Legal Questions answered Instantly

LankaLAW offers Free AI Legal Advisor ChatBot for Sri Lankan lawyers and legal professionals.

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Simply type your question into chat interface. You can ask any legal questions in relation to any specialised area of law in Sri Lanka.

AI powered Answers 

LankaLAW respond to your queries and provides detailed, easy understand answers. LLM is trained on laws and regulations ensuring the accuracy.

Informed Decisions

With LankaLAW assistance you can make better-informed decisions about your legal situation. Feel confident in understanding of legal implication.

Legal Resources

LankaLAW also provide legal resources required for legal professionals for their day to day reference. These include legislative enactments, acts of parliament and case laws.

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AI Assistant

Find answers to Sri Lankan Legal queries and perform legal research with the help of Artificial Intelligence

Law Reporter

Analysis of latest Acts, amendments and Judgements

Digital library to download legal resources required for legal research and case analysis

Lanka Law