Sri Lanka Acts 1972
- 01/1972 : University of Ceylon
- 01/1972(L) : Land Reform
- 02/1972 : Agricultural Productivity(L)
- 02/1972 : Estates (Control of Transfer and Acquisition)
- 03/1972 : Police (Amendment)
- 03/1972 (L) : Ceylon Courts of Admiralty (Amendment)
- 04/1972 : Students (Higher Education) Loan Fund
- 04/1972(L) : Local Authorities (Temporary Provisions)
- 05/1972 : Agrarian Research and Training Institute
- 05/1972(L) : Co-operative Societies
- 06/1972 : Church of Ceylon
- 06/1972(L) : Motor Transport (Amendment)
- 07/1972 : Rent
- 07/1972(L) : Protection of Tenants (Special Provisions)
- 08/1972 : Law Commission (Repeal)
- 08/1972(L) : State Lands (Special Provisions)
- 09/1972 : Local Authorities Elections (Amendment)
- 09/1972(L) : Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment)
- 10/1972 : Licensing of Shipping Agents
- 10/1972(L) : Criminal Justice Commissions (Amendment)
- 11/1972 : State Agricultural Corporations
- 11/1972(L) : Contingencies Fund
- 12/1972 : Co-operative Employees Commission
- 12/1972(L) : Trial by Jury (Special Provisions)
- 13/1972 : Labour Inspections (Maintanance of Survey) (Amendment)
- 13/1972(L) : Abolition of Fideicommissa and Entails (Amendment)
- 14/1972 : Criminal Justice Commissions
- 14/1972(L) : Exchange Control (Amendment)
- 15/1972 : Ceiling on Income and Complusory Savings
- 15/1972 : Institute of Chemistry, Ceylon
- 16/1972(L): Capital Levy (Amendment)
- 17/1972 : Back to the Bible Broadcast, Ceylon
- 17/1972(L) : Inland Revenue (Amendment)
- 18/1972 : Interpretation (Amendment)
- 18/1972(L) : Appropriation
- 19/1972 : Maintenance (Amendment)
- 20/1972 : Abolition of Fideicommissa and Entails
Lanka Law