 p 322
De Pinto, W.e. V. Rent Assessment Board NLR-Vol. 46 p 396
Brown & Co Ltd V. Roberts NLR-Vol. 47 p 529
Liptons, Ltd., V. Gunasekera NLR-Vol. 48 p 105
Controller Of Textiles V. Mohamed Miya NLR-Vol. 49 p 105
Abeyagunasekere V. Local Government Service Commission Et Al., NLR-Vol. 51 p 8
Jayaratne V. Mohamed Miya NLR-Vol. 52 p 249
Mudanayake Et Al V. Sivagnanasunderam NLR-Vol. 53 p 25
Kodakan Pillai, G.s.n. V. Mudanayake, P.b. NLR-Vol. 54 p 350
De Silva Wijesundera V. Public Service Commission NLR-Vol. 55 p 94
Kandy Omnibus Co., Ltd. V. Roberts NLR-Vol. 56 p 293
Gunapala V. Kannangara NLR-Vol. 57 p 69
Fernando V. The University Of Ceylon NLR-Vol. 58 p 265
Subramaniam V. The Minister Of Local Government And Cultural Affairs NLR-Vol. 59 p 254
Dissanayake V. Siyane Adikari Co Operative Stores Union NLR-Vol. 60 p 140
Tennekoon V. Principal Collector Of Customs NLR-Vol. 61 p 232
Land Commissioner V. Ladamuttu Pillai NLR-Vol. 62 p 169
Chandrasena V. De Silva NLR-Vol. 63 p 143
Linus Silvs V. University Council Of The Vidyodaya University NLR-Vol. 64 p 104
Simon Silva V. Debt Conciliation Board NLR-Vol. 65 p 138
Stratheden Tea Co. Ltd. V. Selvadurai NLR-Vol. 66 p 6
Gunadasa Silva .v S V. Jayasuriya A.p NLR-Vol. 67 p 514
Board Of Trustees Of Maradana Mosque V. Minister Of Education NLR-Vol. 68 p 217
T.kandiah V. Minister Of Local Government NLR-Vol. 69 p 25
Shell Company Of Ceylon Ltd. V. Perera, H.d. NLR-Vol. 70 p 108
Jayanetti V. Martinus NLR-Vol. 71 p 49
Jayawardene V. Silva, V.p. NLR-Vol. 72 p 25
Eksath Engineru Saha Samanya Kamkaru Samithiya V. De Silva NLR-Vol. 73 p 260
Paul V. Wijerama NLR-Vol. 75 p 361
Wijerama V. Paul NLR-Vol. 76 p 241
Weragama V. Eksath Lanka Wathu Kamkaru Samithiya And Others SLR-Year-1994 -Vol. 1 p 293
Mohamed Ishak V. Morals SLR-Year-1996 -Vol. 1 p 145
Dharmasena And Others V. Perera, Commissioner & Registrar, Co-operative Development (western Province) And Others SLR-Year-1994 -Vol. 2 p 214
Faleel V. Susil Moonesinghe And Others SLR-Year-1994 -Vol. 2 p 301
The Surveyors’ Institute Of Sri Lanka V. The Surveyor General An Another SLR-Year-1994 -Vol. 2 p 319
Amarasinghe And Others V. The Attorney General And Others (colombo Katunayake Expressway Case) SLR-Year-1993 -Vol. 1 p 376
Anz Grindlay’s Bank V. Ministry Of Labour And Others SLR-Year-1995 -Vol. 2 p 53
Munasinghe V. Somapala SLR-Year-2002 -Vol. 2 p 52
Antho Pulle V. Christoffel Pulle NLR-Vol. 1 p 120
Pilapitiya V. Muttettuwegama And Others SLR-Year-1978-79-80 -Vol. 1 p 33
Sudali Andy Asary V. Vanden Dreesen NLR-Vol. 54 p 66
Ibealebbe V. The Queen NLR-Vol. 65 p 433
Bribery Commissioner V. Ranasinghe NLR-Vol. 66 p 73
The Queen V. Liyanage And Others NLR-Vol. 67 p 193
Walker Sons & Co. Ltd. V. Fry.f.c.w NLR-Vol. 68 p 73
C.s.ratwatte V. S.d.piyasena NLR-Vol. 69 p 49
Kariapper V. Wijesinha NLR-Vol. 70 p 49
Ibealebbe V. The Queen NLR-Vol. 65 p 433
Rajapakse V. Kularatne And Others SLR-Year-1988 -Vol. 2 p 383
Sarath Muttetuwegama V. Lionel Gunasekara And Others SLR-Year-1982 -Vol. 1 p 286
Wadigamangawe And Others V. Wimalasuriya SLR-Year-1981 -Vol. 1 p 287
Mudanayake Et Al V. Sivagnanasunderam NLR-Vol. 53 p 25
P. S. Bus Co. Ltd V. Members And Secretary Of Ceylon Transport Board NLR-Vol. 61 p 491
Cassim V. Perera NLR-Vol. 19 p 505
Karim V. Ahamed Lebbe & Company NLR-Vol. 40 p 294
Wickramasinghe V. Coore NLR-Vol. 19 p 97
Pedris V. The Manufacturers Life Insurance Co., Ltd. NLR-Vol. 19 p 321
Dias V. The Attorney General NLR-Vol. 20 p 193
Liyanage And Others V. The Queen NLR-Vol. 68 p 265
Pagavahti Amma V. The Ceylon Lawyers’ Benevolent Association NLR-Vol. 44 p 83
Letchchimipillai V. Sivakoluntu NLR-Vol. 25 p 225
Mudanayake Et Al V. Sivagnanasunderam NLR-Vol. 53 p 25
Egris V. Hamid Ismail NLR-Vol. 53 p 270
Ram Banda V. River Valleys Development Board NLR-Vol. 71 p 25
Peiris V. Samaraweera NLR-Vol. 71 p 250
Suntheralingam V. Herath NLR-Vol. 72 p 54
Jayasena V. Illangaratne NLR-Vol. 73 p 35
Podiappu V. Assistant Commissioner Of Agrarian Services NLR-Vol. 73 p 225
Fernando V. The Queen NLR-Vol. 74 p 49
Wijewardena V. Senanayake NLR-Vol. 74 p 97
Adikari V. Dissanayake And Others SLR-Year-2001 -Vol. 3 p 132
Ranasinghe V. The Ceylon State Mortgage Bank SLR-Year-1981 -Vol. 1 p 121
Daniel Appuhamy.m.a V. Illangaratne.t.b NLR-Vol. 66 p 97
Mendis Silva V. The Ceylon State Mortgage Bank NLR-Vol. 61 p 385
Subaneris V. Ceylon State Mortgage Bank NLR-Vol. 76 p 228
Sri Lanka Transport Board V Colombo Metropolitan Bus Company And Others SLR-Year-2008 -Vol. 1 p 1
Manzil V. Mihilar And Others SLR-Year-2002 -Vol. 2 p 69
City Motor Transit Co. Ltd. V. Wijesinghe NLR-Vol. 63 p 156
Fernando V. The Queen NLR-Vol. 74 p 49
Silverline Bus Co., Ltd. V. Kandy Omnibus Co., Ltd. NLR-Vol. 58 p 193
Rajan And Two Others V. Sellasamy SLR-Year-1994 -Vol. 2 p 377
Silva V. Cooray NLR-Vol. 33 p 25
Abeyesekere V. Jayatilaka NLR-Vol. 33 p 291
Pilapitiya V. Chandrasiri And Others SLR-Year-1978-79-80 -Vol. 1 p 361
De Zoysz V. Wijesinghe NLR-Vol. 46 p 433
Mohidin V. Nalle Tamby NLR-Vol. 1 p 377
Siadoris V. Silva NLR-Vol. 24 p 197
King V. Pila NLR-Vol. 15 p 453
Gunawardena V. The Attorney General SLR-Year-1980 -Vol. 2 p 25
Indra Kumar V. Dayananda Dissanayake And Others SLR-Year-2001 -Vol. 2 p 89
Director General For The Prevention Of Bribery And Corruption V. Fernando SLR-Year-1999 -Vol. 3 p 104
Sunil V. Attorney General SLR-Year-1999 -Vol. 3 p 191
Siyambalagastenna V. Oic Crimes, Police Station, Kandy SLR-Year-1998 -Vol. 1 p 78
Chandrasena And Others V. Munaweera SLR-Year-1998 -Vol. 3 p 94
Wijeratne Banda V. State SLR-Year-1998 -Vol. 3 p 86
Jayaratne Banda V. Attorney General SLR-Year-1997 -Vol. 3 p 210
Godage And Others V. Officer In Charge, Police Station, Kahawatte SLR-Year-1992 -Vol. 1 p 54
Ekanayake V. The Attorney General SLR-Year-1987 -Vol. 1 p 107
Gunawardena V. Officer In Charge, Kahawatta Police SLR-Year-1987 -Vol. 1 p 125
Lionel V. Officer In Charge, Meetiyagoda Police Station SLR-Year-1987 -Vol. 1 p 210
Chulasubadra De Silva V. The University Of Colombo And Others SLR-Year-1986 -Vol. 2 p 288
Dingiri Banda V. The Attorney General SLR-Year-1986 -Vol. 2 p 356
Piyasena And Two Others V. The Attorney General SLR-Year-1986 -Vol. 2 p 388
Arumugam Alias Podithamby V. Range Forest Officer SLR-Year-1986 -Vol. 2 p 398
Gunewardene V. Pakeer Lebbe NLR-Vol. 15 p 183
Alwis V. Kumarasinghe NLR-Vol. 16 p 45
Peris V. Gunasekera NLR-Vol. 17 p 476
Goonetilleke V. Elisa Et Al., NLR-Vol. 20 p 136
King V. Vallayan Sittambaram NLR-Vol. 20 p 257
Duraya V. Appuhamy NLR-Vol. 21 p 413
Mudiyanse V. Appuhamy Et Al., NLR-Vol. 22 p 169
Coore V. James Appu NLR-Vol. 22 p 206
The Demodera Tea Co., Ltd., V. Pedric Appu NLR-Vol. 22 p 381
Silva V. Simon NLR-Vol. 22 p 442
Ebert V. Perera NLR-Vol. 23 p 362
Sub Inspector, Padukka V. Perera NLR-Vol. 28 p 479
Menon V. Fernando NLR-Vol. 29 p 371
The Queen V. Ramalingam NLR-Vol. 2 p 48
Maclean V. Appan Kangany NLR-Vol. 2 p 54
Paaris V. Allis Et Al. NLR-Vol. 2 p 161
Gunaratne V. Wickremanayaka NLR-Vol. 2 p 298
Nell V. Muttu NLR-Vol. 2 p 321
Fonseka V. Fernando NLR-Vol. 2 p 345
Premawardene V. Siriwardene Et Al., NLR-Vol. 30 p 292
Henaya V. Bandiya NLR-Vol. 30 p 353
Sub Inspector Of Police, Chilaw V. Erebinu NLR-Vol. 31 p 446
Rajapakse V. Silva NLR-Vol. 32 p 316
Deputy Fiscal, Matara V. Don Carolis NLR-Vol. 33 p 162
Mendis V. Kaithan Appu NLR-Vol. 37 p 285
Kulatunga V. Simon NLR-Vol. 38 p 70
Sivasampu V. Juan Appu NLR-Vol. 38 p 369
Kandana Police V. Edmund NLR-Vol. 39 p 16
Molagoda V. Gunaratna NLR-Vol. 39 p 226
Abeysekera V. Goonewardene NLR-Vol. 39 p 525
Tennekone V. Dahanayake NLR-Vol. 40 p 36
Meera Natchiya V. Marikar NLR-Vol. 41 p 319
Brereton V. Ratranhamy NLR-Vol. 42 p 149
King V. Rajakaruna NLR-Vol. 42 p 337
Mariyanayagam V. Basnayake NLR-Vol. 45 p 479
Carolis Appu V. Assistant Government Agent NLR-Vol. 46 p 262
Edirisinghe V. Cassim (s.i.police) NLR-Vol. 46 p 334
Collerec V. Benedict NLR-Vol. 46 p 427
Abeyesekers V. De Silva (inspector Of Police) NLR-Vol. 46 p 449
Piyasena V. Vaz NLR-Vol. 47 p 1
Thomas V. Inspector Of Police NLR-Vol. 47 p 42
Perera, N.m. V. Police NLR-Vol. 47 p 238
James Perera V. Waldron NLR-Vol. 47 p 262
Seenithamby Et Al V. Jansz NLR-Vol. 47 p 496
Appuhamy Et Al. V. Ekanayake NLR-Vol. 48 p 71
Isidor Fernando Et Al. V. Roy Perera NLR-Vol. 48 p 203
Dias V. Nadharaja NLR-Vol. 48 p 301
Somadasa V. Jehoran NLR-Vol. 48 p 304
Piyasena V. Ephramus NLR-Vol. 48 p 330
Wimalasuriya Et Al. V. De Saram NLR-Vol. 48 p 425
Perera, M.g. V. Inspector Of Labour, Matugama NLR-Vol. 50 p 421
Thambiah Et Al., V. Tennekoon NLR-Vol. 51 p 186
King V. Heen Baba NLR-Vol. 51 p 265
King V. Aron Appuhamy Et Al., NLR-Vol. 51 p 358
Majeed V. Mannamperuma NLR-Vol. 51 p 477
Karuppiah Servai V. The King NLR-Vol. 52 p 227
King V. Michael Fernando NLR-Vol. 52 p 571
John Perera V. Weerasinghe NLR-Vol. 53 p 158
Vaitilingam, K. V. The Queen NLR-Vol. 54 p 345
Johardeen, A.m. V. Ahmath, T.j. NLR-Vol. 55 p 65
Pandithakoralege V. Selvanayagam NLR-Vol. 56 p 143
Wijesinghe V. Don Martin NLR-Vol. 56 p 158
Don Seemon V. Dias NLR-Vol. 56 p 232
Cooray V. Dias NLR-Vol. 56 p 234
Namasivayam V. The Queen NLR-Vol. 57 p 7
Queen, The V. Munidasa NLR-Vol. 58 p 180
Warlis V. Scott NLR-Vol. 59 p 46
Mohideen V. Inspector Of Police NLR-Vol. 59 p 217
The Queen V. Mudalihamy NLR-Vol. 59 p 299
The Attorney-general V. Silva.m. D. J. NLR-Vol. 61 p 454
Eliyathamby V. Inspector Of Police, Kalmunai NLR-Vol. 64 p 264
Gressy V. Direckze NLR-Vol. 6 p 33
Rex V. Caderamen NLR-Vol. 6 p 67
Abdul Cader V. Fernando NLR-Vol. 6 p 95
Piyasena Silva V. Ceylon Fisheries Corporation SLR-Year-1994 -Vol. 2 p 292
Y. A. Bazeer And Others V. Perera SLR-Year-1978-79 -Vol. 2 p 185
King V. Allis Singho Et Al., NLR-Vol. 43 p 149
The Queen, V. Wilegoda NLR-Vol. 60 p 246
Leelasena V. Nadarajah NLR-Vol. 60 p 253
Seneviratne V. Deen NLR-Vol. 60 p 392
The Queen V. Rupasinghe Perera NLR-Vol. 60 p 505
The Queen V. Surabiel Perera NLR-Vol. 61 p 46
Tikiri Banda V. Perimpanayagam NLR-Vol. 61 p 286
Lamanatissa De Silva V. S. I. Police, Matara NLR-Vol. 62 p 92
Piyasena V. S. I. Police, Crimes NLR-Vol. 62 p 263
Martin Appuhamy V. S. I. Police, Jaffna NLR-Vol. 64 p 34
The Queen V. Siriwardene NLR-Vol. 64 p 239
Piyadasa.g V. The Queen NLR-Vol. 64 p 473
Ramachandran V. The Queen NLR-Vol. 64 p 512
Don Marthelis V. The Queen NLR-Vol. 65 p 19
Khan V. Ariyadasa NLR-Vol. 65 p 29
Caldera V. Wijewardene NLR-Vol. 65 p 210
The Queen V. Ibralebbe NLR-Vol. 65 p 470
Queen V. Thambipillai NLR-Vol. 66 p 58
De Zylva V. The Queen NLR-Vol. 66 p 92
Aladin V. S.i. Police, Ganemulla NLR-Vol. 66 p 211
Piyadasa V. The Queen NLR-Vol. 66 p 342
Kandiah V. S. I. Police, Norton Bridge NLR-Vol. 66 p 424
Mohamed V. Urban Council, Wattegama NLR-Vol. 66 p 519
A.k.a.m.khan V. M.m.g. Ariyadasa NLR-Vol. 67 p 145
Wickremasighe (food And Price Control Inspector) V. Chandradasa NLR-Vol. 67 p 550
Ariyadasa.g.k V. The Queen NLR-Vol. 68 p 66
Abdulally.m V. Assistant Government Agent,jaffna NLR-Vol. 68 p 168
The Queen V. Wijepala NLR-Vol. 68 p 344
Attorney General V. M.s.m.sanoon NLR-Vol. 69 p 220
K.don Wilbert V. S. I. Police, Chilaw NLR-Vol. 69 p 448
Attorney General V. Munasinghe NLR-Vol. 70 p 241
Yogaguru V. Kandiah NLR-Vol. 71 p 238
Rohana V. Senaratne NLR-Vol. 72 p 370
Wilbert V. Newman NLR-Vol. 75 p 138
The Bishop Of Chilaw V. Wijenathan SLR-Year-1991 -Vol. 2 p 153
Bhai Beeki V. A. M. M. Naeem SLR-Year-1981 -Vol. 2 p 335
Mohomedu V. Meera Kandu NLR-Vol. 24 p 390
Sathasivam V. Vytianathan Chetty NLR-Vol. 25 p 93
Mohammed Et Al., V. Abdul Hadeen NLR-Vol. 30 p 378
Marjan Et Al., V. Burah Et Al., NLR-Vol. 51 p 34
Hunter V. Sri Chandrasekera NLR-Vol. 52 p 54
Sithamparanather Mailvaganam V. Kumaraswamy Kurukkal Ramanatha Aiyar NLR-Vol. 55 p 289
Mohamed Et Al., V. Abdul Gafoor NLR-Vol. 57 p 228
Velautham V. Velauther NLR-Vol. 61 p 230
Mendis V. Paramaswami NLR-Vol. 62 p 302
Cafoor V. Commisioner Of Income Tax NLR-Vol. 63 p 56
Kandiah V. Kandasamy NLR-Vol. 73 p 105
Morais V. Victoria NLR-Vol. 75 p 145
Le Mesurier V. Le Mesurier Et Al. NLR-Vol. 1 p 160
Wright V. Wright NLR-Vol. 9 p 31
Poowatchy Umma Et Al. V. Cassim Maricar Et Al., NLR-Vol. 9 p 336
Somasunderam V. Silvanayagam NLR-Vol. 24 p 406
Krishna Mining Co., Ltd. V. Pan Islamic Steamship Co., Ltd. SLR-Year-2002 -Vol. 2 p 39
Attorney General V. Jinak Sri Uluwaduge And Another SLR-Year-1995 -Vol. 1 p 157
King V. Lavena Maricar NLR-Vol. 10 p 369
King V. Van Cuylenberg NLR-Vol. 11 p 240
King V. Fernando NLR-Vol. 15 p 106
King V. Appu NLR-Vol. 19 p 54
King V. Silva NLR-Vol. 20 p 349
King V. Wijesinghe NLR-Vol. 21 p 230
King V. Chandrasekera NLR-Vol. 23 p 286
King V. Silva NLR-Vol. 24 p 493
Silva V. Rahiman NLR-Vol. 26 p 463
King V. Seneviratne NLR-Vol. 27 p 100
Gunijee V. Silva NLR-Vol. 2 p 85
Eliyatamby V. Kathiravel NLR-Vol. 37 p 16
Haniffa V. Salim NLR-Vol. 39 p 348
Zahira V. Cooray NLR-Vol. 42 p 263
Ellawalla V. Inspector Of Police NLR-Vol. 45 p 60
Abeyewardene V. Muttunayagam NLR-Vol. 47 p 12
Dias V. Wijetunge NLR-Vol. 47 p 223
Christinahamy Et Al V. Conderlag NLR-Vol. 47 p 382
De Alwis V. Selvaratnam NLR-Vol. 48 p 172
Kanagaratnam V. Bartholomeusz NLR-Vol. 56 p 71
Manickam V. Inspector Of Police NLR-Vol. 64 p 286
Jayamanne V. Sivasubramaniam NLR-Vol. 73 p 118
Sinnaturai V. Chinniah NLR-Vol. 10 p 5
Mutual Loan Agency, Ltd. V. Dharmasena NLR-Vol. 41 p 117
Elangamanipillai Et Al. V. Kandasamy NLR-Vol. 22 p 93
Meedin V. Peries NLR-Vol. 22 p 102
Caldera V. Zainudeen NLR-Vol. 24 p 244
Mohamed Lebbe V. Cader Lebbe NLR-Vol. 38 p 420
Paramsothy V. Suppramaniam NLR-Vol. 39 p 529
Hamid Et Al V. The Special Officer Appointed Under The Waste Lands Ordinance NLR-Vol. 23 p 150
Hamine Etena V. The Assistant Government Agent NLR-Vol. 23 p 289
Mudalihamy V. Kirihamy NLR-Vol. 24 p 1
The Attorney General V. Appuhamy NLR-Vol. 24 p 112
Nugapitiya Muhandiram V. Sudalayandi NLR-Vol. 1 p 102
Babappu V. Don Andris NLR-Vol. 13 p 273
The Attorney General V. Punchirala NLR-Vol. 18 p 152
The Attorney General V. Punchirala NLR-Vol. 21 p 51
Hamid V. Special Officer NLR-Vol. 21 p 353
Unnanse Et Al. V. De Hoedt Et Al., NLR-Vol. 22 p 406
Attorney General V. Wanduragola NLR-Vol. 5 p 98
Ram Menika V. Appuhamy NLR-Vol. 5 p 226
Vander Poorten V. Government Agent NLR-Vol. 60 p 433
The People’s Bank V. New Lanka Merchants Ltd. SLR-Year-1990 -Vol. 1 p 67
Thilagatnam V. Edirisinghe, E.a.p. SLR-Year-1982 -Vol. 1 p 56
Hatton National Bank Ltd. V. Whittal Boustead Ltd. SLR-Year-1978-79 -Vol. 2 p 257
Krishnappa Chetty V. Carpen Chetty NLR-Vol. 15 p 243
Meyappa Chetty V. Weerasooriya NLR-Vol. 19 p 79
Dodwell & Co. Ltd., V. John Et Al., NLR-Vol. 20 p 206
Kathiresa Chetty V. Doresamy Et Al., NLR-Vol. 22 p 491
The Eastern Garage And Colombo Taxi-cab Co., Ltd., V. Silva. NLR-Vol. 23 p 509
Imperial Bank Of India V. Abeyesinghe NLR-Vol. 29 p 257
Adaicappa Chetty V. Thos. Cook & Son NLR-Vol. 31 p 385
Adaikappa Chettiar V. Thomas Cook & Sons Ltd., NLR-Vol. 34 p 443
Nadarajah V. Jonklaas Et Al., NLR-Vol. 43 p 549
Bank Of Ceylon V. Kolonnawa Urban Council NLR-Vol. 51 p 73
Public Trustee V. Mrs. N. Seneviratne NLR-Vol. 54 p 145
Thangadorai Nadar V. Esmailjee NLR-Vol. 56 p 343
Mercantile Bank Of India Ltd. V. Ratnam NLR-Vol. 57 p 193
Bank Of Ceylon V. Kulatilleke NLR-Vol. 59 p 188
Badurdeen V. Alagirisamy NLR-Vol. 61 p 212
Seneviratne V. Thaha NLR-Vol. 65 p 184
Dissanayake V. Saravanaparanathan NLR-Vol. 66 p 187
B.daniel Silva V. K.h.g. Johanis Appuhamy NLR-Vol. 67 p 457
Don Cornelis V. De Soysa & Co. Ltd NLR-Vol. 68 p 161
Jayasekera V. Sinna Karuppan NLR-Vol. 69 p 88
Ceylon Estate Agency And Warehousing Co. Ltd. V. De Alvis. NLR-Vol. 70 p 31
Perera V. Perera NLR-Vol. 71 p 167
Punchinona V. Leelawathie NLR-Vol. 72 p 304
Perera V. Chelliah NLR-Vol. 74 p 61
Perera V. Peiris NLR-Vol. 79I p 49
Adaicappa Chetty V. Thos. Cook & Son NLR-Vol. 31 p 385
Madar Saibo Et Al V. Sirajudeen Et Al NLR-Vol. 17 p 97
Somasundarem Chetty V. Arunasalem Chetty NLR-Vol. 17 p 257
Arunasalam Chetty V. Somasundram Chetty NLR-Vol. 21 p 389
Wass V. Samaranayake NLR-Vol. 19 p 25
The Chartered Bank Of India, Australia, And China, Ltd., V. Palaniappa Chetty Et Al., NLR-Vol. 19 p 417
Meyappa Chetty V. Usoof NLR-Vol. 5 p 265
Arunasalem V. Somasunderam NLR-Vol. 20 p 321

Lanka Law