What are the laws relating to agrarian services

The laws relating to agrarian services in the context provided are primarily centered around the Agrarian Development Act, No. 46 of 2011, and its amendments. Here are some key points from the documents mentioned in the context:

  1. Agrarian Development Act, No. 46 of 2011: This Act includes provisions for the development of agrarian services, which encompass a range of activities related to agriculture and the management of agricultural land.
  2. Appeals to a Board of Review: According to the amendment in the Agrarian Development Act, any party aggrieved by the decision of an Agrarian Tribunal can appeal to a Board of Review established under section 42A within thirty days from the date of receipt of such decision.
  3. Establishment of Boards of Review: The Judicial Service Commission is responsible for appointing a Panel of not more than nine persons with wide knowledge in the fields of law and agrarian services to establish Boards of Review.
  4. Amendment of Section 4: The Commissioner-General is empowered to determine disputes regarding the devolution of rights of tenant cultivators.
  5. Rights of Tenant Cultivators: Upon the death or permanent disability of a tenant cultivator, a process is outlined for nominating a successor to the rights of the tenant cultivator, which involves the Agrarian Development Council making the necessary entries in the Agricultural Lands Register.
  6. Dispute Resolution: In case of a dispute regarding the devolution of rights upon the death or permanent disability of a tenant cultivator, the dispute must be referred to the Commissioner-General, who will then direct an Agrarian Tribunal to hold an inquiry.
  7. Agrarian Services Act, No. 58 of 1979: This Act, as last amended by Act No. 41 of 1993, is also relevant to agrarian services, although specific details are not provided in the context.
  8. Collaboration and Management of Farms: The documents mention collaboration with relevant ministries and private entrepreneurs to manage farms and engage in farming, agricultural, and horticultural activities.
  9. Provision of Agricultural Inputs: There is mention of providing agricultural inputs such as seed materials, fertilizers, agro-chemicals, and machinery to farmers.
  10. Promotion of Agro-based Enterprises: The documents also refer to the promotion of the establishment of agro-based or related industrial and commercial enterprises and marketing services for agricultural produce.

These points summarize the laws and amendments related to agrarian services as per the documents provided in the context. For more detailed information or specific applications of these laws, one would need to refer to the full text of the mentioned Acts and any subsequent amendments.

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